29 resultados para Stylophora-pistillata


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The decrease in the saturation state of seawater, following seawater acidification, is believed to be the main factor leading to a decrease in the calcification of marine organisms. To provide a physiological explanation for this phenomenon, the effect of seawater acidification was studied on the calcification and photosynthesis of the scleractinian tropical coral Stylophora pistillata. Coral nubbins were incubated for 8 days at three different pH (7.6, 8.0, and 8.2). To differentiate between the effects of the various components of the carbonate chemistry (pH, CO32, HCO3, CO2), tanks were also maintained under similar pH, but with 2-mM HCO3 added to the seawater. The addition of 2-mM bicarbonate significantly increased the photosynthesis in S. pistillata, suggesting carbon-limited conditions. Conversely, photosynthesis was insensitive to changes in pH and pCO2. Seawater acidification decreased coral calcification by ca. 0.1-mg CaCO3 g-1 d-1 for a decrease of 0.1 pH units. This correlation suggested that seawater acidification affected coral calcification by decreasing the availability of the CO32 substrate for calcification. However, the decrease in coral calcification could also be attributed either to a decrease in extra- or intracellular pH or to a change in the buffering capacity of the medium, impairing supply of CO32 from HCO3.


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We show here that CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) and temperature significantly interact on coral physiology. The effects of increased pCO2 and temperature on photosynthesis, respiration and calcification rates were investigated in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata. Cuttings were exposed to temperatures of 25°C or 28°C and to pCO2 values of ca. 460 or 760 muatm for 5 weeks. The contents of chlorophyll c2 and protein remained constant throughout the experiment, while the chlorophyll a content was significantly affected by temperature, and was higher under the 'high-temperature-high-pCO2' condition. The cell-specific density was higher at 'high pCO2' than at 'normal pCO2' (1.7 vs. 1.4). The net photosynthesis normalized per unit protein was affected by both temperature and pCO2, whereas respiration was not affected by the treatments. Calcification decreased by 50% when temperature and pCO2 were both elevated. Calcification under normal temperature did not change in response to an increased pCO2. This is not in agreement with numerous published papers that describe a negative relationship between marine calcification and CO2. The confounding effect of temperature has the potential to explain a large portion of the variability of the relationship between calcification and pCO2 reported in the literature, and warrants a re-evaluation of the projected decrease of marine calcification by the year 2100.


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Many studies have investigated the effect of an increase in pCO2 on coral calcification and photosynthesis but the physiological consequences are still relatively speculative. We investigated the effects of ocean acidification on zinc incorporation and gross calcification in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata. Zn is an essential element for health and growth of corals. Colonies were maintained at normal pHT (8.1) and at two low-pH conditions (7.8 and 7.5) during 5 weeks. Corals were exposed to 65Zn dissolved in seawater to assess uptake rates of this element. After 5 weeks, 65Zn activity measured in the whole coral and in the two compartments: tissue and skeleton, differed significantly between pH conditions with concentration factors higher at pHT 8.1, compared to lower pH. Zn is therefore taken less efficiently by corals at reduced pH. Their gross calcification, as measured by 45Ca incorporation, photosynthesis and photosynthetic efficiency did not change with pH even at the lowest level.


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Most scleractinian coral species are widely distributed across the tropical and subtropical Indo-Pacific. However, the genetic connectivity between populations of corals separated by large distances (thousands of kilometers) is not well known. We analyzed variability in the nucleotide sequence of the internal transcribed spacer-1 (ITS-1) of the nuclear ribosomal gene unit in the ubiquitous coral Stylophora pistillata, across the western Pacific Ocean. Eight populations from Japan, Malaysia, and the northern and southern Great Barrier Reef (GBR) were studied. Phylogenetic analyses and analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) clearly revealed that there is panmixia among these coral populations. AMOVA showed that ITS-1 sequence variability was greater within populations (78.37%) than among populations (12.06%). These patterns strongly suggest high levels of connectivity across the species' latitudinal distribution range in the western Pacific, as is seen in many marine invertebrates.


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Rising sea temperatures are increasing the incidences of mass coral bleaching (the dissociation of the coral-algal symbiosis) and coral mortality. In this study, the effects of bleaching (induced by elevated light and temperature) on the condition of symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium sp.) within the tissue of the hard coral Stylophora pistillata (Esper) were assessed using a suite of techniques. Bleaching of S. pistillata was accompanied by declines in the maximum potential quantum yield of photosynthesis (F-v/F-m, measured using pulse amplitude modulated [PAM] fluorometry), an increase in the number of Sytox-green-stained algae (indicating compromised algal membrane integrity and cell death), an increase in 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluroscein diacetate (H(2)DCFDA)stained algae (indicating increased oxidative stress), as well as ultrastructural changes (vacuolisation, losses of chlorophyll, and an increase in accumulation bodies). Algae expelled from S. pistillata exhibited a complete disorganisation of cellular contents; expelled cells contained only amorphous material. In situ samples taken during a natural mass coral bleaching event on the Great Barrier Reef in February 2002 also revealed a high number of Sytox-labelled algae cells in symbio. Dinoflagellate degeneration during bleaching seems to be similar to the changes resulting from senescence-phase cell death in cultured algae. These data support a role for oxidative stress in the mechanism of coral bleaching and highlight the importance of algal degeneration during the bleaching of a reef coral.


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Coral bleaching (the loss of symbiotic dinoflagellates from reef-building corals) is most frequently caused by high-light and temperature conditions. We exposed the explants of the hermatypic coral Stylophora pistillata to four combinations of light and temperature in late spring and also in late summer. During mid-summer, two NOAA bleaching warnings were issued for Heron Island reef (Southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia) when sea temperature exceeded the NOAA bleaching threshold, and a 'mild' (in terms of the whole coral community) bleaching event occurred, resulting in widespread S. pistillata bleaching and mortality. Symbiotic dinoflagellate biomass decreased by more than half from late spring to late summer (from 2.5x10(6) to 0.8x10(6) dinoflagellates cm(2) coral tissue), and those dinoflagellates that remained after summer became photoinhibited more readily (dark-adapted F (V) : F (M) decreased to (0.3 compared with 0.4 in spring), and died in greater numbers (up to 17% dinoflagellate mortality compared with 5% in the spring) when exposed to artificially elevated light and temperature. Adding exogenous antioxidants (D-mannitol and L-ascorbic acid) to the water surrounding the coral had no clear effect on either photoinhibition or symbiont mortality. These data show that light and temperature stress cause mortality of the dinoflagellate symbionts within the coral, and that susceptibility to light and temperature stress is strongly related to coral condition. Photoinhibitory mechanisms are clearly involved, and will increase through a positive feedback mechanism: symbiont loss promotes further symbiont loss as the light microenvironment becomes progressively harsher.


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The effects of ocean acidification and elevated seawater temperature on coral calcification and photosynthesis have been extensively investigated over the last two decades, whereas they are still unknown on nutrient uptake, despite their importance for coral energetics. We therefore studied the separate and combined impacts of increases in temperature and pCO2 on phosphate, ammonium, and nitrate uptake rates by the scleractinian coral S. pistillata. Three experiments were performed, during 10 days i) at three pHT conditions (8.1, 7.8, and 7.5) and normal temperature (26°C), ii) at three temperature conditions (26°, 29°C, and 33°C) and normal pHT(8.1), and iii) at three pHT conditions (8.1, 7.8, and 7.5) and elevated temperature (33°C). After 10 days of incubation, corals had not bleached, as protein, chlorophyll, and zooxanthellae contents were the same in all treatments. However, photosynthetic rates significantly decreased at 33°C, and were further reduced for the pHT 7.5. The photosynthetic efficiency of PSII was only decreased by elevated temperature. Nutrient uptake rates were not affected by a change in pH alone. Conversely, elevated temperature (33°C) alone induced an increase in phosphate uptake but a severe decrease in nitrate and ammonium uptake rates, even leading to a release of nitrogen into seawater. Combination of high temperature (33°C) and low pHT(7.5) resulted in a significant decrease in phosphate and nitrate uptake rates compared to control corals (26°C, pHT = 8.1). These results indicate that both inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism may be negatively affected by the cumulative effects of ocean warming and acidification.


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Uptake of anthropogenic CO2 by the oceans is altering seawater chemistry with potentially serious consequences for coral reef ecosystems due to the reduction of seawater pH and aragonite saturation state (omega arag). The objectives of this long-term study were to investigate the viability of two ecologically important reef-building coral species, massive Porites sp. and Stylophora pistilata, exposed to high pCO2(or low pH) conditions and to observe possible changes in physiologically related parameters as well as skeletal isotopic composition. Fragments of Porites sp. and S. pistilata were kept for 6-14 months under controlled aquarium conditions characterized by normal and elevated pCO2 conditions, corresponding to pHTvalues of 8.09, 7.49, and 7.19, respectively. In contrast with shorter, and therefore more transient experiments, the long experimental timescale achieved in this study ensures complete equilibration and steady state with the experimental environment and guarantees that the data provide insights into viable and stably growing corals. During the experiments, all coral fragments survived and added new skeleton, even at seawater omega arag <1, implying that the coral skeleton is formed by mechanisms under strong biological control. Measurements of boron (B), carbon (C) and oxygen (O) isotopic composition of skeleton, C isotopic composition of coral tissue and symbiont zooxanthellae, along with physiological data (such as skeletal growth, tissue biomass, zooxanthellae cell density and chlorophyll concentration) allow for a direct comparison with corals living under normal conditions and sampled simultaneously. Skeletal growth and zooxanthellae density were found to decrease, whereas coral tissue biomass (measured as protein concentration) and zooxanthellae chlorophyll concentrations increased under high pCO2 (low pH) conditions. Both species showed similar trends of delta11B depletion and delta18O enrichment under reduced pH, whereas the delta13C results imply species-specific metabolic response to high pCO2 conditions. The skeletal delta11B values plot above seawater delta11B vs. pH borate fractionation curves calculated using either the theoretically derived deltaB value of 1.0194 (Kakihana et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 50(1977), 158) or the empirical deltaB value of 1.0272 (Klochko et al., EPSL 248 (2006), 261). However, the effective deltaB must be greater than 1.0200 in order to yield calculated coral skeletal delta11B values for pH conditions where omega arag >1. The delta11B vs. pH offset from the literature seawater delta11B vs. pH fractionation curves suggests a change in the ratio of skeletal material laid down during dark and light calcification and/or an internal pH regulation, presumably controlled by ion-transport enzymes. Finally, seawater pH significantly influences skeletal delta13C and delta18O. This must be taken into consideration when reconstructing paleo-environmental conditions from coral skeleton


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We show here that CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) and temperature significantly interact on coral physiology. The effects of increased pCO2 and temperature on photosynthesis, respiration and calcification rates were investigated in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata. Cuttings were exposed to temperatures of 25°C or 28°C and to pCO2 values of ca. 460 or 760 muatm for 5 weeks. The contents of chlorophyll c2 and protein remained constant throughout the experiment, while the chlorophyll a content was significantly affected by temperature, and was higher under the 'high-temperature-high-pCO2' condition. The cell-specific density was higher at 'high pCO2' than at 'normal pCO2' (1.7 vs. 1.4). The net photosynthesis normalized per unit protein was affected by both temperature and pCO2, whereas respiration was not affected by the treatments. Calcification decreased by 50% when temperature and pCO2 were both elevated. Calcification under normal temperature did not change in response to an increased pCO2. This is not in agreement with numerous published papers that describe a negative relationship between marine calcification and CO2. The confounding effect of temperature has the potential to explain a large portion of the variability of the relationship between calcification and pCO2 reported in the literature, and warrants a re-evaluation of the projected decrease of marine calcification by the year 2100.


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The carbonate chemistry of seawater is usually not considered to be an important factor influencing calcium-carbonate-precipitation by corals because surface seawater is supersaturated with respect to aragonite. Recent reports, however, suggest that it could play a major role in the evolution and biogeography of recent corals. We investigated the calcification rates of five colonies of the zooxanthellate coral Stylophora pistillata in synthetic seawater using the alkalinity anomaly technique. Changes in aragonite saturation from 98% to 585% were obtained by manipulating the calcium concentration. The results show a nonlinear increase in calcification rate as a function of aragonite saturation level. Calcification increases nearly 3-fold when aragonite saturation increases from 98% to 390%, i.e., close to the typical present saturation state of tropical seawater. There is no further increase of calcification at saturation values above this threshold. Preliminary data suggest that another coral species, Acropora sp., displays a similar behaviour. These experimental results suggest: (1) that the rate of calcification does not change significantly within the range of saturation levels corresponding to the last glacial-interglacial cycle, and (2) that it may decrease significantly in the future as a result of the decrease in the saturation level due to anthropogenic release of CO2 into the atmosphere. Experimental studies that control environmental conditions and seawater composition provide unique opportunities to unravel the response of corals to global environmental changes.


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The increasing interest in coral culture for biotechnological applications, to supply the marine aquarium trade, or for reef restoration programs, has prompted researchers to optimize coral culture protocols, with emphasis to ex situ production. When cultured ex situ, the growth performance of corals can be influenced by several physical, chemical and biological parameters. For corals harbouring zooxanthellae, light is one of such key factors, as it can influence the photosynthetic performance of these endosymbionts, as well as coral physiology, survival and growth. The economic feasibility of ex situ coral aquaculture is strongly dependent on production costs, namely those associated with the energetic needs directly resulting from the use of artificial lighting systems. In the present study we developed a versatile modular culture system for experimental coral production ex situ, assembled solely using materials and equipment readily available from suppliers all over the world; this approach allows researchers from different institutions to perform truly replicated experimental set-ups, with the possibility to directly compare experimental results. Afterwards, we aimed to evaluate the effect of contrasting Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) levels, and light spectra emission on zooxanthellae photochemical performance, through the evaluation of the maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm) (monitored non-invasively and non-destructively through Pulse Amplitude Modulation fluorometry, PAM), chlorophyll a content (also determined non-destructively by using the spectral reflectance index Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI), photosynthetic and accessory pigments, number of zooxanthellae, coral survival and growth. We studied two soft coral species, Sarcophyton cf. glaucum and Sinularia flexibilis, as they are good representatives of two of the most specious genera in family Alcyoniidae, which include several species with interest for biotechnological applications, as well as for the marine aquarium trade; we also studied two commercially important scleractinian corals: Acropora formosa and Stylophora pistillata. We used different light sources: hydrargyrum quartz iodide (HQI) lamps with different light color temperatures, T5 fluorescent lamps, Light Emitting Plasma (LEP) and Light Emitting Diode (LED). The results achieved revealed that keeping S. flexibilis fragments under the same light conditions as their mother colonies seems to be photobiologically acceptable for a short-term husbandry, notwithstanding the fact that they can be successfully stocked at lower PAR intensities. We also proved that low PAR intensities are suitable to support the ex situ culture S. cf. glaucum in captivity at lower production costs, since the survival recorded during the experiment was 100%, the physiological wellness of coral fragments was evidenced, and we did not detect significant differences in coral growth. Finally, we concluded that blue light sources, such as LED lighting, allow a higher growth for A. formosa and S. pistillata, and promote significant differences on microstructure organization and macrostructure morphometry in coral skeletons; these findings may have potential applications as bone graft substitutes for veterinary and/or other medical uses. Thus, LED technology seems to be a promising option for scleractinian corals aquaculture ex situ.


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Using a high-resolution reverse-phase liquid chromatography method we found that the tissues of the hermatypic coral Pocillopora capitato (collected in Santiago Bay, Mexico) contain a high diversity of primary and secondary mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) typical of some reef-building coral species: mycosporine-glycine, shinorine, porphyra-334, mycosporine-methylamine-serine, mycosporine-methylamine-threonine, palythine-serine, palythine and one additional novel predominant MAA, with an absorbance maximum of 320 nm. Here we document the isolation and characterization of this novel MAA from the coral A capitata. Using low multi-stage mass analyses of deuterated and non deuterated compounds, high-resolution mass analyses (Time of Flight, TOF) and other techniques, this novel compound was characterized as palythine-threonine. Palythine-threonine was also present in high concentrations in the corals Pocillopora eydouxi and Stylophora pistillata indicating a wider distribution of this MAA among reef-building corals. From structural considerations we suggest that palythine-threonine is formed by decarboxylation of porphyra-334 followed by demethylation of mycosporine-methylamine-threonine. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ocean acidification causes corals to calcify at reduced rates, but current understanding of the underlying processes is limited. Here, we conduct a mechanistic study into how seawater acidification alters skeletal growth of the coral Stylophora pistillata. Reductions in colony calcification rates are manifested as increases in skeletal porosity at lower pH, while linear extension of skeletons remains unchanged. Inspection of the microstructure of skeletons and measurements of pH at the site of calcification indicate that dissolution is not responsible for changes in skeletal porosity. Instead, changes occur by enlargement of corallite-calyxes and thinning of associated skeletal elements, constituting a modification in skeleton architecture. We also detect increases in the organic matrix protein content of skeletons formed under lower pH. Overall, our study reveals that seawater acidification not only causes decreases in calcification, but can also cause morphological change of the coral skeleton to a more porous and potentially fragile phenotype.


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The present study investigates the influence of environmental (temperature, salinity) and biological (growth rate, inter-generic variations) parameters on calcium isotope fractionation (d44/40Ca) in scleractinian coral skeleton to better constrain this record. Previous studies focused on the d44/40Ca record in different marine organisms to reconstruct seawater composition or temperature, but only few studies investigated corals. This study presents measurements performed on modern corals from natural environments (from the Maldives for modern and from Tahiti for fossil corals) as well as from laboratory cultures (Centre Scientifique de Monaco). Measurements on Porites sp., Acropora sp., Montipora verrucosa and Stylophora pistillata allow constraining inter-generic variability. Our results show that the fractionation of d44/40Ca ranges from 0.6 to 0.1 per mil, independent of the genus or the environmental conditions. No significant relationship between the rate of calcification and d44/40Ca was found. The weak temperature dependence reported in earlier studies is most probably not the only parameter that is responsible for the fractionation. Indeed, sub-seasonal temperature variations reconstructed by d18O and Sr/Ca ratio using a multi-proxy approach, are not mirrored in the coral's d44/40Ca variations. The intergeneric variability and intrageneric variability among the studied samples are weak except for S. pistillata, which shows calcium isotopic values increasing with salinity. The variability between samples cultured at a salinity of 40 is higher than those cultured at a salinity of 36 for this species. The present study reveals a strong biological control of the skeletal calcium isotope composition by the polyp and a weak influence of environmental factors, specifically temperature and salinity (except for S. pistillata). Vital effects have to be investigated in situ to better constrain their influence on the calcium isotopic signal. If vital effects could be extracted from the isotopic signal, the calcium isotopic composition of coral skeletons could provide reliable information on the calcium composition and budget in ocean.


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We show here that CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) and temperature significantly interact on coral physiology. The effects of increased pCO2 and temperature on photosynthesis, respiration and calcification rates were investigated in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata. Cuttings were exposed to temperatures of 25°C or 28°C and to pCO2 values of ca. 460 or 760 muatm for 5 weeks. The contents of chlorophyll c2 and protein remained constant throughout the experiment, while the chlorophyll a content was significantly affected by temperature, and was higher under the 'high-temperature-high-pCO2' condition. The cell-specific density was higher at 'high pCO2' than at 'normal pCO2' (1.7 vs. 1.4). The net photosynthesis normalized per unit protein was affected by both temperature and pCO2, whereas respiration was not affected by the treatments. Calcification decreased by 50% when temperature and pCO2 were both elevated. Calcification under normal temperature did not change in response to an increased pCO2. This is not in agreement with numerous published papers that describe a negative relationship between marine calcification and CO2. The confounding effect of temperature has the potential to explain a large portion of the variability of the relationship between calcification and pCO2 reported in the literature, and warrants a re-evaluation of the projected decrease of marine calcification by the year 2100.