11 resultados para Stylogaster souzalopesi
A new species of Stylogaster is described from Roraima, Brazil. It belongs to the neglecta-group of species.
Conopid flies from the collection of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia, Manaus, Brazil, are examinied, of which two from Brazil are new, Stylogaster rafaelifrom Rondônia and S. ctenitarsafrom Roraima. This data, along with new material from Bolivia, expands the distributions of thirteen species of Conopidae. Figures for S. rafaelisp.n. and S. ctenitarsasp.n. are included.
Dans le présent travail quatre espèces nouvelles de Stylogaster Macq. ont été décrites avec le dessin des respectives "genitalia" pour mieux déterminer les espéces. Ils ont été faits aussi dessins du mâle de Stylogaster stylata Fabricius pour la comparaison avec S. souzai sp. n. Nous avons utilisé, pour cette étude, le matériel collecté par John Lane au Território do Amapá, Brasil en 1957, 1958 et 1959.
The authors redescribe the male and the female of Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) souzalopesi Martins, Silva & Falcão, 1970. Taxonomic remarks, geographic distribution and drawings are presented.
As espécies brasileiras de Stylogaster Macquart, 1835 do grupo stylata são detalhadamente estudadas e redescritas: Stylogaster brasilia Camras & Parrillo, 1985, S. dispar Camras & Parrillo, 1985, S. longispina Camras & Parrillo, 1985, S. rafaeli Camras & Parrillo, 1996, S. souzai Monteiro, 1960, and S. stylata (Fabricius, 1805). Uma nova espécie do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro - S. fluminensis sp. nov., é descrita e comparada com S. stylosa Townsend, 1897, redescrita com base no material-tipo. Diagnoses, chaves de identificação, distribuição geográfica e ilustrações são também fornecidas.
The genus Stylogaster Macquart (Diptera, Conopidae) is represented by 14 species in the Afrotropical region, five of them endemic to Madagascar and two recorded from South Africa, one of them endemic. Fifteen specimens of Muscidae, 14 from Madagascar and one from South Africa, belonging to 10 species, impaled with Stylogaster eggs were examined. Among them, three new muscid host species were found. The dissected eggs were all similar, suggesting the presence of the same species in both localities, what is not recorded until now. The available data on the dipteran Stylogaster eggs hosts in Africa is summarized. Color photos of the material examined are presented.
Five new species Eudorylas Aczél are described from Maracá Ecological Station, Roraima, Brazil, namely: E. aquinoi, E. bentoni, E. caccabatus, E. megasurstylus and E. souzalopesi.
An ephydrid, Hyadina porteri Brèthes, 1919, is found to be a senior synonym of Hippelates australis Sabrosky, 1955. New combination: Liohippelates porteri (Brèthes). Two new species, Pseudogaurax souzalopesi from Peru and P. silbergliedi from Panama are described and placed in the synopsis by Sabrosky (1966).
The black flies of the genus Inaequalium present a Neotropical distribution, with Panama at the northern limit, and the Argentinian pampas at the southern, but do not occur in the Central Amazon. This study offers a cladistic analysis establishing a hypothesis of relationships between the species of Inaequalium. A total of 37 characters have been considered in order to establish the hypothetic phylogenetic relationships. Cerqueirellum (Py-Daniel, 1983) was considered as outgroup. Data were analyzed using Henning 86 version 1.5. Wich the ie* command and implicit enumeration a unique possible cladogram was obtained in Inaequalium with 52 steps, and a CI of 0.76 and RI of 0.81. Two well-defined clades was obtained in the resulting cladogram, the "botulibranchium" species-group, includes I. travassosi, I. souzalopesi, I. botulibranchium and I. petropoliense, and the "inaequale" species-group, includes I. rappae, I. nahimi, I. inaequale, I. leopoldense, I. subnigrum, I. diversibranchium, I. mariavulcanoae, I. nogueirai, I. beaupertuyi, I. clavibranchium and I. subclavibranchium.
Myospila bekilyana Séguy (Diptera, Muscidae, Mydaeainae) is an endemic species from Madagascar. Since the original description, the species has been referred in literature only in catalogues. A material recently collected by the Madagascar Arthropod Biodiversity project, mostly deposited at the California Academy of Sciences collection enabled the exam of a large series of this species. Male and female are herein redescribed and the terminalia of both sexes are described and illustrated for the first time. The paper also records Myospila as a new host for Stylogaster Macquart (Diptera, Conopidae).