913 resultados para Structuring element


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Axial X-ray Computed tomography (CT) scanning provides a convenient means of recording the three-dimensional form of soil structure. The technique has been used for nearly two decades, but initial development has concentrated on qualitative description of images. More recently, increasing effort has been put into quantifying the geometry and topology of macropores likely to contribute to preferential now in soils. Here we describe a novel technique for tracing connected macropores in the CT scans. After object extraction, three-dimensional mathematical morphological filters are applied to quantify the reconstructed structure. These filters consist of sequences of so-called erosions and/or dilations of a 32-face structuring element to describe object distances and volumes of influence. The tracing and quantification methodologies were tested on a set of undisturbed soil cores collected in a Swiss pre-alpine meadow, where a new earthworm species (Aporrectodea nocturna) was accidentally introduced. Given the reduced number of samples analysed in this study, the results presented only illustrate the potential of the method to reconstruct and quantify macropores. Our results suggest that the introduction of the new species induced very limited chance to the soil structured for example, no difference in total macropore length or mean diameter was observed. However. in the zone colonised by, the new species. individual macropores tended to have a longer average length. be more vertical and be further apart at some depth. Overall, the approach proved well suited to the analysis of the three-dimensional architecture of macropores. It provides a framework for the analysis of complex structures, which are less satisfactorily observed and described using 2D imaging. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Réalisé en cotutelle avec l'Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.


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Cette thèse fait la lumière sur les différentes manières dont, historiquement, a été perçu, conçu et vécu le territoire, à travers l’expérience et l’essor de la mobilité. Cette étude montre le rôle crucial de l’automobilité dans le développement touristique du Québec et de l’Ontario et les manières dont elle a façonné certains de leurs territoires. La thèse reconstitue ces processus en examinant les différentes mesures adoptées pour mettre en tourisme ces territoires et les transformer sur le plan matériel comme symbolique, entre 1920 et 1967. Elle répond à la question suivante : en quoi et comment la mobilité associée à l’automobile transforme et crée les territoires touristiques? La période étudiée s’ouvre au moment où débute l’intervention gouvernementale en matière de tourisme et s’amorce l’aménagement d’infrastructures favorisant une plus grande automobilité. Elle se clôt sur les célébrations entourant le Centenaire du Canada et la tenue de l’Expo 1967 à Montréal, qui donnent lieu à un aménagement intense du territoire afin d’accommoder un nombre sans précédent de touristes motorisés en provenance des autres provinces canadiennes et des États-Unis. La thèse reconstitue d’abord le processus de mise en tourisme des territoires par la conception, la construction et la promotion du système routier, l’élaboration d’itinéraires et de circuits touristiques et le développement d’outils accompagnant le touriste dans sa mobilité. L’embellissement en tant qu’élément structurant de la transformation des territoires est ensuite examiné. Enfin, la publicité, les récits et les pratiques touristiques sont étudiés de manière détaillée afin d’identifier les mécanismes par lesquels se construisent les représentations des territoires par l’apport de différents acteurs. Cette thèse révèle ainsi les liens étroits et complexes qui se développent à partir des années 1920 entre l’automobilité, le tourisme et la modification des territoires. Elle contribue à mettre au jour l’historicité de certains réflexes et orientations qui ont encore cours dans l’industrie touristique canadienne soit ceux d’aborder son développement en fonction de l’accessibilité du territoire à l’automobile et du regard à travers le pare-brise. En montrant le rôle du système automobile dans l’expérience touristique, l’étude ajoute un élément nouveau à la compréhension de la démocratisation des loisirs. Souvent expliquée par la hausse du niveau de vie, du temps libre et de la généralisation des congés payés, cette démocratisation se trouve aussi favorisée par l’accessibilité à l’automobile qui, à son tour, rend accessible des territoires de plus en plus éloignés à des fins de loisirs. La dimension récréative de l’automobile permet d’expliquer son adoption rapide par les Nord-Américains et les Canadiens ainsi que la dépendance qu’ils ont progressivement développée à son égard.


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L’entrée en vigueur de la Loi concernant le cadre juridique des technologies de l’information (ci-après la Loi), est la concrétisation de la prise en compte par le droit, de la preuve technologique. La notion de document technologique est à la fois centrale dans la Loi et dans le Code civil du Québec. Il s’est parfaitement intégré aux divers moyens de preuve du Code civil. Nous allons nous intéresser à cette notion qu’est le document technologique, mais davantage à ses éléments structurants, les métadonnées. Nous allons nous pencher sur la notion, ses origines et ses domaines de prédilection, faisant d’elles, un objet a priori essentiellement technologique, avant de les envisager dans un contexte de preuve. Nous allons voir quel potentiel probatoire les métadonnées représentent, à l’appui d’un document technologique. Enfin, nous nous interrogerons sur leur rôle probatoire autour des notions de copie-transfert et des obligations posées par la Loi, afin que ces deux modes de reproduction des document, puissent légalement tenir lieu du document original, soit la certification et la documentation.


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The paper studies the concept of limit in literary discourse. Two aspects are discussed: 1) the limit as a necessary structuring element in the process of verbal nomination; 2) the limit as a verbal constraint which appeals to be defeated in case of extreme experience, as death, love, desire, Shoah. We analyse two examples dealing with the language restriction in the literary practice: Montaignes’ essays and Duras’ novels. Montaigne adopts a specific style of unlimited judgements and topics accumulation in a spontaneous order and logic with the purpose of revealing the deepest profile of human nature. Duras practices a minimalist writing that ruins the linear syntactic structure and the narrative model, achieving an effect of silence thus providing the possibility of unlimited meaning.


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This present work aimed to investigate, through the structuring element Fato Administrativo , the way rationality guides the processes of personnel management at the Associação Companhia TerrAmar , which operates in the district of Felipe Camarão in Natal/RN. This paper is characterized by a descriptive study, as it sought to establish the relationship between the materialization of the studied phenomenon - by means of a theoretical framework consisting of the following theories: Fato Administrativo (GUERREIRO RAMOS, 1983), Substantive and Instrumental Rationality (GUERREIRO RAMOS, 1981) and Proceedings of Personnel Management proposed by Joel Dutra (2004). As the main research findings, time as an intrinsic element of the Fato Administrativo - suffers much interference from external factors, especially from the sponsors of the researched organization and also from their bureaucratic control tools; not directly relating to the processes of Personnel Management, though. Among these, it was noticed that there isn‟t a dialogue between the sponsors and the theory, due to incompatibilities regarding the structure and nature of each organization. Both movement and development have stood out. These are processes that are guided by elements of substantive rationality, literally speaking, including personal, emancipatory and solidarity values. Thus, it is stated that for future research a compatible model of Personnel Management should be built and explored (compatible with the nature of nonprofit organizations). Understanding, in depth, the processes separately aiming to understand each work is also advised. Trying to fully understand the ways of overcoming the lack of skilled workers to perform activities in similar organizations needs to be considered as well


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Patriarchy is a dominating system that establishes male power in social relations as the social-ideological system and the structuring element of several ways of men‟s domination on gender social relations, on organization of social life, on private relations, and on political decision spaces. In this study we enlarge our reflection about patriarchy from the analysis of Forró lyrics, more specifically the variation known as stylized. Of late decades, it is a kind of music that has been receiving a large acceptance all over the national territory, making use of everyday expressions that propagate and make apology to many forms of discrimination, oppression and violence against women. We emphasize that over this study 14 Forró lyrics were analyzed of different styles besides stylized, like the traditional and the double meaning ones. However, we dwelled on the content analysis, particularly in three Stylized Forró lyrics, they are: Tapa na Cara (2008) by Saia Rodada Band; Mulher Roleira (2004), Aviões do Forró Band; and Bomba no Cabaré (2007), Matruz com Leite Band. In order to make a critical analysis of the elements in the lyrics content, we support ourselves on the theoretic-methodological references of the dialectical materialism, a method that allowed us to get closer to the totality of the reality that includes the popular involvement of the analyzed lyrics in a qualitative way. In that sense, we hold onto the theoretic-methodological categories: gender social relations, patriarchy, violence against women, ideology and cultural industry. As from the lyrics compilation, they were arranged by theme, we classified and analyzed the content, which allowed us to comprehend the messages in the lyrics, beyond the text shows at first sight. Today, there are many mechanisms of propagation and perpetuation of patriarchal ideology. A very relevant mechanism of this phenomenon is the sexual violence. The violence against women is a form to propagate and keep sexism, which may occur in different ways, like physical, psychological, sexual, patrimonial and social. Through our study we established that the propagation of the violence against women as being something natural and banal, giving reinforcement to the asymmetric construction of gender relations that priorizes male to the detriment of female. This banalization is perhaps, one of the strongest allies of this phenomenon‟s perpetuation, that affects women all over the world from different social classes


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Neste artigo busca-se mostrar a construção de uma categoria explicativa do trabalho docente denominada explicação do conteúdo, a partir de representações de alunos da Habilitação Magistério sobre as práticas pedagógicas de seus professores, cuja formulação assumiu a função de elemento estruturante básico do trabalho docente eficaz. Trata-se de pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa em que os instrumentos utilizados para coleta de dados foram observação em sala de aula e entrevista semi-estruturada.


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This paper seeks to apply a routine for highways detection through the mathematical morphology tools in high resolution image. The Mathematical Morphology theory consists of describing structures geometric presents quantitatively in the image (targets or features). This explains the use of the Mathematical Morphology in this work. As high resolution images will be used, the largest difficulty in the highways detection process is the presence of trees and automobiles in the borders tracks. Like this, for the obtaining of good results through the use of morphologic tools was necessary to choose the structuring element appropriately to be used in the functions. Through the appropriate choice of the morphologic operators and structuring elements it was possible to detect the highways tracks. The linear feature detection using mathematical morphology techniques, can contribute in cartographic applications, as cartographic products updating.


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Na Amazônia, mais particularmente no Estado do Pará, a utilização de agrotóxicos vem se consolidando como prática nos últimos 20 anos e se intensificando na última década, a partir da re-configuração da agricultura no município, com a maximização das culturas permanentes, com as mudanças tecnológicas inseridas nas práticas agrícolas e nas relações de trabalho, sendo o uso predominante, no que concerne ao município de Igarapé-Açu, de produtos de médio e alto risco de intoxicação, inclusive substâncias proibidas em outros países que sob o rótulo de “transferência de tecnologia” vem sendo utilizadas sem a avaliação de seus impactos sobre a saúde, o ambiente e a cadeia alimentar da qual o homem é partícipe. Entende-se ser esta uma questão de saúde pública em interface com as referenciadas na saúde ocupacional e na saúde ambiental em uma tríade a ser colocada em defesa da vida. A pesquisa que norteou este estudo foi desenvolvida no ramal do Cumaru, no município de Igarapé-Açu, no Estado do Pará, com 20 agricultores em situação de exposição prolongada aos agrotóxicos. Teve como objetivo primordial traçar o perfil de morbidade do grupo em foco, mais especificamente o aparecimento de sintomas de ansiedade e/ou depressão nas situações de intoxicação crônica a partir do regime de uso e de exposição, bem como, reconhecer a percepção destes acerca dos riscos aos quais estão submetidos a partir do uso destas substâncias em sua prática laboral. Partiu-se da premissa que os aportes teórico-conceituais de trabalho, saúde e ambiente se entrelaçam, entendendo a saúde como indo além da ausência de doença ou do contínuo bem estar, se inserindo de forma singular na vida de cada indivíduo que compartilha com a coletividade eventos que adoecem, porém que se expressam de forma única a partir de co-fatores que se inserem na biografia de cada um, agravando ou minimizando os efeitos dos riscos compartilhados. O trabalho, entendido como elemento estruturante da identidade e da subjetividade do indivíduo, repleto de significados transformados culturalmente se configurando em meio de vida e meio de morte. A partir da escolha do método clínico qualitativo, a pesquisa de campo realizou-se em duas etapas, sendo a primeira de reconhecimento dos espaços e das práticas cotidianas do grupo, a partir de um recorte de gênero e faixa etária, através de observação participante e de conversas informais com os agricultores e suas famílias nos espaços domésticos e nos laborais. A segunda etapa realizou-se através de entrevista(s) de avaliação psicológica com os agricultores. Foi evidenciada a situação de intoxicação crônica e a incidência de um grupo de sintomas, dentre estes, alguns vinculados a expressões de ansiedade e/ou depressão, sendo estes nomeados como “nervoso” pelos agricultores. Estes conhecem parte dos riscos inerentes ao uso dos agrotóxicos sobre sua saúde e sobre o ambiente mas os relativizam, não relacionando o uso de agrotóxicos aos sintomas apresentados e os minimizam, bem como, aos riscos, ancorando-se em representações sociais que os sustentam nas suas crenças sobre os riscos inerentes ao trabalho e a saúde em estratégias defensivas compartilhadas pelos seus pares.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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El texto aborda el uso de la maqueta como herramienta en los procesos proyectuales de OMA. Lejos de entender el proyecto como una gran elucubración individual, mística, puntual y fugaz, se plantea su visión desde los procesos diarios y rutinarios del trabajo colectivo. El texto ofrece una aproximación crítica a los sistemas de trabajo de una de las oficinas más destacadas de la arquitectura contemporanea, la reconocida OMA, de Rem Koolhaas. Además de analizar su sistema de trabajo pone el enfasis principal en el estudio del uso de la maqueta como elemento vertebrador de su práctica arquitectónica y como elemento constituyente de un lenguaje que permite que OMA cree una arquitectura libre de ataduras formales y unicamente comprometida con el valor de las ideas. ABSTRACT. The text raises the use of the model as a tool in the OMA project processes. Far from understanding the project as a great personal lucubration, mystical, punctual and fleeting, a vision arises from the daily and routine processes of collective work. The text offers a critical approach to the work systems of one of the most important offices of contemporary architecture, the renowned OMA, directed by Rem Koolhaas. In addition to discussing their work system, the text puts the main emphasis on the study of the use of the model as the structuring element of his architectural practice and as a constitutive element of a language that allows OMA to create a formal untrammeled architecture and only committed to the value of ideas.


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El entorno alpino de los Grisones ha sido un laboratorio donde experimentar un método arquitectónico procedente de diversas fuentes durante los años 70 en la ETHZ. Este método ha producido durante las últimas tres décadas un discurso teórico propiamente suizo alemán. La tradición continúa siendo un valor cultural para la comunidad alpina de los Grisones, que apuesta por seguir relacionando la arquitectura con su historia y su paisaje. La especificidad de cada entorno suizo alemán es un hecho obvio pero, por encima de sus rasgos característicos, hay un denominador común que les da unidad en silencio: se trata de una idea de la construcción. El fenómeno de los Grisones es territorial en su localización concreta, pero comparte el trasfondo teórico del resto de la arquitectura suizo alemana reciente. La tesis recorre transversalmente las condiciones que han dado lugar a esa trayectoria común hasta la actualidad, en que la arquitectura suizo alemana se halla precisamente en un momento de cambio generacional. La obra de Peter Märkli constituye en esta tesis un paradigma de la voluntad suizo alemana por formar parte de la continuidad cultural de la arquitectura, como una actitud de resistencia compartida frente al mundo globalizado. La tesis se articula a partir de ocho proyectos recientes, realizados por arquitectos suizo alemanes en el entorno del territorio alpino de los Grisones. Estos proyectos condensan la trayectoria arquitectónica suizo alemana durante el siglo XX, así como el fenómeno arquitectónico que ha tenido lugar en el entorno de los Grisones durante las últimas tres décadas. La tesis analiza a través de cada pareja de proyectos los episodios teóricos, artísticos y filosóficos más relevantes que se sintetizan en estas obras, así como sus referentes arquitectónicos y la dimensión trascendente de los materiales en los que la cultura suiza hunde sus raíces: la madera, la piedra y el hormigón. Las vanguardias pictóricas, el Movimiento Moderno y las corrientes humanistas y regionalistas que se fueron sucediendo durante el pasado siglo, configuran el escenario en el que tomó cuerpo la sensibilidad arquitectónica suizo alemana reciente, que emerge a través de la compleja red de relaciones establecidas entre el panorama suizo y el internacional. El mismo bagaje teórico subyace al territorio suizo alemán a nivel general, por lo que asociarlo a través de esta tesis a proyectos realizados en un entorno característico, permite acceder a una realización concreta de ese debate en un entorno tan particular como son los Grisones. La aproximación a los proyectos es de carácter fenomenológico: la experiencia directa de los mismos ha sido el sustrato fundamental del enfoque de la tesis. El trabajo de campo no se limitó a visitar los proyectos que vertebran la tesis, sino que trató de abarcar las obras más relevantes de la producción suizo alemana reciente en los Grisones, con el fin de adquirir cierto grado de sensibilidad perceptiva hacia la singularidad de su identidad territorial. La tesis hace especial hincapié en las obras de Peter Märkli y Peter Zumthor, representantes de los dos extremos del discurso suizo alemán reciente, respecto a la materialidad y al carácter de la secuencia espacial, sistemático o fluido respectivamente, pero que asimismo comparten el clasicismo formalista que subyace al fenómeno suizo alemán. Los dos proyectos que establecen el periodo 1992-2004 explorado por esta investigación constituyen dos hitos fundamentales. El Museo de La Congiunta en Giornico de Peter Märkli se construyó en 1992 y se erige a partir de entonces como un icono arquitectónico de la condensación típicamente suizo alemana de base reductiva. Este paradigma de síntesis conceptual y constructiva comenzó a forjarse en la década de 1930 de la mano del Konkrete Kunst formulado por Max Bill, que es la única manifestación artística genuinamente suiza del siglo XX y que desarrolló pictóricamente los valores de precisión, rigor, racionalismo y abstracción afines a la sensibilidad suizo alemana. En segundo lugar, el proyecto para la rehabilitación de la Villa Garbald y la construcción de la Torre Roccolo en Castasegna llevado a cabo por Miller & Maranta en 2004, supuso la consumación de la Analoge Architektur, que fue la primera corriente arquitectónica propiamente suiza, desarrollada durante la década de 1980 por Miroslav Sik. La Deutscher Tendenza es un periodo de la trayectoria suizo alemana reciente poco conocido, representado por una figura tan relevante como es Peter Zumthor. Las obras que proyectó Zumthor entre 1979 y 1985 forman parte de un periodo en que el arquitecto se encontraba profundamente influido por el neorracionalismo italiano, como ilustra la escuela de Churwalden de 1983. La arquitectura suizo alemana reciente exploró sistemáticamente los sistemas compositivos de las vanguardias pictóricas y del Movimiento Moderno, por encima de su formalismo concreto. La segunda fase de la obra de Zumthor entre 1985 y 1996 se caracteriza por la transfiguración del plano libre del sistema compositivo neoplasticista desarrollado por De Stijl, plano que adquirió grosor hasta convertirse en la caja articuladora de la fluidez de la secuencia espacial. El formalismo de Zumthor en esta fase implica la prioridad del esquema compositivo, compuesto por un perímetro regular en el que se reúnen las cajas que, como las superficies de color de las composiciones de Mondrian, articulan el espacio a su alrededor. La Residencia de Masans de Zumthor de 1993 es un proyecto canónico de este sistema compositivo, que culmina en el esquema radial de las Termas de Vals de 1996. La imagen poética se convirtió en el lenguaje propio del pensamiento de la arquitectura suizo alemana, que permitía una reflexión no verbal, a partir de unos pocos arquetipos fundamentales. Los arquitectos del Ticino buscaron en la Tendenza italiana durante la década de 1970 una alternativa al insostenible modelo territorial que estaba destruyendo su paisaje cultural. Algunos de estos arquitectos comenzaron a dar clase durante esa década en la ETHZ, por lo que transmitieron sus inquietudes al alumnado e introdujeron a Aldo Rossi en la facultad, que era uno de los máximos representantes de la Tendenza. El método analógico de Rossi, basado en la psicología analítica de Carl Jung, fue una influencia fundamental en la ETHZ durante los años 70. Rossi partía de una teoría afín al colectivo intelectual suizo que los arquitectos de la ETHZ pronto comprendieron que debían independizar del contexto italiano, desarrollando su propio método a partir de 1985 con la Analoge Architektur. El valor de la preexistencia de acuerdo a este método incipiente se hallaba en su papel articulador de la continuidad cultural de una comunidad, que Miroslav Sik definió a partir de su concepto de Altneue (literalmente, lo Nuevo-Viejo). La fusión entre lo nuevo y lo viejo era la base de la espontaneidad con la que habían crecido los asentamientos históricamente. Sik consideraba que la continuidad dependía de la comprensión de los patrones preexistentes, con el objeto de mantener su vigencia mediante la incorporación de estrategias contemporáneas, que renovarían su significado sin perder su esencia. La Casa Gugalun en Versam de Zumthor de 1994 supone una aproximación a escala doméstica a este planteamiento. La arquitectura suizo alemana reciente a menudo busca en sus referentes plásticos una manera de explorar ámbitos poco accesibles para la disciplina arquitectónica. El pensamiento arquitectónico basado en la imagen poética se implementa a partir de la tectónica de la construcción, que es el medio para comunicar una idea vertebradora del proyecto de principio a fin. La construcción como medio introduce el concepto clave de la apariencia de la arquitectura, estrechamente relacionado con la filosofía idealista de Friedrich Schiller. La apariencia debe expresar el sentido conceptual de la obra, que los arquitectos suizo alemanes denominan idea, por lo que la construcción no tiene un valor por sí misma, sino en cuanto a la apariencia. La Capilla de Oberrealta de Christian Kerez de 1993 puede ser considerada una obra escultórica en el paisaje, más próxima a las artes plásticas que a la arquitectura. La tensión que surge entre la figura ideal y la pieza sometida a una sutil deformación confiere un carácter dinámico a la composición, que intensifica el efecto perceptivo, de acuerdo a la teoría del pensamiento visual de Rudolph Arnheim. La deformación al servicio de la psicología de la percepción es un fenómeno que caracteriza la arquitectura suizo alemana reciente. El concepto de Forme Forte (forma fuerte) fue introducido por Martin Steinmann para caracterizar el objeto arquitectónico denominado internacionalmente Swiss Box. Este concepto se caracteriza por una predilección por lo monolítico, lo unitario y lo arquetípico. La condición más sustancial de una Forme Forte es, sin embargo, la de configurar un elemento estructurador del entorno. Tanto la base morfológica de una Forme Forte, como su capacidad para estructurar el lugar, se corresponden con los conceptos de arquetipo y monumento de la teoría de Rossi. La tesis explora el sentido de la deformación en la producción suizo alemana reciente, a partir de la Escuela de Paspels de Valerio Olgiati de 1998 y la Torre Roccolo de Villa Garbald de Miller&Maranta de 1998. La teoría tectónica de Gottfried Semper y la razón de la forma de Adolf Loos constituyen el sustrato teórico, que relaciona la actividad existencial de habitar con la materialidad de la arquitectura suizo alemana reciente. La teoría tectónica de Semper fundamenta las revisiones posteriores de los sistemas constructivos tradicionales suizo alemanes. Esta influencia sirvió como base a la vanguardia suiza de la Neues Bauen, que desarrolló un racionalismo funcionalista durante las décadas de 1920 y 1930, que constituye una gramática de base no simbólica. Esta gramática constituye el fundamento de la transición del orden clásico a la materialidad como instrumento compositivo durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX, consolidando el concepto de la base material de la forma. La revisión de la tradición regionalista y racionalista llevada a cabo por la generación de arquitectos suizo alemanes de la década de 1950 y 1960, constituyó una investigación lingüística sustancial. Rudolph Olgiati es la figura determinante de este periodo. La revisión de esta investigación se codificó en clave estructuralista durante los años 70 en la ETHZ, influenciada por la presencia de Roland Barthes como profesor invitado. Esta revisión constituyó la base de la articulación tectónica propiamente suizo alemana todavía vigente, como ilustra expresamente la obra de Burkhalter&Sumi en esta tesis. La obra de Gion Caminada en Vrin entre 1995 y 2002 aporta una intensa investigación sobre el Strickbau, que implementa una y otra vez variaciones sobre un sistema tradicional, ilustrando las infinitas posibilidades que ofrece un lenguaje, paradójicamente limitado por los medios disponibles en un entorno alpino aislado. Para terminar Jürg Conzett es el ingeniero con el que han desarrollado sus proyectos la mayoría de los arquitectos en el entorno de los Grisones, formado durante 8 años con Zumthor y colaborador habitual de Caminada entre otros. Conzett es el referente que relaciona la ingeniería con la arquitectura en el ámbito de esta tesis, imprescindible en el contexto de esta investigación. ABSTRACT The Alpine setting of Grisons has been a laboratory for architectural experimentation with an approach forged in the 1970s from various sources in the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ). This method has produced a uniquely German-Swiss theoretical discourse over the past three decades. Tradition continues to be a cultural value for Grisons, a region committed to continue linking its architecture with the region’s history and landscape. The specificity of the German-Swiss environment is obvious, but beyond its characteristic features, there is a common denominator that gives these settings a silent unity: it is an idea of building. The phenomenon of Grisons is geographic in its specific location, but it shares the theoretical basis of the rest of the new German-Swiss architecture. This thesis transversely delves into the conditions that have shaped this common path up to the present, just as German-Swiss architecture is going through a time of generational change. In this thesis, Märkli Peter's work constitutes a paradigm of the German-Swiss will to uphold the cultural and architectural continuity of the region, exemplifying an attitude of shared resistance to the globalized world. The thesis is structured around eight recent projects carried out by German-Swiss architects in the Alpine region of Grisons. These projects represent the trajectory of twentieth century German-Swiss architectural history, as well as the architectural phenomenon that has taken place in the environs of Grisons over the past three decades. Through these projects the thesis analyzes the most relevant theoretical, artistic and philosophical references that are synthesized in the works, as well as their architectural references and the transcendental dimension of the materials in which Swiss culture is rooted: wood, stone and concrete. The artistic avant-garde, together with Modernism and the humanistic and regional movements that occurred during the last century, set the stage for present-day German-Swiss architectural sensitivity, which emerges from a complex web of relationships established between the Swiss and international panorama. This same theoretical background and experience underlies all of the German-Swiss territory in general, so associating it through this thesis to a particular context allows the description of a specific embodiment of this debate, within the unique environment of Grisons. The methodological approach to analyzing the projects was phenomenological: direct experience is the main substrate underpinning the focus of the thesis. Field work was not limited to visiting the projects featured in the thesis, but rather encompassed the most important works of recent German-Swiss construction in the Grisons in order to gain some degree of perceptual sensitivity to the uniqueness of its territorial identity. The present paper puts special emphasis on the works of Peter Märkli and Peter Zumthor, who share the formal classicist perspective of the German-Swiss context but stand on opposite sides of the philosophical spectrum with regard to the notion of materiality and the nature of space, which they conceive as systematic or fluid, respectively. The two projects that establish the boundaries of the time period 1992–2004 explored by this research represent two key milestones. The Museum La Congiunta in Giornico, by Peter Märkli, was built in 1992 and quickly established itself as an architectural icon of German-Swiss reductionism. This paradigm of conceptual and constructive synthesis began to take shape in the 1930s under the banner of Konkrete Kunst (Concrete Art), led by Max Bill. The only genuinely Swiss artistic movement of the twentieth century, Konkrete Kunst was characterized by the artistic values of precision, rigor, rationalism and abstraction, sentiments that were very close to the German-Swiss tradition. Secondly, the project for the rehabilitation of Villa Garbald and the construction of the Roccolo Tower in Castasegna, conducted by Miller&Maranta in 2004, represented the consummation of the Analoge Architektur, which was the first truly Swiss architectural movement, spearheaded in the 1980s by Miroslav Sik. The Deutscher Tendenza is a little-known period of recent German-Swiss history, represented by the important figure of Peter Zumthor. The projects that Zumthor led between 1979 and 1985 are part of a period when Italian Neo-Rationalism exercised a profound influence on the architect, as illustrated by the Churwalden School, circa 1983. Recent German-Swiss architecture systematically explored the compositional systems of the artistic avant-garde and Modernism, beyond its specific formal aspects. The second phase of Zumthor's work, between 1985 and 1996, is characterized by the transfiguration of the free plane, neoplastic compositional system developed by De Stijl, a plane that thickened until it became the box articulating fluidity from the spatial sequence. Zumthor's formalism in this phase prioritizes the compositional scheme, consisting of a regular perimeter in which the boxes that -like Mondrian’s colored surfaces- arrange the space around it. Zumthor’s Masans Residence, circa 1993, is a canonical project of this compositional system, which culminates in the radial pattern of the Therme Vals, circa 1996. The poetic image became the appropriate language of thought for German-Swiss architecture, which invited a nonverbal reflection inspired by a few fundamental archetypes. The architects of Ticino sought, through the Italian Tendenza of the 1970s, an alternative to the unsustainable territorial model that was destroying their cultural landscape. Some of these architects began to teach during that decade at ETHZ, and naturally they transmitted their unease to their students. These architects also introduced Aldo Rossi, one of the leading representatives of the Tendenza, to the school. Rossi’s analogue method, based on the analytical psychology of Carl Jung, was a major influence on the ETHZ during the 1970s. Rossi’s theoretical grounding was very much in tune with Swiss intellectualism, and it did not take long for architects from ETHZ to realize that they should break away from the Italian context, developing their own method from 1985 on with the Analoge Architektur. The value of the pre-existing conformity of this emerging method, stemmed from its role in facilitating the cultural continuity of a community, which Miroslav Sik defined in his concept of Altneue (literally, Old-new). This fusion of old and new was the basis for the spontaneity with which settlements had historically grown. Sik considered that continuity depended on understanding the existing patterns and sustaining their relevance through the incorporation of contemporary strategies, which would renew their meaning without losing their essence. Zumthor’s Gugalun House in Versam, circa 1994, is a domestic-scale approach to this philosophy. Modern German-Swiss architecture often looks to its references in visual art for a way to explore areas that are normally inaccessible to the architectural discipline. Architectural thinking based on the poetic image is achieved through a building’s tectonics, which communicate the core idea of a project from start to finish. The understanding of construction as a medium introduces the key concept of the appearance in architecture, closely related to the idealistic philosophy of Friedrich Schiller. The appearance should express the conceptual meaning of the work, which German-Swiss architects call the idea, so that the building does not have value in and of itself, but only in terms of its appearance. The Oberrealta Chapel by Christian Kerez, circa 1993, can be considered a sculpture in the landscape, closer to the visual arts than to architecture. The tension that arises between the ideal figure and the piece subjected to a subtle deformation confers a dynamic character onto the composition, intensifying the perceptual effect, according to Rudolf Arnheim’s theory of visual thought. The deformation in the service of the psychology of perception is a phenomenon that characterizes recent German-Swiss architecture. Martin Steinmann introduced the Forme Forte (Strong Form) concept to describe the architectural object known internationally as the Swiss Box. This concept is characterized by a predilection for all things monolithic, unitary and archetypal. The most substantial condition of a Forme Forte, however, is the configuration of a structuring element in the environment. Both the morphological basis of a Forme Forte and its ability to frame the place, correspond to the concepts of archetype and monument put forward by Rossi’s theory. The present thesis explores the sense of deformation in recent German-Swiss production, based on the School of Paspels by Valerio Olgiati, circa 1998 and the Roccolo Tower in Villa Garbald, by Miller&Maranta, circa 1998. Gottfried Semper’s tectonic theory and Adolf Loos’s reason for form constitute the theoretical foundation that links the existential activity of dwelling to the materiality of recent German-Swiss architecture. Semper’s tectonic theory laid the foundation for subsequent revisions of the German-Swiss traditional building systems. This influence was the basis for the Swiss avant-garde of Neues Bauen, which developed a functional rationalism during the 1920s and 30s that served as a non-symbolic grammatical foundation for the transition from classical order to materiality as a compositional tool. During the second half of the twentieth century, this architectural grammar helped consolidate the concept of the material base of the form. The revision of the regionalist and rationalist tradition, carried out by the generation of German-Swiss architects of the 1950s and 60s, constituted a substantial linguistic investigation. Rudolph Olgiati is the key figure of this period. The research was codified in terms of structuralism in the 1970s in ETHZ and influenced by the presence of Roland Barthes as a visiting professor. This revision was the basis of the uniquely German-Swiss tectonic design still in use today, as specifically illustrated by the work of Burkhalter & Sumi in this thesis. Gion Caminada's work in Vrin between 1995 and 2002 offers an extensive study on the Strickbau, which implements variations on a traditional system again and again, illustrating the endless possibilities of a language that paradoxically seems limited by the available resources in a remote Alpine setting. Finally, Jürg Conzett is the engineer with whom most architects in the Grisons region have developed their projects. Trained under Zumthor for 8 years, and a regular collaborator of Caminada, among others, Conzett is the reference point linking engineering with architecture in this thesis, essential in the context of this research.


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La tesis aborda el estudio de la casa patio y su relación con todas las escalas del proyecto, dentro del ámbito de la vivienda colectiva desarrollada en Madrid desde el comienzo de la década de los cincuenta hasta principio de los sesenta. Se investiga su vínculo con la ciudad a partir de la configuración de la trama y los espacios públicos, la organización de la casa en torno a un vacío y las relaciones espaciales entre el patio exterior y las estancias interiores. Mediante el análisis de los diferentes ejemplos existentes de casas con patio en el contexto señalado, se realiza la selección de los casos de estudio de esta investigación. Los proyectos analizados se organizan a partir del trabajo desarrollado por los arquitectos Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza y Antonio Vázquez de Castro, liderando equipos más amplios y como representantes de la construcción definitiva de un verdadero lenguaje moderno en la arquitectura española. Cada uno de los proyectos, estructurados en dos apartados para cada uno de los autores, muestran de forma particular, la evolución de las herramientas arquitectónicas empleadas, a partir de la casa patio, en las distintas escalas de trabajo. En los proyectos de Oíza, se analiza en primer lugar la definición de un modelo mínimo y racional de vivienda con patio en el poblado de absorción de Fuencarral “A” (1956) y con el prototipo del concurso de vivienda experimental (1956). A continuación se estudia, en el Poblado Dirigido de Entrevías (1956), la construcción de la ciudad horizontal a partir del patio como elemento estructurante de las tramas urbanas. Las obras de Vázquez de Castro muestran inicialmente la incorporación del patio como una estancia privada más de la casa con la definición de un modelo tipológico en “L” en el Poblado Dirigido de Caño Roto (1956). Finalmente, se analiza el desarrollo de nuevas y complejas estructuras urbanas en forma de tapiz en el proyecto de la Unidad Vecinal de Costa Rica (1961). Los ejemplos, antes descritos, protagonizan un proceso delimitado desde la importación y adaptación de los modelos de vivienda europeos producidos en el periodo de entreguerras, con un significativo retraso; hasta la apuesta por sistemas complejos como el “mat-building”, en diálogo directo, con los proyectos de las nuevas corrientes arquitectónicas internacionales de principios de los sesenta. El estudio y análisis de los ejemplos se realiza mediante la disección pormenorizada de cada uno de ellos, en los sistemas arquitectónicos que establecen la relación del patio con las tres escalas objeto de estudio: la ciudad, la casa y la estancia. Para ello se realiza una reconstrucción de los proyectos mediante la elaboración de una nueva documentación gráfica a partir de los planos y fotografías originales. Finalmente, a partir de los temas arquitectónicos más significativos extraídos del análisis de los casos de estudio y organizados en función de las distintas escalas de proyecto, se realiza una comparación transversal, a modo de conclusiones, respecto a otros ejemplos de similares características del panorama internacional de casas con patio. De esta forma se produce una síntesis sobre los distintos mecanismos que sirvieron para construir, a partir de la tradición del patio en la casa, la vivienda moderna. ABSTRACT The thesis deals the study of the house with courtyard and its relation with all the scales of the project inside the ambience of the collective housing developed in Madrid from the beginning of the fifties up to beginning of the sixties. This document investigates its link with the city from the configuration of the weave and the public spaces, the organization of the house around a void and the spatial relations between the exterior courtyard and the interior spaces. The selection of the case studies of this research is made Through the analysis of the different existing examples of courtyard houses in this defined context. The analyzed projects are organized from the work developed by the architects Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza and Antonio Vázquez de Castro, leading wider teams and as representatives of the definitive construction of a real modern language in the Spanish architecture. Each of the projects, structured in two sections to each one of the authors, show in a particular way, the evolution of the architectural tools employed, from the house with courtyard, at different scales of work. In the projects of Oiza, it´s analyced the definition of a minimum and rational model of a house with courtyard in the absorption village of Fuencarral “A” (1956) and with the experimental housing contest prototype (1956). Next, in “el Poblado Dirigido de Entrevías” (1956), the construction of the horinzontal city with the courtyard as a structuring element of the urban weave will be studied. The works of Vázquez de Castro initially show the incorporation of the courtyard as another private area of the house with the typological model definition as an “L” in El Poblado Dirigido de Caño Roto (1956). Finally, the thesis analyzes the development of new and complex urban structures with a mat-building shape in the project of Unidad Vecinal de Costa Rica (1961). The examples described above, starring a process delimited from the import and the adaptation of european housing models produced in the interwar period, with a significant delay; until the opt for complex systems such as the “mat-building”, in direct dialog, with the projects of the new architectural international flows of the beginning of the sixties. The study and analysis of the examples is made by the dissection of them, in the architectural systems that establish the relation of the courtyard with the three scales of the study: the city, the house and the stay. To reach this objetive this document reconstructs the projects making a new graphic documentation from the original maps and photos. Finally, from the most important architectural issues drawn from the analysis of the case studies and organised by the different scales of project, as conclussions, a cross comparison of similar examples of houses with courtyard around the world is made. This produces a synthesis about the different mechanisms that served to build, from the tradition of the courtyard in the house, the modern housing.


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Mathematical morphology has been an area of intensive research over the last few years. Although many remarkable advances have been achieved throughout these years, there is still a great interest in accelerating morphological operations in order for them to be implemented in real-time systems. In this work, we present a new model for computing mathematical morphology operations, the so-called morphological trajectory model (MTM), in which a morphological filter will be divided into a sequence of basic operations. Then, a trajectory-based morphological operation (such as dilation, and erosion) is defined as the set of points resulting from the ordered application of the instant basic operations. The MTM approach allows working with different structuring elements, such as disks, and from the experiments, it can be extracted that our method is independent of the structuring element size and can be easily applied to industrial systems and high-resolution images.