931 resultados para Structural hot spot stress
Kolmen eri hitsausliitoksen väsymisikä arvio on analysoitu monimuuttuja regressio analyysin avulla. Regression perustana on laaja S-N tietokanta joka on kerätty kirjallisuudesta. Tarkastellut liitokset ovat tasalevy liitos, krusiformi liitos ja pitkittäisripa levyssä. Muuttujina ovat jännitysvaihtelu, kuormitetun levyn paksuus ja kuormitus tapa. Paksuus effekti on käsitelty uudelleen kaikkia kolmea liitosta ajatellen. Uudelleen käsittelyn avulla on varmistettu paksuus effektin olemassa olo ennen monimuuttuja regressioon siirtymistä. Lineaariset väsymisikä yhtalöt on ajettu kolmelle hitsausliitokselle ottaen huomioon kuormitetun levyn paksuus sekä kuormitus tapa. Väsymisikä yhtalöitä on verrattu ja keskusteltu testitulosten valossa, jotka on kerätty kirjallisuudesta. Neljä tutkimustaon tehty kerättyjen väsymistestien joukosta ja erilaisia väsymisikä arvio metodeja on käytetty väsymisiän arviointiin. Tuloksia on tarkasteltu ja niistä keskusteltu oikeiden testien valossa. Tutkimuksissa on katsottu 2mm ja 6mm symmetristäpitkittäisripaa levyssä, 12.7mm epäsymmetristä pitkittäisripaa, 38mm symmetristä pitkittäisripaa vääntökuormituksessa ja 25mm/38mm kuorman kantavaa krusiformi liitosta vääntökuormituksessa. Mallinnus on tehty niin lähelle testi liitosta kuin mahdollista. Väsymisikä arviointi metodit sisältävät hot-spot metodin jossa hot-spot jännitys on laskettu kahta lineaarista ja epälineaarista ekstrapolointiakäyttäen sekä paksuuden läpi integrointia käyttäen. Lovijännitys ja murtumismekaniikka metodeja on käytetty krusiformi liitosta laskiessa.
Fatigue life assessment of weldedstructures is commonly based on the nominal stress method, but more flexible and accurate methods have been introduced. In general, the assessment accuracy is improved as more localized information about the weld is incorporated. The structural hot spot stress method includes the influence of macro geometric effects and structural discontinuities on the design stress but excludes the local features of the weld. In this thesis, the limitations of the structural hot spot stress method are discussed and a modified structural stress method with improved accuracy is developed and verified for selected welded details. The fatigue life of structures in the as-welded state consists mainly of crack growth from pre-existing cracks or defects. Crack growth rate depends on crack geometry and the stress state on the crack face plane. This means that the stress level and shape of the stress distribution in the assumed crack path governs thetotal fatigue life. In many structural details the stress distribution is similar and adequate fatigue life estimates can be obtained just by adjusting the stress level based on a single stress value, i.e., the structural hot spot stress. There are, however, cases for which the structural stress approach is less appropriate because the stress distribution differs significantly from the more common cases. Plate edge attachments and plates on elastic foundations are some examples of structures with this type of stress distribution. The importance of fillet weld size and weld load variation on the stress distribution is another central topic in this thesis. Structural hot spot stress determination is generally based on a procedure that involves extrapolation of plate surface stresses. Other possibilities for determining the structural hot spot stress is to extrapolate stresses through the thickness at the weld toe or to use Dong's method which includes through-thickness extrapolation at some distance from the weld toe. Both of these latter methods are less sensitive to the FE mesh used. Structural stress based on surface extrapolation is sensitive to the extrapolation points selected and to the FE mesh used near these points. Rules for proper meshing, however, are well defined and not difficult to apply. To improve the accuracy of the traditional structural hot spot stress, a multi-linear stress distribution is introduced. The magnitude of the weld toe stress after linearization is dependent on the weld size, weld load and plate thickness. Simple equations have been derived by comparing assessment results based on the local linear stress distribution and LEFM based calculations. The proposed method is called the modified structural stress method (MSHS) since the structural hot spot stress (SHS) value is corrected using information on weld size andweld load. The correction procedure is verified using fatigue test results found in the literature. Also, a test case was conducted comparing the proposed method with other local fatigue assessment methods.
Tässä työssä tutkittiin eri mitoitusmenetelmien soveltuvuutta hitsattujen rakenteiden vä-symislaskennassa. Käytetyt menetelmät olivat rakenteellinen jännityksen menetelmä, te-hollisen lovijännityksen menetelmä ja murtumismekaniikka. Lisäksi rakenteellisen jänni-tyksen määrittämiseksi käytettiin kolmea eri menetelmää. Menetelmät olivat pintaa pitkin ekstrapolointi, paksuuden yli linearisointi ja Dongin menetelmä. Väsymiskestävyys määritettiin kahdelle hitsiliitoksen yksityiskohdalle. Laskenta tehtiin käyttäen elementtimenetelmää rakenteen 3D-mallille. Tutkittavasta aggregaattirungosta oli olemassa FE-malli mutta alimallinnustekniikkaa hyödyntämällä pystyttiin yksityiskohtai-semmin tutkimaan vain pientä osaa koko rungon mallista. Rakenteellisen jännityksen menetelmä perustuu nimellisiin jännityksiin. Kyseinen mene-telmä ei vaadi geometrian muokkausta. Yleensä rakenteellisen jännityksen menetelmää käytetään hitsin rajaviivan väsymislaskennassa, mutta joissain tapauksissa sitä on käytetty juuren puolen laskennassa. Tässä työssä rakenteellisen jännityksen menetelmää käytettiin myös juuren puolen tutkimisessa. Tehollista lovijännitystä tutkitaan mallintamalla 1 mm fiktiiviset pyöristykset sekä rajaviivalle että juuren puolelle. Murtumismekaniikan so-veltuvuutta tutkittiin käyttämällä Franc2D särön kasvun simulointiohjelmaa. Väsymislaskennan tulokset eivät merkittävästi poikkea eri laskentamenetelmien välillä. Ainoastaan rakenteellisen jännityksen Dongin menetelmällä saadaan poikkeavia tuloksia. Tämä johtuu pääasiassa siitä, että menetelmän laskentaetäisyydestä ei ole tietoa. Raken-teellisen jännityksen menetelmällä, tehollisen lovijännityksen menetelmällä ja murtumis-mekaniikalla saadaan samansuuntaiset tulokset. Suurin ero menetelmien välillä on mal-linnuksen ja laskennan vaatima työmäärä.
In this thesis work, a strength analysis is made for a boat trailer. The studied trailer structure is manufactured from Ruukki’s structural steel S420. The main focus in this work is in the trailer’s frame. The investigation process consists two main stages. These stages are strain gage measurements and finite elements analysis. Strain gage measurements were performed to the current boat trailer in February 2015. Static durability and fatigue life of the trailer are analyzed with finite element analysis and with two different materials. These materials are the current trailer material Ruukki’s structural steel S420 and new option material high strength precision tube Form 800. The main target by using high strength steel in a trailer is weight reduction. The applied fatigue analysis methods are effective notch stress and structural hot spot stress approaches. The target of these strength analyses is to determine if it is reasonable to change the trailer material to high strength steel. The static strengths of the S420 and Form 800 trailers is sufficient. The fatigue strength of the Form 800 trailer is considerably lower than the fatigue strength of the S420 trailer. For future research, the effect of hot dip galvanization to the high strength steel has to be investigated. The effect of hot dip galvanization to the trailer is investigated by laboratory tests that are not included in this thesis.
The tumor suppressor p53 is a phosphoprotein which functions as a transcriptional activator. By monitoring the transcriptional activity, we studied how p53 functions is regulated in relation to cell growth and contact inhibition. When cells were arrested at G1 phase of the cell cycle by contact inhibition, we found that p53 transactivation function was suppressed. When contact inhibition was overridden by cyclin E overexpression which stimulates cell cycle progression, p53 function was restored. This observation led to the development of a cell density assay to study the regulation of p53 function during cell cycle for the functional significance of p53 phosphorylation. The murine p53 is phosphorylated at serines 7, 9, 12, 18, 37, 312 and 389. To understand the role of p53 phosphorylation, we generated p53 constructs encoding serine-to-alanine or serine-to-glutamate mutations at these codons. The transcriptional activity were measured in cells capable of contact inhibition. In low-density cycling cells, no difference in transcriptional activity was found between wild type p53 and any of the mutants. In contact-inhibited cells, however, only mutations of p53 at serine 389 resulted in altered responses to cell cycle arrest and to cyclin E overexpression. The mutant with serine-to-glutamate substitution at codon 389 retained its function in contact inhibited cells. Cyclin E overexpression in these cells induced p53 phosphorylation at serine 389. Furthermore, we showed that phosphorylation at serine 389 regulates p53 DNA binding activity. Our findings implicate that phosphorylation is an important mechanism for p53 activation.^ p53 is the most frequently mutated gene in human tumors. To study the mechanism of p53 inactivation by mutations, we carried out detailed analysis of a murine p53 mutation with an arginine-to-tryptophane substitution at codon 245. The corresponding human p53 mutation at amino acid 248 is the most frequently mutated codon in tumors. We showed that this mutant is inactive in suppressing focus formation, binding to DNA and transactivation. Structural analysis revealed that this mutant assumes the wild type protein conformation. These findings define a novel class of p53 mutations and help to understand structure-function relationship of p53. ^
The algorithmic approach to data modelling has developed rapidly these last years, in particular methods based on data mining and machine learning have been used in a growing number of applications. These methods follow a data-driven methodology, aiming at providing the best possible generalization and predictive abilities instead of concentrating on the properties of the data model. One of the most successful groups of such methods is known as Support Vector algorithms. Following the fruitful developments in applying Support Vector algorithms to spatial data, this paper introduces a new extension of the traditional support vector regression (SVR) algorithm. This extension allows for the simultaneous modelling of environmental data at several spatial scales. The joint influence of environmental processes presenting different patterns at different scales is here learned automatically from data, providing the optimum mixture of short and large-scale models. The method is adaptive to the spatial scale of the data. With this advantage, it can provide efficient means to model local anomalies that may typically arise in situations at an early phase of an environmental emergency. However, the proposed approach still requires some prior knowledge on the possible existence of such short-scale patterns. This is a possible limitation of the method for its implementation in early warning systems. The purpose of this paper is to present the multi-scale SVR model and to illustrate its use with an application to the mapping of Cs137 activity given the measurements taken in the region of Briansk following the Chernobyl accident.
Distribution of socio-economic features in urban space is an important source of information for land and transportation planning. The metropolization phenomenon has changed the distribution of types of professions in space and has given birth to different spatial patterns that the urban planner must know in order to plan a sustainable city. Such distributions can be discovered by statistical and learning algorithms through different methods. In this paper, an unsupervised classification method and a cluster detection method are discussed and applied to analyze the socio-economic structure of Switzerland. The unsupervised classification method, based on Ward's classification and self-organized maps, is used to classify the municipalities of the country and allows to reduce a highly-dimensional input information to interpret the socio-economic landscape. The cluster detection method, the spatial scan statistics, is used in a more specific manner in order to detect hot spots of certain types of service activities. The method is applied to the distribution services in the agglomeration of Lausanne. Results show the emergence of new centralities and can be analyzed in both transportation and social terms.
Työn kandidaatintyössä tutkittiin kolollisen levyrakenteen hot spot -jännityksiä ja väsymiskestävyyttä varioimalla kolon sädettä. Työssä haluttiin selvittää, kuinka hot spot -jännitykset, rakenteen kestoikä ja rakenteen kriittinen kohta muuttuvat, kun kolon sädettä muutetaan. Työn tavoitteena oli myös tutkia, kuinka laboratoriossa suoritettujen väsytyskokeiden ja tietokoneella laskettujen elementtimallien tulokset eroavat toisistaan.
Tässä työssä tutkittiin vääntökuormitettua hitsattua koteloprofiilipuomia. Vääntökuormitus aiheuttaa koteloprofiiliin vinouttavan voimasysteemin, joka aiheuttaa kotelopalkkiin sekä poikittaisia taivutusjännityksiä että pitkittäisiä jännityksiä. Vinoutumisen aiheuttamia lisära-situksia on tutkittu analyyttisesti BEF-analogian avulla sekä elementtimenetelmää apuna käyttäen. Lisäksi vääntökuormitus aiheuttaa puomiin estetyn väännön jännityksiä. Väsymiskestoikää tutkittiin laboratoriossa suoritettujen väsytyskokeiden avulla sekä las-kennallisesti. Kestoikälaskennassa käytettiin tehollisen lovijännityksen menetelmää hitsin juuren puolen väsymisen arvioinnissa sekä hot spot- jännityksen menetelmää hitsin rajavii-van väsymisen arvioinnissa. Teholliset lovijännitykset sekä hot spot jännitykset ovat määri-tetty elementtimenetelmän avulla. Laboratoriokokeiden ja elementtimenetelmä laskennan perusteella saatiin rakenteen kes-toiän kannalta kriittiset detaljit määritettyä. Kriittiset detaljit sijaitsevat puomin päädyn rakenteissa. Tutkimuksessa saatiin selville, että kriittisten detaljien rakenteellisilla ja valmis-tusteknisillä ratkaisuilla on merkittävä vaikutus lopullisen tuotteen väsymiskestoikään.
In this thesis was performed comprehensive study about the convenience of scallops in plate structures. A literature review was performed and lack of knowledge was fulfilled with fatigue tests performed in the laboratory of Steel Structures at the Lappeenranta University of Technology and with finite element method. The aim of this thesis was to produce design guidance for the use of scallops for different structural details and different loading conditions. An additional aim was to include more precise instructions for scallop design to produce good fatigue resistance and appropriate manufacturing quality. The literature review was performed searching bridge engineering and maritime standards and design guides and studies from scientific databases and reference lists from the literature of this field. Fatigue tests were used to research the effect of using scallops or not using scallops to fatigue strength of bracket specimen. Tests were performed on three specimens with different scallop radii and to five specimens without scallops with different weld penetration depths. Finite element method using solid elements, symmetry and submodels was used to determine stress concentration factors for I-beams with scallops. Stresses were defined with hot spot stress method. Choosing to use a scallop or not in the structure is affected by many factors, such as structural and loading conditions and manufacturability. As a rule of thumb, scallops should be avoided because those cause stress concentration points to the structure and take a lot of time to manufacture. When scallops are not used, good quality welding should be provided and full weld penetration is recommended to be used in load carrying corner weld areas. In some cases, it is advisable to use scallops. In that case, circular scallops are recommended to be used and radius should be chosen from fatigue strength or manufacturing point of view.
Introduction. Duchenne and Becker Muscular Dystrophies (DMD/DMB) are X-linked recessive diseases characterized by progressive muscle weakness and wasting, loss of motor skills and death after the second decade of life. Deletions are the most prevalent mutations that affect the dystrophin gene, which spans 79 exons.Objective: Identify deletions on the dystrophin gene in 58 patients affected with DMD.Methods: Through multiplex PCR identify deletions on the dystrophin gene in 58 patients with DMD and observe the frequency of this mutation in our population.Results: We found deletions in 1.72% of patients (1 of 58 persons). Deletions were not the principal cause of disease in our population. It is possible that duplications and point mutations caused this illness in our patients.Conclusions: The frequency of deletions in the 15 exons analyzed from the dystrophin gene was low. The predominant types of mutation in our patients` samples were not deletions as has been observed in the literature worldwide, therefore, it is important to determine other types of mutations as are duplications and point mutations.