862 resultados para Structural health monitoring, reticoli di Bragg, fibra ottica, FBG, laminati CFRP


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Lo studio si propone di valutare la capacità dei reticoli di Bragg in fibra ottica, di individuare e monitorare danneggiamenti presenti all'interno di laminati in composito, tramite l'analisi degli spettri riflessi dai reticoli stessi. Sono stati utilizzati due tipi diversi di stratificazione dei laminati, per valutare il diverso comportamento dei reticoli di Bragg inseriti all'interno dei laminati. Le proprietà dei materiali e degli spettri riflessi dai reticoli, sono state messe in relazione qualitativamente e quantitativamente, al fine di sviluppare un valido metodo di Structural Health Monitoring.


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This thesis developed a practical, cost effective, easy-to-use method for measuring the vertical displacements of bridges using fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors, which includes the curvature and inclination approaches. These approaches were validated by the numerical simulation tests on a full scale bridge and the laboratory-based tests. In doing so, a novel frictionless FBG inclination sensor with extremely high sensitivity and resolution has also been developed and validated.


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L’uso dei materiali compositi è andato aumentando negli ultimi decenni per la loro elevata rigidezza, la resistenza specifica e il possibile risparmio, notevole in termini di peso dell’intera struttura. Tali materiali introducono però nuove problematiche riguardanti le modalità di danneggiamento e il comportamento a fatica. Mentre questi fenomeni sono relativamente ben compresi nei materiali metallici, per una struttura in composito non esistono ancora modelli in grado di predire con sufficiente affidabilità l’evoluzione del danneggiamento. Negli ultimi anni la ricerca si è focalizzata sullo sviluppo di sistemi in grado di rilevare la presenza e l’evoluzione del danno, definiti Structural Health Monitoring Systems, ovvero sistemi di monitoraggio strutturale. Il danneggiamento strutturale può così essere individuato e identificato per mezzo di sensori distribuiti integrati nella struttura stessa, aventi la possibilità di trasmettere queste informazioni a un sistema di analisi esterno permettendo di valutare lo stato di degrado della struttura in tempo reale. In questo contesto si inseriscono le attività di ricerca sulle strutture intelligenti che, inglobando al loro interno opportune tipologie di sensori e attuatori, sono in grado di monitorare l’ambiente fisico operativo, raccoglierne e interpretarne le informazioni per poi rispondere ai cambiamenti della struttura in modo appropriato attraverso gli attuatori. L’impiego di sensori e attuatori inglobati nelle strutture offre molteplici vantaggi rispetto ai sistemi di trasduzione e attuazione convenzionali. L’attività di ricerca condotta in questa tesi è rivolta all’indagine di tecniche di SHM per mezzo di sensori a fibra ottica. Essi presentano molteplici peculiarità che li rendono i candidati ideali per queste applicazioni. Esistono diversi tipi di sensori che utilizzano le fibre ottiche. Nel presente lavoro si sono utilizzati sensori di deformazione basati sui reticoli di Bragg (FBG) chirped. Questi sensori sono costituiti da un reticolo inscritto all’interno della fibra, che ha l’effetto di riflettere solo alcune lunghezze d’onda della luce incidente. Se le proprietà geometriche del reticolo cambiano per effetto di una deformazione, cambia anche la forma dello spettro riflesso. Inoltre, con il tipo di sensore usato, è possibile correlare lo spettro con la posizione di eventuali danneggiamenti interni al materiale. Gli obbiettivi di questa ricerca sono di verificare gli effetti della presenza di una fibra ottica sulle caratteristiche meccaniche di un laminato e di trovare un legame tra la risposta in frequenza del sensore FBG e lo stato tensionale e il grado di danneggiamento di un componente in composito.


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Attraverso svariate prove tecnologiche, pratiche ed ottiche, si è posta la base per lo sviluppo di un sistema di misurazione delle deformazioni su un albero navale in materiale composito attraverso sensori ottici. L'attività ha messo in luce diverse problematiche relative all'inglobamento delle fibre ottiche nel materiale composito e molte altre attinenti la tecnologia basata su Reticoli di Bragg fotoincisi sulla fibra ottica.


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The term Structural Health Monitoring has gained wide acceptance in the recent pastas a means to monitor a structure and provide an early warning of an unsafe conditionusing real-time data. Utilization of structurally integrated, distributed sensors tomonitor the health of a structure through accurate interpretation of sensor signals andreal-time data processing can greatly reduce the inspection burden. The rapidimprovement of the Fiber Bragg Grating sensor technology for strain, vibration andacoustic emission measurements in recent times make them a feasible alternatives tothe traditional strain gauges transducers and conventional Piezoelectric sensors usedfor Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE) and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM).Optical fiber-based sensors offers advantages over conventional strain gauges, PVDFfilm and PZT devices in terms of size, ease of embedment, immunity fromelectromagnetic interference(EMI) and potential for multiplexing a number ofsensors. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the feasibility of Fiber BraggGrating sensor and compare its utility with the conventional strain gauges and PVDFfilm sensors. For this purpose experiments are being carried out in the laboratory on acomposite wing of a mini air vehicle (MAV). In this paper, the results obtained fromthese preliminary experiments are discussed.


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Assessment of the integrity of structural components is of great importance for aerospace systems, land and marine transportation, civil infrastructures and other biological and mechanical applications. Guided waves (GWs) based inspections are an attractive mean for structural health monitoring. In this thesis, the study and development of techniques for GW ultrasound signal analysis and compression in the context of non-destructive testing of structures will be presented. In guided wave inspections, it is necessary to address the problem of the dispersion compensation. A signal processing approach based on frequency warping was adopted. Such operator maps the frequencies axis through a function derived by the group velocity of the test material and it is used to remove the dependence on the travelled distance from the acquired signals. Such processing strategy was fruitfully applied for impact location and damage localization tasks in composite and aluminum panels. It has been shown that, basing on this processing tool, low power embedded system for GW structural monitoring can be implemented. Finally, a new procedure based on Compressive Sensing has been developed and applied for data reduction. Such procedure has also a beneficial effect in enhancing the accuracy of structural defects localization. This algorithm uses the convolutive model of the propagation of ultrasonic guided waves which takes advantage of a sparse signal representation in the warped frequency domain. The recovery from the compressed samples is based on an alternating minimization procedure which achieves both an accurate reconstruction of the ultrasonic signal and a precise estimation of waves time of flight. Such information is used to feed hyperbolic or elliptic localization procedures, for accurate impact or damage localization.


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En muchas áreas de la ingeniería, la integridad y confiabilidad de las estructuras son aspectos de extrema importancia. Estos son controlados mediante el adecuado conocimiento de danos existentes. Típicamente, alcanzar el nivel de conocimiento necesario que permita caracterizar la integridad estructural implica el uso de técnicas de ensayos no destructivos. Estas técnicas son a menudo costosas y consumen mucho tiempo. En la actualidad, muchas industrias buscan incrementar la confiabilidad de las estructuras que emplean. Mediante el uso de técnicas de última tecnología es posible monitorizar las estructuras y en algunos casos, es factible detectar daños incipientes que pueden desencadenar en fallos catastróficos. Desafortunadamente, a medida que la complejidad de las estructuras, los componentes y sistemas incrementa, el riesgo de la aparición de daños y fallas también incrementa. Al mismo tiempo, la detección de dichas fallas y defectos se torna más compleja. En años recientes, la industria aeroespacial ha realizado grandes esfuerzos para integrar los sensores dentro de las estructuras, además de desarrollar algoritmos que permitan determinar la integridad estructural en tiempo real. Esta filosofía ha sido llamada “Structural Health Monitoring” (o “Monitorización de Salud Estructural” en español) y este tipo de estructuras han recibido el nombre de “Smart Structures” (o “Estructuras Inteligentes” en español). Este nuevo tipo de estructuras integran materiales, sensores, actuadores y algoritmos para detectar, cuantificar y localizar daños dentro de ellas mismas. Una novedosa metodología para detección de daños en estructuras se propone en este trabajo. La metodología está basada en mediciones de deformación y consiste en desarrollar técnicas de reconocimiento de patrones en el campo de deformaciones. Estas últimas, basadas en PCA (Análisis de Componentes Principales) y otras técnicas de reducción dimensional. Se propone el uso de Redes de difracción de Bragg y medidas distribuidas como sensores de deformación. La metodología se validó mediante pruebas a escala de laboratorio y pruebas a escala real con estructuras complejas. Los efectos de las condiciones de carga variables fueron estudiados y diversos experimentos fueron realizados para condiciones de carga estáticas y dinámicas, demostrando que la metodología es robusta ante condiciones de carga desconocidas. ABSTRACT In many engineering fields, the integrity and reliability of the structures are extremely important aspects. They are controlled by the adequate knowledge of existing damages. Typically, achieving the level of knowledge necessary to characterize the structural integrity involves the usage of nondestructive testing techniques. These are often expensive and time consuming. Nowadays, many industries look to increase the reliability of the structures used. By using leading edge techniques it is possible to monitoring these structures and in some cases, detect incipient damage that could trigger catastrophic failures. Unfortunately, as the complexity of the structures, components and systems increases, the risk of damages and failures also increases. At the same time, the detection of such failures and defects becomes more difficult. In recent years, the aerospace industry has done great efforts to integrate the sensors within the structures and, to develop algorithms for determining the structural integrity in real time. The ‘philosophy’ has being called “Structural Health Monitoring” and these structures have been called “smart structures”. These new types of structures integrate materials, sensors, actuators and algorithms to detect, quantify and locate damage within itself. A novel methodology for damage detection in structures is proposed. The methodology is based on strain measurements and consists in the development of strain field pattern recognition techniques. The aforementioned are based on PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and other dimensional reduction techniques. The use of fiber Bragg gratings and distributed sensing as strain sensors is proposed. The methodology have been validated by using laboratory scale tests and real scale tests with complex structures. The effects of the variable load conditions were studied and several experiments were performed for static and dynamic load conditions, demonstrating that the methodology is robust under unknown load conditions.


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Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is an emerging area of research associated to improvement of maintainability and the safety of aerospace, civil and mechanical infrastructures by means of monitoring and damage detection. Guided wave structural testing method is an approach for health monitoring of plate-like structures using smart material piezoelectric transducers. Among many kinds of transducers, the ones that have beam steering feature can perform more accurate surface interrogation. A frequency steerable acoustic transducer (FSATs) is capable of beam steering by varying the input frequency and consequently can detect and localize damage in structures. Guided wave inspection is typically performed through phased arrays which feature a large number of piezoelectric transducers, complexity and limitations. To overcome the weight penalty, the complex circuity and maintenance concern associated with wiring a large number of transducers, new FSATs are proposed that present inherent directional capabilities when generating and sensing elastic waves. The first generation of Spiral FSAT has two main limitations. First, waves are excited or sensed in one direction and in the opposite one (180 ̊ ambiguity) and second, just a relatively rude approximation of the desired directivity has been attained. Second generation of Spiral FSAT is proposed to overcome the first generation limitations. The importance of simulation tools becomes higher when a new idea is proposed and starts to be developed. The shaped transducer concept, especially the second generation of spiral FSAT is a novel idea in guided waves based of Structural Health Monitoring systems, hence finding a simulation tool is a necessity to develop various design aspects of this innovative transducer. In this work, the numerical simulation of the 1st and 2nd generations of Spiral FSAT has been conducted to prove the directional capability of excited guided waves through a plate-like structure.


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As a part of vital infrastructure and transportation networks, bridge structures must function safely at all times. However, due to heavier and faster moving vehicular loads and function adjustment, such as Busway accommodation, many bridges are now operating at an overload beyond their design capacity. Additionally, the huge renovation and replacement costs always make the infrastructure owners difficult to undertake. Structural health monitoring (SHM) is set to assess condition and foresee probable failures of designated bridge(s), so as to monitor the structural health of the bridges. The SHM systems proposed recently are incorporated with Vibration-Based Damage Detection (VBDD) techniques, Statistical Methods and Signal processing techniques and have been regarded as efficient and economical ways to solve the problem. The recent development in damage detection and condition assessment techniques based on VBDD and statistical methods are reviewed. The VBDD methods based on changes in natural frequencies, curvature/strain modes, modal strain energy (MSE) dynamic flexibility, artificial neural networks (ANN) before and after damage and other signal processing methods like Wavelet techniques and empirical mode decomposition (EMD) / Hilbert spectrum methods are discussed here.


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The process of structural health monitoring (SHM) involves monitoring a structure over a period of time using appropriate sensors, extracting damage sensitive features from the measurements made by the sensors and analysing these features to determine the current state of the structure. Various techniques are available for structural health monitoring of structures and acoustic emission (AE) is one technique that is finding an increasing use. Acoustic emission waves are the stress waves generated by the mechanical deformation of materials. AE waves produced inside a structure can be recorded by means of sensors attached on the surface. Analysis of these recorded signals can locate and assess the extent of damage. This paper describes preliminary studies on the application of AE technique for health monitoring of bridge structures. Crack initiation or structural damage will result in wave propagation in solid and this can take place in various forms. Propagation of these waves is likely to be affected by the dimensions, surface properties and shape of the specimen. This, in turn, will affect source localization. Various laboratory test results will be presented on source localization, using pencil lead break tests. The results from the tests can be expected to aid in enhancement of knowledge of acoustic emission process and development of effective bridge structure diagnostics system.


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Structural health monitoring (SHM) is the term applied to the procedure of monitoring a structure’s performance, assessing its condition and carrying out appropriate retrofitting so that it performs reliably, safely and efficiently. Bridges form an important part of a nation’s infrastructure. They deteriorate due to age and changing load patterns and hence early detection of damage helps in prolonging the lives and preventing catastrophic failures. Monitoring of bridges has been traditionally done by means of visual inspection. With recent developments in sensor technology and availability of advanced computing resources, newer techniques have emerged for SHM. Acoustic emission (AE) is one such technology that is attracting attention of engineers and researchers all around the world. This paper discusses the use of AE technology in health monitoring of bridge structures, with a special focus on analysis of recorded data. AE waves are stress waves generated by mechanical deformation of material and can be recorded by means of sensors attached to the surface of the structure. Analysis of the AE signals provides vital information regarding the nature of the source of emission. Signal processing of the AE waveform data can be carried out in several ways and is predominantly based on time and frequency domains. Short time Fourier transform and wavelet analysis have proved to be superior alternatives to traditional frequency based analysis in extracting information from recorded waveform. Some of the preliminary results of the application of these analysis tools in signal processing of recorded AE data will be presented in this paper.


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Bridges are an important part of society's infrastructure and reliable methods are necessary to monitor them and ensure their safety and efficiency. Bridges deteriorate with age and early detection of damage helps in prolonging the lives and prevent catastrophic failures. Most bridges still in used today were built decades ago and are now subjected to changes in load patterns, which can cause localized distress and if not corrected can result in bridge failure. In the past, monitoring of structures was usually done by means of visual inspection and tapping of the structures using a small hammer. Recent advancements of sensors and information technologies have resulted in new ways of monitoring the performance of structures. This paper briefly describes the current technologies used in bridge structures condition monitoring with its prime focus in the application of acoustic emission (AE) technology in the monitoring of bridge structures and its challenges.


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Structural health is a vital aspect of infrastructure sustainability. As a part of a vital infrastructure and transportation network, bridge structures must function safely at all times. However, due to heavier and faster moving vehicular loads and function adjustment, such as Busway accommodation, many bridges are now operating at an overload beyond their design capacity. Additionally, the huge renovation and replacement costs are a difficult burden for infrastructure owners. The structural health monitoring (SHM) systems proposed recently are incorporated with vibration-based damage detection techniques, statistical methods and signal processing techniques and have been regarded as efficient and economical ways to assess bridge condition and foresee probable costly failures. In this chapter, the recent developments in damage detection and condition assessment techniques based on vibration-based damage detection and statistical methods are reviewed. The vibration-based damage detection methods based on changes in natural frequencies, curvature or strain modes, modal strain energy, dynamic flexibility, artificial neural networks, before and after damage, and other signal processing methods such as Wavelet techniques, empirical mode decomposition and Hilbert spectrum methods are discussed in this chapter.


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Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is defined as the use of on-structure sensing system to monitor the performance of the structure and evaluate its health state. Recent bridge failures, such as the collapses of the 1-35W Highway Bridge in USA, the collapse of the Can Tho Bridge in Vietnam and the Xijiang River Bridge in the Mainland China, all of which happened in the year 2007, have alerted the importance of structural health monitoring. This book presents a background of SHM technologies together with its latest development and successful applications. It is a book launched to celebrate the establishment of the Australian Network of Structural Health Monitoring (ANSHM). The network comprising leading SHM experts in Australia promotes and advances SHM research, application, education and development in Australia.