996 resultados para Structural conformation


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Nitric oxide is known to cause persistent inhibition of mitochondrial respiration as a result of S-nitrosation of NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) (Clementi, E., Brown, G. C., Feelisch, M., and Moncada, S. (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 95, 7631-7636). Little is known about whether such nitrosation occurs in physiological conditions and, if so, what are the possible cellular mechanisms. We have now found that the conformational state (active/deactive transition (Vinogradov, A. D. (1998) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1364, 169-185)) of mitochondrial complex I is an important factor for the interaction of the enzyme with nitrosothiols and peroxynitrite. Only the deactivated, idle form of complex I was susceptible to inhibition by nitrosothiols and peroxynitrite. In contrast, the active form of the enzyme was insensitive to such treatment. Neither form of complex I was inhibited by nitric oxide itself. Our data suggest that the process of active/deactive transition plays an important role in the regulation of complex I activity and cellular respiration by nitric oxide. The implications of this finding for hypoxic or pathophysiological conditions in vivo are discussed.


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In the present work, aquatic humic substances (HS) were extracted by use of adsorbent XAD 8 and the acid humic fraction (AH) was separated throught acidification. After being purified by Hyphan resin and dialyze, the aquatic AH was characterized using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and elemental analysis. The influence of the aquatic HA and electrolyte concentrations, pH and aquatic AH-metal complexation time on the conformation was investigated using UV/Vis spectroscopic studies, employing the equation suggested by Doty and Steiner. The results indicated that the acid humic flexible macromolecule assumes a condensed form at acid and alkaline pH. Other factors favoring condensed conformations are longer metal complexation time (ageing) and higher aquatic AH and electrolyte concentrations. Thus considering the strong influence of the investigated parameters in the structural conformation of the humic macromolecule, we conclude that studies using UV/Vis spectroscopy to estimate the concentration, aromaticity, humification degree of the aquatic AH and so on, require rigorous control over the experimental conditions employed to provide a correct interpretation of the analytical results. ©2006 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.


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Oleuropein, the main phenolic compound of olive leaves, exhibits a unique blend of biological activities and has been shown to locate itself at the oil-water (O/W) interface. This behavior could influence the physico-chemical properties of dispersed systems such as emulsions. In this work, we study the effect of the microenvironment (vacuum, water, and triolein-water) on the conformational preferences of oleuropein using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations at 300K for at least 30ns. The seven torsions that describe the flexible skeleton of oleuropein were monitored together with the distance between the glucose (Glu) and hydroxytyrosol (Hyd) moieties (dglu-hyd) of the molecule. The obtained trajectories demonstrated that oleuropein adopts different conformations that depend on the environment. The preferential conformers in each system were analyzed for their molecular geometry and internal energy. In vacuum, the oleuropein preferential conformation is tight with the glucose moiety in close proximity with the hydroxytyrosol moiety. In water, oleuropein preferential conformers presented large differences in their structural properties, varying from a close like U form, and a semi-opened form, to an opened form characterized by high fluctuations in dglu-hyd values. In a triolein-water system, oleuropein tends to adopt a more open form where the glucose moiety could be approximately aligned with the hydroxytyrosol and elenolic acid moieties. Based on a calculation at the HF/6-31G* level, these flexibilities of oleuropein required energy of 19.14kcal/mol in order to adopt the conformation between water and triolein-water system. A radial distribution function (RDF) analysis showed that specific hydroxyl groups of Hyd and Glu interact with water molecules, enabling us to understand the amphiphilic character of oleuropein at the triolein-water interface. MD calculations together with interfacial tension measurements revealed that the oleuropein binding at O/W interface is an enthalpy driven mechanism.


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Poly(acrylonitrile) (PAN) in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) is a popular solution for producing large variety of polymer products. To precisely describe the behaviours of PAN and DMF in the synthesis processes, it is significant to call for more details about the structure, some thermodynamic and dynamical properties of PAN-DMF solutions. A PAN-DMF solution was simulated via molecular dynamics with an all-atom OPLS type potential in both the NPT and NVT ensembles. The simulation results were evaluated with quantum mechanical calculations (MP2/6-311 ++G(d,p) and counterpoise procedure) and were compared with available experimental results. The liquid structure was illustrated with pair correlation functions and transport and dynamics properties were calculated with the mean-square displacements MSD and the velocity autocorrelation functions. The strong H-bonds of C≡N « H-C=O, CH » O=C-H and CH2 O=C-H, with distances of 2.55 Å, 2.55 Å and 2.65 Å, respectively, were found. The largest interaction energy of - 7.157 kcal/mol between DMF molecules and PAN molecules was found at 4.9 Å center-of-mass distance. A potential profile of intermolecular interaction of DMF with PAN along the interaction distance was presented, clearly showing an increase of DMF vaporisation heat when it getting close to PAN molecules. This provided very useful information to analyse the vaporisation behaviours of DMF at the microscopic level, which is essential to comprehensively understand molecular rearrangements towards the design of synthetic processes. The impact of the presence of the PAN on the DMF solution properties were also benchmarked with pure DMF solution.


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Petiveria alliacea L. é uma planta pertencente à família Phytolaccaceae, conhecida popularmente no país como guiné, erva-de-alho, erva-tipi ou amansa-senhor. Nativa da Região Amazônica tem sido cultivada em muitas áreas tropicais com propósito medicinal ou ritualístico. O objetivo desse trabalho foi (i) o desenvolvimento e a multiplicação de plantas de P. alliacea L. através de métodos de cultura de tecidos, e monitoramento fitoquímico das culturas, e (ii) avaliação comparativa das potencialidades genotóxica e antigenotóxica entre plantas coletadas no campo e produzidas in vitro. Exemplares de diferentes populações ocorrentes no estado do Rio de Janeiro foram utilizados como matrizes para a cultura. Foi estabelecido um protocolo para multiplicação das plantas em meio MS suplementado com BAP e ANA em diferentes concentrações e combinações, que forneceu como melhor resultado em média 8 plantas por explante na concentração de BAP 4,4 μM + ANA 0,54 μM. A análise fitoquímica foi baseada em métodos cromatográficos de diferentes extratos de plantas de campo e plantas in vitro das populações estudadas resultando em diferentes substâncias identificadas nas amostras analisadas por cromatografia em camada delgada. Os extratos foram também avaliados por cromatografia gasosa acoplada á espectrometria de massas, sendo identificadas diferentes substâncias, entre as quais o dibenzil dissulfeto, um produto de degradação de tiosulfinatos com importantes atividades biológicas na defesa das plantas. Os extratos aquosos das plantas de campo e daquelas estabelecidas in vitro foram submetidos à avaliação da potencialidade genotóxica e antigenotóxica, usando-se como modelo o DNA plasmidial pUC 9.1. Os resultados demonstraram que as concentrações utilizadas do extrato aquoso foram capazes de induzir alterações na conformação estrutural do DNA, indicando a ocorrência de quebras simples e duplas nesta molécula. Observou-se também que as lesões aumentaram, proporcionalmente ao aumento da concentração dos extratos, caracterizando-se, assim, um efeito dose-resposta. Os dados também apontaram para um efeito protetor do extrato aquoso, em relação aos danos oxidativos causados pelo cloreto estanoso, indicando, também, uma potencialidade antigenotóxica do extrato aquoso.


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Posttranslational processing of proadrenomedullin generates two biologically active peptides, adrenomedullin (AM) and proadrenomedullin N-terminal 20 peptide (PAMP). Sequence comparison of homologous proadrenomedullin genes in vertebrate evolution shows a high degree of stability in the reading frame for AM, whereas PAMP sequence changes rapidly. Here we investigate the functional significance of PAMP phylogenetic variation studying two of PAMP's better characterized physiological activities, angiogenic potential and antimicrobial capability, with synthetic peptides carrying the predicted sequence for human, mouse, chicken, and fish PAMP. All tested peptides induced angiogenesis when compared with untreated controls, but chicken and fish PAMP, which lack terminal amidation, were apparently less angiogenic than their human and mouse homologs. Confirming the role of amidation in angiogenesis, Gly-extended and free acid variants of human PAMP produced responses similar to the natural nonamidated peptides. In contrast, antimicrobial activity was restricted to human PAMP, indicating that this function may have been acquired at a late time during the evolution of PAMP. Interestingly, free acid human PAMP retained antimicrobial activity whereas the Gly-extended form did not. This fact may reflect the need for maintaining a tightly defined structural conformation in the pore-forming mechanism proposed for these antimicrobial agents. The evolution of PAMP provides an example of an angiogenic peptide that developed antimicrobial capabilities without losing its original function.


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Glycosylation of the Ab molecule is essential for maintaining the functional structure of Fc region and consequently for Ab-mediated effector functions, such as binding to cells or complement system activation. Alterations in the composition of the sugar moiety can dramatically influence Ab activity; however, it is not completely clear how differences in the N-linked oligosaccharide structure impact the biological function of Abs. We have described that murine IgG1 Abs can be separated according to their ability to elicit in vivo anaphylaxis in a fraction of anaphylactic and other of non-anaphylactic molecules. Furthermore, we showed that the N-linked oligosaccharide chain is essential for the structural conformation of the anaphylactic IgG1, the binding to Fc gamma RIII on mast cells, and, consequently, for the ability to mediate anaphylactic reactions. In this study, we evaluated the contribution of individual sugar residues to this biological function. Differences in the glycan composition were observed when we analyzed oligosaccharide chains from anaphylactic or non-anaphylactic IgG1, mainly the presence of more sialic acid and fucose residues in anaphylactic molecules. Interestingly, the enzymatic removal of terminal sialic acid residues in anaphylactic IgG1 resulted in loss of the ability to trigger mast cell degranulation and in vivo anaphylactic reaction, similarly to the deglycosylated IgG1 Ab. In contrast, fucose removal did not affect the anaphylactic function. Therefore, we demonstrated that the ability of murine IgG1 Abs to mediate anaphylaxis is directly dependent on the amount of sialic acid residues associated to the oligosaccharide chain attached to the Fc region of these molecules. The Journal of Immunology, 2008, 181: 8308-8314.


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The structural and electronic properties of perylene diimide liquid crystal PPEEB are studied using ab initio methods based on the density functional theory (I)FT). Using available experimental crystallographic data as a guide, we propose a detailed structural model for the packing of solid PPEEB. We find that due to the localized nature of the band edge wave function, theoretical approaches beyond the standard method, such as hybrid functional (PBE0), are required to correctly characterize the band structure of this material. Moreover, unlike previous assumptions, we observe the formation of hydrogen bonds between the side chains of different molecules, which leads to a dispersion of the energy levels. This result indicates that the side chains of the molecular crystal not only are responsible for its structural conformation but also can be used for tuning the electronic and optical properties of these materials.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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ZusammenfassungDie ATP-Synthase koppelt im Energiestoffwechsel der Zellen den Protonentransport über die biologische Membran mit der Synthese des energiespeichernden Moleküls ATP aus ADP und Phosphat. ATP-Synthasen bestehen aus 2 Subkomplexen, wobei der katalytische F1-Teil von der membranständigen Domäne abgelöst werden kann und nur zur ATP-Hydrolyse fähig ist. Der hochkooperative Reaktionsmechanismus der dreizentrigen ATP-Synthasen ist weitgehend unklar.Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde der ATP-Synthasekomplex und ihr wasserlösliches katalytisches F1-Fragment aus Micrococcus luteus in präparativem Maßstab mittels chromatographischer Trennmethoden isoliert. Die Überprüfung der Funktionalität beider Enzyme erfolgte mit enzymatischen Methoden. Durch zeitaufgelöste Röntgenkleinwinkelstreuung wurde die Strukturdynamik der arbeitenden ATP-Synthase und ihres F1-Fragmentes aus Micrococcus luteus im Laufe des ATP-Hydrolysezyklus untersucht. Diese Methode diente zum Nachweis weiträumiger Konformationsänderungen innerhalb der arbeitenden Enzyme unter nativen physiologischen Bedingungen. Die zeitaufgelösten Streuexperimente fanden an der ESRF (Europäische Synchrotronstrahlungsquelle) in Grenoble (F) statt. Dort wurden für beide Enzyme im Laufe des ATP-Hydrolysezykus molekulare Bewegungen nachgewiesen. Als Referenz zu den zeitaufgelösten Messungen dienten statische Messungen zur Strukturuntersuchung der Proteine am schwächeren DESY. Anhand dieser Strukturdaten wurden Molekülmodelle der F1-ATPase und ATP-Synthase aus Micrococcus luteus konstruiert. Das Molekülmodell der F1-ATPase war die Grundlage zur Modellierung einzelner Teilschritte des ATP-Hydrolysezyklus bei 20°C. Die experimentellen Daten wurden mit einer Kippbewegung der membranseitigen Domäne der katalytischen b-Untereinheiten der F1-ATPase während des ATP-Hydrolysezyklus interpretiert.


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DNA is a fascinating biomolecule that is well known for its genetic role in living systems. The emerging area of DNA nanotechnology provides an alternative view that exploits unparallel self-assembly ability of DNA molecules for material use of DNA. Although many reports exist on the results of DNA self-assembling systems, still few of them focus on the in vitro study about the function of such DNA nanostructures in live cells. Due to this, there are still a limited research about the in vitro functionality of such designs. To address an aspect of this issue, we have designed, synthesized and characterized two multifunctional fluorescencent nanobiosensors by DNA self-assembling. Each structure was designed and implemented to be introduced in live cells in order to give information on their functioning in real-time. Computational tools were used in order to design a graphic model of two new DNA motifs and also to obtain the specific sequences to all the ssDNA molecules. By thermal self-assembly techniques we have successfully synthesized the structure and corroborate their formation by the PAGE technique. In addition, we have established the conditions to characterize their structural conformation change when they perform their sensor response. The sensing behavior was also accomplished by fluorescence spectroscopy techniques; FRET evaluation and fluorescence microscopy imaging. Providing the evidence about their adequate sensing performance outside and inside the cells detected in real-time. In a preliminary evaluation we have tried to show the in vitro functionality of our structures in different cancer cell lines with the ability to perform local sensing responses. Our findings suggest that DNA sensor nanostructures could serve as a platform to exploit further therapeutic achievements in live cells.


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Integrin adhesion molecules have both positive and negative potential in the regulation of peripheral blood T cell (PB T cell) activation, yet their mechanism of action in the mediation of human T lymphocyte function remains largely undefined. The goals of this study then were to elucidate integrin signaling mechanisms in PB T cells.^ By ligating $\beta$1 integrins with mAb 18D3, it was demonstrated that costimulation of PB T cell proliferation induced by coimmobilizing antibodies specific for $\beta$1, $\beta$2, and $\beta$7 integrin subfamilies in conjunction with the anti-CD3 mAb OKT3 was inhibited. Costimulation of T cell proliferation induced by non-integrins CD4, CD26, CD28, CD44, CD45RA, or CD45RO was unaffected. Inhibition of costimulation correlated with diminished IL-2 production. In his manner, $\beta$1 integrins could regulate heterologous integrins of the $\beta$2 and $\beta$7 subfamilies in a transdominant fashion. It was also demonstrated that integrin costimulation of T cell activation was acutely sensitive to the structural conformation of $\beta$1 integrins. Using the cyclic hexapeptide CWLDVC (TBC772, which is based on the $\alpha4\beta1$ integrin binding site in fibronectin) in soluble form, it was shown that integrins locked into a conformation displaying a neo-epitope called the ligand induced binding site (LIBS) recognized by mAb 15/7 were inhibited from sending mitogenic signals to T cells. When BSA-conjugated TBC772 was coimmobilized with anti-CD3 mAb OKT3, costimulation of proliferation occurred. This suggested that temporally uncoupling integrin receptor occupancy from receptor crosslinking inhibited $\beta$1 integrin signaling mechanisms. When subsets of PB T cells were examined to determine those initially activated by integrins within 6 hours of activation, costimulation induced intracellular accumulation of IL-2 predominantly in the CD4$\sp+$ and CD45RO$\sp+$ T cell subsets. This was similar to a number of PB T cell costimulatory molecules including CD26, CD43, CD44. Only CD28 costimulated IL-2 production from both CD45RA$\sp+$ and CD45RO$\sp+$ subpopulations.^ The GTPase Rho has been implicated in regulating integrin mediated stress fiber formation and anchorage dependent growth in fibroblasts, so studies were initiated to determine if Rho played a role in integrin dependent T cell function. In order to perform this, a technique based on scrape-loading was developed to incorporate macromolecules into PB T cells that maintained their functional activity. With this technique, C3 exoenzyme from Clostridium botulinum was incorporated into PB T cells. C3 ADP-ribosylates Rho proteins on Asn$\sp{41},$ which is in close proximity to the Rho effector domain, rendering it inactive. It was demonstrated that functional Rho is not required for basal or upregulated PB T cell adhesion to $\beta$1 integrin substrates, however PB T cell homotypic aggregation induced by PMA, which is an event mediated predominantly by the integrin $\rm\alpha L\beta2,$ was delayed. PB T cells lacking Rho function displayed altered cell morphology on $\beta$1 integrin ligands, producing stellate, dendritic-like pseudopodia. Rho activity was also found to be required for integrin dependent costimulation of proliferation. When intracellular accumulation of IL-2 was measured, inactivation of Rho prevented both integrin and CD28 costimulatory activity. Rho was identified to lie upstream of signals mediating PKC activation and Ca$\sp{++}$ fluxes, as PMA and ionomycin activation of PB T cells was unaffected by the inactivation of Rho. ^


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Several pathways modulating longevity and stress resistance converge on translation by targeting ribosomal proteins or initiation factors, but whether this involves modifications of ribosomal RNA is unclear. Here, we show that reduced levels of the conserved RNA methyltransferase NSUN5 increase the lifespan and stress resistance in yeast, worms and flies. Rcm1, the yeast homologue of NSUN5, methylates C2278 within a conserved region of 25S rRNA. Loss of Rcm1 alters the structural conformation of the ribosome in close proximity to C2278, as well as translational fidelity, and favours recruitment of a distinct subset of oxidative stress-responsive mRNAs into polysomes. Thus, rather than merely being a static molecular machine executing translation, the ribosome exhibits functional diversity by modification of just a single rRNA nucleotide, resulting in an alteration of organismal physiological behaviour, and linking rRNA-mediated translational regulation to modulation of lifespan, and differential stress response.