919 resultados para Strategic interest


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The Project Management track at EURAM (the European Academy of Management) was founded at the Stockholm meeting in 2002 and since Munich 2005 has consistently been one of the largest tracks. This has enabled it to retain a high quality of papers as evidenced by a reject rate of around one third of submitted papers. For the last four years, a special issue of the International Journal of Project Management has been produced from the track papers. This year, the importance of the field of Project Management in the academic community was demonstrated by the creation of a Strategic Interest Group (SIG), which will be launched at the next EURAM event, in Rome in May 2010...


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Esta dissertação aborda a utilização de métodos geofísicos de superfície e de profundidade na caracterização de fluidos, compreendendo várias abordagens distintas, consoante o tipo de temática em análise. Assim, o assunto proposto para a presente dissertação relaciona-se com a utilização conjunta de sondagens mecânicas e prospecção geofísica na caracterização de fluidos através da exploração de três temáticas distintas, designadamente a Hidrogeologia, a Geotermia e o Ambiente. O presente trabalho de dissertação baseado na experiência profissional da autora, é feito de acordo com o estabelecimento de uma linha condutora, fundamentada e estruturada, para uma visão global do modo como a interpretação integrada das sondagens mecânicas e dos métodos geofísicos dá um forte contributo para a melhoria do conhecimento de uma região, seja ele geológico, hidrogeológico ou ambiental. Os temas a abordar foram seleccionados não só pela sua indiscutível importância, devido ao interesse estratégico que actualmente suscitam, como também pelos diferentes modos de processar e interpretar a informação geofísica adquirida consoante os objectivos da mesma, de forma a salientar particularidades na respectiva interpretação e integração de dados.


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L’effondrement et le démantèlement de l’Empire ottoman à la suite de la Première Guerre mondiale ont conduit les Grandes puissances européennes à opérer un partage territorial du Proche-Orient, légitimé par le système des mandats de la Société des Nations (SDN). Sans précédent, cette administration internationale marqua le point de départ de l’internationalisation de la question de la Palestine, dont le droit international allait servir de socle à une nouvelle forme de colonialisme. Au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, l’Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU) continua l’action entreprise par la SDN en s’occupant également de cette question sur la demande des Britanniques. En novembre 1947, l’ONU décida du partage de la Palestine en deux Etats pour résoudre les conflits entre sionistes et nationalistes arabes. Si ce partage fut accepté par les sionistes, il fut rejeté par les Etats arabes voisins et de nombreux Arabes palestiniens. Les affrontements opposant nationalistes arabes et sionistes de Palestine laissèrent place au conflit israélo-arabe après la proclamation d’Indépendance de l’Etat d’Israël en mai 1948. Au commencement de la guerre froide, les Etats-Unis et l’URSS prirent conscience de l’intérêt géostratégique de cette région, progressivement désinvestie par la France et la Grande-Bretagne. Dans cette étude, nous verrons comment la scène interétatique et la communauté internationale, successivement composée de la SDN puis de l’ONU, ont en partie scellé le sort du Proche et Moyen-Orient. Nous consacrerons également une analyse au rôle joué par les idéologies nationalistes arabes et sionistes, qui tiennent une place centrale au sein de ce conflit.


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A partir de la aprobación del Acuerdo Nuclear con fines civiles entre Estados Unidos e India en 2008, se evidencia un viraje contundente de la política exterior norteamericana hacia ésta nación asiática. Este hecho sin precedentes, que implicó para Estados Unidos dejar atrás más de 3 décadas de políticas de no proliferación nuclear y un cambio en su legislación, hace cuestionar cuál es el interés estratégico de Estados Unidos en India. En ese orden de ideas, el objetivo de la presente investigación, ha sido demostrar que dicho interés estratégico busca una alianza con India como un actor de peso en el tablero asiático, para contener el avance del poderío de la República Popular de China en la región, mediante la aplicación de tres dinámicas a través de India: 1) El fortalecimiento de los vínculos en seguridad con India dada su proyección y relevancia geopolítica, 2) El estrechamiento de los lazos comerciales impulsados por Estados Unidos para mejorar las condiciones económicas de India, para así contrarrestar el poder económico de China y su influencia política en la región, y 3), encontrando en India un ancla de la democracia en Asia, en contraste del modelo político socialista de China.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper is part of an extensive work about the technological development, experimental analysis and numerical modeling of steel fibre reinforced concrete pipes. The first part ("Steel fibre reinforced concrete pipes. Part 1: technological analysis of the mechanical behavior") dealt with the technological development of the experimental campaign, the test procedure and the discussion of the structural behavior obtained for each of the dosages of fibre used. This second part deals with the aspects of numerical modeling. In this respect, a numerical model called MAP, which simulates the behavior of fibre reinforced concrete pipes with medium-low range diameters, is introduced. The bases of the numerical model are also mentioned. Subsequently, the experimental results are contrasted with those produced by the numerical model, obtaining excellent correlations. It was possible to conclude that the numerical model is a useful tool for the design of this type of pipes, which represents an important step forward to establish the structural fibres as reinforcement for concrete pipes. Finally, the design for the optimal amount of fibres for a pipe with a diameter of 400 mm is presented as an illustrating example with strategic interest.


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Cost, performance and availability considerations are forcing even the most conservative high-integrity embedded real-time systems industry to migrate from simple hardware processors to ones equipped with caches and other acceleration features. This migration disrupts the practices and solutions that industry had developed and consolidated over the years to perform timing analysis. Industry that are confident with the efficiency/effectiveness of their verification and validation processes for old-generation processors, do not have sufficient insight on the effects of the migration to cache-equipped processors. Caches are perceived as an additional source of complexity, which has potential for shattering the guarantees of cost- and schedule-constrained qualification of their systems. The current industrial approach to timing analysis is ill-equipped to cope with the variability incurred by caches. Conversely, the application of advanced WCET analysis techniques on real-world industrial software, developed without analysability in mind, is hardly feasible. We propose a development approach aimed at minimising the cache jitters, as well as at enabling the application of advanced WCET analysis techniques to industrial systems. Our approach builds on:(i) identification of those software constructs that may impede or complicate timing analysis in industrial-scale systems; (ii) elaboration of practical means, under the model-driven engineering (MDE) paradigm, to enforce the automated generation of software that is analyzable by construction; (iii) implementation of a layout optimisation method to remove cache jitters stemming from the software layout in memory, with the intent of facilitating incremental software development, which is of high strategic interest to industry. The integration of those constituents in a structured approach to timing analysis achieves two interesting properties: the resulting software is analysable from the earliest releases onwards - as opposed to becoming so only when the system is final - and more easily amenable to advanced timing analysis by construction, regardless of the system scale and complexity.


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Central Asia today holds much strategic interest for India as an emerging 21st Century regional and global power. Despite being a latecomer in what some see as a new ‘Great Game’, New Delhi is keen to reconstruct the ‘Silk Route’. While Indo-Central Asian relations go back to antiquity when cultural, commercial and political ties thrived, post-independence India was physically cut off from Afghanistan and West Asia. It remained embroiled in domestic preoccupations and the insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir, all of which led to a limited foreign policy until the early nineties and a belated rediscovery of the region.


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"This document contains the Summary Reports of cost sharing Research and Development contracts funded under the "Primary Raw Materials" subprogramme of the Commission of the European Communities. This programme was part of the research and development programme on "Raw Materials and Advanced Materials" (1986 - 1989). The main objectives of the "Primary Raw Materials" subprogramme were to enhance the competitiveness of the European Community mining and metallurgical Industries and to reduce European Community vulnerability for minerals, particularly those of critical or strategic interest." Three research areas: Research and development exploration; Mining technology; Mineral processing.


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O presente trabalho tem como propósito responder a questão "qual o interesse estratégico de empresas do distrito de Aveiro se internacionalizarem para os Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa (PALOP) e/ ou Brasil - Ceará?". O objeto de estudo surgiu após a integração num estágio curricular na AIDA - Associação Industrial do Distrito de Aveiro - e levou à revisão da literatura dos temas estratégia e internacionalização, assim como ao trabalho de campo (6 entrevistas a colaboradoras da AIDA), proporcionando as componentes conceptual e empírica. Verificou-se que o setor de atividade é fundamental para o sucesso das empresas nas missões. Designadamente, bastantes empresas ligadas ao setor metalomecânico, que tendem a recorrer a estes mercados dos PALOP e/ ou Brasil - Ceará, alcançaram, em muitos casos, o sucesso - isto é, a concretização de negócios com novos clientes e / ou o investimento direto nesses países. O contributo do presente trabalho reside também na perspetiva, resultante de um inquérito desenvolido no âmbito do estágio no Gabinete de Relações Exteriores da AIDA, de que ainda que se verifique uma janela de oportunidade para algumas das empresas nos referidos mercados (PALOP e Brasil - Ceará), entende-se que, para o sucesso efetivo destas empresas, outras formas de empreender poderiam ser colocadas em prática, nomeadamente alianças estratégicas entre pequenas e médias empresas (PME) de setores semelhantes, a nível local (Portugal), para competirem a nível internacional com os respetivos líderes de mercado. Desta forma, sugere-se lutar pela competitividade não só nos PALOP mas também nos mercados desenvolvidos, tais como Alemanha, Estados Unidos da América e/ ou países escandinavos - pois somente com clientes exigentes e com a pressão de concorrentes fortes poder-se-ão criar indústrias desenvolvidas e capazes de competir ao mais elevado nível e pelos melhores clientes, com poder de compra e fontes de inovação (Porter, 1990). Estas lições parecem, por ezes, esquecidas, mas segundo Gibbs (2007) um dos propósitos da investigação é também o de lembrar o que foi esquecido e/ ou ignorado. As entrevistas realizadas ofereceram contributo na medida em que proporcionam a compreensão dos motivos para as empresas portuguesas escolherem estes mercados, das razões para o sucesso ou insucesso nos PALOP e/ ou Brasil - Ceará, do investimento e esforço por parte das entidades não-governamentais portuguesas em internacionalizar empresas do setor da metalomecânica, das forças e fraquezas das missões empresariais, de que aspetos fazem da AIDA um agente de mudança e das áreas em que poderia haver maior diligência por parte da AIDA.São também sugeridas recomendações a associação, entre outras, a inclusão das questões culturais de cada país nos estudos de mercado não só sobre PALOP e Brasil - Ceará, mas também nos estudos de mercado do distrito de Aveiro, assim como de Portugal, para fazer divulgação a potenciais importadores; melhoria de processos, implementando-se um software de gestão/ partilha de conhecimento das várias oportunidades de negócio, rentabilizando o processo de estabelecimento de interesse em realizar negócio, no âmbito do EEN (Entelprise Eumpe Netwrk); intervenção na plataforma do IAPMEI por informáticos habilitados; e armazenamento de dados em cloud storage - um serviço do género da Dropbox, de modo a rentabilizar o tempo dispendido, assim como a tornar as pastas acedidas via intranet mais pequenas.


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Outside lobbying is a key strategy for social movements, interest groups and political parties for mobilising public opinion through the media in order to pressure policymakers and influence the policymaking process. Relying on semi-structured interviews and newspaper content analysis in six Western European countries, this article examines the use of four outside lobbying strategies – media-related activities, informing (about) the public, mobilisation and protest – and the amount of media coverage they attract. While some strategies are systematically less pursued than others, we find variation in their relative share across institutional contexts and actor types. Given that most of these differences are not accurately mirrored in the media, we conclude that media coverage is only loosely connected to outside lobbying behaviour, and that the media respond differently to a given strategy when used by different actors. Thus, the ability of different outside lobbying strategies to generate media coverage critically depends on who makes use of them.


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The concept of asset management is not a new but an evolving idea that has been attracting attention of many organisations operating and/or owning some kind of infrastructure assets. The term asset management have been used widely with fundamental differences in interpretation and usage. Regardless of the context of the usage of the term, asset management implies the process of optimising return by scrutinising performance and making key strategic decisions throughout all phases of an assets lifecycle (Sarfi and Tao, 2004). Hence, asset management is a philosophy and discipline through which organisations are enabled to more effectively deploy their resources to provide higher levels of customer service and reliability while balancing financial objectives. In Australia, asset management made its way into the public works in 1993 when the Australian Accounting Standard Board issued the Australian Accounting Standard 27 – AAS27. Standard AAS27 required government agencies to capitalise and depreciate assets rather than expense them against earnings. This development has indirectly forced organisations managing infrastructure assets to consider the useful life and cost effectiveness of asset investments. The Australian State Treasuries and the Australian National Audit Office was the first organisation to formalise the concepts and principles of asset management in Australia in which they defined asset management as “ a systematic, structured process covering the whole life of an asset”(Australian National Audit Office, 1996). This initiative led other Government bodies and industry sectors to develop, refine and apply the concept of asset management in the management of their respective infrastructure assets. Hence, it can be argued that the concept of asset management has emerged as a separate and recognised field of management during the late 1990s. In comparison to other disciplines such as construction, facilities, maintenance, project management, economics, finance, to name a few, asset management is a relatively new discipline and is clearly a contemporary topic. The primary contributors to the literature in asset management are largely government organisations and industry practitioners. These contributions take the form of guidelines and reports on the best practice of asset management. More recently, some of these best practices have been made to become a standard such as the PAS 55 (IAM, 2004, IAM, 2008b) in UK. As such, current literature in this field tends to lack well-grounded theories. To-date, while receiving relatively more interest and attention from empirical researchers, the advancement of this field, particularly in terms of the volume of academic and theoretical development is at best moderate. A plausible reason for the lack of advancement is that many researchers and practitioners are still unaware of, or unimpressed by, the contribution that asset management can make to the performance of infrastructure asset. This paper seeks to explore the practices of organisations that manage infrastructure assets to develop a framework of strategic infrastructure asset management processes. It will begin by examining the development of asset management. This is followed by the discussion on the method to be adopted for this paper. Next, is the discussion of the result form case studies. It first describes the goals of infrastructure asset management and how they can support the broader business goals. Following this, a set of core processes that can support the achievement of business goals are provided. These core processes are synthesised based on the practices of asset managers in the case study organisations.


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The use of social networking sites (SNS) by online citizens to share photos, update friends, play games and to connect with the world has exploded, with SNS and blogs now eclipsing email traffic (eMarketer 2009). Just one popular application on one SNS, (Farmville on Facebook) acquired more than 63 million users since its launch in June 2009 (Marketing 2009. The major global social networks are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and MySpace, with Facebook claiming that it passed 350 million users in November (Marketing 2009). As usage increases and competition intensifies, the major sites must strategically position themselves to develop a competitive advantage in order to maintain or grow their share of the pie. So how do the major SNS position their brands, and do users perceive significant differences among the big players? This presentation answers these questions by reporting the results of an empirical study of SNS usage by Australian adults. Like other brands, aligning brand positioning strategies with user knowledge and perceptions of SNS is an important ingredient to achieving success (Keller 1993). Furthermore we compare the types of value for three different SNS to identify the relationships between the value derived by users and the stated positioning of the site.