998 resultados para Strain gradients


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X-ray analysis of ferroelectric thin layers of Ba1/2Sr1/2TiO3 with different thicknesses reveals the presence of strain gradients across the films and allows us to propose a functional form for the internal strain profile. We use this to calculate the influence of strain gradient, through flexoelectric coupling, on the degradation of the ferroelectric properties of films with decreasing thickness, in excellent agreement with the observed behavior. This paper shows that strain relaxation can lead to smooth, continuous gradients across hundreds of nanometers, and it highlights the pressing need to avoid such strain gradients in order to obtain ferroelectric films with bulklike properties.


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Plastic strain gradients can influence the work-hardening behaviour of metals due to the accumulation of geometrically necessary discolations at the micron/submicron scale. A finite element model based on the conventional theory of mechanism-based strain-gradient plasticity has been developed to simulate the micropillar compression of Cu–Fe thin films and multilayers. The modelling results show that the geometric constraints lead to inhomogeneous deformation in the Cu layers, which agrees well with the bulging of Cu layers observed experimentally. Plastic strain gradients develop inside the individual layers, leading to extra work-hardening due to the accumulation of geometrically necessary dislocations. In the multilayer specimens, the Cu layers deform more severely than the Fe layers, resulting in the development of tensile stresses in the Fe layers. It is proposed that these tensile stresses are responsible for the development of micro-cracks in the Fe layers.


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An experimental study of local orientations around whiskers in deformed metal matrix composites has been used to determine the strain gradients existing in the material following tensile deformation. These strain fields have been represented as arrays of geometrically necessary dislocations, and the material flow stress predicted using a standard dislocation hardening model. Whilst the correlation between this and the measured flow stress is reasonable, the experimentally determined strain gradients are lower by a factor of 5-10 than values obtained in previous estimates made using continuum plasticity finite element models. The local orientations around the whiskers contain a large amount of detailed information about the strain patterns in the material, and a novel approach is made to representing some of this information and to correlating it with microstructural observations. © 1998 Acta Metallurgica Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new framework of non-local model for the strain energy density is proposed in this paper. The global strain energy density of the representative volume element is treated as a non-local variable and can be obtained through a special integral of the local strain energy density. The local strain energy density is assumed to be dependent on both the strain and the rotation-gradient. As a result of the non-local model, a new strain gradient theory is derived directly, in which the first and second strain gradients, as well as the triadic and tetradic stress, are introduced in the context of work conjugate. For power law hardening materials, size effects in thin metallic wire torsion and ultra-thin cantilever beam bend are investigated. It is found that the result predicted by the theoretical model is well consistent with the experimental data for the thin wire torsion. On the other hand, the calculation result for the micro-cantilever beam bend clearly shows the size effect.


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Gradient plasticity modelling combining a micro-structure-related constitutive description of the local material behaviour with a particular gradient plasticity frame is presented. The constitutive formulation is based on a phase mixture model in which the dislocation cell walls and the cell interiors are considered as separate 'phases', the respective dislocation densities entering as internal variables. Two distinct physical mechanisms, which give rise to gradient plasticity, are considered. The first one is associated with the occurrence of geometrically necessary dislocations leading to first-order strain gradients; the second one is associated with the reaction stresses due to plastic strain incompatibilities between neighbouring grains, which lead to second-order strain gradients. These two separate variants of gradient plasticity were applied to the case of high-pressure torsion: a process known to result in a fairly uniform, ultrafine grained structure of metals. It is shown that the two complementary variants of gradient plasticity can both account for the experimental results, thus resolving a controversial issue of the occurrence of a uniform micro-structure as a result of an inherently non-uniform process. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The severe wear of a near eutectic aluminium silicon alloy is explored using a range of electron microscopic, spectroscopic and diffraction techniques to identify the residually strained and unstrained regions, microcracks and oxidized regions in the subsurface. In severe wear the contact pressure exceeds the elastic shakedown limit. Under this condition the primary and eutectic silicon particles fragment drastically. The fragments are transported by the matrix as it undergoes incremental straining with each cyclic contact at the asperity level. The grains are refined from similar to 2000 nm in the bulk to 30 nm in the near surface region. A large reduction in the interparticle distance compared with that for a milder stage of wear gives rise to high strain gradients which contribute to an enhancement of the dislocation density. The resulting regions of very high strain in the boundaries of the recrystallized grains as well as within the subgrains lead to the formation of microvoidskracks. This is accompanied by the formation of brittle oxides at these subsurface interfaces due to enhanced diffusion of oxygen. We believe that the abundance of such microcracks in the near surface region, primed by severe plastic deformation, is what distinguishes a severe wear regime from mild wear. (C) 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We recently proposed a strain gradient theory to account for the size dependence of plastic deformation at micron and submicron length scales. The strain gradient theory includes the effects of both rotation gradient and stretch gradient such that the rotation gradient influences the material character through the interaction between the Cauchy stresses and the couple stresses; the stretch gradient measures explicitly enter the constitutive relations through the instantaneous tangent modulus. Indentation tests at scales on the order of one micron have shown that measured hardness increases significantly with decreasing indent size. In the present paper, the strain gradient theory is used to model materials undergoing small-scale indentations. A strong effect of including strain gradients in the constitutive description is found with hardness increasing by a factor of two or more over the relevant range behavior. Comparisons with the experimental data for polycrystalline copper and single crystal copper indeed show an approximately linear dependence of the square of the hardness, H 2, on the inverse of the indentation depth, 1/h, I.e., H-2 proportional to 1/h, which provides an important self-consistent check of the strain gradient theory proposed by the authors earlier.


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Recent experimental measurements of large flexoelectric coefficients in ferroelectric ceramics suggest that strain gradients can affect the polarization and permittivity behaviour of inhomogeneously strained ferroelectrics. Here we present a phenomenological model of the effect of flexoelectricity on the dielectric constant, polarization, Curie temperature (T-C), temperature of maximum dielectric constant (T-m) and temperature of the onset of reversible polarization (T-ferro) for ferroelectric thin films subject to substrate-induced epitaxial strains that are allowed to relax with thickness, and the qualitative and quantitative predictions of the model are compared with experimental results for (Ba0.5Sr0.5)TiO3 thin films on SrRuO3 electrodes. It is shown that flexoelectricity can play an important role in decreasing the maximum dielectric constant of ferroelectric thin films under inhomogeneous in-plane strain, regardless of the sign of the strain gradient.


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We examine the motion of the ground surface on the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat between 1998 and 2000 using radar interferometry (InSAR). To minimise the effects of variable atmospheric water vapour on the InSAR measurements we use independently-derived measurements of the radar path delay from six continuous GPS receivers. The surfaces providing a measurable inter-ferometric signal are those on pyroclastic flow deposits, mainly emplaced in 1997. Three types of surface motion can be discriminated. Firstly, the surfaces of thick, valley-filling deposits subsided at rates of 150-120 mm/year in the year after emplacement to 50-30 mm/year two years later. This must be due to contraction and settling effects during cooling. The second type is the near-field motion localised within about one kilometre of the dome. Both subsidence and uplift events are seen and though the former could be due to surface gravitational effects, the latter may reflect shallow (< 1 km) pressurisation effects within the conduit/dome. Far-field motions of the surface away from the deeply buried valleys are interpreted as crustal strains. Because the flux of magma to the surface stopped from March 1998 to November 1999 and then resumed from November 1999 through 2000, we use InSAR data from these two periods to test the crustal strain behaviour of three models of magma supply: open, depleting and unbalanced. The InSAR observations of strain gradients of 75-80 mm/year/krn uplift during the period of quiescence on the western side of the volcano are consistent with an unbalanced model in which magma supply into a crustal magma chamber continues during quiescence, raising chamber pressure that is then released upon resumption of effusion. GPS motion vectors agree qualitatively with the InSAR displacements but are of smaller magnitude. The discrepancy may be due to inaccurate compensation for atmospheric delays in the InSAR data. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Within each columnar grain of a metallic film, the resistance to dislocation glide varies in function of the orientation of the slip plane with regard to the grain long axis. Plastic slip is impeded across grain boundaries and this contributes to the anisotropy of the overall mechanical response. A simplified (Taylor-type) crystal plasticity model is proposed that accounts for such effect of grain shape on the slip system selection. Assuming that dislocation density gradients are normal to the grain boundaries, backstresses developed at the onset of plasticity are estimated based on two definitions of the effective grain boundary spacing ‘‘seen’’ by individual slip systems. The first one reduces to the mean area-to-perimeter ratio of cross-sections of the grain cut parallel to the slip plane. Closed-form expressions of the average backstresses developed inside grains with spheroidal shapes are introduced in the crystal hardening law. The model reproduces the very high plastic anisotropy of electro-deposited pure iron with a strong c-fiber and a refined columnar grain structure [Yoshinaga, N., Sugiura, N., Hiwatashi, S., Ushioda, K., Kada, O., 2008. Deep drawability of electro-deposited pure iron having an extremely sharp h111i//ND texture. ISIJ Int. 48, 667–670]. It also provides valid estimates of the texture development and the influence of grain size on the yield strength.


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Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) was used to probe piezoelectric vibrations and local conductivity in CaCu 3Ti 4O 12 (CCTO) ceramics at room temperature. Piezoelectric contrast was observed on the polished surfaces of CCTO in both vertical (out-of-plane) and lateral (in-plane) modes and depended on the grain orientation varying in sign and amplitude. The piezoelectric contrast is shown to be controlled by the electrical bias (local poling) and displayed a ferroelectric-like reversible hysteresis accompanied with a change of the phase of piezoelectric signal. Flexoelectric effect (strain-gradient-induced polarization) due to surface relaxation was invoked to explain the observed contrast inside the grains. © 2010 Materials Research Society.


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Das Studium der Auflösungs- und Wachstumsprozesse an Feststoff-Flüssigkeits-Grenzflächen unter nicht-hydrostatischen Beanspruchungen ist wesentlich für das Verständnis von Defor-mationsprozessen, die in der Erde ablaufen. Unter diesen genannten Prozessen gehört die Drucklösung zu den wichtigsten duktilen Deformationsprozessen, von der Diagenese bishin zur niedrig- bis mittelgradigen metamorphen Bedingungen. Bisher ist allerdings wenig darüber bekannt, welche mechanischen, physikalischen oder chemischen Potentialenergie-Gradienten die Drucklösung steuern. I.a. wird angenommen, daß die Drucklösung durch Un-terschiede kristallplastischer Verformungsenergien oder aber durch Unterschiede der Normal-beanspruchung an Korngrenzen gesteuert wird. Unterschiede der elastischen Verformungs-energien werden dabei allerdings als zu gering erachtet, um einen signifikanten Beitrag zu leisten. Aus diesem Grund werden sie als mögliche treibende Kräfte für die Drucklösung vernachlässigt. Andererseits haben neue experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen gezeigt, daß die elastische Verformung in der Tat einen starken Einfluß auf Lösungs- und Wachstumsmechanismen von Kristallen in einer Lösung haben kann. Da die in der Erdkruste vorherrschenden Deformationsmechanismen überwiegend im elastischen Verformungsbereich der Gesteine ablaufen, ist es sehr wichtig, das Verständnis für die Effekte, die die elastische Verformung verursacht, zu erweitern, und ihre Rolle während der Deformation durch Drucklösung zu definieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Experimenten, bei denen der Effekt der mechanisch kompressiven Beanspruchung auf Lösungs- und Wachstumsprozesse von Einzelkristallen unterschiedlicher, sehr gut löslicher, elastisch/spröder Salze untersucht wurde. Diese Salze wurden als Analoga gesteinsbildender Minerale wie Quarz und Calcit ausgewählt. Der Einfluß von Stress auf die Ausbildung der Oberflächenmikrostrukturen in einer untersättigten Lösung wurde an Kaliumalaun untersucht.Lösungsrillen (20 – 40 µm breit, 10 – 40 µm tief und 20 – 80 µm Abstand) entwickelten sich in den Bereichen, in denen die Beanspruchung im Kristall am größten war. Sie verschwanden wieder, sobald der Kristall entlastet wurde. Diese Rillen entwickelten sich parallel zu niedrig indizierten kristallographischen Richtungen und sub-perpendikular zu den Trajektorien, die der maximalen, lokalen kompressiven Beanspruchung entsprachen. Die Größe der Lösungsrillen hing von der lokalen Oberflächenbeanspruchung, der Oberflächenenergie und dem Untersättigungsgrad der wässrigen Lösung ab. Die mikrostrukturelle Entwicklung der Kristalloberflächen stimmte gut mit den theoretischen Vorhersagen überein, die auf den Modellen von Heidug & Leroy (1994) und Leroy & Heidug (1994) basieren. Der Einfluß der Beanspruchung auf die Auflösungsrate wurde an Natriumchlorat-Einzelkristallen untersucht. Dabei wurde herausgefunden, daß sich gestresste Kristalle schneller lösen als Kristalle, auf die keine Beanspruchung einwirkt. Der experimentell beobachtete Anstieg der Auflösungsrate der gestressten Kristalle war ein bis zwei Größenordnungen höher als theoretisch erwartet. Die Auflösungsrate stieg linear mit dem Stress an, und der Anstieg war um so größer, je stärker die Lösung untersättigt war. Außerdem wurde der Effekt der Bean-spruchung auf das Kristallwachstum an Kaliumalaun- und Kaliumdihydrogenphosphat-Ein-zelkristallen untersucht. Die Wachstumsrate der Flächen {100} und {110} von Kalium-alaun war bei Beanspruchung stark reduziert. Für all diese Ergebnisse spielte die Oberflächenrauhigkeit der Kristalle eine Schlüsselrolle, indem sie eine nicht-homogene Stressverteilung auf der Kristalloberfläche verursachte. Die Resultate zeigen, daß die elastische Verformung eine signifikante Rolle während der Drucklösung spielen kann, und eine signifikante Deformation in der oberen Kruste verursachen kann, bei Beanspruchungen, die geringer sind, als gemeinhin angenommen wird. Somit folgt, daß die elastische Bean-spruchung berücksichtigt werden muß, wenn mikrophysikalische Deformationsmodelle entwickelt werden sollen.


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Extrusion is a process used to form long products of constant cross section, from simple billets, with a high variety of shapes. Aluminum alloys are the materials most processed in the extrusion industry due to their deformability and the wide field of applications that range from buildings to aerospace and from design to automotive industries. The diverse applications imply different requirements that can be fulfilled by the wide range of alloys and treatments, that is from critical structural application to high quality surface and aesthetical aspect. Whether one or the other is the critical aspect, they both depend directly from microstructure. The extrusion process is moreover marked by high deformations and complex strain gradients making difficult the control of microstructure evolution that is at present not yet fully achieved. Nevertheless the evolution of Finite Element modeling has reached a maturity and can therefore start to be used as a tool for investigation and prediction of microstructure evolution. This thesis will analyze and model the evolution of microstructure throughout the entire extrusion process for 6XXX series aluminum alloys. Core phase of the work was the development of specific tests to investigate the microstructure evolution and validate the model implemented in a commercial FE code. Along with it two essential activities were carried out for a correct calibration of the model beyond the simple research of contour parameters, thus leading to the understanding and control of both code and process. In this direction activities were also conducted on building critical knowhow on the interpretation of microstructure and extrusion phenomena. It is believed, in fact, that the sole analysis of the microstructure evolution regardless of its relevance in the technological aspects of the process would be of little use for the industry as well as ineffective for the interpretation of the results.