993 resultados para Strain gage measurement


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This paper describes the development of a semiconductor strain gage tactile transducer. It was designed with the goal of measuring finger forces without affecting the hand dexterity. The transducer structure was manufactured with stainless steel and has small dimensions ( 4 min diameter and I min thickness). It is light and suitable to connect to the finger pads. It has a device that prevents its damage when forces are applied. The semiconductor strain gage was used over due its small size and high sensitivity, although it has high temperature sensitivity. Theory, design and construction details are presented the signal conditioning circuit is very simple because the semiconductor strain gage sensitivity is high. It presents linear response from 0 to 100 N, 0.5 N resolution, fall time of 7.2 ms, good repeatability, and small hysteresis. The semiconductor strain gage transducer has characteristics that can make it very useful in Rehabilitation Engineering, Robotics, and Medicine.


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This paper describes a high senstivity low cost capacitive strain gage sensor. The theory, design, and sensor construction details are presented. It consists of eight capacitive sensors connected in two full bridges. The capacitive strain gage sensor structure was designed in order to produce high sensitivity and low dependence with temperature. By using a simple signal conditioning circuit constituted by a differential amplifier, a band-pass filter, and a precision rectifier the device can measure forces with resolution of 0.009 N and precision of 98.7%. It is rugged, presents linear response, and good repeatability. It presents sensitivity of 8.7 V/N and fall time of 12 ms.


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Includes bibliographies.


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Includes bibliography.


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Tässä työssä tarkastellaan venttiilien kunnossapitoa ja erityisesti niiden kunnonvalvontaa. Työssä on kerrottu perusteita venttiileiden kunnonvalvonnan suorittamiseksi, venttiili- ja toimilaitevikojen perussyistä ja niiden havaitsemisesta. Työn pääpaino on kuitenkin kunnonvalvontamenetelmissä ja niiden käytössä. Mittauksia venttiilivuodon havaitsemiseksi suoritettiin akustisen emission, ultraäänen ja lämpötilan pistemittauksen avulla. Venttiilien yleistä kuntoa määritettiin värähtelyn, venymäliuskojen ja laitoksella jo toimivan moottoritoimilaitteen virtamittauksen avulla. Työssä on annettu suuntaviivat tulosten tulkitsemiselle, mutta yksityiskohtainen ja tarkempi tulosten tulkinnan määrittäminen jätetään laitoksen henkilökunnasta sille henkilölle joka mittauksia tulee tekemään tai jonka työnkuvaan muuten kuuluu kyseisten tulosten tulkitseminen.


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In this thesis work, a strength analysis is made for a boat trailer. The studied trailer structure is manufactured from Ruukki’s structural steel S420. The main focus in this work is in the trailer’s frame. The investigation process consists two main stages. These stages are strain gage measurements and finite elements analysis. Strain gage measurements were performed to the current boat trailer in February 2015. Static durability and fatigue life of the trailer are analyzed with finite element analysis and with two different materials. These materials are the current trailer material Ruukki’s structural steel S420 and new option material high strength precision tube Form 800. The main target by using high strength steel in a trailer is weight reduction. The applied fatigue analysis methods are effective notch stress and structural hot spot stress approaches. The target of these strength analyses is to determine if it is reasonable to change the trailer material to high strength steel. The static strengths of the S420 and Form 800 trailers is sufficient. The fatigue strength of the Form 800 trailer is considerably lower than the fatigue strength of the S420 trailer. For future research, the effect of hot dip galvanization to the high strength steel has to be investigated. The effect of hot dip galvanization to the trailer is investigated by laboratory tests that are not included in this thesis.


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The present work aims to study the possible causes of cracks founded and recovered in translation cars of ore Forklift / ore Reclaimer. To identify the possible causes of cracks observed on the equipment it was used a static approach analysis, using a finite element method as an analysis tool, using a specific structural analysis program. After making the model, a strain gage measurement was necessary because there may be significant amounts of masses of non-structural components that were not modeled and were not available in the drawings, as well as fouling ore. With the calibrated model it was processed analyses with the load cases of dead load, product, wind and excavation. After the processing, it was observed that none of these load cases resulted in values that caused the crack, so another three hypotheses were tested: depression and misalignment, jacking and translation of only three cars. Of these three hypotheses it was observed that the jacking coud be the cause of the cracks, because the distribution of stress. Due to the miss of parameters, like the height utilized in this process, it was not possible to affirm the real stress level


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This paper describes a strain gauge-based sensor used for measuring finger force. The theory, design, and sensor construction details are presented. It was constructed using metallic strain gauges and a carefully designed structure which has a protection de-vice that impedes the sensor damage when forces higher than 100 N are applied. Its dimensions are suitable for measuring thumb force, but the same design can be used for constructing smaller sensors for other fingers. It is rugged, presents linear response, good repeatability, resolution of 0.3 N, low hysteresis, and sensitivity of 0.12 V/N. It can be useful in rehabilitation engineering, biomechanics, robotics, and medicine.


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Aerodynamic balances are employed in wind tunnels to estimate the forces and moments acting on the model under test. This paper proposes a methodology for the assessment of uncertainty in the calibration of an internal multi-component aerodynamic balance. In order to obtain a suitable model to provide aerodynamic loads from the balance sensor responses, a calibration is performed prior to the tests by applying known weights to the balance. A multivariate polynomial fitting by the least squares method is used to interpolate the calibration data points. The uncertainties of both the applied loads and the readings of the sensors are considered in the regression. The data reduction includes the estimation of the calibration coefficients, the predicted values of the load components and their corresponding uncertainties, as well as the goodness of fit.


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When exposed to high levels of strain, polymer optical fibre grating sensors recorded in poly(methyl methacrylate) based fibre often exhibit hysteresis in the response of their Bragg wavelength to strain. We demonstrate that the application of pre-tension and annealing of the polymer fibre can reduce this hysteresis when the fibre is suspended freely between two supports, but much better performance is obtained when the sensor is attached directly to a substrate. In this case, the hysteresis can be lessened by more than a factor of 12. © 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Due to trends in aero-design, aeroelasticity becomes increasingly important in modern turbomachines. Design requirements of turbomachines lead to the development of high aspect ratio blades and blade integral disc designs (blisks), which are especially prone to complex modes of vibration. Therefore, experimental investigations yielding high quality data are required for improving the understanding of aeroelastic effects in turbomachines. One possibility to achieve high quality data is to excite and measure blade vibrations in turbomachines. The major requirement for blade excitation and blade vibration measurements is to minimize interference with the aeroelastic effects to be investigated. Thus in this paper, a non-contact-and thus low interference-experimental set-up for exciting and measuring blade vibrations is proposed and shown to work. A novel acoustic system excites rotor blade vibrations, which are measured with an optical tip-timing system. By performing measurements in an axial compressor, the potential of the acoustic excitation method for investigating aeroelastic effects is explored. The basic principle of this method is described and proven through the analysis of blade responses at different acoustic excitation frequencies and at different rotational speeds. To verify the accuracy of the tip-timing system, amplitudes measured by tip-timing are compared with strain gage measurements. They are found to agree well. Two approaches to vary the nodal diameter (ND) of the excited vibration mode by controlling the acoustic excitation are presented. By combining the different excitable acoustic modes with a phase-lag control, each ND of the investigated 30 blade rotor can be excited individually. This feature of the present acoustic excitation system is of great benefit to aeroelastic investigations and represents one of the main advantages over other excitation methods proposed in the past. In future studies, the acoustic excitation method will be used to investigate aeroelastic effects in high-speed turbomachines in detail. The results of these investigations are to be used to improve the aeroelastic design of modern turbomachines.


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In recent years, ultra-thin whitetopping (UTW) has evolved as a viable rehabilitation technique for deteriorated asphalt cement concrete (ACC) pavement. Numerous UTW projects have been constructed and tested, enabling researchers to identify key elements contributing to their successful performance. These elements include foundation support, interface bonding condition, portland cement concrete (PCC) overlay thickness, synthetic fiber reinforcement usage, joint spacing, and joint sealing. The interface bonding condition is the most important of these elements. It enables the pavement to act as a composite structure, thus reducing tensile stresses and allowing an ultra-thin PCC overlay to perform as intended. The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) UTW project (HR-559) initiated UTW in Iowa. The project is located on Iowa Highway 21 between Iowa Highway 212 and U.S. Highway 6 in Iowa County, near Belle Plaine, Iowa. The objective of this research was to investigate the interface bonding condition between an ultra-thin PCC overlay and an ACC base over time, considering the previously mentioned variables. This research lasted for five years, at which time it was extended an additional five years. The new phase of the project was initiated by removing cracked panels existing in the 2-inch thick PCC sections and replacing them with three inches of PCC. The project extension (TR 432) will provide an increased understanding of slab bonding conditions over a longer period, as well as knowledge regarding the behavior of the newly rehabilitated areas. In order to accomplish the goals of the project extension, Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) testing will continue to be conducted. Laboratory testing, field strain gage implementation, and coring will no longer be conducted. This report documents the planning and construction of the rehabilitation of HR 559 and the beginning of TR 432 during August of 1999.


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Early entry sawing applies sawing earlier and more shallowly than conventional sawing and is believed to increase sawing productivity and reduce the cost of the joint sawing operations. However, some early entry sawing joints (transverse joints) in Iowa were found to experience delayed cracking, sometimes up to 30 days. A concern is whether early entry sawing can lead to late-age random cracking. The present study investigated the effects of different sawing methods on random cracking in portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements. The approach was to assess the cracking potential at sawing joints by measuring the strain development of the concrete at the joints using concrete embedment strain gages. Ten joints were made with the early entry sawing method to a depth of 1.5 in., and two strain gages were installed in each of the joints. Another ten joints were made with the conventional sawing method, five of which were sawed to a depth of one-third of the pavement thickness (3.3 in.), and the other five of which were sawed to a depth of one-quarter of the pavement thickness (2.5 in.). One strain gage was installed in each joint made using conventional sawing. In total, 30 strain gages were installed in 20 joints. The results from the present study indicate that all 30 joints cracked within 25 days after paving, though most joints made using early entry sawing cracked later than the joints made using conventional sawing. No random cracking was observed in the early entry sawing test sections two months after construction. Additionally, it was found that the strain gages used were capable of monitoring the deformations at the joints. The joint crack times (or crack initiation time) measured by the strain gages were generally consistent with the visual observations.