995 resultados para Storage condition


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Biodegradable protein-based film was developed by incorporating cinnamon essential oil (CEO) into whey protein concentrate (WPC) at level of 0.8% and 1.5% v/v. Then physical and mechanical properties of the films were evaluated. Adding CEO to the WPC matrix decreased the water vapour permeability of the films and water solubility. Films containing CEO showed significant antibacterial activity both gram-positive and gram-negative strains and exhibited significant inhibitory effect on the studied fungi. In continue, the effect of whey coating and whey coating incorporated with 1.5% CEO on quality and shelf life of Huso huso fillet during refregrated (4±1°C) storage period were also investigated. The control and treated fish samples were analyzed for microbiological (total viable count, psychrophilic counts), chemical (PV, TBA, FFA, pH, TVB-N), and sensory characteristics in 4-day intervals up of microbial, chmical and sensoy analyses indicated lower levels of PV, TBA, FFA, pH, TVB-N in coasted sampels and specially, those with CEO while were kept in refrigerator. Based on results, whey protein edible coating contain 1.5% cinnamon essential oil could enhance preserving ability Huso huso during storage cold.


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The organoleptic characteristics such as appearance, textural condition, colour and odour indicated that the M. rosenbergii stored in ice for 5-6 days was acceptable for processing in the industry while P. monodon under similar ice storage condition was acceptable for 8-9 days. In both species, samples stored in headless condition in ice had longer shelf life than that of stored in head-on condition. Physical changes were evaluated by determining expressible moisture and breaking strength of sample of muscles. The expressible moisture increased continuously in both samples with the lapse of storage period. The expressible moisture increased up to around 44% in 4-5 days of ice stored M. rosenbergii muscle while it was around 40% in 8-9 days ice stored P. monodon. At the end of 9 days of ice storage, the expressible moisture content in M. rosenbergii increased up to 60%, while it was up to 47% in P. monodon after 11 days of ice storage. The breaking strength declined from 0. 78 kg/cm² to 0.53 kg/cm² in tiger shrimp after 8 days of ice storage, while in case of immediately killed prawn, the breaking strength of muscle was 0.8 kg/cm² which declined to 0.43 to 0.35 kg/cm².


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The possible factors leading to the loss of flavour and general quality of crab during freezing and frozen storage have been studied. The preprocess ice storage condition of the raw material was found to be one such important factor while the fresh frozen crab meat remained in good organoleptic condition for about 51 weeks at -23°C, the 7 days iced material held frozen was found to have a shelf life of about 21 weeks. The fall in myofibrillar protein noted during frozen storage together with the loss of myosin ATPase activity correlated well with the loss of organoleptic qualities.


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A study was conducted on the shelf-life of rotary and solar tunnel dried SIS products under different packaging and storage conditions. Organoleptically dried products were found in good condition after a storage period of 60 days in ambient and chilled conditions. The moisture content, TVB-N value and bacterial load slightly increased during 60 days of storage in ambient and chilled conditions. The changes in moisture content and bacterial load were faster in ambient temperature than in chilled storage condition whereas changes in TVB-N value was higher in chilled condition than in ambient temperature. The initial moisture content was in the range of 13.71% to 22.84%. After 60 days of storage in ambient and chilled condition the moisture content of dried products was in the range of 15.09% to 25.11% and 14.49% to 25.01%, respectively. The initial TVB-N value was in the range of 10.64 to 17.52 mg/100g and after 60 days of storage in ambient and chilled condition, TVB-N value was in the range of 29.00 to 34.82 mg/100g and 31.41 to 39.11 mg/100g, respectively. The initial bacterial load was in the range of 1.91x10 super(8) to 2.84x10 super(8) and after 60 days of storage in ambient and chilled condition, the bacterial load was in the range of 6.2x10 super(8) to 1.8x10 super(9) and 5.75x10 super(7) to 5.05x10 super(8) CFU/g, respectively. The results of the present study indicated that it is necessary to store high quality dried products in sealed packed in chilled condition to ensure good quality up to a certain period of time.


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An investigation was carried out on the quality changes of Catla (Catla calla) stored immediately (0 h) in ice, after 6 hours in ice and at ambient temperature. The samples were examined for organoleptic and microbiological parameters in summer. Organoleptically, the acceptability of fish varied between 16-20 days in both the iced storage conditions and 12-13.5 hours at ambient temperature (28°C). When fish were organoleptically just acceptable on the 16th day of storage, bacterial load were 6.23 and 6.17 log10 cfu/g, respectively for 0 hour and after 6 hours iced fish. But on the 20th day of storage, when fish were just unacceptable SPC were 6.51 and 6.62 log10 cfu/g. In case of ambient temperature storage condition standard plate count was 8.36 log10 cfu/g on 13.5 hours, when fish were organoleptically just unacceptable. At the time of rejection for fish stored in ice (0 hour and after 6 hours) on 20th day, gram negative and gram positive values were 55.45%, 44.55% and 44.52%, 55.48% respectively. While fish were rejected after 13.5 hours at ambient temperature gram negative and gram positive bacteria were found as 43.02% and 56.98%. The differences in SPC, gram positive and gram negative bacteria between the storage times were statistically significant (p<0.05).


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Closteroviruslike particles, designated as grapevine corky bark-associated virus (GCBaV), were purified from mature leaves and stem phloem tissue of a corky bark-affected grapevine that had indexed negative for other grapevine viruses. Electron microscopy of purified preparations revealed the presence of flexuous rod-shaped viruslike particles that were about 13 nm in diameter and between 1,400 and 2,000 nm long, with a helical pitch of 3.4 nm. In purified preparations, the GCBaV particles degraded within a few weeks, unlike grapevine leafroll associated virus (GLRaV), which was stable for more than 1 mo under the same storage condition. The molecular weight of the coat protein of GCBaV was 24,000. A large dsRNA molecule (about 15.3 kbp), along with lower molecular weight species, was detected in tissues of corky bark-diseased grapevines, but not in healthy grapevines. Polyclonal antisera were produced in rabbits against purified or partially purified virus preparations. In direct enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), antisera to GCBaV did not react to the serologically distinct types (II and III) of the long closteroviruses associated with grapevine leafroll disease and grapevine virus A (GVA), and vice versa. This antiserum also reacted in ELISA with other corky bark-affected grapevines. Our data suggest that closteroviruslike particles, designated as GCBaV, may be the causal agent of corky bark disease. However, definitive proof is still lacking. The inclusion of GCBaV in the group of closteroviruses with citrus tristeza virus is proposed.


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En anchoita ( Engraulis anchoita) salada-maduradas, que poseen una actividad de agua (aw) de 0,75 a 0,80 se han encontrado bacterias halófilas . E l objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la potencial capacidad deteriorante de los grupos bacterianos encontrados. Se realizaron estudios microbiológicos en 100 muestras de anchoíta salada-madurada. E l 71 % de las colonias halladas fueron halófilas extremas y el 29 % estrictas. De acuerdo a sus características bioquímicas se ha reconocido un 31% de Halococcus sp.; 15% de Haloferax spp. 5% de Halobacterium spp. y 7% de Haloarcula spp., el resto se encuentra aún sin identificar. De las bacterias halladas un 30% tienen actividad proteolítica, 30% lipolítica y 15% proteolítica y lipolítica. La presencia de estas bacterias podría llevar a modificaciones irreversibles y no deseables en distintas características sensoriales como olor, color y textura, que limitarían la vida útil de estos productos. La importancia de esta limitación estará dada por el número, las características de las mismas y las condiciones de almacenamiento del producto.


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种子贮藏稳定性对于种质资源的长期保存具有重要意义,目前关于种子贮藏的最新理论为玻璃态理论,该理论认为种子的玻璃化有利于种子的长期贮藏。当种子处于玻璃态时,玻璃化物质的高度粘滞性降低了种子细胞内分子流动性,阻止了细胞质中分子的扩散,从而减少老化过程中细胞结构的损伤和化学组分的变化,延缓种子老化劣变反应速率,延长贮藏寿命。评价玻璃态的一个重要指标是玻璃化转变温度,当种子贮藏于玻璃化温度或以下10℃~30℃范围内时,种子具有最佳的贮藏稳定性。因此,检测种子的玻璃化转变温度对于种子的长期有效贮藏具有重要指导意义。 本研究将差示量热扫描技术(DSC)与电子顺磁共振波谱仪技术(EPR)应用于杜仲种子玻璃化转变温度方面的研究。在DSC方法中,选用4.4%~31.6%含水量范围的杜仲种胚分别进行了DSC图谱扫描。EPR方法选用3-羧基-2,2,5,5-四甲基吡咯烷-1-氧(3-carboxy-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-1-oxyl,CP)和2,2,6,6-四甲基哌啶(4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy,TEMPO)作为探针标记杜仲种胚, 利用EPR技术测定不同含水量杜仲种胚的分子运动,通过对EPR图谱参数的分析计算,最终确定不同含水量杜仲种胚的玻璃化转变温度。 DSC实验结果显示,含水量为22.3%、28.0%、31.6%的杜仲种胚在0℃ 左右出现了一个水的熔融峰。该熔融峰的面积代表了自由水含量的多少,随着种胚含水量的降低该熔融峰面积减小。4.4%~31.6%含水量范围的杜仲种胚在-28℃左右还出现了一个熔融峰,推测此峰为杜仲种胚中某类物质熔融所形成的熔融峰。然而在此曲线上我们未观察到标志玻璃化转变的“台阶”出现。 CP-EPR实验的结果表明,利用EPR测定得到含水量为4.4%~11.6%的杜仲种胚在-110℃~20℃温度范围内,同一含水量的杜仲种胚随着温度的升高,分子运动速率加快;在同一温度条件下,高含水量的种胚比低含水量种胚的分子运动速率快。通过CP-EPR波谱两外缘峰最大距离(2Azz)的测定和数据统计分析,得到含水量为4.4%、5.7%、8.6%、10.3%、11.6%杜仲种胚的玻璃化转变温度分别约为44℃、25℃、4℃、-31℃、-43℃。可以把测定的杜仲种胚的这几个含水量的玻璃化转变温度与杜仲种子贮藏相结合,用于指导杜仲种子的贮藏。 TEMPO-EPR实验测定分析得到含水量为2.1%、3.4%、4.8%、8.3%、11.2% 的杜仲种胚的玻璃化转变温度分别为-21℃、-18℃、-24℃、-20℃、-27℃,玻璃化转变温度随含水量升高其变化的规律不明显,这与CP-EPR实验测得的结果有着较明显的差别。通过分析,认为对于脂质含量较高的杜仲种胚,随着含水量的降低,作为标记化合物的TEMPO随着脱水进入脂相,从而不能真实反映出不同含水量种胚的分子运动情况。与TEMPO标记相比,CP标记可能能够更真实地反映不同含水量杜仲种胚细胞质分子运动的情况,根据其分子运动情况得到的玻璃化转变温度更准确。


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The gamma irradiation procedures for preservation of Bombay duck and rohu were studied in collaboration with Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay. Irradiation at 0.1 M rad extended the storage life of Bombay duck to 20-22 days at 0-2°C due to partial destruction of spoilage organisms as against rapid deterioration of un-irradiated samples within 5-6 days. In the case of the fresh water fish, rohu, the storage life was enhanced by about 7-10 days by the same dose of irradiation over the control under identical storage condition. In all the cases, empirical relations were worked out between organoleptic rating and total volatile nitrogen.


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A glico-hemoglobina (HbA1c) é um parâmetro importante no controle glicêmico de pacientes diabéticos. Vários estudos clínicos mostraram claramente que a melhora no controle glicêmico está fortemente associada com a diminuição no desenvolvimento e/ou progressão das complicações microvasculares do diabetes. A medida exata e precisa da HbA1c é uma questão importante para os laboratórios clínicos. Vários fatores afetam os resultados e podem levar a resultados errôneos. Este trabalho analisou o efeito de fatores analíticos, estados patológicos e drogas nos resultados de HbA1c. Em um primeiro estudo, demonstramos que a fração lábil de HbA1c contribui significativamente para o resultado final. Quando está fração é separada inadequadamente, há a necessidade de um pré - tratamento na amostra, para evitarmos valores falsamente elevados. O armazenamento das amostras é um fator pré – analítico importante. Amostras mantidas sob refrigeração são estáveis por 10 dias e o armazenamento a longo prazo deve ser feito a – 80oC. No entanto, amostras congeladas a –20oC apresentam uma diminuição significativa nos valores de HbA1c, já nas primeiras 24h de armazenamento. Em um segundo estudo, relatamos que as hemoglobinas anômalas estão associadas com valores muito baixos de HbA1c. Adicionalmente, também demonstramos que a anemia é uma importante fonte de interferência negativa nos resultados. Sugerimos que, para a correta interpretação dos valores de HbA1c, o estado hematológico do paciente seja sempre considerado. Em um terceiro estudo, analisamos o uso crônico de aspirina, vitamina C e vitamina E nos níveis de HbA1c. Houve inexistência de efeito significativo nos resultados de HbA1c, medidos por 3 métodos rotineiramente utilizados pelos laboratórios clínicos, em indivíduos não - diabéticos. O clínico deve conhecer os fatores que afetam a determinação de HbA1c na população atendida e os resultados discordantes com a história clínica do paciente devem ser sempre investigado.


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O trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos do tempo e ambiente de armazenamento na emergência de plântulas de doviális (Dovyalis caffra), espécie frutífera arbustiva de sementes recalcitrantes. Foi adotado o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 x 5, correspondendo às condições ambientais de armazenamento: câmara seca (18±2ºC e 60% de UR), em condição ambiente (sem controle) e em câmara fria (10±2ºC e 70% de UR); e aos períodos de armazenamento 0; 7; 14; 21 e 28 dias. Esses efeitos foram avaliados para o cálculo da percentagem de emergência (%E) e índice de velocidade de emergência (IVE). Os ambientes de armazenamento não exerceram efeito estatístico significativo nas variáveis estudadas, diferentemente dos períodos de armazenamento, onde as mais altas %E e IVE foram observadas ao 14º dia de armazenamento. A partir do 14º dia de armazenamento, ocorreu uma redução na %E e IVE.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Purpose: To evaluate the effect of cement shade, light-curing unit, and water storage on tensile bond strength (a) of a feldspathic ceramic resin bonded to dentin.Materials and Methods: The dentin surface of 40 molars was exposed and etched with 37% phosphoric acid, then an adhesive system was applied. Forty blocks of feldspathic ceramic (Vita VM7) were produced. The ceramic surface was etched with 10% hydrofluoric acid for 60 s, followed by the application of a silane agent and a dual-curing resin cement (Variolink II). Ceramic blocks were cemented to the treated dentin using either A3 or transparent (Tr) shade cement that was activated using either halogen or LED light for 40 s. All blocks were stored in 37 degrees C distilled water for 24 h before cutting to obtain non-trimmed bar-shaped specimens (adhesive area = 1 mm(2) +/- 0.1) for the microtensile bond strength test. The specimens were randomly grouped according to the storage time: no storage or stored for 150 days in 37 degrees C distilled water. Eight experimental groups were obtained (n = 30). The specimens were submitted to the tensile bond strength test using a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. The data were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc tests (alpha = 0.05).Results: The mean bond strength values were significantly lower for the corresponding water stored groups, except for the specimens using A3 resin cement activated by halogen light. There was no significance difference in mean bond strength values among all groups after water storage.Conclusion: Water storage had a detrimental effect under most experimental conditions. For both cement shades investigated (Tr and A3) under the same storage condition, the light-curing units (QTH and LED) did not affect the mean microtensile bond strengths of resin-cemented ceramic to dentin.