910 resultados para Storage Deterioration
Os efeitos do vigor de lotes de sementes sobre a emergência das plântulas e estabelecimento do estande, principalmente sob condições menos favoráveis de ambiente, estão bem documentados na literatura. Porém, há necessidade de intensificar a pesquisa para esclarecer as relações entre o potencial fisiológico das sementes e o desempenho das plantas em campo; este foi o principal objetivo deste estudo.Utilizaram-se duas cultivares de ervilha, 'Telefone Alta' (crescimento indeterminado) e 'Itapuã' (determinado), cada uma representada por quatro lotes armazenados, durante oito meses, em três ambientes: laboratório, câmara fria e seca (10 ºC e 30% de umidade relativa do ar) e ambiente controlado (20 ºC e 70% de umidade relativa do ar); este procedimento permitiu criar diferenças entre o potencial fisiológico dos lotes de cada cultivar. Após a determinação da germinação e do vigor (condutividade elétrica, envelhecimento acelerado, comprimento e emergência de plântulas), foi conduzido ensaio de campo, realizando-se avaliações do estande inicial e final, altura e área foliar de plantas, número de vagens e produção de grãos verdes e secos. O vigor das sementes de ervilha influencia a emergência de plântulas e o estabelecimento do estande em campo, especialmente em lotes pouco vigorosos. O vigor de sementes de ervilha afeta negativamente o desenvolvimento das plantas e a produção final, quando há redução acentuada do estande; a extensão desses efeitos é proporcional à intensidade dessa redução.
Phenolic compounds constitute 50-70% of tea water extract and are the main quality parameters for teas. Theaflavins (TF), thearubigins (TR) and theabrownins (TB) are the major polyphenols that determine the quality of black tea. These compounds were measured in 56 leaf teas and teabags sampled from Australian supermarkets in Queensland. The various quantities of TF, ranging from 0.29% to 1.25%, indicate a quality difference that exists among the teas studied. Low TF content in black tea may be due to over-fermenting and/or long periods of storage. The solubility of TR and TB from teabags ranged from 82% to 92%, indicating that the permeability of teabags was variable. Variable quantities of TF in Australian teas show instability and a tendency of TF to oxidize during storage. Total polyphenols in green teas ranged from 14% to 34%, indicating a large variation, which was not reflected in price. The solubility of total polyphenols from teabags has been proposed as a useful quality index of the filtering paper used for the teabags. This chemical analysis of phenolic compounds in commercial teas may be a potential tool for the quality control of Australian manufactured and imported teas in Australian markets. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Research with soybean seeds has revealed that the results of the electrical conductivity test may be influenced by storage temperature, particularly low temperature, such as 10ºC, suggesting that seed deterioration at low storage temperatures does not seem to be directly related to the loss of the cell membrane integrity. This study was conducted with seeds of two soybean cultivars with the objective of: a) studying the effect of different storage temperatures (10ºC; 20ºC; 25ºC; 20/10ºC and 25/10ºC) on the results of the electrical conductivity test; b) observing the behavior of fatty acids and carbohydrates during storage and studying its relation with the electrical conductivity results. Every three months, from a total of 18 months of storage, the physiological quality of seeds was evaluated using the germination, accelerated aging and electrical conductivity tests. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the electrical conductivity test was not shown to be a good indicative of the deterioration process of seeds stored at low temperatures, and no direct relationship between changes in the fatty acids and carbohydrates and the behavior of the mentioned test for seeds stored at 10ºC was found.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The failure of facial prostheses is caused by limitations in the properties of existing materials, especially flexibility and durability. Therefore, this study evaluated the marginal deterioration of a silicone used for fabrication of facial prostheses (Silastic MDX4-4210, Dow Corning Corporation, Midland, MI, USA) according to the influence of artificial aging, daily disinfection, and 2 types of pigmentation. Thirty specimens were fabricated and subdivided in 6 groups: without pigmentation, pigmented with make-up powder and iron oxide, and evaluated with and without the action of the disinfectant. Analysis of marginal deterioration was performed on a scanning electron microscope (magnification, ×5000) immediately 6 months and 1 year after fabrication of specimens, following the guidelines of ASTM International. After visual analysis of the photomicrographs, it was noticed that all groups presented marginal deterioration and alterations in surface texture with time. The use of disinfection did not contribute to the marginal deterioration of polymer (silicone), regardless of the pigmentation and artificial aging.
Abstract This study aimed to investigate the role of ascorbate peroxidase (APX), guaiacol peroxidase (GPX), polysaccharides, and protein contents associated with the early events of postharvest physiological deterioration (PPD) in cassava roots. Increases in APX and GPX activity, as well as total protein contents occurred from 3 to 5 days of storage and were correlated with the delay of PPD. Cassava samples stained with periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) highlighted the presence of starch and cellulose. Degradation of starch granules during PPD was also detected. Slight metachromatic reaction with toluidine blue is indicative of increasing of acidic polysaccharides and may play an important role in PPD delay. Principal component analysis (PCA) classified samples according to their levels of enzymatic activity based on the decision tree model which showed GPX and total protein amounts to be correlated with PPD. The Oriental (ORI) cultivar was more susceptible to PPD.
This data article is referred to the research article entitled The role of ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase, and polysaccharides in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) roots under postharvest physiological deterioration by Uarrota et al. (2015). Food Chemistry 197, Part A, 737746. The stress duo to PPD of cassava roots leads to the formation of ROS which are extremely harmful and accelerates cassava spoiling. To prevent or alleviate injuries from ROS, plants have evolved antioxidant systems that include non-enzymatic and enzymatic defence systems such as ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase and polysaccharides. In this data article can be found a dataset called newdata, in RData format, with 60 observations and 06 variables. The first 02 variables (Samples and Cultivars) and the last 04, spectrophotometric data of ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase, tocopherol, total proteins and arcsined data of cassava PPD scoring. For further interpretation and analysis in R software, a report is also provided. Means of all variables and standard deviations are also provided in the Supplementary tables (data.long3.RData, data.long4.RData and meansEnzymes.RData), raw data of PPD scoring without transformation (PPDmeans.RData) and days of storage (days.RData) are also provided for data analysis reproducibility in R software.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of temperature (10, 20, 30, 20/10 and 30/10ºC) and period of storage on electrical conductivity (EC) in four seed lots of corn (Zea mays L.), as well as the mineral composition of the soaking solution. EC test determines indirectly the integrity of seed membrane systems, and is used for the assessment of seed vigor, because this test detects the seed deterioration process since its early phase. The research comprised determinations of water content, germination, accelerated aging (AA), cold (CT) and EC vigor tests, and determinations of Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ release to the solution, after seed soaking of four corn seed lots. The evaluations were performed each four months during a period of 16 months. For statistical analysis, a completely randomized split plot design was used with eight replications. Except for seed lots stored at 10ºC, all vigor evaluations revealed a decline in vigor, but AA and CT showed more sensitiveness to declines of seed physiological quality than EC. Potassium was the main leached ion regardless of the storage temperature.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to define procedures to assess the tolerance of cassava genotypes to postharvest physiological deterioration (PPD) and to microbial deterioration (MD). Roots of six cassava genotypes were evaluated in two experiments, during storage under different environmental conditions: high temperature and low soil moisture; or low temperature and high soil moisture. Roots were treated or not with fungicide (carbendazim) before storage. Genotype reactions to MD and PPD were evaluated at 0, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 days after harvest (DAH), in the proximal, medial, and distal parts of the roots. A diagrammatic scale was proposed to evaluate nonperipheral symptoms of PPD. Fungicide treatment and root position did not influence PPD expression; however, all factors had significant effect on MD severity. Genotypes differed as to their tolerance to PPD and MD. Both deterioration types were more pronounced during periods of higher humidity and lower temperatures. The fungicide treatment increased root shelf life by reducing MD severity up to 10 DAH. Whole roots showed low MD severity and high PPD expression up to 10 DAH, which enabled the assessment of PPD without significant interference of MD symptoms during this period.
The objectives of this work were to analyze seed behaviour under controlled deterioration and estimate viability equations for forest species Eucalyptus grandis and Pinus taeda. Desired moisture content levels were achieved from initial values after either rehydration over water or drying over silica gel, both at 25 ºC. Seed sub samples with 8 moisture contents each for E. grandis (1.2 to 18.1%, initial value of 11.3%) and P. taeda (1.5 to 19.5%, initial value of 12.9%) were sealed in laminate aluminium-foil packets and stored in incubators maintained at 40, 50 and 65 ºC. The seeds from these species exhibited true orthodox and sub-orthodox storage behaviour, respectively, however E. grandis showed higher seed storability, probably due to a different seed chemical composition. Lowest moisture content limits estimated for application of the viability equations at 65 ºC were 4.9 and 4.1 mc for E. grandis and P. taeda, on equilibrium with ±20% RH. The viability equation estimated quantified the response of seed longevity to storage environment well with K E = 9.661 and 8.838; C W = 6.467 and 5.981; C H = 0.03498 and 0.10340; C Q = 0.0002330 and 0.0005476, for E. grandis and P. taeda, respectively.
This study was designed to evaluate the effect of different conditions of collection, transport and storage on the quality of blood samples from normal individuals in terms of the activity of the enzymes ß-glucuronidase, total hexosaminidase, hexosaminidase A, arylsulfatase A and ß-galactosidase. The enzyme activities were not affected by the different materials used for collection (plastic syringes or vacuum glass tubes). In the evaluation of different heparin concentrations (10% heparin, 5% heparin, and heparinized syringe) in the syringes, it was observed that higher doses resulted in an increase of at least 1-fold in the activities of ß-galactosidase, total hexosaminidase and hexosaminidase A in leukocytes, and ß-glucuronidase in plasma. When the effects of time and means of transportation were studied, samples that had been kept at room temperature showed higher deterioration with time (72 and 96 h) before processing, and in this case it was impossible to isolate leukocytes from most samples. Comparison of heparin and acid citrate-dextrose (ACD) as anticoagulants revealed that ß-glucuronidase and hexosaminidase activities in plasma reached levels near the lower normal limits when ACD was used. In conclusion, we observed that heparin should be used as the preferable anticoagulant when measuring these lysosomal enzyme activities, and we recommend that, when transport time is more than 24 h, samples should be shipped by air in a styrofoam box containing wet ice.
An indicator can be defined as a substance which indicates the presence or absence of another substance or the degree of a certain reaction through characteristic changes, especially color. Therefore, the aim of this work is to evaluate the performance of a bio-based film with anthocyanin as an indicator of chilled pork deterioration. A film made of cassava starch, glycerol, and grape anthocyanins was prepared using the casting technique. Pork loin samples were put in Petri dishes containing an anthocyanin film on the bottom and stored at 4 ºC. Psychrotrophic microorganism count and the pH of the pork loin samples were analyzed for a 14 day- period. At the same time, the films were subjected to colorimetric analysis using D65 illuminant and the CIELAB system. Chroma and hue angle data for these films were evaluated by Anova and Dunnett's test. An increase in the microbial population and in the pH was observed over the storage period as result of pork deterioration. Color changes were also identified in the film. However, only at the beginning of the storage period was it possible to establish a correlation between film color and pork deterioration. The shelf life end-point could not be clearly detected by the film.
Cauliflower heads, which were precooled using four different methods including vacuum, forced-air, and high and low flow hydro precooling, were stored under controlled atmosphere and room conditions. Controlled atmosphere conditions (CA) were as follows: 1°C temperature, 90 ± 5% relative humidity, and 0:21 [(%CO2:%O2) – (0:21) control] atmosphere composition. Room conditions (RC) were: 22±1°C temperature and 55-60% humidity. Various quality parameters of the cauliflower heads were assessed during storage (days 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35) under controlled atmosphere and room conditions (days 0, 5, and 10). During storage, weight loss, deterioration rate, overall sensory quality score, hardness, and colour (L, a, b, C and α) were evaluated. In the present study, the strength and quality parameters of cauliflower under CA and RC conditions were obtained. Vacuum precooling was found to be most suitable method before cauliflower was submitted to cold storage and sent to market. Furthermore, the storage of cauliflower without precooling resulted in a significant decrease in quality parameters.
Rancidity development during frozen storage (–20 °C) of sierra fish (Scomberomorus sierra) was studied. Fillets were packed in low-density polyethylene films with and without butylated hydroxytoluene added (BHT-LDPE and LDPE respectively). Fillets stored with no package were used as control. Special attention was given to the effect of previous ice storage (0, 3, 6, 9 and 15 days) on the quality of the frozen fish. Physical (pH and texture) and chemical (peroxide value, PV and thiobarbituric acid index, TBA-i) analyses were carried out. Lipid oxidation increased with ice storage time in fish muscle without film packing, being greater than the film packed muscle (with and without antioxidant). An effect of previous ice storage time was observed on the frozen product (in all treatments). However, fish muscle with film packing containing antioxidant showed less lipid deterioration. Under the conditions applied in this study, the plastic films with antioxidant prevented the lipids oxidation during the cold handling of the sierra muscle.
The occurrence of green soybean seed due to forced maturation or premature plant death caused by drought or foliar and/or root diseases has been common in several Brazilian production areas. Physiological quality of seed lots with green seed may have their germination and vigor potentials affected and therefore discarded by the grain industry. The objective of this experiment was to determine the maximum tolerated level of green seed in soybean seed lots, which is information of major importance for seed producers when taking the decision whether to sell these lots. Soybean seed of the cultivars CD 206, produced in Ubirata, Parana, and FMT Tucunare, produced in Alto Garças, Mato Grosso, were used in the study. Green seed and yellow seed of both cultivars were mixed in the following proportions: 0%, 3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, 15%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 75% and 100%. Seed quality was evaluated by the germination, accelerated aging, tetrazolium and electrical conductivity tests. The contents of a, b and total chlorophyll in the seed were also determined. A complete randomized block design in a factorial scheme (two cultivars x 12 levels of green seed) was used. Seed quality was negatively affected and chlorophyll contents incremented with the increase in the percentage of green seed. Seed germination, viability and vigor, measured by the accelerated aging test, were not reduced with levels of up to 3% green seed, for both cultivars. Levels above 6% green seed significantly reduced the quality of the seed. The quality of seed lots with 9% or more green seed was significantly reduced to the point that their commercialization is not recommended.