7 resultados para Stonemasons


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação de: Professora Doutora Ana Maria Alves Bandeira Professora Doutora Deolinda Maria Moreira Aparício Meira


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In the urban areas of the cities a larger problem of destiny of effluents of the treatment stations is verified due to the junction of the sewages in great volumes. This way the hidroponic cultive becomes important, for your intensive characteristic, as alternative of reuse. This work presents as objective the improvement of the relation hidric-nutritious of the hidroponic cultive of green forage (FVH) using treaty sewage. The production of forage was with corn (Zea mays L.), using double hybrid AG1051, in the experimental field of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), in the city of Natal-RN-Brazil. The treated effluent essentially domestic had origin of anaerobic reactor, type decant-digester of two cameras in series followed by anaerobic filters drowned. The hidroponic experimental system was composed of 08 stonemasons, with limited contours for masonry of drained ceramic brick, measuring each one 2,5 meters in length for 1,0 meter of width, with inclination of 4% (m/m) in the longitudinal sense, leveled carefully, in way to not to allow preferential roads in the flow. These dimensions, the useful area of Isow was of 2 square meters. The stonemasons of cultive were waterproof (found and lateral) with plastic canvas of 200 micres of thickness, in the white color. Controlled the entrance and exit of the effluente in the stonemasons, with cycles of 12,68 minutes, it being water of 1,18 minutes. The treatments were constituted of: T1 - 24 hours/day under it waters with flow of 2 L/min; T2 - 12 hours/day under waters with flow of 4 L/min; T3 - 12 hours/day under waters with flow of 2 L/min; and T4 - 16 hours/day under waters with flow of 3 L/min. There were evaluations of the evapotranspirometric demand, of hidroponic system affluent and effluent seeking to characterize and to monitor physical-chemical parameters as: pH, temperature, Electric Conductivity and Fecal Coliforms. This last one was analyzed to the 11 days after isow (DAS) and to the 14 DAS. The others were analyzed daily. I sow it was accomplished in the dates of February 21, 2007, first experiment, and April 10, 2007, second experiment. The density of Isow was of 2 kg of seeds, germinated before 48 hours, for square meter of stonemason. The statistic delineament was it casual entirely with two repetitions, in two experiments. It was applied Tukey test of average to five percent of probability. The cultivation cycle was of 14 DAS with evapotranspirometric demand maximum, reached by T1, of 67,44 mm/day. The analyzed parameters, as mass of green matter - Kg, productivity-Kg/m2 and reason of production of seed FVH/Kg used in Isow, the best result was presented by T1, obtaining value of up to 19,01 Kg/m2 of cultive. Without significant difference, the T4 presented greats values with 16 hours under cycle of water. The Treatments 2 and 3 with 12 hours under cycle of water, they obtained inferior results to the other Treatments. As treatment system, came efficient in the reduction of the salinity. T1 obtained reduction medium maxim of 62,5%, to the 7 DAS, in the amount of salts that enter in the system in they are absorbed in the cultivation. The cultivation FVH acted reducing the microbiologic load. Significant percentile of reduction they were reached, with up to 90,23% of reduction of Units of Colonies (UFC), constituting, like this, the Hidroponic System as good alternative of treatment of effluents of Reactors of high Efficiency


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA


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Stonemasonry of the Gothic vault in its totality is based upon geometry of the line, whereas classic stereotomy relies on the comprehensive knowledge of the surface and the highly sophisticated sides of the voussoirs necessary for its vaults. It is obvious that this leap in the art of construction was paralleled and accompanied by an extension of the horizons of geometry. In Spain, it was made possible thanks to the centuries-old tradition of stone building begun in the most remote medieval times and to the presence of outstanding architects or stonemasons such as Juan de Álava, whose professional work surpassed the established limits and provided the art of building with new instruments.


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The principle of complexity as the evolution vector of the gothic style was an idea largely developed by Paul Frankl. The high complexity reached in the 15th and 16th centuries was possible thanks to the geometrical resources developed in the workshops of the medieval stonemasons. The search for more sophisticated designs was possible also with the higher standardization, so that the most complex ribbed vault could be built with ribs that had all the same curvature and with voussoirs that were therefore identical. Spanish Gothic architecture has been deeply studied from a historical and artistic point of view. The present paper, as a complement to these analyses, aims to point out some of the geometrical methods and technological improvements that late medieval masons were able to develop. In that way, some selected vaults have been measured, in order to study their geometry and design process. Also scale models of some vaults have been built at the Escuela de Arquitectura (Madrid) to validate these geometrical principles. More than just a research method, the scale models allow to understand the medieval construction techniques, and they are a powerful pedagogical tool with which pupils can reach a rewarding experience based on the “medieval-way” praxis.


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Los enjarjes, jarjas o jarjamentos conforman el comienzo de la bóveda de crucería, el lugar en el que todos los nervios nacen reunidos. Permiten la transición entre el muro y las dovelas que constituyen nervios, resolviendo un encuentro de gran importancia constructiva. Están compuestos por piezas de lechos horizontales que traban con el muro y que, además de conformar el arranque de los nervios, han de proporcionar apoyo a las primeras dovelas. Al construirse a la vez que el muro y antes que el resto de la bóveda, se podría decir que son los encargados de portar su ADN: en ellos queda registrado el número de nervios que tendrá la bóveda, su curvatura, desde qué altura arrancará cada uno, su perfil, etc. El objetivo de este trabajo se centra en estudio de los enjarjes en la obra de Guillem Sagrera abordando su dimensión tecnológica, constructiva y de diseño. Dos características los distinguen de otras soluciones y justifican su interés: los nervios surgen directamente del muro, sin la intermediación de capiteles, ménsulas o pilastras; y se diseñan con la intención de facilitar la aparición de intersecciones entre las molduras de sus perfiles, en algunos casos mediante el cruce de los ejes de los nervios. Sagrera nos acerca a una innovación arquitectónica en la que el esfuerzo no se centra en realizar bóvedas con muchos nervios o con trazados en planta complejos, sino en la cuidada resolución de este encuentro de nervios. En ella se adivina el trabajo minucioso con las plantillas que controlan el trazado del contorno de los lechos de las piezas y la hábil mano de los canteros que son capaces de tallar intersecciones de gran complejidad. Se ha realizado un repaso de los primeros experimentos relativos al modo de relacionarse los nervios entre sí para ilustrar el contexto y origen de las soluciones realizadas por Guillem Sagrera. Mostramos que ante ciertas dificultades, consecuencia de la reunión de nervios, los constructores fueron capaces de desarrollar nuevas soluciones, mediante la experimentación con un sistema constructivo que conocían y manejaban con destreza. Para acercarnos a la comprensión de las estrategias de diseño que permiten el proyecto de estos enjarjes y los procedimientos técnicos y constructivos necesarios para su ejecución, nos vimos en la necesidad de adentrarnos en la problemática general de los enjarjes de la bóveda de crucería. De este modo, lo que empezó siendo una introducción para poder contextualizar la obra del mallorquín acabó convirtiéndose en la primera parte de la tesis, cuyo volumen prácticamente equipara a la segunda. En ella presentamos el proceso de diseño, trazado y talla de los cuatro enjarjes llevados a cabo en el taller de cantería de la ETSAM, en los que hemos podido experimentar de manera práctica los aspectos teóricos desarrollados. Estos ensayos nos han permitido contrastar hipótesis y baremar la dificultad de ciertos procedimientos o procesos, así como acercarnos realmente al elemento constructivo. El trabajo práctico nos ha enseñado a no fiarnos siempre de las hipótesis que se desarrollan modelando con el ordenador o dibujando; a valorar el pensar con las manos. En relación con la obra de Sagrera, la presente investigación realiza aportaciones al conocimiento del cambio proyectual y constructivo llevado a cabo en los arranques de las bóvedas entre los siglos XIII y XV, cuando los nervios comienzan a surgir directamente de los soportes y se dan los primeros cruzamientos. Mostramos que ya no solamente se construyen enjarjes fruto directo de la geometría general de la bóveda, sino que se llevan a cabo cambios deliberados en relación a su resultado, en los que se advierten decisiones proyectuales que, por supuesto, no serían viables sin las posibilidades que ofrece el trabajo con plantillas. ABSTRACT The solid blocks commonly known as tas-de-charge (in Spanish enjarjes, jarjas or jarjamentos) constitute the beginning of the ribbed vault – the place from which all the ribs spring together. They facilitate a transition between the wall and the rib voussoirs, and thus solve a junction of utmost constructive importance. They consist of blocks set in horizontal courses which interlock with the wall and which, as well as constituting the springing of the ribs, serve as a support for their first voussoirs. The tas-de-charge are built simultaneously with the wall and well before the remainder of the vault – thus, they arguably carry its ‘DNA’, since they register how many ribs the vault will have as well as their curvature, their springing height or their profile. This work is focused on the study of the tas-de-charge in the works of Guillem Sagrera, and will address their technological, constructive and design aspects. Two characteristics set these apart from other solutions and justify their relevance: these are that the ribs spring directly from the wall without the mediation of capitals, corbels or pilasters; and that they are deliberately designed to force the intersection of their mouldings, in some cases by crossing the rib axes. Sagrera’s work tells a story of architectural innovation – one where the effort is not centred on creating vaults with numerous ribs or a sophisticated ground plan, but on carefully solving the rib unions, which evidence a meticulous use of templates to control the tracing of the pieces’ profiles as well as the skill of the stonemasons, able to carve highly complex intersections. An overview of the first experiments with rib relationships will illustrate the context and origin of Guillem Sagrera’s solutions. We show how, faced with difficulties arising from the convergence of ribs into the tas-de-charge, builders were able to develop new solutions by experimenting with a construction system that they were already familiar with and could control easily. In order to gain a better insight into the design strategies behind his tas-de-charge and the technical and constructive procedures required for their execution, we found ourselves facing the need to address the general subject of tas-de-charge in ribbed vaults. This, which began as an introduction meant as context for Sagrera’s work, took on a life of its own and became the first half of the thesis, with a volume practically equal to that of the second. We have devoted a chapter to experimental archaeology. It comprises the design, tracing and carving processes for the four tas-de-charge executed at the ETSAM Stonecutting Workshop, in which we have tested experimentally the theories studied in the previous chapters. These tests have allowed us to contrast hypotheses, assess the difficulty of certain procedures or processes and understand the built element as a real entity. The practical work has taught us not to always trust the hypotheses proposed through computer modelling or drawing – and to recognise the importance of coordinating the hands and the mind. After studying Sagrera’s work and contrasting it with other related or previous tas-de-charge, our research will seek to make a contribution to the study of the shift in the design and construction of vault springers that took place between the 13th and 14th centuries, when ribs began to spring directly from their support and moulding crossings began to appear. We show that, from then on, tas-de-charge would not only depend on the general vault geometry – deliberate modifications would be carried out in order to achieve the desired result. This reveals design decisions that would have been unworkable if not for the effective use of template strategies.


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