987 resultados para Stilbene-like ligand photoisomerization


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Photochemical and photophysical properties of fac-[Re(CO)(3)(Clphen)(trans-L)](+) complexes, Clphen = 5-chloro-1,10-phenathroline and L = 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene, bpe, or 4-styrylpyridine, stpy, were investigated to complement the understanding of intramolecular energy transfer process in tricarbonyl rhenium(I) complexes having an electron withdrawing group attached to polypyridyl ligands. These new compounds were synthesized, characterized and the photoisomerization quantum yields were accurately determined by (1)H NMR spectroscopy. The true quantum yields for fac-[Re(CO)(3)(Clphen) (trans-bpe)](+) were constant (Phi = 0.55) at all investigated irradiation wavelengths. However, for fac-[Re(CO)(3)(Clphen)(trans-stpy)](+), similar true quantum yields were observed only at higher energy irradiation (Phi(313 nm) = 0.53 and Phi(365 nm) = 0.57), but it decreased significantly at 404 nm (Phi = 0.41). These results indicated different deactivation pathways for the trans-stpy complex photoisomerization. Quantum yields decreased as the (3)IL(trans-L) and (3)MLCT(Re -> NN) excited states become closer and the behavior was discussed in terms of the excited state energy gaps. Additionally, luminescence properties of photoproducts, fac-[Re(CO)(3)(Clphen)(cis-L)](+), were also investigated in different environments to analyze the relative energy of the (3)MLCT(Re -> Clphen) excited state for each compound. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Unusual high photoassisted quantum yields for cis-to-trans (phi(254) (nm) = 0.27 +/- 0.05) isomerization of CNstpy coordinated to fac-[Re(CO)(3)(phen)(CNstpy)](+) were determined along with trans-to-cis ones (phi(313) (nm)= 0.58 +/- 0.02; phi(365) (nm)= 0.61 +/- 0.06; phi(404) (nm) = 0.42 +/- 0.02). Additionally, in contrast to other similar rhenium(I) complexes, the cis photoproduct is quasi non-emissive and comparable to the trans-complex. The cis-to-trans photoisomerization is due to the deactivation from the ILcis-CNstpy excited state in competition to the usual (MLCTRe -> phen)-M-3 luminescence. These efficient cis to trans and trans to cis photoisomerization can be conveniently used in light powered molecular machines. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, the use of proton nuclear magnetic resonance, (1)H NMR, was fully described as a powerful tool to follow a photoreaction and to determine accurate quantum yields, so called true quantum yields (Phi(true)), when a reactant and photoproduct absorption overlap. For this, Phi(true) for the trans-cis photoisomerization process were determined for rhenium(I) polypyridyl complexes, fac-[Re(CO)(3)(NN)(trans-L)](+) (NN = 1,10-phenanthroline, phen, or 4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline, ph(2)phen, and L = 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl) ethylene, bpe, or 4-styrylpyridine, stpy). The true values determined at 365 nm irradiation (e. g. Phi(NMR) = 0.80 for fac-[Re(CO)(3)(phen)(trans-bpe)](+)) were much higher than those determined by absorption spectral changes (Phi(UV-Vis) = 0.39 for fac-[Re(CO)(3)(phen)(trans-bpe)](+)). Phi(NMR) are more accurate in these cases due to the distinct proton signals of trans and cis-isomers, which allow the actual determination of each component concentration under given irradiation time. Nevertheless when the photoproduct or reactant contribution at the probe wavelength is negligible, one can determine Phi(true) by regular absorption spectral changes. For instance, Phi(313) nm for free ligand photoisomerization determined both by absorption and (1)H NMR variation are equal within the experimental error (bpe: Phi(UV-Vis) = 0.27, Phi(NMR) = 0.26; stpy: Phi(UV-Vis) = 0.49, Phi(NMR) = 0.49). Moreover, (1)H NMR data combined with electronic spectra allowed molar absorptivity determination of difficult to isolate cis-complexes. (C) 2009 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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We have previously shown that vasculogenesis, the process by which bone marrow-derived cells are recruited to the tumor and organized to form a blood vessel network de novo, is essential for the growth of Ewing’s sarcoma. We further demonstrated that these bone marrow cells differentiate into pericytes/vascular smooth muscle cells(vSMC) and contribute to the formation of the functional vascular network. The molecular mechanisms that control bone marrow cell differentiation into pericytes/vSMC in Ewing’s sarcoma are poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that the Notch ligand Delta like ligand 4 (DLL4) plays a critical role in this process. DLL4 is essential for the formation of mature blood vessels during development and in several tumor models. Inhibition of DLL4 causes increased vascular sprouting, decreased pericyte coverage, and decreased vessel functionality. We demonstrate for the first time that DLL4 is expressed by bone marrow-derived pericytes/vascular smooth muscle cells in two Ewing’s sarcoma xenograft models and by perivascular cells in 12 out of 14 patient samples. Using dominant negative mastermind to inhibit Notch, we demonstrate that Notch signaling is essential for bone marrow cell participation in vasculogenesis. Further, inhibition of DLL4 using either shRNA or the monoclonal DLL4 neutralizing antibody YW152F led to dramatic changes in blood vessel morphology and function. Vessels in tumors where DLL4 was inhibited were smaller, lacked lumens, had significantly reduced numbers of bone marrow-derived pericyte/vascular smooth muscle cells, and were less functional. Importantly, growth of TC71 and A4573 tumors was significantly inhibited by treatment with YW152F. Additionally, we provide in vitro evidence that DLL4-Notch signaling is involved in bone marrow-derived pericyte/vascular smooth muscle cell formation outside of the Ewing’s sarcoma environment. Pericyte/vascular smooth muscle cell marker expression by whole bone marrow cells cultured with mouse embryonic stromal cells was reduced when DLL4 was inhibited by YW152F. For the first time, our findings demonstrate a role for DLL4 in bone marrow-derived pericyte/vascular smooth muscle differentiation as well as a critical role for DLL4 in Ewing’s sarcoma tumor growth.


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Wound healing is a conserved survival response whose function is to restore the integrity of the tissue after physical trauma. Despite numerous studies in the wound healing field, the signals and pathways that orchestrate and control the wound healing program are still not entirely known. To identify additional signals and pathways that regulate epidermal wound repair in Drosophila larvae, we performed a pilot in vivo RNAi screen using a live reporter for epidermal morphology and a wounding assay. From our pilot screen we identified Pvr, the Drosophila homolog of the vertebrate PDGF/VEGF receptors, and six other genes as epidermal wound healing genes. Morphological analysis of wound-edge cells lacking Pvr or the Drosophila Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK), previously implicated in larval wound closure, suggest that Pvr signaling leads to cell process extension into the wound site while JNK mediates transient dedifferentiation of wound-edge epidermal cells. Furthermore, we found that one of the three known Pvr ligands, Pvf1, is also required for epidermal wound closure. Through tissue-specific knock down and rescue experiments, we propose a model in which epidermally-produced Pvf1 may be sequestered into the hemolymph (blood) and that tissue damage locally exposes blood-borne Pvf1 to Pvr receptors on epidermal cells at the wound edge, thus initiating epidermal cell process extension and migration into the wound gap. Together, our data suggest that the Pvr and JNK signaling pathways act in parallel to control different aspects of wound closure and that PDGF/VEGF ligands and receptors may have a conserved autocrine role in epidermal wound closure. ^


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The thermal degradation processes of two sulfur polymers, poly(xylylene sulfide) (PXM) and poly(xylylene disulfide) (PXD), were investigated in parallel by direct pyrolysis mass spectrometry (DPMS) and flash pyrolysis GC/MS (Py-GC/MS). Thermogravimetric data showed that these polymers decompose with two separate steps in the temperature ranges of 250-280 and 600-650 degrees C, leaving a high amount of residue (about 50% at 800 degrees C). The pyrolysis products detected by DPMS in the first degradation step of PXM and PXD were terminated by three types of end groups, -CH3, -CH2SH, and -CH=S, originating from thermal cleavage reactions involving a series of homolytic chain scissions followed by hydrogen transfer reactions, generating several oligomers containing some intact xylylene sulfide repeating units. The presence of pyrolysis compounds containing some stilbene-like units in the first degradation step has also been observed. Their formation has been accounted for with a parallel cleavage involving the elimination of H2S from the PXM main chains. These unsaturated units can undergo cross-linking at higher temperatures, producing the high amount of char residue observed. The thermal degradation compounds detected by DPMS in the second decomposition step at about 600-650 degrees C were constituted of condensed aromatic molecules containing dihydrofenanthrene and fenanthrene units. These compounds might be generated from the polymer chains containing stilbene units, by isomerization and dehydrogenation reactions. The pyrolysis products obtained in the Py-GC/MS of PXM and PXD at 610 degrees C are almost identical. The relative abundance in the pyrolysate and the spectral properties of the main pyrolysis products were found to be in generally good agreement with those obtained by DPMS. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were also detected by Py-GC/MS but in minor amounts with respect to DPMS. This apparent discrepancy was due to the simultaneous detection of PAHs together with all pyrolysis products in the Py-GC/MS, whereas in DPMS they were detected in the second thermal degradation step without the greatest part of pyrolysis compounds generated in the first degradation step. The results obtained by DPMS and PSI-GC/MS experiments showed complementary data for the degradation of PXM and PXD and, therefore, allowed the unequivocal formulation of the thermal degradation mechanism for these sulfur-containing polymers.


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The fac-[Re(CO)(3)(Me(4)phen)(trans-L)](+) complexes, Me(4)phen = 3,4,7,8-tetramethyl-1,10-phenanthroline and L = 4-styrylpyridine, stpy, or 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene, bpe, were synthesized and characterized by their spectroscopic, photochemical, and photophysical properties. The complexes exhibit trans-to-cis isomerization upon 313, 334, 365, and 404 nm irradiation, and the true quantum yields can be efficiently determined by absorption changes combined with (1)H NMR data. For fac-[Re(CO)(3)(Me(4)phen)(trans-bpe)](+) similar quantum yields were determined at all wavelengths investigated. However, a lower value (phi(true) = 0.35) was determined for fac-[Re(CO)(3)(Me(4)phen)(trans-stpy)](+) at 404 nm irradiation, which indicates different pathways for the photoisomerization process. The photoproducts, fac-[Re(CO)(3)(Me(4)phen)(cis-L)](+), exhibit luminescence at room temperature with two maxima ascribed to the (3)IL(Me4phen) and (3)MLCT(Re -> Me4phen) excited states. The luminescence properties were investigated in different media, and the behavior in glassy EPA at 77 K showed that the contribution of each emissive state is dependent on the excitation wavelength. The photochemical and photophysical behavior of the complexes were rationalized in terms of the energy gap of excited states and can be exploited in photoswitchable luminescent rigidity sensors.


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The vascular and the nervous system are responsible for oxygen, nutrient, and information transfer and thereby constitute highly important communication systems in higher organisms. These functional similarities are reflected at the anatomical, cellular, and molecular levels, where common developmental principles and mutual crosstalks have evolved to coordinate their action. This resemblance of the two systems at different levels of complexity has been termed the "neurovascular link." Most of the evidence demonstrating neurovascular interactions derives from studies outside the CNS and from the CNS tissue of the retina. However, little is known about the specific properties of the neurovascular link in the brain. Here, we focus on regulatory effects of molecules involved in the neurovascular link on angiogenesis in the periphery and in the brain and distinguish between general and CNS-specific cues for angiogenesis. Moreover, we discuss the emerging molecular interactions of these angiogenic cues with the VEGF-VEGFR-Delta-like ligand 4 (Dll4)-Jagged-Notch pathway.


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We have cloned a type I serine/threonine kinase receptor, XTrR-I, from Xenopus. XTrR-I (Xenopus transforming growth factor beta-related receptor type I) is expressed in all regions of embryos throughout early development. Overexpression of this receptor does not affect ectoderm or endoderm but dorsalizes the mesoderm such that muscle appears in ventral mesoderm and notochord appears in lateral mesoderm normally fated to become muscle. In addition, overexpression of XTrR-I in UV-treated embryos is able to cause formation of a partial dorsal axis. These results suggest that XTrR-I encodes a receptor which responds in normal development to a transforming growth factor beta-like ligand so as to promote dorsalization. Its function would therefore be to direct mesodermalized tissue into muscle or notochord.


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Overexpression of Notch receptors and ligands has been associated with various cancers and developmental disorders, making Notch a potential therapeutic target. Here, we report characterization of Notch1 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) with therapeutic potential. The mAbs generated against epidermal growth factor (EGF) repeats 11 to 15 inhibited binding of Jagged1 and Delta-like4 and consequently, signaling in a dose-dependent manner, the antibodies against EGF repeats 11 to 12 being more effective than those against repeats 13 to 15. These data emphasize the role of EGF repeats 11 to 12 in ligand binding. One of the mAbs, 602.101, which specifically recognizes Notch1, inhibited ligand-dependent expression of downstream target genes of Notch such as HES-1, HES-5, and HEY-L in the breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231. The mAb also decreased cell proliferation and induced apoptotic cell death. Furthermore, exposure to this antibody reduced CD44(Hi)/CD24(Low) subpopulation in MDA-MB-231 cells, suggesting a decrease in the cancer stem-like cell subpopulation. This was confirmed by showing that exposure to the antibody decreased the primary, secondary, and tertiary mammosphere formation efficiency of the cells. Interestingly, effect of the antibody on the putative stem-like cells appeared to be irreversible, because the mammosphere-forming efficiency could not be salvaged even after antibody removal during the secondary sphere formation. The antibody also modulated expression of genes associated with stemness and epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Thus, targeting individual Notch receptors by specific mAbs is a potential therapeutic strategy to reduce the potential breast cancer stem-like cell subpopulation. Mol Cancer Ther; 11(1); 77-86. (C) 2011 AACR.


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The Notch signalling pathway is implicated in a wide variety of cellular processes throughout metazoan development. Although the downstream mechanism of Notch signalling has been extensively studied, the details of its ligand-mediated receptor activation are not clearly understood. Although the role of Notch ELRs EGF (epidermal growth factor)-like-repeats] 11-12 in ligand binding is known, recent studies have suggested interactions within different ELRs of the Notch receptor whose significance remains to be understood. Here, we report critical inter-domain interactions between human Notch1 ELRs 21-30 and the ELRs 11-15 that are modulated by calcium. Surface plasmon resonance analysis revealed that the interaction between ELRs 21-30 and ELRs 11-15 is similar to 10-fold stronger than that between ELRs 11-15 and the ligands. Although there was no interaction between Notch 1 ELRs 21-30 and the ligands in vitro, addition of pre-clustered Jagged1Fc resulted in the dissociation of the preformed complex between ELRs 21-30 and 11-15, suggesting that inter-domain interactions compete for ligand binding. Furthermore, the antibodies against ELRs 21-30 inhibited ligand binding to the full-length Notch1 and subsequent receptor activation, with the antibodies against ELRs 25-26 being the most effective. These results suggest that the ELRs 25-26 represent a cryptic ligand-binding site which becomes exposed only upon the presence of the ligand. Thus, using specific antibodies against various domains of the Notch1 receptor, we demonstrate that, although ELRs 11-12 are the principal ligand-binding site, the ELRs 25-26 serve as a secondary binding site and play an important role in receptor activation.


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Enolic Schiff base zinc (II) complex 1 was synthesized. XRD revealed 1 was a novel crown-like macrocycle structure consisted of hexanuclear units of (LZnEt)(6) via the coordination chelation between the Zn atom and adjacent amine nitrogen atom. Further reaction of 1 with one equivalent 2-propanol at RT produced Zn-alkoxide 2 by in situ alcoholysis. Complex 2 was used as an initiator to polymerize rac-lactide in a controlled manner to give heterotactic enriched polylactide. Factors that influenced the polymerization such as the polymerization time and the temperature as well as the monomer concentration were discussed in detail in this paper.


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Cytochromes P450 constitute a super-family of enzymes involved in the metabolism of Xenobiotics, where human cytochrome P450 3A4 is the most abundant of all P450s, accounting for about 50% of all human liver cytochromes. This membrane anchored protein is responsible for the metabolization of a wide array of environmental drugs and intoxicants, mainly due to its haem domain properties, and active site cavity volume. These properties make this protein an excellent subject for biosensor application, although CYO3A4 enzyme is also famous for its instability. Enzyme inactivation at room temperature is a normal conversion process that this enzyme undergoes, that may hamper any biosensing approach.