10 resultados para Stepfamilies
Within the framework of research into educational inequality, this paper focuses on the educational success of children who experience parental separation prior to the transition from primary into secondary education. Related to this, the first education passage following primary school is observed. The question arises as to whether children growing up in single parent households after parental separation and whether children in this category who in addition experienced the formation of a stepfamily differ from one another and from children growing up in “nuclear families” in regard to their scholastic performance and transition success. For that reason, not only scholastic performance (grades) but also the type of school attended following primary school are of particular interest. Furthermore, differences regarding parental educational decision-making are examined (vgl. Stocké 2007). The analyses are based on data from the longitudinal study "BIKS 8-14" (educational processes, competence development and selection decisions in preschool- and school age) that has been undertaken at the Otto Friedrich University in Bamberg.
Divorce and remarriage usually imply a redefinition of family boundaries, with consequences for the production and availability of social capital. This research shows that bonding and bridging social capitals are differentially made available by families. It first hypothesizes that bridging social capital is more likely to be developed in stepfamilies, and bonding social capital in first-time families. Second, the boundaries of family configurations are expected to vary within stepfamilies and within first-time families creating a diversity of family configurations within both structures. Third, in both cases, social capital is expected to depend on the ways in which their family boundaries are set up by individuals by including or excluding ex-partners, new partner's children, siblings, and other family ties. The study is based on a sample of 300 female respondents who have at least one child of their own between 5 and 13 years, 150 from a stepfamily structure and 150 from a first-time family structure. Social capital is empirically operationalized as perceived emotional support in family networks. The results show that individuals in first-time families more often develop bonding social capital and individuals in stepfamilies bridging social capital. In both cases, however, individuals in family configurations based on close blood and conjugal ties more frequently develop bonding social capital, whereas individuals in family configurations based on in-law, stepfamily or friendship ties are more likely to develop bridging social capital.
L'article presenta el desenvolupament i les aportacions d'una investigació cooperativa a l'àrea del procés de preparació-educació de les famílies candidates a l'adopció. Aquesta investigació sorgeix com una necessitat que manifesten els tècnics de les diverses comunitats autònomes en relació a les dificultats que troben per a la selecció de famílies per a l'adopció. Els resultats del treball cooperatiu han permès la introducció de canvis en els serveis d'adopció a nivell dels instruments de recollida d'informació, dels criteris d'idoneïtat i de la preparació de les famílies. concretament, aquí presentam el procés de creació i d'elaboració d'un programa emmarcat segons el model de preparació-educació dirigit als tècnics per orientar a les famílies que volen adoptar.
Background: Previous studies emphasise the importance of the biological family to the welfare of fostered adolescents. However, the majority of these studies only take into consideration the viewpoints of the professionals, foster parents and biological parents not those of the adolescents themselves. For this reason little is known about the perceptions the adolescents have and the needs they express. Method: This study has gathered data from 57 adolescents in kinship family fostering in Spain (AFE). The study applied qualitative reseach, using focus groups to gather data and the Atlas.ti programme to analyse the data. The qualitative data give us a more profound understanding of how the fostered adolescents relate to their biological families. Results: The results highlight the specific needs of these adolescents a) an understanding of their family history b) the impact of visits from and relationship with their biological family and c) the relationship between the biological family and the foster family. Conclusions: These findings reveal implications to consider when creating support programmes aimed at this group.
The resources of the step family and the children’s well-being The present study investigates children's well-being in stepfamilies and fac¬tors, both external and internal, that are related to the children's well-being. Of the external factors, the study focuses on factors related to the structure of the stepfamily, parents' education, socio-economic status and factors related to work, livelihood and living conditions. The internal resources include the general functioning of the family, parenthood and parenting, family support networks and issues that the stepfamilies themselves consider important. Another important resource in a stepfamily is a functioning network of human relationships, which in the present study is approached from the maternal viewpoint. Changing family relations are considered a potential threat to the children's well-being. Therefore, in addition to looking into the stepfamily's resources, the other important goal of the study is to explore other factors potentially related to the well-being of children living in stepfamilies. In view of the stepfamily's resources, it is important to explore how the functioning of the relationships network is linked with the child's well-being. The study employs survey and interview data. The survey data (n=2236) are part of national survey data on the well-being of families and children and factors impacting them which were gathered as part of ”Origins of Exclusion in Early Childhood”, a research project carried out in 2002. The data consists of 667 stepfamilies. The interview data consists of interviews with 24 parents in stepfamilies. In the study, the analyses of survey and interview data are combined. Both descriptive statistical analyses and multivariate methods are employed. Content analysis is employed in the analysis of the interview data. The results indicate that the stepfamilies’ resources in general but their external resources in particular differed from those of the nuclear and single-parent families. The level of education and the socio-economic status of the stepfamily parents were somewhat lower than those of the nuclear family parents. The differences in relation to single-parent families were primarily related to the better economic status of the stepfamilies. The analysis of internal resources showed relatively minor differences: the stepfamilies assessed themselves a somewhat better general functioning of the family than did the nuclear families. Parenting issues caused more disagreement in stepfamilies than in nuclear families. The analysis of the functioning of the human relations in stepfamilies showed that the stepfamily mothers experienced the external relationships of the family (e.g., between the child and the absent father) as significantly more problematic than the relationships within the stepfamily. Living in a stepfamily thus challenges the functioning of the relationship between the child and the absent father. As a result of the analysis of the relationships networks in the stepfamilies, three groups were formed. One group had the nuclear family as an ideal goal, another valued an extended family composed of a variety of relationships, and the third one appreciated a strong intimate relationship between the parents. In the present study, the most common group was the multi-relationship, extended type of stepfamily. In conclusion, living in a stepfamily does not seem to pose a risk to the child’s well-being, but it may influence the family’s resources and thus have an indirect effect on the child’s well-being. In view of the resources of the stepfamily, the child’s well-being was best supported by a functioning network of human relationships in the stepfamily: there was a distinct connection with the children’s problems and the non-functioning of the relationships network. According to the mothers, the internal relationships in the stepfamily seemed to be more important than the external relationships of the family. A child’s functioning relationship with the absent father can be viewed as a positive resource, supporting the child’s well-being in the stepfamily.
A grounded theory study was conducted with ten (7 female, 3 male) emerging-adults in stepfamilies to examine their perceptions and experiences of their stepparents, and what factors influence the development and maintenance of these steprelationships. Three primary categories emerged from the data: (1) Stepchildrens' perceptions of their stepparents presence in their lives, including both physical closeness and physical and emotional involvement (2) The perceived level of authenticity within the steprelationship, and (3) The level of clout stepchildren afforded to their stepparents' position within their lives and families. Additional factors found to influence the levels of presence, authenticity, and clout were stepchildrens' emotional maturity, cultural background, relationships with their biological parents, and feelings regarding the use and acquisition of money.
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Undergraduate psycholog)' students from stepfamilies (always one step and one biological parent) and biologically intact families (always both biological parents) participated in this study. The goal was to assess perceptions of stepfamilies (N = 106, Nstepfamilies = 44, Nbiological = 62, age range = 17.17 to 28.92 years, M = 19.46 years). One theoretical perspective, the social stigma h)'pothesis, argues that there is a stigma attached to stepfamilies, or that stepfamilies are consistentiy associated with negative stereotypes. In the current study, participants were assessed on a number of variables, including a semantic differential scale, a perceived conflict scale and a perceived general satisfaction scale. It was found that a consistently negative view of stepfamilies was prevalent. Furthermore, the negative stereotypes existed, irrespective of participant family type. Results support the theoretical view that stepfamilies are stereotypically viewed as negative, when compared to biological families.
Las preferencias en elección de pareja de hombres y mujeres interesados en establecer relaciones a largo plazo con personas de su mismo sexo biológico ha sido un tema de interés para el análisis evolucionista, ya que existe debate frente a los resultados de las investigaciones y los planteamientos de las teorías de inversión parental y estrategias sexuales. Con el objetivo de identificar qué características son preferidas por hombres y mujeres interesados en establecer una relación a largo plazo con personas de su mismo sexo biológico y contribuir a esta discusión, se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo en el que analizamos el contenido de 732 perfiles de hombres y mujeres (H=491; M=241) que buscaban una relación estable con parejas de su mismo sexo biológico. Las categorías analizadas fueron: edad, atractivo físico (apariencia, contextura, estatura y peso), estatus socioeconómico (situación laboral, nivel educativo y zona de residencia buscada), estado civil, número de hijos y hábitos saludables (fumar y beber). Los resultados encontrados muestran que los hombres presentan rangos amplios en las características deseadas en una pareja (edad=16.87; estatura=11.37; peso=15.23) y además buscan personas menores a la edad ofrecida (M=-4.17 años). En las mujeres se encontró que los rangos son más restringidos (edad=13.85; estatura=9.83; peso=12.77) y además prefieren parejas mayores (M=2.89 años). A nivel general, se evidencia que los resultados encontrados en la mayoría de las variables podrían indicar congruencia con los planteamientos de la teoría de inversión parental y estrategias sexuales; sin embargo, en otras variables los resultados no son claros.