968 resultados para Steel material


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The domain of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) in as-cast 304 stainless steel material occurs at higher temperatures (1250 degrees C) and lower strain rates (0.001 s(-1)) than in wrought 304 stainless steel (1100 degrees C and 0.01 s(-1)). The above result has been explained earlier on the basis of a simple theoretical DRX model involving the rate of nucleation versus rate of grain boundary migration. The present investigation is aimed at examining experimentally the influence of carbide particles on the DRX of ascast 304 using secondary ion mass spectrometric (SIMS) analysis. Isothermal compression tests at a constant true strain rate have been performed on wrought 304 and as-cast 304 materials in the temperature and strain rate ranges of 1000 to 1250 degrees C and 0.001 to 1 s(-1) respectively. The SIMS analysis carried out on the deformed samples revealed that the large carbides present in the as-cast 304 material strongly influence the DRX process. In as-cast 304 material, the presence of large carbide particles in the microstructure shifts the DRX domain to higher temperature and lower strain rate in comparison with wrought 304 material.


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Stainless steels are well known to be prone to cold welding and material transfer in sliding contacts and therefore difficult to cold form unless certain precautions as discussed in this paper are taken. In the present study different combinations of tool steels/stainless steels/lubricants has been evaluated with respect to their galling resistance using pin-on-disc testing. The results show that a high galling resistance is favored by a high stainless steel sheet hardness and a blasted stainless steel sheet surface topography. The effect of type of lubricant was found to be more complex. For example, the chlorinated lubricants failed to prevent metal-to-metal contact on a brushed sheet surface but succeeded on a blasted sheet surface of the same stainless steel material. This is believed to be due to a protective tribofilm which is able to form on the blasted surface, but not on the brushed surface.


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This paper addresses the strain ageing effects on the mechanical properties of the partially damaged structural mild steel. Since repairing partly damaged structures may not occur immediately, the strain ageing effect can significantly influence the structural behaviour. The changes due to this effect have not so far been considered in the civil engineering design guidelines. In order to investigate strain ageing effects, two-stage experimental tests are carried out on the mild-steel specimens. In the first stage, partial damage is made using quasi-static loading. During the second stage, the strength and ductility of the specimens are examined after 2 and 7 days ‘ageing’ at room temperature and the results are compared with the corresponding no-age samples. The microstructure of the specimens is examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). To illustrate the effect of strain ageing on the global behaviour of steel structures, a numerical example is provided in which strain ageing impacts on loading capacity and deflection of a steel beam. Finally, the stress–strain relation of partially damaged mild-steel material incorporating strain ageing effects is expressed by calibrating the parameters of Ramberg–Osgood model.


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Understanding the interaction of sea ice with offshore structures is of primary importance for the development of technology in cold climate regions. The rheological properties of sea ice (strength, creep, viscosity) as well as the roughness of the contact surface are the main factors influencing the type of interaction with a structure. A device was developed and designed and small scale laboratory experiments were carried out to study sea ice frictional interaction with steel material by means of a uniaxial compression rig. Sea-ice was artificially grown between a stainless steel piston (of circular cross section) and a hollow cylinder of the same material, coaxial to the former and of the same surface roughness. Three different values for the roughness were tested: 1.2, 10 and 30 μm Ry (maximum asperities height), chosen as representative values for typical surface conditions, from smooth to normally corroded steel. Creep tests (0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.6 kN) were conducted at T = -10 ºC. By pushing the piston head towards the cylinder base, three different types of relative movement were observed: 1) the piston slid through the ice, 2) the piston slid through the ice and the ice slid on the surface of the outer cylinder, 3) the ice slid only on the cylinder surface. A cyclic stick-slip motion of the piston was detected with a representative frequency of 0.1 Hz. The ratio of the mean rate of axial displacement to the frequency of the stick-slip oscillations was found to be comparable to the roughness length (Sm). The roughness is the most influential parameter affecting the amplitude of the oscillations, while the load has a relevant influence on the their frequency. Guidelines for further investigations were recommended. Marco Nanetti - seloselo@virgilio.it


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Lead bismuth eutectic (LBE) is a possible coolant for fast reactors and targets in spallation neutron sources. Its low melting point, high evaporation point, good thermal conductivity, low reactivity, and good neutron yield make it a safe and high performance coolant in radiation environments. The disadvantage is that it is a corrosive medium for most steels and container materials. This study was performed to evaluate the corrosion behavior of the austenitic stainless steel D9 in oxygen controlled LBE. In order to predict the corrosion behavior of steel in this environment detailed analyses have to be performed on the oxide layers formed on these materials and various other relevant materials upon exposure to LBE. In this study the corrosion/oxidation of D9 stainless steel in LBE was investigated in great detail. The oxide layers formed were characterized using atomic force microscopy, magnetic force microscopy, nanoindentation, and scanning electron microscopy with wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy (WDS) to understand the corrosion and oxidation mechanisms of D9 stainless steel in contact with the LBE. What was previously believed to be a simple double oxide layer was identified here to consist of at least 4 different oxide layers. It was found that the inner most oxide layer takes over the grain structure of what used to be the bulk steel material while the outer oxide layer consists of freshly grown oxides with a columnar structure. These results lead to a descriptive model of how these oxide layers grow on this steel under the harsh environments encountered in these applications.


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As nuclear energy systems become more advanced, the materials encompassing them need to perform at higher temperatures for longer periods of time. In this Master’s thesis we experiment with an oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) austenitic steel that has been recently developed. ODS materials have a small concentration of nano oxide particles dispersed in their matrix, and typically have higher strength and better extreme temperature creep resistance characteristics than ordinary steels. However, no ODS materials have ever been installed in a commercial power reactor to date. Being a newer research material, there are many unanswered phenomena that need to be addressed regarding the performance under irradiation. Furthermore, due to the ODS material traditionally needing to follow a powder metallurgy fabrication route, there are many processing parameters that need to be optimized before achieving a nuclear grade material specification. In this Master’s thesis we explore the development of a novel ODS processing technology conducted in Beijing, China, to produce solutionized bulk ODS samples with ~97% theoretical density. This is done using relatively low temperatures and ultra high pressure (UHP) equipment, to compact the mechanically alloyed (MA) steel powder into bulk samples without any thermal phase change influence or oxide precipitation. By having solutionized bulk ODS samples, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation of nano oxide precipitation within the steel material can be studied by applying post heat treatments. These types of samples will be very useful to the science and engineering community, to answer questions regarding material powder compacting, oxide synthesis, and performance. Subsequent analysis performed at Queen’s University included X-ray diffraction (XRD) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Additional TEM in-situ 1MeV Kr2+ irradiation experiments coupled with energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) techniques, were also performed on large (200nm+) non-stoichiometric oxides embedded within the austenite steel grains, in an attempt to quantify the elemental compositional changes during high temperature (520oC) heavy ion irradiation.


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Wettability gradient surfaces play a significant role in control and manipulation of liquid drops. The present work deals with the analysis of water drops impacting onto the junction line between hydrophobic texture and hydrophilic smooth portions of a dual-textured substrate made using stainless steel material. The hydrophobic textured portion of the substrate comprised of unidirectional parallel groove-like and pillar-like structures of uniform dimensions. A high-speed video camera recorded the spreading and receding dynamics of impacting drops. The drop impact dynamics during the early inertia driven impact regime remains unaffected by the dual-texture feature of the substrate. A larger retraction speed of drop liquid observed on the hydrophobic portion of the substrate during the impact of low velocity drops makes the drop liquid on the higher wettability portion to advance further (secondary drop spreading). The net horizontal drop velocity towards the hydrophilic portion of the dual-textured substrate decreases with increasing drop impact velocity. The available experimental results suggest that the movement of bulk drop liquid away from the impact point during drop impact on the dual-textured substrate is larger for the impact of low inertia drops. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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El siglo XIX fue un siglo dedicado a los grandes edificios públicos. Los teatros, las academias, los museos. Sin embargo la arquitectura durante el siglo XX se dedicará al estudio de la casa. Todos los usos y tipologías se verán fuertemente revisados pero el núcleo de todos los esfuerzos y verdadero inicio de la arquitectura moderna será la vivienda. A partir de ella todos los preceptos modernos se irán aplicando a los distintos programas. Nikolaus Pevsner señala a William Morris como el primer arquitecto moderno porque precisamente entendió que un arte verdaderamente social, en consonancia con su tiempo y la sociedad a la que sirve, ha de ocuparse de aquello que preocupe a la gente. Con la nueva situación de la vivienda en el centro de las motivaciones disciplinares el mueble adopta un nuevo protagonismo. En un momento avanzado de su carrera Marcel Breuer observa entre curioso e irónico cómo el mueble moderno había sido promocionado paradójicamente no por los diseñadores de muebles sino por los arquitectos1. La respuesta la da Le Corbusier en una de sus conferencias de 1931 recogida en Precisiones 2 cuando señala la reformulación del mobiliario como el "nudo gordiano" de cuya resolución pendía la renovación de la planta moderna. El Movimiento Moderno se había visto obligado a atacar este tema para poder avanzar en sus propuestas domésticas. El Movimiento Moderno se propuso solucionar los problemas de la vivienda y de una Europa en reconstrucción pero se exigía además ser capaz de aportar una visión propositiva de la vida moderna. No se trataba únicamente de resolver los problemas ya existentes sino que además había la necesidad autoimpuesta de anticipar la domesticidad del futuro. Para ello sus viviendas al completo, mueble e inmueble, debían de presentarse bajo esa nueva imagen. El manifiesto fundacional de la Deustcher Werkbund extendía el radio de acción del nuevo arquitecto desde la construcción de las ciudades a los cojines del sofá. Este mobiliario tenía la compleja misión de condensar sintéticamente todos esos ideales que la modernidad había traído consigo: abstracción, higiene, fascinación maquínica, confianza positivista en la ciencia o la expresión material optimizada. Objetos de la vida moderna, en palabras de Le Corbusier, susceptibles de suscitar un estado de vida moderno. Pocas sillas en la historia del diseño habrán acarreado tanta polémica y tanta disputa por su autoría como la sillas voladas de tubo de acero en sus diferentes versiones. Para entenderlo situémonos en el año 1927 a las puertas de la exposición "Die Wohnung" ("La vivienda") organizada por los maestros de la Bauhaus y dirigida por Mies van der Rohe en la ladera Weissenhof de Stuttgart. Muchos nombres célebres de la arquitectura mostraron en esa ocasión su personal propuesta para la vivienda moderna y los objetos que la habitan. Entre ellos los muebles con tubo de acero fueron una presencia constante en la exposición pero hubo una pieza que destacó sobre todas las demás por su novedad y audacia. La pieza en cuestión era el modelo de silla volada, esto es, sin apoyos posteriores y cuya rigidez estaba conferida al esfuerzo solidario de la estructura continua de tubo de acero y que terminaría por convertirse en el cruce de caminos de tres figuras de la disciplina arquitectónica: Marcel Breuer, Mies van der Rohe y Mart Stam. Cada uno de ellos desarrolló su propio modelo de silla volada en sus versiones MR por parte de Mies, L&C Arnold de Stam y el posterior modelo BR 33 de Marcel Breuer. Los tres, en algún momento de su vida reclamaron de uno u otro modo su autoría como objetos que les pertenecían intelectualmente. Estas sillas se convirtieron en la expresión máxima de uno de los ansiados anhelos de la modernidad, la propia materialidad del acero, en su versión optimizada, era la que había derivado en una forma completamente nueva de un objeto cotidiano y cuyo tipo estaba ya totalmente asumido. Los nuevos materiales y las nuevas formas de hacer habían irrumpido hasta en los utensilios domésticos, y habían sido capaces de reformularlos. El punto de partida para esta investigación es precisamente esa coincidencia de tres figuras de la arquitectura moderna, los tres de formación artesanal, en un mismo modelo de silla y en una misma fecha. Tres arquitectos que se habían encargado de asegurar que el movimiento moderno no reconocía problemas formales sino solamente de construcción, iban a coincidir en el mismo tiempo y lugar, precisamente en una misma forma, como si tal coincidencia hubiera sido producto de una voluntad de época. Sin embargo el interés de este estudio no radica en una indagación sobre la autoría sino sobre cómo un mismo objeto resulta ser propositivo e interesante en campos muy diversos y la forma en que cada uno lo hace suyo incorporándolo a su propia investigación proyectual. La silla, más allá de ser un objeto de diseño exclusivamente, trasciende su propia escala para situarse inmersa en un proceso de búsqueda y exploración a nivel conceptual, formal, constructivo y estructural en la arquitectura cada uno de ellos. En un momento en que el oficio del arquitecto está siendo intensamente redefinido considero especialmente pertinente esta investigación, que en definitiva versa sobre la forma distintiva en que el pensamiento arquitectónico es capaz de proyectarse sobre cualquier disciplina para reformularla. ABSTRACT The nineteenth century was a century dedicated to the great public buildings; theaters, schools or museums. However the architecture in the twentieth century was devoted to the study of housing. All uses and typologies were heavily revised but the focus of all efforts and true beginning of modern architecture was housing. From these beginnings all modern precepts were applied to the various programs. Nikolaus Pevsner points to William Morris as the first modern architect precisely because he understood that a truly social art in line with its time and the society it serves must deal with social concerns at that time. With the new housing situation at the center of disciplinary concerns furniture took on a new prominence. At an advanced stage of his career Marcel Breuer observed partly with curiosity, partly with irony how modern furniture had been promoted not by furniture designers but by architects. The answer is given by Le Corbusier in one of his lectures of 1931 collected in Precisions when he pointed the reformulation of furniture as the "Gordian knot" for the renewal of modern plan resolution. Modernism had been forced to confront this issue in order to advance their domestic approaches. Modernism not only put forward a solution to the problems of housing and a Europe under reconstruction but is also needed to be able to contribute to an exciting vision of modern life. Not only did solve existing problems but also it had the self-imposed necessity of anticipating future domesticity and to do their houses full, movable and immovable, they should be submitted under this new image. The founding manifesto of the Deutsche Werkbund extended the scope of the new architect from building cities to the couch cushions. This furniture had the complex mission of synthetically condensing all the ideals of modernity had brought with it: abstraction, hygiene, mechanization, positivist confidence in science or material expression. Objects of modern life, in words of Le Corbusier, were likely to give rise a state of modern life. Few chairs in design history have resulted in so much controversy and so much dispute over their invention as the various versions of cantilevered tubular steel chairs. To understand this let us place ourselves in 1927 at the gates of the exhibition "Die Wohnung" ("Housing") organized by the teachers of the Bauhaus and directed by Mies van der Rohe in Stuttgart Weissenhoflung. Many famous names in architecture at that time showed their personal proposals for modern housing and the objects that inhabit them. Amongst these objects, the steel tube furniture was a constant presence at the exhibition but there was a piece so audacious that it stood out from all the others. This piece in question was the cantilever model chair, that is, which had no further rear support and whose rigidity was attributed to the solidity of its continues structure of steel tube. This piece would eventually become the crossroads of three very different personalities: Mart Stam, Marcel Breuer and Mies van der Rohe. Each of them developed their own model of cantilevered chair in different versions; The MR model developed by Mies van der Rohe, the L&C by Arnold Stam and a later model BR 33 by Marcel Breuer, and the three, at some point in their lives demanded the authorship of its invention as objects that belonged to them intellectually. These chairs epitomized one of the coveted objects of modernity, steel material in its optimized version, was what had led to a completely new form of an everyday object whose this type was fully adopted on board in design. New materials and production methods had burst into world of household objects, and had been able to reformulate their design. The bold design then became a dark object of controversy. The starting point for this doctoral thesis is the concurrent invention of the same model of chair by three different figures of modern architecture. These three architects, who were responsible for ensuring that the modern movement considered construction rather than form as the main design consideration, were working in the same place and at the same point in time. It was almost as if these three architects were shaped by the culture of the time (Zeitgeist). However the focus of this study lies not in an investigation of responsibility of ownership but in the investigation fo how the same object can turn out to be purposeful and interesting in many different fields and the way in which each researcher makes it his own by developing his own project research. 1927, the year of their meeting, was a initiatory year in the career of our players. The chair, beyond being only a design object transcended its own scale and became immersed in a process of research and development on a conceptual, formal, structural and constructive level in the architectural approach of each of the architects. At a time when the role of the architect is being redefined intensely I consider this research, which ultimately concerns the distinctive way the architectural thought can be projected onto and reformulate any discipline, to be particularly relevant.


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Sandwich panels comprising steel facings and a polystyrene foam core are increasingly used as roof and wall claddings in buildings in Australia. When they are subjected to loads causing bending and/or axial compression, the steel plate elements of their profiled facing are susceptible to local buckling. However, when compared to panels with no foam core, they demonstrate significantly improved local buckling behaviour because they are supported by foam. In order to quantify such improvements and to validate the use of available design buckling stress formulae, an investigation using finite element analyses and laboratory experiments was carried out on steel plates that are commonly used in Australia of varying yield stress and thickness supported by a polystyrene foam core. This paper presents the details of this investigation, the buckling results and their comparison with available design buckling formulae.


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To The ratcheting behavior of high-strength rail steel (Australian Standard AS1085.1) is studied in this work for the purpose of predicting wear and damage to the rail surface. Historically, researchers have used circular test coupons obtained from the rail head to conduct cyclic load tests, but according to hardness profile data, considerable variation exists across the rail head section. For example, the induction-hardened rail (AS1085.1) shows high hardness (400-430 HV100) up to four-millimeters into the rail head’s surface, but then drops considerably beyond that. Given that cyclic test coupons five millimeters in diameter at the gauge area are usually taken from the rail sample, there is a high probability that the original surface properties of the rail do not apply across the entire test coupon and, therefore, data representing only average material properties are obtained. In the literature, disks (47 mm in diameter) for a twin-disk rolling contact test machine have been obtained directly from the rail sample and used to validate rolling contact fatigue wear models. The question arises: How accurate are such predictions? In this research paper, the effect of rail sampling position on the ratcheting behavior of AS1085.1 rail steel was investigated using rectangular shaped specimens. Uniaxial stress-controlled tests were conducted with samples obtained at four different depths to observe the ratcheting behaviour of each. Micro-hardness measurements of the test coupons were carried out to obtain a constitutive relationship to predict the effect of depth on the ratcheting behaviour of the rail material. This work ultimately assists the selection of valid material parameters for constitutive models in the study of rail surface ratcheting.


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Frictional performance of molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) particles sprayed on a substrate is investigated in a ball-on-disc tribometer. The ability of large (similar to 2 mu m) and small (similar to 50 nm) particles to generate low-friction transfer film is investigated with a view to elucidate the requirement for film formation. Particle migration, particle stability in the contact region, oxidation potential, and particle adhesion to the substrate are explored within a span of operating parametersp; normal load, and sliding velocity. It is found that the larger particles are able to migrate to the contact to raise a homogeneous but nonuniform low-friction transfer film that flows plastically to yield large contact areas, which aid in wear protection. Within the present load and speed range, the inability of small particles to stay in the contact region and undergo basal slip militates against the formation of a low-friction transfer film.


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Stress- and strain-controlled tests of heat treated high-strength rail steel (Australian Standard AS1085.1) have been performed in order to improve the characterisation of the said material׳s ratcheting and fatigue wear behaviour. The hardness of the rail head material has also been studied and it has been found that hardness reduces considerably below four-millimetres from the rail top surface. Historically, researchers have used test coupons with circular cross-sections to conduct cyclic load tests. Such test coupons, typically five-millimetres in gauge diameter and ten‐millimetres in grip diameter, are usually taken from the rail head sample. When there is considerable variation of material properties over the cross-section it becomes likely that localised properties of the rail material will be missed. In another case from the literature, disks 47 mm in diameter for a twin-disk rolling contact test machine were obtained directly from the rail sample and used to validate ratcheting and rolling contact fatigue wear models. The question arises: How accurate are such tests, especially when large material property gradients exist? In this research paper, the effects of rail sampling location on the ratcheting behaviour of AS1085.1 rail steel were investigated using rectangular-shaped specimens obtained at four different depths to observe their respective cyclic plasticity behaviour. The microstructural features of the test coupons were also analysed, especially the pearlite inter-lamellar spacing which showed strong correlation with both hardness and cyclic plasticity behaviour of the material. This work ultimately provides new data and testing methodology to aid the selection of valid parameters for material constitutive models to better understand rail surface ratcheting and wear.