990 resultados para Steel Mill


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More than ever alternative energy solutions are being discussed including potential legislative action. With the use of fossil fuels being the most abundant and most controversial sources of energy, new solutions must be found. This paper looks at the economic and technical feasibility of different types of alternative energy and cogeneration applications within a steel mill. This paper examines alternative energy systems. The systems examined include Solar systems, thermal electric materials, and an Organic Rankine Cycle cogeneration project. None of the projects has limiting technical feasibility issues however each of the projects face economically limiting factors. Taking into account tangible and non-tangible factors the solar system and Organic Rankine Cycle cogeneration project are recommended for further study and potential installation.


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Setup time reduction facilitate the flexibility needed for just-in-time production. An integrated steel mill with meltshop, continuous caster and hot rolling mill is often operated as decoupled processes. Setup time reduction provides the flexibility needed to reduce buffering, shorten lead times and create an integrated process flow. The interdependency of setup times, process flexibility and integration were analysed through system dynamics simulation. The results showed significant reductions of energy consumption and tied capital. It was concluded that setup time reduction in the hot strip mill can aid process integration and hence improve production economy while reducing environmental impact.


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A Resolução CONAMA N 430/2011 exige a utilização de dois bioensaios (dois níveis tróficos) para avaliação ecotoxicológica de efluentes, mas a seleção ao acaso de bioensaios pode permitir lançamentos tóxicos. A sensibilidade dos bioindicadores irá depender da substância tóxica avaliada. Assim, baterias de bioensaios sensíveis devem ser estabelecidas às classes de contaminantes. Na literatura não há estudos que indiquem uma bateria de bioensaios ecotoxicológicos sensíveis para avaliação de efluentes contendo principalmente metais. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo selecionar uma bateria de bioensaios ecotoxicológicos que conjuntamente detectem toxicidade ao maior número de metais isolados e em misturas e que sejam realizados no menor tempo indicado pelas normas de padronização. Foram avaliadas as sensibilidades de seis bioensaios, incluindo três níveis tróficos (produtores, algas: Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata e Chlorella vulgaris; consumidores primários, cladóceros: Daphnia similis e Ceriodaphnia dubia; consumidores secundários, peixes: Poecilia reticulata e Danio rerio), a 10 espécies metálicas individuais (Ag+, Cd2+, Cu+, Cu2+, Cr3+, Cr6+, Pb2+, Ni2+, Zn2+ e Hg2+) e a efluentes reais (siderúrgicos) e simulados em laboratoriais (baseado nos limites máximos permitidos para descarte). Os bioensaios com peixes foram os menos sensíveis, D. rerio não detectou toxicidade em nenhum dos efluentes testados. P. subcapitata foi um bom bioindicador de toxicidade de Cr3+ e D. similis foi o organismo mais sensível a Hg2+. O uso combinado do bioensaio crônico de 72h com C. vulgaris e do bioensaio agudo de 48h com C. dubia garantiu a detecção das menores concentrações dos metais tanto individualmente quanto em efluentes reais e simulados. Apesar de P. subcapitata ser um bom bioindicador da toxicidade de Cr3+, a interação dos metais em misturas tornou C. vulgaris igualmente sensível. Da mesma forma, apesar de D. similis ter sido mais sensível ao Hg2+, o efeito da toxicidade dos efluentes com maiores teores de Hg2+ foi detectado por C. dubia


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Diplomityön tavoitteena on järkeistää terästehtaan laskujen käsittelyä sekä parantaa ostotoiminnan kustannustietämystä. Työssä keskitytään kolmeen case-tapaukseen: ostolaskuja eniten lähettävään yritykseen ja kahteen romutoimittajaan, joiden laskukäsittely vie ajallisesti pitkään. Ostotoimintoja tarkastellaan prosessina tilauksesta ostolaskukäsittelyyn. Työssä on haastateltu kunnossapidon työnjohtoa ja laskunkäsittelijöitä, joiden perusteella on kartoitettu nykytila ja listattu parannusehdotukset. Työn lopputuloksena ehdotetaan toimintatapojen muutosta. Tavoitteena on saada laskut paremmin kirjattua järjestelmään ja kohdennettua oikeille tilauksille, jolloin kustannusinformaatio parantuu. Sähköisellä laskutusohjelmiston käyttöönotolla voitaisiin järkeistää sisäistä laskunkiertoa ja arkistointia.


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This study analyzes an accident in which two maintenance workers suffered severe burns while replacing a circuit breaker panel in a steel mill, following model of analysis and prevention of accidents (MAPA) developed with the objective of enlarging the perimeter of interventions and contributing to deconstruction of blame attribution practices. The study was based on materials produced by a health service team in an in-depth analysis of the accident. The analysis shows that decisions related to system modernization were taken without considering their implications in maintenance scheduling and creating conflicts of priorities and of interests between production and safety; and also reveals that the lack of a systemic perspective in safety management was its principal failure. To explain the accident as merely non-fulfillment of idealized formal safety rules feeds practices of blame attribution supported by alibi norms and inhibits possible prevention. In contrast, accident analyses undertaken in worker health surveillance services show potential to reveal origins of these events incubated in the history of the system ignored in practices guided by the traditional paradigm.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este estudo teve como objetivo primordial analisar o impacto da atividade minero-metalurgica na qualidade de vida intramunicipal em Barcarena, a partir dos indicadores e índices sócioeconômicos nas dimensões renda, educação, habitação e saneamento, tendo como base de dados o Censo Demográfico Brasileiro de 1991 e 2000 do IBGE. Para tal, formulou-se a hipótese de que o acelerado crescimento econômico de Barcarena impulsionado, sobretudo pela minero-metalurgia não tem corroborado significativamente para a melhoria na qualidade de vida do município. Adotou-se como metodologia às análises comparativas temporal, intra e intermunicipal, tendo como embasamento para a discussão dos resultados obtidos uma revisão descritiva de diversos autores acerca do tema. Conclui-se que, embora a minero-metalúrgia não seja uma atividade promotora de um desenvolvimento econômico e humano originalmente endógeno, a população de Barcarena experimentou entre os anos de 1991 e 2000 uma leve melhora na qualidade de vida nos aspectos verificados. Conclui-se ainda que, as condições de vida dos moradores desse município poderiam ter sido melhores se a influência positiva dessa atividade não tivesse sido neutralizada pelo acelerado crescimento populacional


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The increasing concerns about the health and safety is significantly changing the costeffective management of labor, also becoming an important tool in the pursuit of quality. In this context the present work makes a studyin a steel mill, to determine an action plan with the goal of reducing the risk of injury during handling and setting up bearings in a workshop of rolling mill rolls. The study is structured through the Method of Analysis and Troubleshooting, and quality tools. The definition of the action plan has brought lowcost measures that seek to solve the problem, eliminating the possibility of fatality or inability to employees


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Steel industry is a sector heavily dependent on energy, both electrical and thermal. Since the receipt of raw materials to the shipment of finished products to customers, through mergers, casting, rolling, heat treatment, inspection, among others, high amounts of energy are demanded, generating very significant costs to the productive chain in its entirety . Therefore, any alternative that favors the reduction in energy consumption or barateie the cost of this is very welcome. Within this context, this paper aims to make a technical and economic analysis of installing a cogeneration plant in the field rolling in a non-integrated steel mill. Two configurations are proposed plants, with one being the use of heat from waste gases from furnaces existing in the area mentioned and another with the use of heat from waste gases from an internal combustion engine. Both proposals are evaluated technically and later is done the economic analysis, calculating the financial return (pay back) in relation to the investment required, operation and maintenance of the plant


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This study analyzes an accident in which two maintenance workers suffered severe burns while replacing a circuit breaker panel in a steel mill, following model of analysis and prevention of accidents (MAPA) developed with the objective of enlarging the perimeter of interventions and contributing to deconstruction of blame attribution practices. The study was based on materials produced by a health service team in an in-depth analysis of the accident. The analysis shows that decisions related to system modernization were taken without considering their implications in maintenance scheduling and creating conflicts of priorities and of interests between production and safety; and also reveals that the lack of a systemic perspective in safety management was its principal failure. To explain the accident as merely non-fulfillment of idealized formal safety rules feeds practices of blame attribution supported by alibi norms and inhibits possible prevention. In contrast, accident analyses undertaken in worker health surveillance services show potential to reveal origins of these events incubated in the history of the system ignored in practices guided by the traditional paradigm.


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Im Wassereinzugsgebiet der Aar zwischen Taunuskamm und Limburger Becken wurden 242 Erosionsschluchten, so genannte Runsen kartiert. Die vorgefundenen geomorphologischen Formen sind zum Teil mehr als 15 Meter tief, kerben- oder kastenförmig. Einige führen ein zeitweise oder ständig fließendes Gerinne. Die Untersuchung acht verschiedener Einzelbeispiele mit geomorphologischen, bodenkundlichen und kulturhistorischen Methoden ergab, dass die Erosionsschluchten in geschichtlicher Zeit entstanden sind. Damit wurden die Ergebnisse von BORK 1988, 1985, BORK et al. 1998, BAUER 1995, 1993, SEMMEL 1963, HEMPEL 1954, 1954 und HARD 1970 weitgehend bestätigt. Die Runsen an der Aar und ihrer Nebenbäche sind das Ergebnis exzessiver Erosionsprozesse, die in Folge einer erheblichen Übernutzung der Landschaft durch Köhlerei, Eisenerzverhüttung und Landwirtschaft hauptsächlich im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert ausgelöst wurden. Dabei kommt der seit 1656 betriebenen Michelbacher Hütte als landesherrliches Eisenwerk eine besondere Rolle zu. Ein weiterer Einfluss geht auf die spezifische Geofaktorenkonstellation im Untertaunus zurück. Die dort verbreiteten stark tonig verwitterten Schiefer und erodierten Parabraunerden fördern den Oberflächenabfluss, der während zeitweise auftretender Starkregenereignisse an den Hängen zum Einreißen von Erosionsschluchten führen kann . Zur Untersuchung des Phänomens wurden sowohl geomorphologische und bodenkundliche als auch historisch-kulturlandschaftgenetische Methoden herangezogen. Neben der bodenkundlichen Beprobung zahlreicher Aufschlüsse wurden auch Analysen mittels der Radiokarbonmethode, Schwermineralanalysen, Kohlholzspektren historischer Meilerplätze und die Auswertung von Archivunterlagen als Methoden herangezogen. Als grundlegendes Ergebnis liefert die vorliegende Arbeit einen umfassenden Abriss der Nutzungsgeschichte im Wassereinzugsgebiet der Aar von vorgeschichtlicher Zeit bis zum heutigen Tage. Zudem werden die naturräumlichen Einflussfaktoren, die die Entstehung von Erosionsschluchten erst ermöglichen, auf umfassende Weise dargestellt. Zwei Exkurse behandeln die Bedeutung der spätmittelalterlichen Landwehr bei Hennethal, die während der Geländearbeiten entdeckt wurde sowie die Entstehung und zeitliche Einordnung der Auelehme im Aartal.


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An emergency lowering system for use in safety critical crane applications is discussed. The system is used to safely lower the payload of a crane in case of an electric blackout. The system is based on a backup power source, which is used to operate the crane while the regular supply is not available. The system enables both horizontal and vertical movements of the crane. Two different configurations for building the system are described, one with an uninterruptible power source (UPS) or a diesel generator connected in parallel to the crane’s power supply and one with a customized energy storage connected to the intermediate DC-link in the crane. In order to be able to size the backup power source, the power required during emergency lowering needs to be understood. A simulation model is used to study and optimize the power used during emergency lowering. The simulation model and optimizations are verified in a test hoist. Simulation results are presented with non-optimized and optimized controls for two example applications: a paper roll crane and a steel mill ladle crane. The optimizations are found to significantly reduce the required power for the crane movements during emergency lowering.


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This dissertation presents a comparative study of three factories in Cork Harbour area, Sunbeam Wolsey (1927-90), Irish Steel (1939-2001) and the Ford Marina Plant (1917-84). All three factories were significant industrial employers in both a domestic (Irish) and a local (Cork) context and are broadly representative of the Irish manufacturing industry that was developed under the policies of tariff protection introduced in the 1930s and gradually phased out between the late 1950s and the mid-1980s. Sunbeam Wolsey was a textile and clothing concern located on the north side of Cork City that possessed a borderline monopoly within its economic sector and was among the largest private employers of female labour in twentieth century Ireland. Irish Steel was the country’s only steel mill, located on Haulbowline island, a brief ferry-ride from the seaside town of Cobh, and was unusual in being one of the few manufacturing concerns operated as a nationalised industry under the auspices of the state. The Ford Marina plant predated the introduction of protectionism by more than a decade and began as the centre of the Ford empire’s tractor manufacturing business, before switching to the production of private motor vehicles for the Irish market in 1932. All three industries were closed or sold off when the state withdrew support, either in the form of tariff protection (Ford, Sunbeam) or direct funding (Irish Steel). While devoting much attention to the three firms, the central concern of this dissertation is not the companies themselves (though the economic history portion of the dissertation is substantial), but the workers they employed, examining the lives of these individuals both as members of the Irish working class, and, more specifically, as employees of the three factories under consideration. The project can be best described as a comparative factory study, comparing and contrasting the three workforces, focusing primarily on industrial relation and the experience of work. This dissertation utilises both documentary evidence and a significant quantity of oral testimony, breaking new ground by making the workplace the central focus of its investigation. The principal aims of the study are: 1. To document the lives of those who worked in these factories, capturing through oral testimony their subjective experiences of social class and factory life, as well as differences among narrators in terms of gender and status. In achieving this aim, the study will provide a broader social context for its detailed analysis of work and industrial relations in each firm. 2. To analyse the three workplaces and determine how and why each developed such distinct systems of industrial relations at the factory level, as well as to compare and contrast these systems. 3. To examine the nature of work in each factory and to determine how work and industrial relations in each firm developed over time, relating these changes both to internal and external factors. Additionally, the project will provide a comparative analysis of these changes.