906 resultados para Steel I-beams Testing


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The purpose of this investigation was to study the flexural fatigue strength of two prestressed steel I-beams which had previously been fabricated in connection with a jointly sponsored project under the auspices of the Iowa State Highway Commission. The beams were prestressed by deflecting them under the action of a concentrated load at the center of a simple span, then welding unstressed high strength steel plates to the top and bottom flanges to retain a predetermined amount of prestress. The beams were rolled sections of A36 steel and the plates were USS "T-1" steel. Each of the two test specimens were subjected to an identical repeated loading until a fatigue failure occurred. The loading was designed to produce stresses equivalent to those which would have occurred in a simulated bridge and amounted to 84 percent of a standard H-15 live load including impact. One of the beams sustained 2,469,100 repetitions of load to failure and the other sustained 2,756,100 cycles. Following the fatigue tests, an experimental study was made to determine the state of stress that had been retained in the prestressed steel beams. This information, upon which the calculated stresses of the test could be superimposed, provided a method of correlating the fatigue strength of the beams with the fatigue information available on the two steels involved.


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Distortional buckling, unlike the usual lateral-torsional buckling in which the cross-section remains rigid in its own plane, involves distortion of web in the cross-section. This type of buckling typically occurs in beams with slender web and stocky flanges. Most of the published studies assume the web to deform with a cubic shape function. As this assumption may limit the accuracy of the results, a fifth order polynomial is chosen here for the web displacements. The general line-type finite element model used here has two nodes and a maximum of twelve degrees of freedom per node. The model not only can predict the correct coupled mode but also is capable of handling the local buckling of the web.


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Lateral load distribution factor is a key factor for designing and analyzing curved steel I-girder bridges. In this dissertation, the effects of various parameters on moment and shear distribution for curved steel I-girder bridges were studied using the Finite Element Method (FEM). The parameters considered in the study were: radius of curvature, girder spacing, overhang, span length, number of girders, ratio of girder stiffness to overall bridge stiffness, slab thickness, girder longitudinal stiffness, cross frame spacing, and girder torsional inertia. The variations of these parameters were based on the statistical analysis of the real bridge database, which was created by extracting data from existing or newly designed curved steel I-girder bridge plans collected all over the nation. A hypothetical bridge superstructure model that was made of all the mean values of the data was created and used for the parameter study. ^ The study showed that cross frame spacing and girder torsional inertia had negligible effects. Other parameters had been identified as key parameters. Regression analysis was conducted based on the FEM analysis results and simplified formulas for predicting positive moment, negative moment, and shear distribution factors were developed. Thirty-three real bridges were analyzed using FEM to verify the formulas. The ratio of the distribution factor obtained from the formula to the one obtained from the FEM analysis, which was referred to as the g-ratio, was examined. The results showed that the standard deviation of the g-ratios was within 0.04 to 0.06 and the mean value of the g-ratios was greater than unity by one standard deviation. This indicates that the formulas are conservative in most cases but not overly conservative. The final formulas are similar in format to the current American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Load Resistance and Factor Design (LRFD) specifications. ^ The developed formulas were compared with other simplified methods. The outcomes showed that the proposed formulas had the most accurate results among all methods. ^ The formulas developed in this study will assist bridge engineers and researchers in predicting the actual live load distribution in horizontally curved steel I-girder bridges. ^


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Iowa has the same problem that confronts most states in the United States: many bridges constructed more than 20 years ago either have deteriorated to the point that they are inadequate for original design loads or have been rendered inadequate by changes in design/maintenance standards or design loads. Inadequate bridges require either strengthening or posting for reduced loads. A sizeable number of single span, composite concrete deck - steel I beam bridges in Iowa currently cannot be rated to carry today's design loads. Various methods for strengthening the unsafe bridges have been proposed and some methods have been tried. No method appears to be as economical and promising as strengthening by post-tensioning of the steel beams. At the time this research study was begun, the feasibility of posttensioning existing composite bridges was unknown. As one would expect, the design of a bridge-strengthening scheme utilizing post-tensioning is quite complex. The design involves composite construction stressed in an abnormal manner (possible tension in the deck slab), consideration of different sizes of exterior and interior beams, cover-plated beams already designed for maximum moment at midspan and at plate cut-off points, complex live load distribution, and distribution of post-tensioningforces and moments among the bridge beams. Although information is available on many of these topics, there is miminal information on several of them and no information available on the total design problem. This study, therefore, is an effort to gather some of the missing information, primarily through testing a half-size bridge model and thus determining the feasibility of strengthening composite bridges by post-tensioning. Based on the results of this study, the authors anticipate that a second phase of the study will be undertaken and directed toward strengthening of one or more prototype bridges in Iowa.


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The Phase I research, Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT) Project HR-214, "Feasibility Study of Strengthening Existing Single Span Steel Beam Concrete Deck Bridges," verified that post-tensioning can be used to provide strengthening of the composite bridges under investigation. Phase II research, reported here, involved the strengthening of two full-scale prototype bridges - one a prototype of the model bridge tested during Phase I and the other larger and skewed. In addition to the field work, Phase II also involved a considerable amount of laboratory work. A literature search revealed that only minimal data existed on the angle-plus-bar shear connectors. Thus, several specimens utilizing angle-plus-bar, as well as channels, studs and high strength bolts as shear connectors were fabricated and tested. To obtain additional shear connector information, the bridge model of Phase I was sawed into four composite concrete slab and steel beam specimens. Two of the resulting specimens were tested with the original shear connection, while the other two specimens had additional shear connectors added before testing. Although orthotropic plate theory was shown in Phase I to predict vertical load distribution in bridge decks and to predict approximate distribution of post-tensioning for right-angle bridges, it was questioned whether the theory could also be used on skewed bridges. Thus, a small plexiglas model was constructed and used in vertical load distribution tests and post-tensioning force distribution tests for verification of the theory. Conclusions of this research are as follows: (1) The capacity of existing shear connectors must be checked as part of a bridge strengthening program. Determination of the concrete deck strength in advance of bridge strengthening is also recommended. (2) The ultimate capacity of angle-plus-bar shear connectors can be computed on the basis of a modified AASHTO channel connector formula and an angle-to-beam weld capacity check. (3) Existing shear connector capacity can be augmented by means of double-nut high strength bolt connectors. (4) Post-tensioning did not significantly affect truck load distribution for right angle or skewed bridges. (5) Approximate post-tensioning and truck load distribution for actual bridges can be predicted by orthotropic plate theory for vertical load; however, the agreement between actual distribution and theoretical distribution is not as close as that measured for the laboratory model in Phase I. (6) The right angle bridge exhibited considerable end restraint at what would be assumed to be simple support. The construction details at bridge abutments seem to be the reason for the restraint. (7) The skewed bridge exhibited more end restraint than the right angle bridge. Both skew effects and construction details at the abutments accounted for the restraint. (8) End restraint in the right angle and skewed bridges reduced tension strains in the steel bridge beams due to truck loading, but also reduced the compression strains caused by post-tensioning.


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The reinforcement methods used to restore or increase the bearing capacity of metal structures are based on the application of steel plates to be bolted or welded to the original structure, which can cause problems to the integrity of the original structure. These difficulties can be overcome with the introduction of fiber-reinforced composite materials. FRPs are characterized by high strength to weight ratio, and they are very resistant to corrosion. In this dissertation a cracked steel I-beam reinforced with Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer will be studied by performing a numerical evaluation of the structure with the commercial Finite Element Method software ABAQUS. The crack propagation will be computed using XFEM, while the debonding of the reinforcement layer will be found by considering a cohesive contact interface between the beam and the CFRP plate. The results will show the efficiency of the strengthening method in increasing the load carrying capacity of the cracked beam, and in reducing the crack opening of the initial notch.


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The capacity of beams is a very important factor in the study of durability of structures and structural members. The capacity of a high-strength steel I-beam made of S960 QC was investigated in this study. The investigation included assessment of the service limits and ultimate limits of the steel beam. The thesis was done according to European standards for steel structures, Eurocode 3. An analytical method was used to determine the throat thickness, deformation, elastic and plastic moment capacities as well as the fatigue life of the beam. The results of the analytical method were compared with those obtained by Finite Element Analysis (FEA). Elastic moment capacity obtained by the analytical method was 172 kNm. FEA and the analytical method predicted the maximum lateral-torsional buckling (LTB) capacity in the range of 90-93 kNm and the probability of failure as a result of LTB is estimated to be 50%. The lateral buckling capacity meant that the I-beam can carry a safe load of 300 kN instead of the initial load of 600 kN. The beam is liable to fail shortly after exceeding the elastic moment capacity. Based on results in of the different approaches, it was noted that FEA predicted higher deformation values on the load-deformation curve than the analytical results. However, both FEA and the analytical methods predicted identical results for nominal stress range and moment capacities. Fatigue life was estimated to be in the range of 53000-64000 cycles for bending stress range using crack propagation equation and strength-life approach. As Eurocode 3 is limited to steel grades up to S690, results for S960 must be verified with experimental data and appropriate design rules.


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The glued- laminated lumber (glulam) technique is an efficient process for the rational use of wood. Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRPs) associated with glulam beams provide significant improvements in strength and stiffness and alter the failure mode of these structural elements. In this context, this paper presents guidance for glulam beam production, an experimental analysis of glulam beams made of Pinus caribea var. hondurensis species without and with externally-bonded FRP and theoretical models to evaluate reinforced glulam beams (bending strength and stiffness). Concerning the bending strength of the beams, this paper aims only to analyze the limit state of ultimate strength in compression and tension. A specific disposal was used in order to avoid lateral buckling, once the tested beams have a higher ratio height-to-width. The results indicate the need of production control so as to guarantee a higher efficiency of the glulam beams. The FRP introduced in the tensile section of glulam beams resulted in improvements on their bending strength and stiffness due to the reinforcement thickness increase. During the beams testing, two failure stages were observed. The first was a tensile failure on the sheet positioned under the reinforcement layer, while the second occurred as a result of a preliminary compression yielding on the upper side of the lumber, followed by both a shear failure on the fiber-lumber interface and a tensile failure in wood. The model shows a good correlation between the experimental and estimated results.


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Diplomityössä kehitettiin harustetun 110 kV kannatuspylvään konsepti tuotteeksi. Pylväs on säänkestävästä teräksestä valmistettu putkipalkkirakenteinen I-pylväs. Tavoitteena oli suunnitella rakenteesta kokonaistaloudellisesti edullinen. Rakenteen suunnittelussa otettiin huomioon valmistus-, kuljetus- ja varastointi- sekä rakentamisnäkökohtia. Työssä perehdyttiin pylväsrakenteiden yksityiskohtiin, putkipalkkien liitosmenetelmiin ja pylvään jalan nivelöintiratkaisuihin. Säänkestävä rakennemateriaali otettiin huomioon rakennesuunnittelussa. Rakenteen lujuusteknisen suunnittelun apuna käytettiin epälineaarista elementtimenetelmää. Pylväsrakenteen käyttäytyminen mallinnettiin geometrisesti epälineaariseksi, ja liitosdetaljien analysointia varten kehitettiin epälineaarisia materiaalimalleja. Rakenteen värähtelykäyttäytyminen analysoitiin myös elementtimenetelmällä. Lopputuloksena saatiin aikaan pylväs, joka täyttää sille asetetut vaatimukset. Pylväs on helposti valmistettava, kuljetettava ja pystytettävä.


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Tässä työssä tutkittiin FE-analyysin soveltamista S960 QC teräksisen I-profiilin kestävyyden määrittämisessä. Työn tavoitteena oli tarkastella nykyisten suunnitteluohjeiden soveltuvuutta ultralujille teräksille ja koota ohjemateriaali I-profiilin optimoimisesta sekä FE-analyysin hyö-dyntämisestä I-profiilin staattisen ja dynaamisen kestävyyden määrittämisessä. I-profiili mitoitettiin ja optimoitiin Eurokoodi 3:ssa esitettyjen PL3 mukaisten mitoitusohjeiden avulla. Rakenteelle suoritettiin Eurokoodi 3:n ja IIW:n mukaiset lommahdus-, kiepahdus- ja vä-symiskestävyystarkastelut. Väsymistarkastelussa sovellettiin nimellisen jännityksen, rakenteelli-sen jännityksen ja tehollisen lovijännityksen menetelmiä sekä murtumismekaniikkaa. Rakenteel-lisen jännityksen menetelmässä sovellettiin lisäksi lineaarista ja parabolista pintaa pitkin ekstra-polointia, paksuuden yli linearisointia sekä Dong:in menetelmää. Lommahdus-, kiepahdus- ja väsymistarkasteluissa hyödynnettiin analyyttistä laskentaa, FE-analyysiä sekä Frank2d sovellusta. Tarkastelujen perusteella voidaan todeta, että analyyttisillä menetelmillä saadaan numeerisia me-netelmiä varmemmalla puolella olevia tuloksia. Lommahdustarkastelussa ero tulosten välillä on suurimmillaan 8 % ja kiepahdustarkastelussa suurimmillaan 20 % mutta väsymistarkastelussa saadut tulokset eroavat keskenään huomattavasti. Väsymistarkastelussa tehollisen lovijännityksen menetelmällä sekä rakenteellisen jännityksen menetelmän Dong:in menetelmällä saadaan huo-mattavasti muita menetelmiä pidempiä kestoikiä, kun taas yksinkertaisemmilla menetelmillä saa-dut kestoiät ovat lyhyempiä. Rakenteen kestävyyden määrittäminen analyyttisillä menetelmillä on melko helppoa, mutta tu-lokset ovat monesti liian konservatiivisia. FE-analyysillä saadaan puolestaan hyvin tarkkoja tu-loksia mallin ollessa yksityiskohtainen. Mallintaminen on kuitenkin aikaa ja resursseja vievää ja vaatii käyttökokemusta. FE-analyysin mahdolliset hyödyt on aina arvioitava tapauskohtaisesti tarkasteltavan geometrian, kuormitusten ja reunaehtojen perusteella.


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In this thesis was performed comprehensive study about the convenience of scallops in plate structures. A literature review was performed and lack of knowledge was fulfilled with fatigue tests performed in the laboratory of Steel Structures at the Lappeenranta University of Technology and with finite element method. The aim of this thesis was to produce design guidance for the use of scallops for different structural details and different loading conditions. An additional aim was to include more precise instructions for scallop design to produce good fatigue resistance and appropriate manufacturing quality. The literature review was performed searching bridge engineering and maritime standards and design guides and studies from scientific databases and reference lists from the literature of this field. Fatigue tests were used to research the effect of using scallops or not using scallops to fatigue strength of bracket specimen. Tests were performed on three specimens with different scallop radii and to five specimens without scallops with different weld penetration depths. Finite element method using solid elements, symmetry and submodels was used to determine stress concentration factors for I-beams with scallops. Stresses were defined with hot spot stress method. Choosing to use a scallop or not in the structure is affected by many factors, such as structural and loading conditions and manufacturability. As a rule of thumb, scallops should be avoided because those cause stress concentration points to the structure and take a lot of time to manufacture. When scallops are not used, good quality welding should be provided and full weld penetration is recommended to be used in load carrying corner weld areas. In some cases, it is advisable to use scallops. In that case, circular scallops are recommended to be used and radius should be chosen from fatigue strength or manufacturing point of view.


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The microstructure evolution and mechanical behavior during large strain of a 0.16%C-Mn steel has been investigated by warm torsion tests. These experiments were carried out at 685°C at equivalent strain rate of 0.1 s . The initial microstructure composed of a martensite matrix with uniformly dispersed fine cementite particles was attained by quenching and tempering. The microstructure evolution during tempering and straining was performed through interrupted tests. As the material was reheated to testing temperature, well-defined cell structure was created and subgrains within lath martensite were observed by TEM; strong recovery took place, decreasing the dislocation density. After 1 hour at the test temperature and without straining, EBSD technique showed the formation of new grains. The flow stress curves measured had a peculiar shape: rapid work hardening to a hump, followed by an extensive flow-softening region. 65% of the boundaries observed in the sample strained to ε = 1.0 were high angle grain boundaries. After straining to ε = 5.0, average ferrite grain size close to 1.5 μm was found, suggesting that dynamic recrystallization took place. Also, two sets of cementite particles were observed: large particles aligned with straining direction and smaller particles more uniformly dispersed. The fragmentation or grain subdivision that occurred during reheating and tempering time was essential for the formation of ultrafine grained microstructure.