1000 resultados para Statistics|Electrical engineering|Computer science
The aims of this project is to develop demand side response model which assists electricity consumers who are exposed to the market price through aggregator to manage the air-conditioning peak electricity demand. The main contribution of this research is to show how consumers can optimise the energy cost caused by the air-conditioning load considering the electricity market price and network overload. The model is tested with selected characteristics of the room, Queensland electricity market data from Australian Energy Market Operator and data from the Bureau of Statistics on temperatures in Brisbane, during weekdays on hot days from 2011 - 2012.
Computer vision is increasingly becoming interested in the rapid estimation of object detectors. The canonical strategy of using Hard Negative Mining to train a Support Vector Machine is slow, since the large negative set must be traversed at least once per detector. Recent work has demonstrated that, with an assumption of signal stationarity, Linear Discriminant Analysis is able to learn comparable detectors without ever revisiting the negative set. Even with this insight, the time to learn a detector can still be on the order of minutes. Correlation filters, on the other hand, can produce a detector in under a second. However, this involves the unnatural assumption that the statistics are periodic, and requires the negative set to be re-sampled per detector size. These two methods differ chie y in the structure which they impose on the co- variance matrix of all examples. This paper is a comparative study which develops techniques (i) to assume periodic statistics without needing to revisit the negative set and (ii) to accelerate the estimation of detectors with aperiodic statistics. It is experimentally verified that periodicity is detrimental.
A cell classification algorithm that uses first, second and third order statistics of pixel intensity distributions over pre-defined regions is implemented and evaluated. A cell image is segmented into 6 regions extending from a boundary layer to an inner circle. First, second and third order statistical features are extracted from histograms of pixel intensities in these regions. Third order statistical features used are one-dimensional bispectral invariants. 108 features were considered as candidates for Adaboost based fusion. The best 10 stage fused classifier was selected for each class and a decision tree constructed for the 6-class problem. The classifier is robust, accurate and fast by design.
Yield in cultivated cotton (Gossypium spp.) is affected by the number and distribution of fibres initiated on the seed surface but, apart from simple statistical summaries, little has been done to assess this phenotype quantitatively. Here we use two types of spatial statistics to describe and quantify differences in patterning of cotton ovule fibre initials (FI). The following five different species of Gossypium were analysed: G. hirsutum L., G. barbadense L., G. arboreum, G. raimondii Ulbrich. and G. trilobum (DC.) Skovsted. Scanning electron micrographs of FIs were taken on the day of anthesis. Cell centres for fibre and epidermal cells were digitised and analysed by spatial statistics methods appropriate for marked point processes and tessellations. Results were consistent with previously published reports of fibre number and spacing. However, it was shown that the spatial distributions of FIs in all of species examined exhibit regularity, and are not completely random as previously implied. The regular arrangement indicates FIs do not appear independently of each other and we surmise there may be some form of mutual inhibition specifying fibre-initial development. It is concluded that genetic control of FIs differs from that of stomata, another well studied plant idioblast. Since spatial statistics show clear species differences in the distribution of FIs within this genus, they provide a useful method for phenotyping cotton. © CSIRO 2007.
The majority of sugar mill locomotives are equipped with GPS devices from which locomotive position data is stored. Locomotive run information (e.g. start times, run destinations and activities) is electronically stored in software called TOTools. The latest software development allows TOTools to interpret historical GPS information by combining this data with run information recorded in TOTools and geographic information from a GIS application called MapInfo. As a result, TOTools is capable of summarising run activity details such as run start and finish times and shunt activities with great accuracy. This paper presents 15 reports developed to summarise run activities and speed information. The reports will be of use pre-season to assist in developing the next year's schedule and for determining priorities for investment in the track infrastructure. They will also be of benefit during the season to closely monitor locomotive run performance against the existing schedule.
This paper presents a statistical aircraft trajectory clustering approach aimed at discriminating between typical manned and expected unmanned traffic patterns. First, a resampled version of each trajectory is modelled using a mixture of Von Mises distributions (circular statistics). Second, the remodelled trajectories are globally aligned using tools from bioinformatics. Third, the alignment scores are used to cluster the trajectories using an iterative k-medoids approach and an appropriate distance function. The approach is then evaluated using synthetically generated unmanned aircraft flights combined with real air traffic position reports taken over a sector of Northern Queensland, Australia. Results suggest that the technique is useful in distinguishing between expected unmanned and manned aircraft traffic behaviour, as well as identifying some common conventional air traffic patterns.
In public places, crowd size may be an indicator of congestion, delay, instability, or of abnormal events, such as a fight, riot or emergency. Crowd related information can also provide important business intelligence such as the distribution of people throughout spaces, throughput rates, and local densities. A major drawback of many crowd counting approaches is their reliance on large numbers of holistic features, training data requirements of hundreds or thousands of frames per camera, and that each camera must be trained separately. This makes deployment in large multi-camera environments such as shopping centres very costly and difficult. In this chapter, we present a novel scene-invariant crowd counting algorithm that uses local features to monitor crowd size. The use of local features allows the proposed algorithm to calculate local occupancy statistics, scale to conditions which are unseen in the training data, and be trained on significantly less data. Scene invariance is achieved through the use of camera calibration, allowing the system to be trained on one or more viewpoints and then deployed on any number of new cameras for testing without further training. A pre-trained system could then be used as a ‘turn-key’ solution for crowd counting across a wide range of environments, eliminating many of the costly barriers to deployment which currently exist.
Depleting fossil fuel resources and increased accumulation of greenhouse gas emissions are increasingly making electrical vehicles (EV) attractive option for the transportation sector. However uncontrolled random charging and discharging of EVs may aggravate the problems of an already stressed system during the peak demand and cause voltage problems during low demand. This paper develops a demand side response scheme for properly integrating EVs in the Electrical Network. The scheme enacted upon information on electricity market conditions regularly released by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) on the internet. The scheme adopts Internet relays and solid state switches to cycle charging and discharging of EVs. Due to the pending time-of-use and real-price programs, financial benefits will represent driving incentives to consumers to implement the scheme. A wide-scale dissemination of the scheme is expected to mitigate excessive peaks on the electrical network with all associated technical, economic and social benefits.
The integration of unmanned aircraft into civil airspace is a complex issue. One key question is whether unmanned aircraft can operate just as safely as their manned counterparts. The absence of a human pilot in unmanned aircraft automatically points to a deficiency that is the lack of an inherent see-and-avoid capability. To date, regulators have mandated that an “equivalent level of safety” be demonstrated before UAVs are permitted to routinely operate in civil airspace. This chapter proposes techniques, methods, and hardware integrations that describe a “sense-and-avoid” system designed to address the lack of a see-and-avoid capability in UAVs.
In a commercial environment, it is advantageous to know how long it takes customers to move between different regions, how long they spend in each region, and where they are likely to go as they move from one location to another. Presently, these measures can only be determined manually, or through the use of hardware tags (i.e. RFID). Soft biometrics are characteristics that can be used to describe, but not uniquely identify an individual. They include traits such as height, weight, gender, hair, skin and clothing colour. Unlike traditional biometrics, soft biometrics can be acquired by surveillance cameras at range without any user cooperation. While these traits cannot provide robust authentication, they can be used to provide identification at long range, and aid in object tracking and detection in disjoint camera networks. In this chapter we propose using colour, height and luggage soft biometrics to determine operational statistics relating to how people move through a space. A novel average soft biometric is used to locate people who look distinct, and these people are then detected at various locations within a disjoint camera network to gradually obtain operational statistics
This paper reports on an experiment that was conducted to determine the extent to which group dynamics impacts on the effectiveness of software development teams. The experiment was conducted on software engineering project students at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT).
A review of the issues for supporting learning of power engineering in Australia is presented in this paper. The learning needs of students and the support available in blended learning and through distance educations are explored in this review. Specific software tools to assist the learning environment are appraised and the relevance for the next generation of power engineers assessed.
This paper describes a method for measuring the creative potential of computer games. The research approach applies a behavioral and verbal protocol to analyze the factors that influence the creative processes used by people as they play computer games from the puzzle genre. Creative potential is measured by examining task motivation and domain-relevant and creativity-relevant skills. This paper focuses on the reliability of the factors used for measurement, determining those factors that are more strongly related to creativity. The findings show that creative potential may be determined by examining the relationship between skills required and the effect of intrinsic motivation within game play activities.
Modern applications comprise multiple components, such as browser plug-ins, often of unknown provenance and quality. Statistics show that failure of such components accounts for a high percentage of software faults. Enabling isolation of such fine-grained components is therefore necessary to increase the robustness and resilience of security-critical and safety-critical computer systems. In this paper, we evaluate whether such fine-grained components can be sandboxed through the use of the hardware virtualization support available in modern Intel and AMD processors. We compare the performance and functionality of such an approach to two previous software based approaches. The results demonstrate that hardware isolation minimizes the difficulties encountered with software based approaches, while also reducing the size of the trusted computing base, thus increasing confidence in the solution's correctness. We also show that our relatively simple implementation has equivalent run-time performance, with overheads of less than 34%, does not require custom tool chains and provides enhanced functionality over software-only approaches, confirming that hardware virtualization technology is a viable mechanism for fine-grained component isolation.
It is acknowledged around the world that many university students struggle with learning to program (McCracken et al., 2001; McGettrick et al., 2005). In this paper, we describe how we have developed a research programme to systematically study and incrementally improve our teaching. We have adopted a research programme with three elements: (1) a theory that provides an organising framework for defining the type of phenomena and data of interest, (2) data on how the class as a whole performs on formative assessment tasks that are framed from within the organising framework, and (3) data from one-on-one think aloud sessions, to establish why students struggle with some of those in-class formative assessment tasks. We teach introductory computer programming, but this three-element structure of our research is applicable to many areas of engineering education research.