991 resultados para State Transitions


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Simulaattorit ovat yksinkertaistettuja malleja tietyistä järjestelmän osioista. Niitä käytetään mallintamaan testattavan osion ympärillä olevien muiden osioiden ulkoista toimintaa, jotta testattavalle osiolle saadaan oikeanlainen toimintaympäristö aikaiseksi. Tilakoneita käytetään mallintamaan ohjelmistojen tai niiden osien toimintaa. Sanomaohjatuissa tilakoneissa tilojen vaihdot perustuvat saapuviin sanomiin. Tässä työssä esitellään erään ohjelmiston alijärjestelmän testaamisessa käytettävä arkkitehtuuri, joka perustuu suurelta osin simulaattoreiden käyttöön muiden alijärjestelmien mallintamisessa. Testattava ohjelmisto koostuu enimmäkseen tilakoneista, jotka vaihtavat keskenään sanomia ja ohjaavat näin toistensa tilasiirtymiä. Työn testausympäristö on suunniteltu juuri tämänkaltaisen ohjelmiston testaamiseen. Työssä esiteltävää testausympäristöä myöskin käytettiin useamman kuukauden ajan ja se todettiin toimivaksi. Joitakin testausympäristön käyttöohjeita, käyttökokemuksia sekä siihen liittyviä parannusehdotuksia käydään läpi työn loppuosassa. Erityisesti havaittiin miten tärkeää on testata implementaatiota jo luokka tasolla ennen alijärjestelmä tason testaukseen siirtymistä sekä päädyttiin siihen, että suunnitteluvaiheen pitäisi olla lähemmin liitoksissa alijärjestelmätestaukseen.


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The optical cross section of PS I in whole cells of Porphyridium cruentum (UTEX 161), held in either state 1 or state 2, was determined by measuring the change in absorbance at 820nm, an indication of P700+; the X-section of PS2 was determined by measuring the variable fluorescence, (Fv-Fo)/Fo, from PS2. Both cross-sections were 7 determined by fitting Poisson distribution equations to the light saturation curves obtained with single turnover laser flashes which varied in intensity from zero to a level where maximum yield occurred. Flash wavelengths of 574nm, 626nm, and 668nm were used, energy absorbed by PBS, by PBS and chla, and by chla respectively. There were two populations of both PSi and PS2. A fraction of PSi is associated with PBS, and a fraction of PS2 is free from PBS. On the transition S1->S2, only with PBS-absorbed energy (574nm) did the average X-section of PSi increase (27%), and that of PS2 decrease (40%). The fraction of PSi associated with PBS decreased, from 0.65 to 0.35, and the Xsection of this associated PS 1 increased, from 135±65 A2 to 400±300A2. The cross section of PS2 associated with PBS decreased from 150±50 A2 to 85±45 A2, but the fraction of PS2 associated with PBS, approximately 0.75, did not change significantly. The increase in PSi cross section could not be completely accounted for by postulating that several PSi are associated with a single PBS and that in the transition to state2, fewer PSi share the same number of PBS, resulting in a larger X-section. It is postulated that small changes occur in the attachment of PS2 to PBS causing energy to be diverted to the attached PSi. These experiments support neither the mobile-PBS model of state transitions nor that of spillover. From cross section changes there was no evidence of energy transfer from PS2 to PSi with 668nm light. The decrease in PS2 fluorescence which occurred at this wavelength cannot be explained by energy transfer; another explanation must be sought. No explanation was found for an observed decrease in PSi yield at high flash intensities.


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ABSTRACT Photosynthetic state transitions were investigated in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 in both wild-type cells and mutant cells lacking phycobilisomes. Preillumination in the presence of DCMU (3(3,4 dichlorophenyl) 1,1 dimethyl urea) induced state 1 and dark adaptation induced state 2 in both wild-type and mutant cells as determined by 77K fluorescence emission spectroscopy. Light-induced transitions were observed in the wildtype after preferential excitation of phycocyanin (state 2) or preferential excitation of chlorophyll .a. (state 1). The state 1 and 2 transitions in the wild-type had half-times of approximately 10 seconds. Cytochrome f and P-700 oxidation kinetics could not be correlated with any current state transition model as cells in state 1 showed faster oxidation kinetics regardless of excitation wavelength. Light-induced transitions were also observed in the phycobilisomeless mutant after preferential excitation of short wavelength chlorophyll !l. (state 2) or carotenoids and long wavelength chlorophyll it (state 1). One-dimensional electrophoresis revealed no significant differences in phosphorylation patterns of resolved proteins between wild-type cells in state 1 and state 2. It is concluded that the mechanism of the light state transition in cyanobacteria does not require the presence of the phycobilisome. The results contradict proposed models for the state transition which require an active role for the phycobilisome.


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In order to harness the computational capacity of dissociated cultured neuronal networks, it is necessary to understand neuronal dynamics and connectivity on a mesoscopic scale. To this end, this paper uncovers dynamic spatiotemporal patterns emerging from electrically stimulated neuronal cultures using hidden Markov models (HMMs) to characterize multi-channel spike trains as a progression of patterns of underlying states of neuronal activity. However, experimentation aimed at optimal choice of parameters for such models is essential and results are reported in detail. Results derived from ensemble neuronal data revealed highly repeatable patterns of state transitions in the order of milliseconds in response to probing stimuli.


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Energy consumption modelling by state based approaches often assume constant energy consumption values in each state. However, it happens in certain situations that during state transitions or even during a state the energy consumption is not constant and does fluctuate. This paper discusses those issues by presenting some examples from wireless sensor and wireless local area networks for such cases and possible solutions.


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This report summarizes research conducted at Iowa State University on behalf of the Iowa Department of Transportation, focusing on the volumetric state of hot-mix asphalt (HMA) mixtures as they transition from stable to unstable configurations. This has raditionally been addressed during mix design by meeting a minimum voids in the mineral aggregate (VMA) requirement, based solely upon the nominal maximum aggregate size without regard to other significant aggregate-related properties. The goal was to expand the current specification to include additional aggregate properties, e.g., fineness modulus, percent crushed fine and coarse aggregate, and their interactions. The work was accomplished in three phases: a literature review, extensive laboratory testing, and statistical analysis of test results. The literature review focused on the history and development of the current specification, laboratory methods of identifying critical mixtures, and the effects of other aggregate-related factors on critical mixtures. The laboratory testing involved three maximum aggregate sizes (19.0, 12.5, and 9.5 millimeters), three gradations (coarse, fine, and dense), and combinations of natural and manufactured coarse and fine aggregates. Specimens were compacted using the Superpave Gyratory Compactor (SGC), conventionally tested for bulk and maximum theoretical specific gravities and physically tested using the Nottingham Asphalt Tester (NAT) under a repeated load confined configuration to identify the transition state from sound to unsound. The statistical analysis involved using ANOVA and linear regression to examine the effects of identified aggregate factors on critical state transitions in asphalt paving mixtures and to develop predictive equations. The results clearly demonstrate that the volumetric conditions of an HMA mixture at the stable unstable threshold are influenced by a composite measure of the maximum aggregate size and gradation and by aggregate shape and texture. The currently defined VMA criterion, while significant, is seen to be insufficient by itself to correctly differentiate sound from unsound mixtures. Under current specifications, many otherwise sound mixtures are subject to rejection solely on the basis of failing to meet the VMA requirement. Based on the laboratory data and statistical analysis, a new paradigm to volumetric mix design is proposed that explicitly accounts for aggregate factors (gradation, shape, and texture).


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Photosynthetic state transitions were investigated in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 6301 by studying fluorescence emission, heat loss, and PS I activity in intact cells brought to state 1 and state 2. 77K fluorescence emission spectra were modelled with a sum of 6 components corresponding to PBS, PS II, and PS I emissions. The modelled data showed a large decrease in PS II fluorescence accompanied with a small increase in the PS I fluorescence upon transition to state 2 for excitation wavelengths absorbed by both PBS and ChI ll.. The fluorescence changes seen with ChI .a. excitations do not support the predictions of the mobile PBS model of state transition in PBS-containing organisms. Measurements of heat loss from intact cells in the two states were similar for both ChI it. and PBS excitations over three orders of magnitude of laser flash intensity. This suggests that the PBS does not become decoupled from PS II in state 2 as proposed by the PBS detachment model of state transition in PBS-containing organisms. PS I activity measurements done on intact cells showed no difference in the two states, in contrast with the predictions of all of the existing models of state transitions. Based on these results a model for state transition In PBScontaining organisms is proposed, with a PS II photoprotectory function.


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Nous étudions la recombinaison radiative des porteurs de charges photogénérés dans les puits quantiques InGaN/GaN étroits (2 nm). Nous caractérisons le comportement de la photoluminescence face aux différentes conditions expérimentales telles la température, l'énergie et la puissance de l'excitation et la tension électrique appliquée. Ces mesures montrent que l'émission provient d'états localisés. De plus, les champs électriques, présents nativement dans ces matériaux, n'ont pas une influence dominante sur la recombinaison des porteurs. Nous avons montré que le spectre d'émission se modifie significativement et subitement lorsque la puissance de l'excitation passe sous un certain seuil. L'émission possède donc deux ``phases'' dont nous avons déterminé le diagramme. La phase adoptée dépend à la fois de la puissance, de la température et de la tension électrique appliquée. Nous proposons que la phase à basse puissance soit associée à un état électriquement chargé dans le matériau. Ensuite, nous avons caractérisé la dynamique temporelle de notre échantillon. Le taux de répétition de l'excitation a une influence importante sur la dynamique mesurée. Nous concluons qu'elle ne suit pas une exponentielle étirée comme on le pensait précédemment. Elle est exponentielle à court temps et suit une loi de puissance à grand temps. Ces deux régimes sont lié à un seul et même mécanisme de recombinaison. Nous avons développé un modèle de recombinaison à trois niveaux afin d'expliquer le comportement temporel de la luminescence. Ce modèle suppose l'existence de centres de localisation où les porteurs peuvent se piéger, indépendamment ou non. L'électron peut donc se trouver sur un même centre que le trou ou sur n'importe quel autre centre. En supposant le transfert des porteurs entre centres par saut tunnel on détermine, en fonction de la distribution spatiale des centres, la dynamique de recombinaison. Ce modèle indique que la recombinaison dans les puits InGaN/GaN minces est liée à des agglomérats de centre de localisation.


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Nanophotonics can be regarded as a fusion of nanotechnology and photonics and it is an emerging field providing researchers opportunities in fundamental science and new technologies. In recent times many new methodsand techniques have been developed to prepare materials at nanoscale dimensions. Most of these materials exhibit unique and interesting optical properties and behavior. Many of these have been found to be very useful to develop new devices and systems such as tracers in biological systems, optical limiters, light emitters and energy harvesters. This thesis presents a summary of the work done by the author in the field by choosing a few semiconductor systems to prepare nanomaterials and nanocomposites. Results of the study of linear and nonlinear optical properties of materials thus synthesized are also presented in the various chapters of this thesis. CdS is the material chosen here and the methods and the studies of the detailed investigation are presented in this thesis related to the optical properties of CdS nanoparticles and its composites. Preparation and characterization methods and experimental techniques adopted for the investigations were illustrated in chapter 2 of this thesis. Chapter 3 discusses the preparation of CdS, TiO2 and Au nanoparticles. We observed that the fluorescence behaviour of the CdS nanoparticles, prepared by precipitation technique, depends on excitation wavelength. It was found that the peak emission wavelength can be shifted by as much as 147nm by varyingthe excitation wavelengths and the reason for this phenomenon is the selective excitation of the surface states in the nanoparticles. This provided certain amount of tunability for the emission which results from surface states.TiO2 nanoparticle colloids were prepared by hydrothermal method. The optical absorption study showed a blue shift of absorption edge, indicating quantum confinement effect. The large spectral range investigated allows observing simultaneously direct and indirect band gap optical recombination. The emission studies carried out show four peaks, which are found to be generated from excitonic as well as surface state transitions. It was found that the emission wavelengths of these colloidal nanoparticles and annealed nanoparticles showed two category of surface state emission in addition to the excitonic emission. Au nanoparticles prepared by Turkevich method showed nanoparticles of size below 5nm using plasmonic absorption calculation. It was also found that there was almost no variation in size as the concentration of precursor was changed from 0.2mM to 0.4mM.We have observed SHG from CdS nanostructured thin film prepared onglass substrate by chemical bath deposition technique. The results point out that studied sample has in-plane isotropy. The relative values of tensor components of the second-order susceptibility were determined to be 1, zzz 0.14, xxz and 0.07. zxx These values suggest that the nanocrystals are oriented along the normal direction. However, the origin of such orientation remains unknown at present. Thus CdS is a promising nonlinear optical material for photonic applications, particularly for integrated photonic devices. CdS Au nanocomposite particles were prepared by mixing CdS nanoparticles with Au colloidal nanoparticles. Optical absorption study of these nanoparticles in PVA solution suggests that absorption tail was red shifted compared to CdS nanoparticles. TEM and EDS analysis suggested that the amount of Au nanoparticles present on CdS nanoparticles is very small. Fluorescence emission is unaffected indicating the presence of low level of Au nanoparticles. CdS:Au PVA and CdS PVA nanocomposite films were fabricated and optically characterized. The results showed a red-shift for CdS:Au PVA film for absorption tail compared to CdS PVA film. Nonlinear optical analysis showed a huge nonlinear optical absorption for CdS:Au PVA nanocomposite and CdS:PVA films. Also an enhancement in nonlinear optical absorption is found for CdS:Au PVA thin film compared to the CdS PVA thin film. This enhancement is due to the combined effect of plasmonic as well as excitonic contribution at high input intensity. Samples of CdS doped with TiO2 were also prepared and the linear optical absorption spectra of these nanocompositeparticles clearly indicated the influence of TiO2 nanoparticles. TEM and EDS studies have confirmed the presence of TiO2 on CdS nanoparticles. Fluorescence studies showed that there is an increase in emission peak around 532nm for CdS nanoparticles. Nonlinear optical analysis of CdS:TiO2 PVA nanocomposite films indicated a large nonlinear optical absorption compared to that of CdS:PVA nanocomposite film. The values of nonlinear optical absorption suggests that these nanocomposite particles can be employed for optical limiting applications. CdSe-CdS and CdSe-ZnS core-shell QDs with varying shell size were characterized using UV–VIS spectroscopy. Optical absorption and TEM analysis of these QDs suggested a particle size around 5 nm. It is clearly shown that the surface coating influences the optical properties of QDs in terms of their size. Fluorescence studies reveal the presence of trap states in CdSe-CdS and CdSe- ZnS QDs. Trap states showed an increase as a shell for CdS is introduced and increasing the shell size of CdS beyond a certain value leads to a decrease in the trap state emission. There is no sizeable nonlinear optical absorption observed. In the case of CdSe- ZnS QDs, the trap state emission gets enhanced with the increase in ZnS shell thickness. The enhancement of emission from trap states transition due to the increase in thickness of ZnS shell gives a clear indication of distortion occurring in the spherical symmetry of CdSe quantum dots. Consequently the nonlinear optical absorption of CdSe-ZnS QDs gets increased and the optical limiting threshold is decreased as the shell thickness is increased in respect of CdSe QDs. In comparison with CdSe-CdS QDs, CdSe-ZnS QDs possess much better optical properties and thereby CdSe-ZnS is a strong candidate for nonlinear as well as linear optical applications.


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Negative correlations between task performance in dynamic control tasks and verbalizable knowledge, as assessed by a post-task questionnaire, have been interpreted as dissociations that indicate two antagonistic modes of learning, one being “explicit”, the other “implicit”. This paper views the control tasks as finite-state automata and offers an alternative interpretation of these negative correlations. It is argued that “good controllers” observe fewer different state transitions and, consequently, can answer fewer post-task questions about system transitions than can “bad controllers”. Two experiments demonstrate the validity of the argument by showing the predicted negative relationship between control performance and the number of explored state transitions, and the predicted positive relationship between the number of explored state transitions and questionnaire scores. However, the experiments also elucidate important boundary conditions for the critical effects. We discuss the implications of these findings, and of other problems arising from the process control paradigm, for conclusions about implicit versus explicit learning processes.


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Planning to reach a goal is an essential capability for rational agents. In general, a goal specifies a condition to be achieved at the end of the plan execution. In this article, we introduce nondeterministic planning for extended reachability goals (i.e., goals that also specify a condition to be preserved during the plan execution). We show that, when this kind of goal is considered, the temporal logic CTL turns out to be inadequate to formalize plan synthesis and plan validation algorithms. This is mainly due to the fact that the CTL`s semantics cannot discern among the various actions that produce state transitions. To overcome this limitation, we propose a new temporal logic called alpha-CTL. Then, based on this new logic, we implement a planner capable of synthesizing reliable plans for extended reachability goals, as a side effect of model checking.


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Results of differential scanning calometry (DSC), x-ray diffraction (XRD), and F-19 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) of InF3-based glasses, treated at different temperatures, ranging from glass transition temperature (T-g) to crystallization temperature (T-c), are reported. The main features of the experimental results are as follows. DSC analysis emphasizes several steps in the crystallization process. Heat treatment at temperatures above T-g enhances the nucleation of the first growing phases but has little influence on the following ones. XRD results show that several crystalline phases are formed, with solid state transitions when heated above 680 K, the F-19 NMR results show that the spin-lattice relaxation, for the glass samples heat treated above 638 K, is described by two time constants. For samples treated below this temperature a single time constant T-1 was observed. Measurements of the F-19 spin-lattice relaxation time (T-1), as a function of temperature,made possible the identification of the mobile fluoride ions. The activation energy, for the ionic motion, in samples treated at crystallization temperature was found to be 0.18 +/- 0.01 eV. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics.


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Human HeLa cells expressing mouse connexin30 were used to study the electrical properties of gap junction channel substates. Experiments were performed on cell pairs using a dual voltage-clamp method. Single-channel currents revealed discrete levels attributable to a main state, a residual state, and five substates interposed, suggesting the operation of six subgates provided by the six connexins of a gap junction hemichannel. Substate conductances, gamma(j,substate), were unevenly distributed between the main-state and the residual-state conductance (gamma(j,main state) = 141 pS, gamma(j,residual state) = 21 pS). Activation of the first subgate reduced the channel conductance by approximately 30%, and activation of subsequent subgates resulted in conductance decrements of 10-15% each. Current transitions between the states were fast (<2 ms). Substate events were usually demarcated by transitions from and back to the main state; transitions among substates were rare. Hence, subgates are recruited simultaneously rather than sequentially. The incidence of substate events was larger at larger gradients of V(j). Frequency and duration of substate events increased with increasing number of synchronously activated subgates. Our mathematical model, which describes the operation of gap junction channels, was expanded to include channel substates. Based on the established V(j)-sensitivity of gamma(j,main state) and gamma(j,residual state), the simulation yielded unique functions gamma(j,substate) = f(V(j)) for each substate. Hence, the spacing of subconductance levels between the channel main state and residual state were uneven and characteristic for each V(j).


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06