974 resultados para Stability in the sense of Lyapunov


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The infection rates of Babesia sporokinetes in engorged Boophilus microplus were evaluated during a 2-year period in a dairy farm located in an area of enzootic stability. Every 14 days engorged females were collected from calves and from adult animals. Ticks were incubated at 27 ± 0.5ºC and 80-90% relative humidity and Babesia infection rates were determined by microscopic examination of Giemsa-stained hemolymph smears. After 52 collections, 2105 ticks were obtained, from which 982 were collected from calves and 1123 from cows. The total Babesia infection rate was 10%, however the incidence was higher (p < 0.05) in ticks collected from calves (17.5%) than in those collected from cows (3.6%). Females collected from cows showed the highest infection rates in January, March, and August, and absence of infection in April and May. Ticks feeding on calves were infected throughout the experimental period. The infection rates of engorged females collected from naturally infected calves that were artificially infested with Babesia-free-larvae of B. microplus gradually decreased until the calves were four months old. No differences were observed among infection rates of ticks collected from calves maintained under natural conditions.


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We monitored the haul-out behavior of 68 radio-tagged harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) during the molt season at two Alaskan haul-out sites (Grand Island, August-September 1994; Nanvak Bay, August-September 2000). For each site, we created a statistical model of the proportion of seals hauled out as a function of date, time of day, tide, and weather covariates. Using these models, we identified the conditions that would result in the greatest proportion of seals hauled out. Although those “ideal conditions” differed between sites, the proportion of seals predicted to be hauled out under those conditions was very similar (81.3% for Grand Island and 85.7% for Nanvak Bay). The similar estimates for both sites suggest that haul-out proportions under locally ideal conditions may be constant between years and geographic regions, at least during the molt season.


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Results of full numerical simulations of a guiding-centre soliton system with randomly birefringent SMF fibre are shown and analysed. It emerges that the soliton system becomes unstable even for small amounts of PMD.


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This project provided information, selection techniques and strategies to facilitate the development of high-yielding, stay-green wheat varieties for Australian growers through: a) Improved understanding of the relationships between seminal root traits and other root- and shoot-related traits in determining high-yielding, stay-green phenotypes. b). Molecular markers and rapid phenotypic screening methods that allow selection in breeding programs and identification of genetic regions controlling favourable traits. c). Identification of traits leading to high-yielding, stay-green phenotypes for particular target populations of environments using computer simulation studies.


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In this article I deal with time as a notion of epistemological content associated though with the notion of a subjective consciousness co-constitutive of physical reality. In this phenomenologically grounded approach I attempt to establish a 'metaphysical' aspect of time, within a strictly epistemological context, in the sense of an underlying absolute subjectivity which is non-objectifiable within objective temporality and thus non-susceptible of any ontological designation. My arguments stem, on the one hand, from a version of quantum-mechanical theory (History Projection Operator theory, HPO theory) in view of its formal treatment of two different aspects of time within a quantum context. The discrete, partial-ordering properties (the notions of before and after) and the dynamical-parameter properties reflected in the wave equations of motion. On the other hand, to strengthen my arguments for a transcendental factor of temporality, I attempt an interpretation of some relevant conclusions in the work of J. Eccles ([5]) and of certain results of experimental research of S. Deahaene et al. ([2]) and others.


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Objective: The paper analyzes the supply and the utilization of hemodynamic services in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Methods: It's an exploratory study that uses data obtained from Brazilian official databases. The period of supply analysis was from 1999 to 2009, and of utilization was from 2008 to October 2012.Results: Since 1999 there is a growth of hemodynamic equipment purchase. The private sector concentrates most of the supply, but it has been reducing its availability to SUS. The rate between population and equipment in Brazil exceeds the ones of some rich countries. In the sense of supply, there are in 2009, a supply rate of 1,4 equipments for 1 million inhabitants in RJ state, larger than brazilian rate, of 3,4 but the rates are similar for public customers.Conclusion: Interventional cardiology procedures have improved in the state, but in a different way. And this is because the public hospitals at Rio de Janeiro have mostly reduced their production, while the private ones have increased their production. The observed result is the SUS users performing their procedures at great distances.


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Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE


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Pre-oral digestion is described as the liquefaction of the solid tissues of the prey by secretions of the predator. It is uncertain if pre-oral digestion means pre-oral dispersion of food or true digestion in the sense of the stepwise bond breaking of food polymers to release monomers to be absorbed. Collagenase is the only salivary proteinase, which activity is significant (10%) in relation to Podisus nigrispinus midgut activities. This suggests that pre-oral digestion in P. nigrispinus consists in prey tissue dispersion. This was confirmed by the finding of prey muscles fibers inside P. nigrispinus midguts. Soluble midgut hydrolases from P. nigrispinus were partially purified by ion-exchange chromatography, followed by gel filtration. Two cathepsin L-like proteinases (CAL1 and CAL2) were isolated with the properties: CAL1 (14.7 kDa, pH optimum (pHo) 5.5, km with carbobenzoxy-Phe-Arg-methylcoumarin, Z-FR-MCA, 32 mu M); CAL2 (17 kDa, pHo 5.5, km 11 mu M Z-FR-MCA). Only a single molecular species was found for the other enzymes with the following properties are: amylase (43 kDa, pHo 5.5, km 0.1% starch), aminopeptidase (125 kDa, pHo 5.5, km 0.11 mM L-Leucine-p-nitroanilide), alpha-glucosidase (90 kDa, pHo 5.0, km 5 mM with p-nitrophenyl alpha-D-glucoside). CAL molecular masses are probably underestimated due to interaction with the column. Taking into account the distribution of hydrolases along P. nigrispinus midguts, carbohydrate digestion takes place mainly at the anterior midgut, whereas protein digestion occurs mostly in middle and posterior midgut, as previously described in seed- sucker and blood-feeder hemipterans. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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La supériorité des prothèses mandibulaires retenues par deux implants (IODs) sur les prothèses conventionnelles (CDs) nécessitent d’être éclaircies notamment en rapport à leur influence sur la qualité de vie reliée à la santé bucco-dentaire (OHRQoL) ainsi que sur la stabilité de cet effet de traitement. De plus, l’influence des facteurs psychologiques, tel que le sens de cohérence (SOC), sur l’effet de traitement reste encore inconnue. Le but de cette étude est de déterminer l’amplitude de l’influence du port des IODs et des CDs sur l’OHRQoL et d’évaluer la stabilité de l’effet de traitement dans le temps, tout en prenant en considération le niveau du SOC. MÉTHODOLOGIE: Des participants édentés (n=172, âge moyen 71, SD = 4.5) ayant reçu des CDs ou des IODs ont été suivis sur une période de deux ans. L’OHRQoL a été évaluée à l’aide du questionnaire « Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP -20) » et ce avant le traitement et à chacun des deux suivis. Le SOC a été évalué à l’aide du questionnaire « The Orientation to Life (SOC -13) » à chacun des deux suivis. Des analyses statistiques ont été effectuées pour évaluer les différences intra et entre groupes (analyses statistiques descriptives, bivariées et multivariées). RÉSULTATS: Une amélioration statistiquement significative de l’OHRQoL entre les statuts avant et après traitement a été notée dans les deux groupes (Wilks’s Lambda = 0.473, F (1,151) = 157.31, p < 0.0001). L’amplitude de l’effet du traitement IOD est 1.5 fois plus grande que celle du traitement CD. Ces résultats ont été stables pendant les deux années d’étude et ils n’ont pas été influencés par le SOC. CONCLUSION: Le traitement IOD amène une meilleure OHRQoL à long terme en comparaison avec le traitement CD et ce sans influence du niveau du SOC. Ces résultats sont cliniquement significatifs et confirment la supériorité des IODs sur les CDs.


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The aim of this work was to verify the stability of the beta Co(2)Si phase in the Co-Si system. The samples were produced via arc-melting and characterized through Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA). The results have confirmed the stability of the beta Co(2)Si phase, however, a modification of the shape of beta CoSi phase field is proposed in order to fully explain the results.


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The present work deals with improving the production and stabilization of lipases from Cercospora kikuchii. Maximum enzyme production (9.384 U/ml) was obtained after 6 days in a medium supplemented with 2% soybean oil. The lipases were spray dried with different adjuvants, and their stability was studied. The residual enzyme activity after drying with 10% (w/v) of lactose, b- cyclodextrin, maltodextrin, mannitol, gum arabic, and trehalose ranged from 63 to 100%. The enzyme activity was lost in the absence of adjuvants. Most of the adjuvants used kept up at least 50% of the enzymatic activity at 5 degrees C and 40% at 25 degrees C after 8 months. The lipase dried with 10% of beta-cyclodextrin retained 72% of activity at 5 degrees C. Lipases were separated by butyl-sepharose column into 4 pools, and pool 4 was partially purified (33.1%; 269.5 U/mg protein). This pool was also spray dried in maltodextrin DE10, and it maintained 100% of activity.


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Recent research in Australia and overseas has suggested that we are witnessing a convergence of men's and women's time on domestic labour activities. But there is disagreement about whether this is due to women reducing their time on housework or men increasing their time on housework. This article addresses these issues using national survey data collected in Australia in 1986, 1993 and 1997. The results show some changes in the proportional responsibilities of men and women in the home with men reporting a greater share of traditional indoor activities. But overall both men and women are spending less time on housework. In particular, women's time on housework has declined by six hours per week since 1986. Hence, while the gender gap between men's and women's involvement in the home is getting smaller, it is not the result of men increasing their share of the load, but is due to the large decline in women's time spent on domestic labour. There is also evidence of change in the relationship. between paid and unpaid work for women. Women's hours of,paid labour had a greater impact on their involvement in domestic labour in 1997 compared to a decade earlier. The article concludes that women's increased labour force involvement in combination with changing patterns and styles, of consumption is leading to some changes in the gender-division:of household labour, but not in the direction anticipated by earlier commentators on the domestic division of labour.


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RESUMO: Este estudo foi realizado com o objectivo de conhecer os efeitos da desinstitucionalização dos doentes psiquiátricos crónicos durante o processo de encerramento do Hospital Miguel Bombarda (2007-2011). Este processo incluiu a fusão, em 2008, dos dois principais hospitais psiquiátricos de Lisboa- Hospital Miguel Bombarda (HMB) e Hospital Júlio de Matos (HJM), no Centro Psiquiátrico Hospitalar de Lisboa (CHPL). Foi criado um grupo controlo de pacientes ainda hospitalizados no CHPL (n=166) para comparação com o grupo de casos desinstitucionalizados (n=146). Desta amostra inicial (n=312) apenas 142 (76 casos e 66 controlos) foram incluídos, sendo as principais causas de exclusão: diagnóstico (patologia orgânica, demência ou debilidade mental, como diagnóstico primário) e transferência entre hospitais. A desinstitucionalização foi principalmente avaliada em termos de psicopatologia, utilização de serviços, satisfação, crime, condição de “sem abrigo” ou morte. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos doentes crónicos pode sair do hospital psiquiátrico para a comunidade sem agravamento da psicopatologia, aumento do crime ou da condição de “sem abrigo”. A satisfação parece estar aumentada na população desinstitucionalizada. A mortalidade, por outro lado, revelou-se uma questão problemática: apesar de não ter sido possível estabelecer uma comparação entre casos e controlos, a Taxa de Mortalidade Standard encontrada neste estudo foi muito superior ao esperado, de acordo com os resultados encontrados na literatura. Um estudo longitudinal da mesma população poderá ser objecto de futura investigação, possivelmente comparada com outra população similar de um programa de desinstitucionalização noutro país.--------- RÉSUMÉ: Cette étude a été menée afin de déterminer les effets de la désinstitutionnalisation des patients chroniques lors de la fermeture de l'hôpital Miguel Bombarda (2007-2011). Ce processus comprenait la fusion en 2008 de deux grands hôpitaux psychiatriques de Lisbonne: À savoir, Hôpital Miguel Bombarda (HMB) et Hôpital Julio de Matos (HJM), maintenant Centre de l'Hôpital Psychiatrique de Lisbonne (CHPL). Il a été créé un groupe contrôle des patients toujours hospitalisés à CHPL (n = 166) pour comparer avec les cas désinstitutionnalisés (n = 146). De cet échantillon initial (n= 312) à peine 142 (76 cas et 66 contrôles) ont été inclus, les principales raisons d'exclusion: diagnostique (maladie organique, démence ou d'arriération mentale comme diagnostic primaire) et les transferts entre hôpitaux. La désinstitutionnalisation a été principalement évaluée en termes de psychopathologie, de l'utilisation des services, la satisfaction, la criminalité, les “sans abri” et de la mort. Les résultats ont montré que la majorité des malades chroniques peuvent quitter l'hôpital psychiatrique et s´intégrer dans la communauté sans aggravation de la psychopathologie, augmentation de la criminalité ou du nombre de “sans-abri”. La satisfaction semble être en hausse dans la population désinstitutionnalisée. Toutefois, la mortalité s'est avéré être une question problématique, même si il n´a pas été possible d'établir une comparaison entre les cas et les contrôles, le Taux de Mortalité Standard estimé dans cette étude fut beaucoup plus élevé que prévu, en tenant compte des résultats établis dans la littérature. Une étude longitudinale de la même population pourra faire l'objet de futures recherches, peut-être comparé à une population similaire d'un programme de désinstitutionnalisation dans un autre pays. ----------- ABSTRACT:This study was conducted to assess the effects of deinstitutionalization of “long-stay” patients during the process of closing Hospital Miguel Bombarda (2007-2011). This process included the fusion, in 2008, of the two main psychiatric hospitals in Lisbon- Hospital Miguel Bombarda (HMB) and Hospital Júlio de Matos (HJM), into Centro Psiquiátrico Hospitalar de Lisboa (CHPL). A control group of still institutionalized patients in CHPL (n=166) was used as a comparison with the deinstitutionalized population (n=146). Of this 312 initial sample only 142 (76 cases and 66 controls) were included, the main causes of exclusion being diagnoses (organic disease, dementia and mental retardation- as first diagnoses) and transference between hospitals. Deinstitutionalization is mainly evaluated in terms of psychopathology, use of services, satisfaction, crime, vagrancy and deaths. The results show that most long-stay patients can successfully leave psychiatric hospitals and be relocated in the community without an increase in psychopathology, crime or vagrancy. Satisfaction seems to be improved in those patients. On the other hand, mortality remains an issue of concern: Although there was no possibility of comparing it between cases and controls, the Standard Mortality Rate (SMR) in our study was found to be much higher than expected judging by other studies results. A longitudinal further study of this same population will be the matter for a future investigation, possibily compared with another similar population from a desinstitutionalization programme in another country.


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In the second segment of the antennae of haematophagous reduviids an unusual cave-like organ is found the function os which was investigated in Triatoma infestans. the morphology of the organ makes it difficult to ascribe it to a mechno- or chemoreceptive function, but shows some characteristics shared with thermoreceptors of other animals. The electrical activity of sense cells was recorded in the presence of stimuli that evoke behavioural responses in this species, i.e. warm, CO2, lactic and butyric acids at different concentrations. The three compounds tested failed to evoke a response at all concentrations assayed. Only thermal stimulation evinced a clear modification in the electrical activity of the sense cells.Both the morphological and electrophysiological findings support a thermoreceptive finding, habitat selection and circadian synchronization.