999 resultados para Stability diagrams


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The milling of thin parts is a high added value operation where the machinist has to face the chatter problem. The study of the stability of these operations is a complex task due to the changing modal parameters as the part loses mass during the machining and the complex shape of the tools that are used. The present work proposes a methodology for chatter avoidance in the milling of flexible thin floors with a bull-nose end mill. First, a stability model for the milling of compliant systems in the tool axis direction with bull-nose end mills is presented. The contribution is the averaging method used to be able to use a linear model to predict the stability of the operation. Then, the procedure for the calculation of stability diagrams for the milling of thin floors is presented. The method is based on the estimation of the modal parameters of the part and the corresponding stability lobes during the machining. As in thin floor milling the depth of cut is already defined by the floor thickness previous to milling, the use of stability diagrams that relate the tool position along the tool-path with the spindle speed is proposed. Hence, the sequence of spindle speeds that the tool must have during the milling can be selected. Finally, this methodology has been validated by means of experimental tests.


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We investigate the stability of super-Earth atmospheres around M stars using a seven-parameter, analytical framework. We construct stability diagrams in the parameter space of exoplanetary radius versus semimajor axis and elucidate the regions in which the atmospheres are stable against the condensation of their major constituents, out of the gas phase, on their permanent nightside hemispheres. We find that super-Earth atmospheres that are nitrogen-dominated (Earth-like) occupy a smaller region of allowed parameter space, compared to hydrogen-dominated atmospheres, because of the dual effects of diminished advection and enhanced radiative cooling. Furthermore, some super-Earths which reside within the habitable zones of M stars may not possess stable atmospheres, depending on the mean molecular weight and infrared photospheric pressure of their atmospheres. We apply our stability diagrams to GJ 436b and GJ 1214b, and demonstrate that atmospheric compositions with high mean molecular weights are disfavored if these exoplanets possess solid surfaces and shallow atmospheres. Finally, we construct stability diagrams tailored to the Kepler data set, for G and K stars, and predict that about half of the exoplanet candidates are expected to harbor stable atmospheres if Earth-like conditions are assumed. We include 55 Cancri e and CoRoT-7b in our stability diagram for G stars


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Equilibrium thermodynamic analysis has been applied to the low-pressure MOCVD process using manganese acetylacetonate as the precursor. ``CVD phase stability diagrams'' have been constructed separately for the processes carried out in argon and oxygen ambient, depicting the compositions of the resulting films as functions of CVD parameters. For the process conduced in argon ambient, the analysis predicts the simultaneous deposition of MnO and elemental carbon in 1: 3 molar proportion, over a range of temperatures. The analysis predicts also that, if CVD is carried out in oxygen ambient, even a very low flow of oxygen leads to the complete absence of carbon in the film deposited oxygen, with greater oxygen flow resulting in the simultaneous deposition of two different manganese oxides under certain conditions. The results of thermodynamic modeling have been verified quantitatively for low-pressure CVD conducted in argon ambient. Indeed, the large excess of carbon in the deposit is found to constitute a MnO/C nanocomposite, the associated cauliflower-like morphology making it a promising candidate for electrode material in supercapacitors. CVD carried out in oxygen flow, under specific conditions, leads to the deposition of more than one manganese oxide, as expected from thermodynamic analysis ( and forming an oxide-oxide nanocomposite). These results together demonstrate that thermodynamic analysis of the MOCVD process can be employed to synthesize thin films in a predictive manner, thus avoiding the inefficient trial-and-error method usually associated with MOCVD process development. The prospect of developing thin films of novel compositions and characteristics in a predictive manner, through the appropriate choice of CVD precursors and process conditions, emerges from the present work.


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In this paper, a loads transportation system in platforms or suspended by cables is considered. It is a monorail device and is modeled as an inverted pendulum built on a car driven by a dc motor the governing equations of motion were derived via Lagrange's equations. In the mathematical model we consider the interaction between the dc motor and the dynamical system, that is, we have a so called nonideal periodic problem. The problem is analyzed, qualitatively, through the comparison of the stability diagrams, numerically obtained, for several motor torque constants. Furthermore, we also analyze the problem quantitatively using the Floquet multipliers technique. Finally, we devise a control for the studied nonideal problem. The method that was used for analysis and control of this nonideal periodic system is based on the Chebyshev polynomial exponsion, the Picard iterative method, and the Lyapunov-Floquet transformation (L-F transformation). We call it Sinha's theory.


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In this work, the problem in the loads transport (in platforms or suspended by cables) it is considered. The system in subject is composed for mono-rail system and was modeled through the system: inverted pendulum, car and motor and the movement equations were obtained through the Lagrange equations. In the model, was considered the interaction among of the motor and system dynamics for several potencies motor, that is, the case studied is denominated a non-ideal periodic problem. The non-ideal periodic problem dynamics was analyzed, qualitatively, through the comparison of the stability diagrams, numerically obtained, for several motor torque constants. Furthermore, one was made it analyzes quantitative of the problem through the analysis of the Floquet multipliers. Finally, the non-ideal problem was controlled. The method that was used for analysis and control of non-ideal periodic systems is based on the Chebyshev polynomial expansion, in the Picard iterative method and in the Lyapunov-Floquet transformation (L-F trans formation). This method was presented recently in [3-9].


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The Fitzhugh-Nagumo (fn) mathematical model characterizes the action potential of the membrane. The dynamics of the Fitzhugh-Nagumo model have been extensively studied both with a view to their biological implications and as a test bed for numerical methods, which can be applied to more complex models. This paper deals with the dynamics in the (FH) model. Here, the dynamics are analyzed, qualitatively, through the stability diagrams to the action potential of the membrane. Furthermore, we also analyze quantitatively the problem through the evaluation of Floquet multipliers. Finally, the nonlinear periodic problem is controlled, based on the Chebyshev polynomial expansion, the Picard iterative method and on Lyapunov-Floquet transformation (L-F transformation).


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Ocean drilling has revealed that, although a minor mineral phase, native Cu ubiquitously occurs in the oceanic crust. Cu isotope systematics for native Cu from a set of occurrences from volcanic basement and sediment cover of the oceanic crust drilled at several sites in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans constrains the sources of Cu and processes that produced Cu**0. We propose that both hydrothermally-released Cu and seawater were the sources of Cu at these sites. Phase stability diagrams suggest that Cu**0 precipitation is favored only under strictly anoxic, but not sulfidic conditions at circum-neutral pH even at low temperature. In the basaltic basement, dissolution of primary igneous and potentially hydrothermal Cu-sulfides leads to Cu**0 precipitation along veins. The restricted Cu-isotope variations (delta 65Cu = 0.02-0.19 per mil) similar to host volcanic rocks suggest that Cu**0 precipitation occurred under conditions where Cu+-species were dominant, precluding Cu redox fractionation. In contrast, the Cu-isotope variations observed in the Cu**0 from sedimentary layers yield larger Cu-isotope fractionation (delta 65Cu = 0.41-0.95 per mil) suggesting that Cu**0 precipitation involved redox processes during the diagenesis, with potentially seawater as the primary Cu source. We interpret that native Cu precipitation in the basaltic basement is a result of low temperature (20°-65 °C) hydrothermal processes under anoxic, but not H2S-rich conditions. Consistent with positive delta 65Cu signatures, the sediment cover receives major Cu contribution from hydrogenous (i.e., seawater) sources, although hydrothermal contribution from plume fallout cannot be entirely discarded. In this case, disseminated hydrogenous and/or hydrothermal Cu might be diagenetically remobilized and reprecipitated as Cu**0 in reducing microenvironment.


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El objetivo de esta Tesis es el estudio sistemático del fenómeno aeroelástico de galope de una viga prismática con sección transversal en H. En particular, se pretende analizar la influencia de determinados parámetros geométricos que definen la geometría de la sección y el efecto del ángulo de ataque de la corriente sobre la estabilidad del fenómeno de oscilación. El interés en el estudio de esta forma de la sección transversal de una viga se basa en el hecho de que, con cierta frecuencia, se sigue utilizando, por su buen comportamiento estructural, en construcciones civiles como tableros y tirantes de puentes de gran longitud, señalizaciones, luminarias y, en general, en grandes estructuras metálicas. Los parámetros geométricos seleccionados para su estudio son tres: el espesor de las dos alas verticales, su porosidad y el espesor de sendas ranuras en la zona de unión entre el alma y las alas de la sección. Inicialmente se han realizado ensayos estáticos en un túnel aerodinámico con objeto de obtener las cargas aerodinámicas y poder aplicar el criterio casi-estático de Glauert - Den Hartog. En estos ensayos, se han medido tanto las fuerzas de sustentación y resistencia aerodinámicas como las distribuciones de presiones en la superficie de la zona central de la sección. Posteriormente, se han realizado ensayos de visualización de flujo, utilizando un túnel de humos, para poder comprender mejor el comportamiento físico del aire alrededor del cuerpo. El estudio estático se ha completado realizando ensayos con PIV, que permiten realizar una medida precisa de la velocidad del campo fluido. Por último, se han realizado ensayos dinámicos en otro túnel aerodinámico con objeto de contrastar la aplicabilidad del criterio casi-estático, la velocidad de inicio de galope y la amplitud de las oscilaciones producidas. Los resultados muestran que el espesor de las alas verticales, aunque modifica apreciablemente la magnitud de las cargas aerodinámicas, no afecta sustancialmente a la estabilidad a galope, mientras que su porosidad sí ejerce un control efectivo que permite reducir este fenómeno e incluso evitarlo, en determinados casos. En todas las situaciones el criterio de Glauert-Glauert - Den Hartog ha resultado ser aplicable y, en ocasiones, más restrictivo que los resultados obtenidos en ensayos dinámicos. La presencia de una ranura en la zona de unión entre el alma y las dos alas, o su combinación con la porosidad en las alas, reduce la intensidad de galope, incrementando la velocidad crítica de su inicio, pero no logra hacer que desaparezca, como se justificará en el desarrollo del trabajo. ABSTRACT Galloping is a type of aeroelastic instability characterized by a large amplitude oscillation at the natural frequency of the structure, producing normal motion to wind. It usually occurs in slender bodies lightly damped at sufficiently high speeds. In this thesis an experimental study has been developed on the galloping instability of a beam with H cross section, which is inscribed in a rectangle with a slender 1: 2. A systematic study has been carried out of the influence of three different geometric parameters on galloping, in the range of 0 to 90° angle of attack of the incoming stream. These parameters are the thickness of the flanges of the section, the porosity of the flanges, the thickness of two slots along the span, in the area between the flange and the central core of the section, and the combination effect of the last two parameters. First of all, static tests have been performed in a wind tunnel to determine the lift and drag forces by using a balance and then the quasi-static stability criterion due to Glauert-Den Hartog has been determined. Later, to better understand and verify the results previously obtained, it has also been tested the pressure distribution on the surface of the model, flow visualization in a second, smoke, wind tunnel, and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) study of the flow around the section, in a third tunnel. Finally, dynamic tests have been performed, on a fourth wind tunnel, for determining the amplitude and frequency of the oscillations in each case. The results have been collected in stability diagrams for each geometric parameter studied. These results show that the more critical angles of attack of the stream for galloping behavior are close to 0 and 90º. It has been found that the thickness of the flanges, although changes the galloping behavior on the section, does not reduce it substantially. However, the porosity in the flanges has been proved to be an efficient control mechanism on galloping, and even above 40% porosity, it disappears. The thickness of the slot studied and its combination with the porosity in the flanges in some cases reduces the aerodynamic forces appreciably but fail to prevent galloping at all angles of attack.


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A feature of stability diagrams of liquid bridges between unequal disks subjected to small axial gravity forces is that, for each separation of disks, there is a value of microgravity for which an absolute minimum volume limit is reached. The dependence of such microgravity values on the liquid bridge geometry has been experimentally checked by using the neutral buoyancy technique, experimental results being in complete agreement with theoretical ones. Analytical background assuring the experimental procedure used is presented, and a second order analytical expression for the equilirium interface is also calculated.


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Two aspects of gold mineralisation in the Caledonides of the British Isles have been investigated: gold-telluride mineralisation at Clogau Mine, North Wales; and placer gold mineralisation in the Southern Uplands, Scotland. The primary ore assemblage at Clogau Mine is pyrite, arsenopyrite, cobaltite, pyrrhotine, chalcopyrite, galena, tellurbismuth, tetradymite, altaite, hessite, native gold, wehrlite, hedleyite, native bismuth, bismuthunite and various sulphosalts. The generalised paragenesis is early Fe, Co, Cu, As and S species, and later minerals of Pb, Bi, Ag, Au, Te, Sb. Electron probe micro-analysis (EPMA) of complex telluride-sulphide intergrowths suggests that these intergrowths formed by co-crystallisation/replacement processes and not exsolution. Minor element chemical variation, in the sulphides and tellurides, indicates that antimony and cadmium are preferentially partitioned into telluride minerals. Mineral stability diagrams suggest that during gold deposition log bf aTe2 was between -7.9 and -9.7 and log bf aS2 between -12.4 and -13.8. Co-existing mineral assemblages indicate that the final stages of telluride mineralisation were between c. 250 - 275oC. It is suggested that the high-grade telluride ore shoot was the result of remobilisation of Au, Bi, Ag and Te from low grade mineralisation elsewhere within the vein system, and that gold deposition was brought about by destabilisation of gold chloride complexes by interaction with graphite, sulphides and tellurbismuth. Scanning electron microscopy of planer gold grains from the Southern Uplands, Scotland, indicates that detailed studies on the morphology of placer gold can be used to elucidate the history of gold in the placer environment. In total 18 different morphological characteristics were identified. These were divided on an empirical basis, using the relative degree of mechanical attrition, into proximal and distal characteristics. One morphological characteristic (a porous/spongy surface at high magnification) is considered to be chemical in origin and represent the growth of `new' gold in the placer environment. The geographical distribution of morphological characteristics has been examined and suggests that proximal placer gold is spatially associated with the Loch Doon, Cairsphairn and Fleet granitoids. Quantitative EPMA of the placer gold reveals two compositional populations of placer gold. Examination of the geographical distribution of fineness suggests a loose spatial association between granitoids and low fineness placer gold. Also identified was chemically heterogeneous placer gold. EPMA studies of these heterogeneities allowed estimation of annealing history limits, which suggest that the heterogeneities formed between 150 and 235oC. It is concluded, on the basis of relationships between morphology and composition, that there are two types of placer gold in the Southern Uplands: (i) placer gold which is directly inherited from a hypogene source probably spatially associated with granitoids; and (ii) placer gold that has formed during supergene processes.


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As a device, the laser is an elegant conglomerate of elementary physical theories and state-of-the-art techniques ranging from quantum mechanics, thermal and statistical physics, material growth and non-linear mathematics. The laser has been a commercial success in medicine and telecommunication while driving the development of highly optimised devices specifically designed for a plethora of uses. Due to their low-cost and large-scale predictability many aspects of modern life would not function without the lasers. However, the laser is also a window into a system that is strongly emulated by non-linear mathematical systems and are an exceptional apparatus in the development of non-linear dynamics and is often used in the teaching of non-trivial mathematics. While single-mode semiconductor lasers have been well studied, a unified comparison of single and two-mode lasers is still needed to extend the knowledge of semiconductor lasers, as well as testing the limits of current model. Secondly, this work aims to utilise the optically injected semiconductor laser as a tool so study non-linear phenomena in other fields of study, namely ’Rogue waves’ that have been previously witnessed in oceanography and are suspected as having non-linear origins. The first half of this thesis includes a reliable and fast technique to categorise the dynamical state of optically injected two mode and single mode lasers. Analysis of the experimentally obtained time-traces revealed regions of various dynamics and allowed the automatic identification of their respective stability. The impact of this method is also extended to the detection regions containing bi-stabilities. The second half of the thesis presents an investigation into the origins of Rogue Waves in single mode lasers. After confirming their existence in single mode lasers, their distribution in time and sudden appearance in the time-series is studied to justify their name. An examination is also performed into the existence of paths that make Rogue Waves possible and the impact of noise on their distribution is also studied.


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Phase diagrams for ternary Ln2O3-H2O-CO2 systems for the entire lanthanide series (except promethium) were studied at temperatures in the range 100–950 °C and pressures up to 3000 bar. The phase diagrams obtained for the heavier lanthanides are far more complex, with the appearance of a number of stable carbonate phases. New carbonates isolated from lanthanide systems (Ln ≡ Tm, Yb, Lu) include Ln6(OH)4(CO3)7, Ln4(OH)6-(CO3)3, Ln2O(OH)2CO3, Ln6O2(OH)8(CO3)3 and Ln12O7(OH)10(CO3)6. Stable carbonate phases common to all the lighter lanthanides are hexagonal LnOHCO3 and hexagonal Ln2O2CO3. Ln2(CO3)3• 3H2O is stable from samarium onwards and orthorhombic LnOHCO3 is stable from gadolinium onwards. On the basis of the appearance of stable carbonates, four different groups of lanthanides were established: lanthanum to neodymium, promethium to europium, terbium to erbium and thulium to lutetium. Gadolinium is the connecting element between groups II and III. This is in accordance with the tetrad classification for f transition elements.


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Recent trends in the use of dispersed solid electrolytes and auxiliary electrodes in galvanic cells have increased the need for assessment of materials compatibility. In the design of dispersed solid electrolytes, the potential reactions between the dispersoid and the matrix must be considered. In galvanic cells, possible interactions between the dispersoid and the electrode materials must also be considered in addition to ion exchange between the matrix and the electrode. When auxiliary electrodes, which convert the chemical potential of a component present at the electrode into an equivalent chemical potential of the neutral form of the migrating species in the solid electrolyte are employed, displacement reactions between phases in contact may limit the range of applicability of the cell. Examples of such constraints in the use of oxide dispersoids in fluoride solid electrolytes and NASICON/Na2S couple for measurement of sulphur potential are illustrated with the aid of Ellingham and stability field diagrams.


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The number, the angles of orientation and the stability in Rumyantsev Movchan's sense of oblique steady rotations of a symmetric heavy gyroscope with a cavity completely filled with a uniform viscous liquid, possessing a fixed point 0 on its symmetric axis. are given for various values of the parameters. By taking the square of the upright component of the angular momentum M2 as a control parameter, three types of bifurcation diagrams of the steady rotations, two types of jumps and two kinds of local catastrophes, one being the symmetric reduced cusp type and the other being of the symmetric reduced butterfly type, are obtained. By taking account of the M2-damping owing to the moment of unavoidable faint friction, two different modes for the gyroscope, initially in a stable quasi-steady upright rotation with a nutation angle theta(s) equal to zero, to topple over are found.