200 resultados para Squirrel Glider


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Reproduction was studied across a three-year period in two south-east Queensland populations of the squirrel glider, Petaurus norfolcensis, by measuring morphological (body weight, scrotal diameter, cutaneous scent-gland activity, condition index) and physiological (plasma steroid levels) variables. Reproduction showed a seasonal pattern, with peak numbers of pouch young recorded in late autumn and winter. Declines in oestrogen concentrations outside the breeding period indicate that females are anoestrous in the summer months. Most (83%) reproductive females captured during the study were 2-3 years old, but all individuals over one year of age were found to have bred. Average litter size was 1.73 +/- 0.01 (n = 23). Scrotal diameter and testosterone concentrations showed no significant seasonal variation. It is suggested that this is due to the presence of both socially dominant and subordinate males in the data set. Maximum testosterone concentrations did coincide with periods of mating. The condition index showed no relationship with reproductive variables, but it is likely that this results from the manner in which the index was generated.


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Accurate habitat mapping is critical to landscape ecological studies such as required for developing and testing Montreal Process indicator 1.1e, fragmentation of forest types. This task poses a major challenge to remote sensing, especially in mixedspecies, variable-age forests such as dry eucalypt forests of subtropical eastern Australia. In this paper, we apply an innovative approach that uses a small section of one-metre resolution airborne data to calibrate a moderate spatial resolution model (30 m resolution; scale 1:50 000) based on Landsat Thematic Mapper data to estimate canopy structural properties in St Marys State Forest, near Maryborough, south-eastern Queensland. The approach applies an image-processing model that assumes each image pixel is significantly larger than individual tree crowns and gaps to estimate crown-cover percentage, stem density and mean crown diameter. These parameters were classified into three discrete habitat classes to match the ecology of four exudivorous arboreal species (yellowbellied glider Petaurus australis, sugar glider P. breviceps, squirrel glider P. norfolcensis , and feathertail glider Acrobates pygmaeus), and one folivorous arboreal marsupial, the greater glider Petauroides volans. These species were targeted due to the known ecological preference for old trees with hollows, and differences in their home range requirements. The overall mapping accuracy, visually assessed against transects (n = 93) interpreted from a digital orthophoto and validated in the field, was 79% (KHAT statistic = 0.72). The KHAT statistic serves as an indicator of the extent that the percentage correct values of the error matrix are due to ‘true’ agreement verses ‘chance’ agreement. This means that we are able to reliably report on the effect of habitat loss on target species, especially those with a large home range size (e.g. yellow-bellied glider). However, the classified habitat map failed to accurately capture the spatial patterning (e.g. patch size and shape) of stands with a trace or sub-dominance of senescent trees. This outcome makes the reporting of the effects of habitat fragmentation more problematic, especially for species with a small home range size (e.g. feathertail glider). With further model refinement and validation, however, this moderateresolution approach offers an important, cost eff e c t i v e advancement in mapping the age of dry eucalypt forests in the region.


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The habitat requirements of arboreal marsupials were investigated in the dry sclerophyll forests of southeast Queensland, Australia. Species richness and abundance of arboreal marsupials was correlated to the proportion of total stand basal area occupied by lemon-scented gum (Corymbia citriodora), the height of the tallest trees, and density of hollow-bearing trees. The first two factors suggested that the most productive forests were also the most suitable habitats for arboreal marsupials. Importantly, the number of hollow-bearing trees was a significant factor in determining species richness and abundance of arboreal marsupials in this study, with the maximum number of species reached at sites containing greater than or equal to4 hollow-bearing trees/ha, and maximum abundance occurring at sites with :6 hollow-bearingtrees/ha. The proportion of C. citriodora was significant for the presence of the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula), greater glider (Petauroides volans), and the yellow-bellied glider (Petaurus australis), while understory Acacia sp. density was important for the presence of the sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps). The yellow-bellied glider was also affected by two other variables: the density of hollow-bearing trees >50 cm diameter at breast height (dbh), and the time since the last logging. Current Codes of Practice regulating the density of hollow-bearing trees and silvicultural practices in state-owned timber production forests appear to provide adequate protection for arboreal marsupials, but the recently introduced increase in timber extraction rates within state forests may be detrimental to the animals. Also, protective prescriptions do not apply to the privately owned and leasehold estates, which contain the majority of the dry sclerophyll forests in southeast Queensland.


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Landscape metrics are widely applied in landscape ecology to quantify landscape structure. However, many are poorly tested and require rigorous validation if they are to serve as reliable indicators of habitat loss and fragmentation, such as Montreal Process Indicator 1.1e. We apply a landscape ecology theory, supported by exploratory and confirmatory statistical techniques, to empirically test landscape metrics for reporting Montreal Process Indicator 1.1e in continuous dry eucalypt forests of sub-tropical Queensland, Australia. Target biota examined included: the Yellow-bellied Glider (Petaurus australis); the diversity of nectar and sap feeding glider species including P. australis, the Sugar Glider P. breviceps, the Squirrel Glider P. norfolcensis, and the Feathertail Glider Acrobates pygmaeus; six diurnal forest birds species; total diurnal bird species diversity; and the density of nectar-feeding diurnal bird species. Two scales of influence were considered: the stand-scale (2 ha), and a series of radial landscape extents (500 m - 2 km; 78 - 1250 ha) surrounding each fauna transect. For all biota, stand-scale structural and compositional attributes were found to be more influential than landscape metrics. For the Yellow-bellied Glider, the proportion of trace habitats with a residual element of old spotted-gum/ironbark eucalypt trees was a significant landscape metric at the 2 km landscape extent. This is a measure of habitat loss rather than habitat fragmentation. For the diversity of nectar and sap feeding glider species, the proportion of trace habitats with a high coefficient of variation in patch size at the 750 m extent was a significant landscape metric. None of the landscape metrics tested was important for diurnal forest birds. We conclude that no single landscape metric adequately captures the response of the region's forest biota per se. This poses a major challenge to regional reporting of Montreal Process Indicator 1.1e, fragmentation of forest types.


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This paper reports the results of an experiment involving a sample of 204 members of the public who were assessed on three occasions about their willingness to pay for the conservation of the mahogany glider. They were asked this question prior to information being provided to them about the glider and other focal wildlife species; after such information was provided, and finally after participants had had an opportunity to see live specimens of this glider. The mean willingness to pay of the relevant samples are compared and found to show significant variations. Theories are considered that help explain the dynamics of these variations. Serious concerns are raised about the capacity of information provision to reveal ‘true’ contingent valuations of public goods.


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Reviews the ecological status of the mahogany glider and describes its distribution, habitat and abundance, life history and threats to it. Three serial surveys of Brisbane residents provide data on the knowledge of respondents about the mahogany glider. The results provide information about the attitudes of respondents to the mahogany glider, to its conservation and relevant public policies and about variations in these factors as the knowledge of participants of the mahogany glider alters. Similarly data is provided and analysed about the willingness to pay of respondents to conserve the mahogany glider. Population viability analysis is applied to estimate the required habitat area for a minimum viable population of the mahogany glider to ensure at least a 95% probability of its survival for 100 years. Places are identified in Queensland where the requisite minimum area of critical habitat can be conserved. Using the survey results as a basis, the likely willingness of groups of Australians to pay for the conservation of the mahogany glider is estimated and consequently their willingness to pay for the minimum required area of its habitat. Methods for estimating the cost of protecting this habitat are outlined. Australia-wide benefits seem to exceed the costs. Establishing a national park containing the minimum viable population of the mahogany glider is an appealing management option. This would also be beneficial in conserving other endangered wildlife species. Therefore, additional economic benefits to those estimated on account of the mahogany glider itself can be obtained.


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Saimiri sciureus is one of the smallest Cebidae native of Amazon region and also found at the biological reserve of northeast Atlantic forest. It is an omnivore animal, with diversified diet that directly influences the lingual mucosa, which includes certain types of papillae with different organization levels. The present study attempted to describe the morphological and ultrastructure aspects of the dorsal surface of the S. sciureus. Five tongues of de S. sciureus were analyzed from three males and two females who died from natural causes and were obtained from breeding colonies of CENP-Ananindeua-PA. Main macroscopic features were a general triangular shape with a craniocaudal elongation pointed apex. Tissue samples-apex, body, and root of tongue-were fixed in modified Karnovsky solution, following standard scanning protocol, mounted in stubs, coated by gold, and analyzed by Scanning Electron Macroscopy (SEM). Four types of papillae were described: filiform (along all tissue extension with 154 mu m of diameter), fungiform (along all tissue extension with 272 mu m of diameter), vallate [just three units in caudal (dorsal) portion with 830 mu m of diameter] and foliate (one pair at caudolateral surface with similar to 13 projections and 3000 mu m in length). Data analysis indicates that the distribution and ultra structural morphology of the S. sciureus lingual papillae are some similar to other primates. Microsc. Res. Tech. 74:484-487, 2011. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The squirrel monkey Saimiri sciureus, an endemic primate of the Amazonian Basin, has been introduced in many localities of the Atlantic Forest biome. Introduced exotic species gain a competitive advantage in their new environment because of a lack of natural predators, competitors or diseases. This advantage can result in a reduction in the resources for the endemic species. The aims of this work were to evaluate the level of adaptation, and monitor the forms of interaction and the impact caused by S. sciureus on the behavior of the native species Callithrix jacchus in the Saltinho Biological Reserve, Tamandaré, Pernambuco, Brazil. The behavior was assessed by use of scan sampling method, every 5 min. A total of 382 h (191 h or 2,292 scans per group) of time sampling was performed. Sixteen interactions were recorded. The interaction index was low and represented 2.4% of the total observation time. Interactions were significantly higher during the dry season (58.5%) relative to the rainy season (41.5%). Callithrix jacchus was intolerant to the presence of S. sciureus and the last one was more tolerant during the interactions. In the presence of S. sciureus, C. jacchus eating, foraging, resting, socializing, and self-grooming behaviors were reduced while alertness was increased. Territorial behavior showed no significant difference. In the presence of S. sciureus, on average, the group of marmosets assembled at a higher layer of the forest stratum. The results might indicate a negative effect of S. sciureus on the native species, C. jacchus.


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A study was conducted to determine the prevalence of natural infections by trypanosome species in squirrel monkeys: Saimiri sciureus (Linnaeus) and Saimiri ustus (Geoffroy) caught respectively near 2 hydroelectric plants: Balbina, in the State of Amazonas, and Samuel, in the State of Rondônia, Brazil. A total of 165 squirrel monkeys were examined by thick and thin blood smears (BS), haemocultures and xenodiagnosis: 112 monkeys, 67.9%,(being 52.7% with mix infections) were positive to trypanosomes. Four species of trypanosomes were found in monkeys from the 2 areas: Trypanosoma (Tejeraia) rangeli Tejera or T. rangeli-like parasites in 58 squirrel monkeys (35.2%), Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) minasense Chagas in 55 (33.3%), Trypanosoma (Herpetosoma) saimirii Rodhain or T. saimirii-like parasites in 53 (32.1%) and Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) cruzi Chagas in 17 (10.3%). As T. saimirii resembles T. minasense in blood-stream trypomastigotes and T. rangeli in cultural forms and in this survey almost all monkeys presenting trypanosomes morphologically indistinguishable from T. saimirii and/or T. minasense in BS were found through xenodiagnosis and/or haemoculture to be infected by T. rangeli, we suggest that the validity of T. saimirii needs to be evaluated


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A morphometric analysis of blood trypomastigotes identified as Trypanosoma minasense, T. saimirii, and T. rangeli harbored by squirrel monkeys from the Brazilian Amazon was performed. Additionally, morphological and biological comparative analyses were conducted of T. saimirii-like and T. rangeli development forms from haemoculture and xenodiagnosis. Illustrations are given of blood trypomastigotes as well as of developing flagellates in triatomine and axenic culture. Mean values of blood trypomastigotes of T. saimirii differ statistically from those of T. rangeli in only two out of ten morphological characters measured, and ranges overlapped. The developing forms of T. saimrii-like parasites were essentially identical in both xenodiagnosis and haemoculture to those of T. rangeli. Trypanosomes confirmed as T. rangeli were transmitted to mice by the bites of the great majority of triatomines that fed on T. saimirii-like infected monkeys. We conclude that, based on morphology and on the development in triatomine bugs and haemoculture, T. saimirii should not be considered a distinct species. We therefore propose T. saimirii to be a junior synonym of T. rangeli


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Experimental infections by Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) minasense were performed in primates - Saimiri sciureus and Callithrix penicillata - with the objective of searching for morphological variations of the blood trypomastigotes with respect to hosts and time of infection. We carried out morphological and morphometric analysis of blood trypomastigotes. Illustrations are given. Both the squirrel monkey and marmoset became infected after the injection of blood trypomastigotes of T. minasense , although the parasitaemia were briefer in the squirrel monkey. The parasites detected in the later host were narrower and shorter than those found in the inoculated marmoset. In the marmoset, the blood stream parasites derived from culture metacyclic trypomastigotes were considerably smaller than those derived from the inoculation of infected blood. Stronger evidence of polymorphism was found when, at the same time of infection, the blood trypomastigotes found in squirrel monkey had smaller length, body width and the distance from posterior end of the body to the kinetoplast almost four times smaller than the parasite found in the marmoset. Therefore, conflicting results on morphology and morphometry of T. minasense obtained by previous investigators could be due to polymorphism.


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Data sheet produced by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources is about different times of animals, insects, snakes, birds, fish, butterflies, etc. that can be found in Iowa.