976 resultados para Sports training


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Organised amateur sports emerged in the second half of the nineteenth century. This paper, an exercise in historical sociology, analyses how a new system of sports training was devised by the amateurs to meet their particular needs. The data comes from contemporary British training manuals and the analysis is informed by the theories of Bourdieu and Foucault. That amateurs came from the higher social classes was highly
significant: it meant that they could not adopt existing training practices because these were associated with plebeian professional athletes. For amateurs to have followed the preparation of the professionals would have placed their bodies under the control of a social inferior and promoted a somatic shape more in keeping with the lower than with
the higher social orders. Mirroring the social distance between them, amateurs came to stridently reject professional training practices. Instead, they devised new training techniques which were justified through recourse to contemporary bio-medical knowledge. It is argued that amateur training originated for social reasons, with the proponents’ class positions and social capital facilitating the evocation of scientific knowledge as a legitimating ideology.


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Thèse réalisée en co-tutelle à l'Université de Montréal et de Paris Sud


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Women's athletics commenced about 60 years after the start of the men's sport. Women's involvement in athletics was held back by the medical and general views that this was a strenuous sport requiring a level of exertion beyond the biological capabilities of female bodies. Their difficult initiation into athletics occurred under male gaze; they encountered opposition from the public, the medical profession and from the male-controlled athletics organizations. A serious participation in athletics requires significant exertion and dedicated training. While the prevailing view was that moderate physical exercise without strain enhanced women's health, the exertion required for athletics was deemed to be potentially dangerous. Within essentialist views of gender, women's involvement in athletics was thought to have implications for their nurturing and domestic roles. When the pioneer women athletes tried to excel, they were said to be straining themselves and their participation in the sport was brought into question. By using theoretical insights drawn mostly from Foucault, training manuals from the early decades of women's athletics and material from interviews with some of the first English female athletes are examined to investigate the attitudes of both genders to women in athletics and to analyse how they circumvented the potential veto of their sport by men.


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Achieving an appropriate balance between training and competition stresses and recovery is important in maximising the performance of athletes. A wide range of recovery modalities are now used as integral parts of the training programmes of elite athletes to help attain this balance. This review examined the evidence available as to the efficacy of these recovery modalities in enhancing between-training session recovery in elite athletes. Recovery modalities have largely been investigated with regard to their ability to enhance the rate of blood lactate removal following high-intensity exercise or to reduce the severity and duration of exercise-induced muscle injury and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Neither of these reflects the circumstances of between-training session recovery in elite athletes. After high-intensity exercise, rest alone will return blood lactate to baseline levels well within the normal time period between the training sessions of athletes. The majority of studies examining exercise-induced muscle injury and DOMS have used untrained subjects undertaking large amounts of unfamiliar eccentric exercise. This model is unlikely to closely reflect the circumstances of elite athletes. Even without considering the above limitations, there is no substantial scientific evidence to support the use of the recovery modalities reviewed to enhance the between-training session recovery of elite athletes. Modalities reviewed were massage, active recovery, cryotherapy, contrast temperature water immersion therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, compression garments, stretching, electromyostimulation and combination modalities. Experimental models designed to reflect the circumstances of elite athletes are needed to further investigate the efficacy of various recovery modalities for elite athletes. Other potentially important factors associated with recovery, such as the rate of post-exercise glycogen synthesis and the role of inflammation in the recovery and adaptation process, also need to be considered in this future assessment.


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Use of ball projection machines in the acquisition of interceptive skill has recently been questioned. The use of projection machines in developmental and elite fast ball sports programmes is not a trivial issue, since they play a crucial role in reducing injury incidence in players and coaches. A compelling challenge for sports science is to provide theoretical principles to guide how and when projection machines might be used for acquisition of ball skills and preparation for competition in developmental and elite sport performance programmes. Here, we propose how principles from an ecological dynamics theoretical framework could be adopted by sports scientists, pedagogues and coaches to underpin the design of interventions, practice and training tasks, including the use of hybrid video-projection technologies. The assessment of representative learning design during practice may provide ways to optimize developmental programmes in fast ball sports and inform the principled use of ball projection machines.


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Competitive sports participation in youth is becoming increasingly more common in the Western world. It is widely accepted that sports participation, specifically endurance training, is beneficial for physical, psychomotor, and social development of children. The research on the effect of endurance training in children has focused mainly on healthrelated benefits and physiological adaptations, particularly on maximal oxygen uptake. However, corresponding research on neuromuscular adaptations to endurance training and the latter's possible effects on muscle strength in youth is lacking. In children and adults, resistance training can enhance strength and mcrease muscle activation. However, data on the effect of endurance training on strength and neuromuscular adaptations are limited. While some evidence exists demonstrating increased muscle activation and possibly increased strength in endurance athletes compared with untrained adults, the neuromuscular adaptations to endurance training in children have not been examined. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine maximal isometric torque and rate of torque development (RID), along with the pattern of muscle activation during elbow and knee flexion and extension in muscle-endurancetrained and untrained men and boys. Subjects included 65 males: untrained boys (n=18), endurance-trained boys (n=12), untrained men (n=20) and endurance-trained men (n=15). Maximal isometric torque and rate of torque development were measured using an isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex III), and neuromuscular activation was assessed using surface electromyography (SEMG). Muscle strength and activation were assessed in the dominant arm and leg, in a cross-balanced fashion during elbow and knee flexion and extension. The main variables included peak torque (T), RTD, rate of muscle activation (Q30), Electro-mechanical delay (EMD), time to peak RTD and co-activation index. Age differences in T, RTD, electro-mechanical delay (EMD) and rate of muscle activation (Q30) were consistently observed in the four contractions tested. Additionally, Q30, nonnalized for peak EMG amplitude, was consistently higher in the endurancetrained men compared with untrained men. Co-activation index was generally low in all contractions. For example, during maximal voluntary isometric knee extension, men were stronger, had higher RTD and Q30, whether absolute or nonnalized values were used. Moreover, boys exhibited longer EMD (64.8 ± 18.5 ms vs. 56.6 ± 15.3 ms, for boys and men respectively) and time to peak RTD (112.4 ± 33.4 ms vs. 100.8 ± 39.1 ms for boys and men, respectively). In addition, endurance-trained men had lower T compared with untrained men, yet they also exhibited significantly higher nonnalized Q30 (1.9 ± 1.2 vs. 1.1 ± 0.7 for endurance-trained men and untrained men, respectively). No training effect was apparent in the boys. In conclusion, the findings demonstrate muscle strength and activation to be lower in children compared with adults, regardless of training status. The higher Q30 of the endurance-trained men suggests neural adaptations, similar to those expected in response to resistance training. The lower peak torque may su9gest a higher relative involvement oftype I muscle fibres in the endurance-trained athletes. Future research is required to better understand the effect of growth and development on muscle strength and activation patterns during dynamic and sub-maximal isometric contractions. Furthennore, training intervention studies could reveal the effects of endurance training during different developmental stages, as well as in different muscle groups.


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RESUMO:O Basquetebol como desporto global, sendo visualizado e praticado em variados contextos e realidades, deve igualmente perceber-se que existem diferentes formas de vê-lo e treiná-lo. Não existe assim uma forma correta ou incorreta, mas sim várias maneiras de entender o jogo. Neste relatório, no âmbito do Mestrado em Treino Desportivo, expomos a nossa maneira de pensar o jogo bem como as decisões e ações tomadas no processo de treino dos jovens jogadores da equipa de Basquetebol de Juniores “B” Masculinos dos Salesianos Oficinas de São José (OSJ) durante a época desportiva de 2010/2011. A Escola de Basquetebol dos Salesianos OSJ surgiu há cerca de vinte anos, e é um clube integrante e sólido da formação em basquetebol na região de Lisboa. O planeamento foi estruturado num macrociclo, dividido em dois mesociclos, apresentando cada os seus pressupostos e objetivos. O primeiro mesociclo constituído por doze microciclos e o segundo mesociclo por oito microciclos, num total de cento e cinco unidades de treino. A equipa era constituída por treze atletas, com idades compreendidas entre os quinze e os dezanove anos. Relativamente aos jogadores e à equipa consideramos que os objetivos traçados foram alcançados com sucesso, sendo que os jogadores evoluíram significativamente como jogadores e pessoas, e que a equipa atingiu as classificações ambicionadas. Como Treinador considero que foi uma época enriquecedora, que proporcionou vários momentos de reflexão, sendo que estes deverão fazer parte da nossa maneira de estar no desporto, pois só através deles poderemos enriquecer a condução do processo de treino. ABSTRACT: Basketball as a global sport, being viewed and practiced in various contexts and realities, should also realize that are different ways of watching and training it. However, there’s no correct or incorrect way, but many ways of understanding the game. In this report, under the Master of Sports Training, we present our way of thinking the game and the decisions and actions taken in the process of training young basketball players from the Salesianos Oficinas de São José (OSJ) Junior “B” men´s team, during the 2010/2011 sports season. The Salesianos OSJ Basketball School was created about twenty years ago and it’s a strong team member of Young Basketball Training in the Lisbon Region. The team plan was structured in a macrocycle, divided in two mesocycles and each one has its own assumptions and goals. The first mesocycle is composed by twelve microcycles and the second one by eight microcycles, in a total of one hundred and five training sessions. The team is composed by thirteen players, aged between fifteen and nineteen years old. Relating to the players and the team, we believe that the goals were successfully achieved, and the players have evolved meaningly not only as players but also as people, and the team’s coveted standings. As a coach, I think it was an enriching season, which provided many reflective moments and these should be part of our way of being in sport, because only through them we can enrich the process of conducting the training.


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RESUMO: O Clube Atlético e Cultural (C.A.C.), apesar de ser relativamente recente, é reconhecido como um Clube Desportivo de formação de atletas de referência na zona de Lisboa. O seu pico de reconhecimento e a sua maior “montra” de formação é sem dúvida o Torneio Internacional da Pontinha (escalão Sub-13), onde é palco de jogos durante 4 dias entre os maiores clubes nacionais, bem como, alguns clubes mundialmente conhecidos. Como prova desse facto, se analisarmos alguns jogadores de elite profissional, têm no seu percurso de formação o C.A.C. como instituição representada. O relatório que de seguida se apresenta, surge no âmbito do estágio de Mestrado em Treino Desportivo e pretende divulgar todas as decisões, acções e reflexões subjacentes ao Treino Desportivo de jovens jogadores. O contexto onde foi realizado foi na equipa de Iniciados “A” (Sub-15), que disputou o Campeonato da Divisão de Honra da Associação Futebol de Lisboa. O relatório encontra-se estruturado do geral para o particular, estando dividido em três tipos de planificação: (1) Planificação Conceptual – na qual abrange uma análise ao Clube em questão, o seu contexto, os seus recursos e os vários constrangimentos. Compreende ainda um estudo prévio de situações anteriores, leia-se, épocas anteriores, bem como, a formação da equipa e dos seus jogadores, em função dos objectivos traçados e assumidos no inicio da época desportiva. Integra também a preparação de todo o período Pré-Competitivo e o recurso a meios de observação e análise visando a melhoria de todo o processo de planeamento do treino. (2) Planificação Estratégica – Esta prevê todas as acções que dizem respeito ao Período Competitivo da equipa, como por exemplo a recolha de dados tanto da nossa equipa como dos adversários, a antecipação dos graus de dificuldade dos nossos adversários, o planeamento mais operacional (Microciclos) e a escolha de estratégias consoante os diferentes adversários e por fim, as reflexões necessárias entre os vários intervenientes no processo. (3) Planificação Táctica – Por fim este tipo de planificação abarca todas as acções, decisões e reacções nos momentos que antecedem o jogo, no momento em que este decorre e ainda após este terminar. Em suma, o relatório pretende expor toda a preparação de uma equipa ao longo de uma época desportiva, visto de uma perspectiva das funções de um treinador principal. ABSTRACT: The Clube Atlético e Cultural (C.A.C.), although relatively recent, is recognized as a reference club in youths training in the Lisbon area. The peak recognition and more “showcase” training ins undoubtedly the Torneio Internacional da Pontinha (Under-13), which is host to games during four days among the biggest national clubs, as well as some world-renowned clubs. As proof thereof, if we look at some elite professional players, have in their educational path C.A.C. represented as an institution. The report that presents itself, appears in the stage of Master of Sports Training and intends to disclose all the decisions, actions and thoughts behind the Sports Training of young players. The report is structured from general to particular, being divided into three types of planning: (1) Conceptual Planning - which includes an analysis on the club in question, its context, its resources and various constraints. It also includes a previous study of past situations like earlier seasons, as well as the formation of the team and its players, according to the objectives and commitments outlined in the beginning of the season. Also includes the preparation of all pre-competition period and the use of means of observation and analysis aimed at improving the entire process of planning the training. (2) Strategic Planning - This provides all the activities that concern the competitive period of the team, such as collecting information both from our team as well as opponents, anticipating the degree of difficulty of our adversaries, the more operational planning (microcycles) and the choice of strategies depending on different opponents and finally the necessary reflections between the various actors in the process. (3) Tactical Planning - Finally this type of planning includes all actions, decisions and reactions in the moments before, during and even after the game. To resume, the report seeks to expose all the preparation of the team throughout a sports season, by the perspective of the functions of a head coach.


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RESUMO: O presente estudo pretende distinguir a especificidade das referências dos estudantes dos três ramos da licenciatura de Educação Física da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (ULHT), para a escolha do curso e da profissão de professor de educação física, bem como comparar a especificidade das referências dos estudantes dentro dos cinco anos constituintes da formação inicial. Pretende-se ainda caracterizar as representações dos estudantes de Educação Física e Desporto Escolar (EFDE), a frequentar o 3º ano da Licenciatura e o 1º e 2º ano do Mestrado, sobre as orientações da formação recebida. Juntos dos estudantes do 5º ano, pretende-se caracterizar as representações que estes tiveram sobre o apoio e supervisão dos Orientadores de Estágio, bem como caracterizar a auto-avaliação que realizam sobre os seus resultados profissionais no relacionamento com os alunos, durante o ano de estágio pedagógico. Participaram neste estudo 450 estudantes da Faculdade de Educação Física e Desporto, da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. Tendo por base o estudo “Motivação para a Profissão Docente”, de 1996, do Professor Doutor Saul Neves de Jesus e a metodologia por ele realizada, foi aplicado o mesmo tipo de estudo a outra amostra tentando perceber de que forma é que esta se manifestava, tendo em conta os objectivos delineados. O instrumento utilizado, originalmente construído e aplicado por Jesus (1996), é um inquérito por questionário, composto por 44 itens com resposta em escala tipo likert. De forma a avaliar as problemáticas em estudo, estes itens encontravam-se divididos em quatro dimensões: motivação inicial para a profissão docente, modelo de formação educacional, apoio no estágio pedagógico e resultados profissionais obtidos no ano de estágio pedagógico. Os estudantes do ramo de EDFE mostram estar mais focados nos aspectos nucleares a ter em conta aquando da escolha da profissão de professor de educação física do que os estudantes dos ramos de Exercício e Bem-Estar (EBE) e Treino Desportivo (TD). Dos três ramos em análise, os estudantes de TD são os que mais vincadamente marcam a posição de não quererem ser professores de educação física. Os estudantes de EFDE, a frequentar o 3º e último ano da Licenciatura e o 1º e 2º ano da Mestrado (descritos como 4º e 5º ano), avaliam positivamente o modelo de formação educacional recebido. Dos três anos em análise, são os alunos do 3º ano que obtiveram a média mais alta na pontuação de sete dos onze itens que compunham esta dimensão. Os estudantes do 5º ano têm uma representação bastante positiva acerca do apoio prestado pelos seus orientadores de estágio, bem como realizam uma auto-avaliação bastante positiva no que diz respeito ao relacionamento com os seus alunos e aos objectivos profissionais daí inerentes durante o ano de estágio pedagógico. ABSTRACT: The present study aims to distinguish the specificity of the references of the students in the three branches, of the Physical Education degree on Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (ULHT), for choosing the course and the profession of physical education teacher, and to compare the specificity of the references of students within five years of initial constituents. Another objective is to characterize the representations of the students of Physical Education and School Sport (EFDE), to attend the 3rd year of Bachelor and 1st and 2nd year of the Masters on the guidelines of the education received. Have participated in this study 450 students from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, of Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. Based on the study "Motivation for the Teaching Profession", 1996, by Professor Saul Neves de Jesus and the methodology he performs, we applied the same type of study to another sample trying to understand how this is manifested, taking into account the objectives outlined. The instrument used, originally built and used by Jesus (1996), is a questionnaire composed of 44 items with Likert scale response. In order to assess the problem under study, these items were divided into four dimensions: initial motivation for the teaching profession, type of educational background, support in teaching practice and professional results obtained in the year of teaching practice. Students of the branch EDFE shown to be more focused on core aspects to consider when choosing the profession of physical education teacher compared to students from branches of Exercise and Wellness (SBS) and Sports Training (DT). Of the three branches in analysis, students of TD are the most that distinctly mark the position of not wanting to be physical education teachers. EFDE students, to attend the 3rd and final year of the Bachelor and the 1st and 2nd year of Master (described as 4th and 5th year), positively evaluate the educational model received. Of the three years under review the third grade students are the ones who achieved the highest average score in seven of the eleven items that made up this dimension. Students in fifth grade have a very positive representation about the support provided by their advisors stage and perform a self-assessment very positive with regard to the relationship with their students and professional goals there inherent during stage pedagogical.


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Body esteem is the affective aspect of body image, which is shaped by social experience. Compared with men, women have a more negative body image, which is more frequently correlated with depression and dysfunctional thoughts, especially in the case of eating disorders. The purpose of the present study was to examine gender differences in body esteem and its subcategories, and to find out whether there exists a stronger link between negative body esteem and higher levels of dysfunctional thoughts in women. The relationship between body esteem, dysfunctional thoughts and mental illness was examined. Participants were 73 college students doing social sciences and sports training educations. Body esteem questionnaire and dysfunctional thoughts questionnaire as well as a self made questionnaire on mental illness were used. Results showed that women had a more negative body esteem compared to men, especially considering weight. In women, there was a medium-strong negative relation between body esteem and dysfunctional thoughts. The results indicate that the norms for female body ideal that abound in the Western society have a negative affect on women's thinking and body image.Key words: Gender, body esteem, dysfunctional thoughts, mental illness.