996 resultados para Sports tourism


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The focus of this study was the media telecast of the Athens 2004 Summer Olympic Games. The study explored the efficacy of the Australian telecast in developing positive perceptions and attitudes of Greece as a tourist  destination and was origin-based—in that a survey was undertaken of a sample of Australian residents (n = 350). Participants were segmented based on their post-consumption perceptions of Greece. Four segments were identified and labelled—'extremely positive' (n = 75), 'highly positive' (n = 153), 'positive' (n = 83) and 'negative' (n = 29). Statistical differences were found between the segments based on whether attitudes towards Greece had improved as a result of their consumption of the media telecast of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games (Athens 2004). To gain insights into this phenomenon, open-ended responses provided by segment members were then analysed.

Across the sample, 38.7% of respondents indicated that their overall attitude towards Greece as tourist destination changed as a result of their consumption of the telecast of Athens 2004. Considering that the attitudes of participants in the current study improved, not as a result of first-hand experiences at the destination, but as a result of their vicarious experiences of the destination through consumption of a media telecast of a special event, the results provide insights to the efficacy of this particular telecast in developing positive attitudes with regard to Greece as a tourist destination. The results of this study could be used a benchmark for future event-related destination marketing strategies. Similarities and differences emerged between the segments with regard to the reasons as to why members of each of the clusters attitudes towards Greece as a tourist destination had improved as a result of their consumption of the telecast. While their responses appeared to be similar, the frequency in which the concepts emerged for each of the segments varied intensity. The key issues that emerged for the four clusters were the appearance of Greece; culture and history of Greece; capacity, or 'hostability', of Greece to stage the Athens 2004; and infrastructure in Greece.


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Sports tourism has received growing attention in academic research over the past two decades (Weed and Bull, 2009, Gibson, 2005) but greater understanding of the consumer is needed, particularly the factors influencing decisions to include sport as part of a leisure trip. This paper provides, through a focus on the sport of golf, insight into the characteristics of the sports tourist and how sports tourist behaviours influence the selection of locations deemed suitable for sports participation. This qualitative research employs a grounded theory methodology, underpinned by a constructivist epistemology, to evaluate twenty-six in-depth interviews with golf tourists. The findings propose a model which explains the relationship between golf tourist behaviours and destination selection. This identifies six strands which determine the relationship between the golf tourist, golf behaviours and destination selection (constructing the golf holiday, emotional rewards of taking a trip, total trip spend, amenities and support facilities, course characteristics and reputation of the destination). Furthermore it illuminates the complexity of these relationships through recognition of four spheres of influence (group dynamics, competition and ability, golfing capital and intermediaries). Discussion elucidates how this increased understanding of the golf tourist behaviours and destination selection might be applied to other sports, with conclusions exploring implications for the sports tourism industry and destinations.


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O município de São João da Barra, localizado na mesorregião do norte-fluminense do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, por possuir uma vasta riqueza natural, sobretudo de praias, é um local muito procurado pelo turismo, principalmente no verão, período mais propício à balneabilidade, também atrai uma grande demanda de turistas através de diversos eventos organizados pela prefeitura, como carnaval, acarretando como consequência o desenvolvimento do turismo de massa. Além disso, o município foi escolhido para hospedar o Complexo Logístico e Industrial Portuário do Açu (CLIPA), maior empreendimento porto-indústria da América Latina, e um dos três maiores complexos portuários do mundo, que está em fase de implantação. Diante deste cenário, considerando a necessidade de buscar uma alternativa ao turismo de massa, bem como, proteger este destino turístico dos impactos provocados pelo mesmo, e pelo complexo portuário, a pesquisa teve por objetivo identificar o potencial turístico do município de São João da Barra, com enfoque ao desenvolvimento do turismo alternativo a fim de oferecer subsídios para o planejamento turístico sustentável do local. O trabalho se baseou na metodologia proposta por Braga (2007) referente às etapas do processo de planejamento turístico, que se constituíram em quatro etapas: definição do objeto de estudo e missão do planejamento; inventário da situação atual, diagnóstico, e diretrizes de ação. As análises revelaram, através da pesquisa bibliográfica e empírica área de estudo, os principais impactos socioambientais que ocorrem em São João da Barra, provocados não só pelo turismo, como também pela implantação do complexo portuário e por outras fontes; também foi possível obter a percepção da comunidade acerca de como a atividade turística se desenvolve no local, permitindo a elaboração de diretrizes no contexto da gestão participativa. Além disso, o estudo revelou o grande potencial turístico de modalidades alternativas ao turismo de massa, como o turismo científico, educacional, histórico-cultural e esportivo, através da elaboração do inventário da oferta local e do mapa de localização dos atrativos.


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Na divulgação de qualquer destino turístico é necessário ter em conta diversos fatores. Esta dissertação teve como principal objetivo analisar a procura e a oferta ao nível do turismo desportivo no concelho de Évora. Foi estudado o turismo desportivo no município de Évora, que é um dos maiores destinos turísticos da região Alentejo. Aplicando questionários de maneira a saber qual a opinião dos turistas relativamente a atividades desportivas praticadas neste destino. Foram ainda realizadas duas entrevistas a responsáveis da Câmara Municipal de Évora e ao Diretor de uma empresa de Animação Turística. A falta de estratégia no sector é evidenciada pelo facto dos visitantes não apresentarem como motivação primária a prática de atividades desportivas. Sendo o Turismo e o Desporto sectores económicos de grande importância em termos globais e locais, verificou-se que no concelho de Évora o Turismo Desportivo pode ser um grande agente de desenvolvimento em diversas áreas; Abstract: Sports Tourism in Évora Municipality The disclosure of any tourist destination should be taken into account several factors. This work aimed to analise the demand and supply in terms of sports tourism in Évora municipality. An investigation was made to the city of Évora, which is one of the biggest tourist destinations in Alentejo region, applying questionnaire in order to know the opinion of tourists with regard to sports activities practiced in this destination. They were also carried out two interviews with officials of the Municipality of Évora, and the Director of a Tourism Entertainment company. The lack of strategy in the sector is demonstrated by the fact that visitors do not present as the primary motivation to practice sports activities. Tourism and Sports are sectors of great importance in global and local economy, it was found that in Évora county, Sports Tourism can be a major agent of development in several areas.


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Having as reference the fundamentals of regional innovation systems (RIS) and the policy guidelines defined in the regionalization program implemented by the federal government, this study focus on the analysis of the so-called "Landmark Region", northern coast of Polo Costa das Dunas-RN, in order to indicate how the historical and cultural resources can support innovation in the tourism of the region, represented here by the cities of Pedra Grande and São Miguel do Gostoso. This is a descriptive research, using qualitative methods of data collection and analysis, configuring, still, as a case study. Data were gathered from literature, documents, semi-structured interviews and mainly by participant observation methods. The results show a great diversity of cultural resources in the region, both material and immaterial, which however are disarticulated, and need to be worked in order to be included in the tourism productive chain. The main opportunity for innovation regards the return of the Landmark to the region, an invaluable monument, with the construction of a memorial. Taking in account the relevance of the monument and the growth of the region, we conclude that the return of the Landmark to its place of origin, in conjunction with other cultural resources, could attract a flow of cultural tourists. This fact could be, as the theory suggests, characterized as market or niche innovation, as the region is dominated by the sun and sea and wind sports tourism


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This study it is an ethnography on the process of the tourist coast area of São Miguel do Gostoso, whose origin is made from a village of traditional fishermen located on the northeast coast of Rio Grande do Norte. From the late 90s, there were the first initiatives that transformed São Miguel do Gostoso in one of the state's major tourist destinations. The municipality is promoted within the national and international tourism scene through the sun and beach tourism - whose object of consumption is the natural landscape - and sports tourism - which exploited element is the "natural" geographic location (in the continent curve) of municipality that provides winds considered ideal for the practice of “Kitesurfing “ and Windsurfing. From this context, this ethnography had as a theme the social changes promoted by the tourism process in place here addressed, taking into account the perceptions produced by the actors involved in this social net. In this qualitative research, I endeavored to me in the methodological use of ethnographic techniques - bibliographic and field research, participant observation, open and structured interviews recorded by recording and field notes and photographic record. I also made use of theoretical tools and methodology inherent in ciberetnografia when analyzing the blogs and websites of intermediaries and institutions linked to local tourism.


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Atualmente, a rotina sedentária leva a que as pessoas procurem cada vez mais a prática da atividades diferentes, tais como a atividade desportiva, que se torna essencial como fuga a este estilo de vida. O turismo desportivo tem assim crescido nos últimos anos e, por isso, a oferta existente hoje em dia é bastante variada. No entanto, é necessário ter em atenção que o uso dos recursos naturais, muitas vezes na base destas atividades, não deve ser excessivo. Igualmente, a busca pelo desenvolvimento sustentável deve fazer parte dos planos de todos os intervenientes no desenvolvimento dos destinos turísticos. A presente dissertação foca-se num estudo exploratório, com análise qualitativa, com o objetivo de analisar a importância do turismo desportivo na região de Aveiro. Assim, pretende-se compreender se esta atividade pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento da região de Aveiro enquanto destino turístico, garantindo simultaneamente a sustentabilidade das áreas costeiras. Em concreto, esta investigação realizou-se através de um inquérito por entrevista a agentes de oferta de animação turística que oferecem atividades de turismo desportivo. A necessidade de colaboração com a comunidade local e de integração nesta, bem como a urgência de criar parcerias com empresas do mesmo sector, ou até de sectores diferentes, são dois dos pontos essenciais nesta área, que podem conduzir a um desenvolvimento do turismo desportivo nas áreas costeiras, em concreto na região de Aveiro, sem comprometimento da sustentabilidade local.


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O turismo desportivo é um fenómeno que tem sido estudado a partir da segunda metade do século XX, começando a existir uma oferta mais diversificada e planeada de férias em conjunto com a prática desportiva que, segundo Pereira & Carvalho (2004), favoreceu a consolidação do conceito Desporto e Turismo. Segundo Higham (2005), os destinos turísticos são lugares que atraem e satisfazem as necessidades dos visitantes, nomeadamente ao nível: dos recursos, das infra-estruturas e dos serviços necessários para facilitar as viagens para o destino, e da realização de experiências satisfatórias. Neste âmbito, os objetivos deste estudo são identificar a perceção dos gestores quanto à procura desportiva e analisar a oferta desportiva nas unidades de alojamento de 4 e 5 estrelas da região do Algarve. Para este estudo foi feita uma recolha de dados em 43 unidades de alojamento, através de um inquérito por questionário e utilizado como método de análise de dados a estatística descritiva para tratamento de questões fechadas e a análise de conteúdo nas questões abertas. Os resultados mostram que o perfil do turista do Algarve mudou, revelando que os turistas de nacionalidade inglesa pertencentes ao segmento de famílias se apresenta valores mais elevados de procura na época alta, enquanto que na época baixa o segmento de turismo sénior é o que surge em primeiro lugar da procura, sendo o tipo de turismo de sol e mar mais procurado em ambas as épocas. Conclui-se que não existem valores elevados de procura por parte de turistas cuja principal motivação seja a prática desportiva. Verificou-se ainda que tem havido uma evolução ao nível dos serviços desportivos com a existência de mais instalações e responsáveis de seção desportiva nas unidades de alojamento. Os gestores afirmam ter uma oferta adequada em matéria de desporto e que nos próximos 6 meses não irão investir. Relativamente à frequência de utilização das instalações é muito baixa. Ser pago ou gratuito também é um fator influenciador para haver uma maior frequência de utilização.


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Extreme sports have unfortunately gained a reputation for being risk focused and adrenaline fuelled. This perspective has obscured the place of the natural world, making extreme athletes appear to seek to conquer, compete against or defeat natural forces. In contrast, this paper explores findings from a larger hermeneutic phenomenological study that suggests extreme sports can initiate a positive change in participants’ relationships with the natural world. Data sources include first-hand accounts of extreme sports participants such as biographies, videos, papers and journals as well as interviews with ten male and five female extreme sports participants. Reports indicate that extreme sport participants develop feelings of connection to the natural world and describe themselves as being at one with the natural world or connected through a life enhancing energy. The paper draws on theoretical perspectives in ecopsychology which suggest that feeling connected to nature leads to a desire to care for the natural world and contributes to more environmentally sustainable practices.


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Participation in extreme sports is enjoying incredible growth while more traditional recreational activities such as golf are struggling to maintain numbers. Theoretical perspectives on extreme sports and extreme sport participants have assumed that participation is about risk-taking. However, these theory-driven methodologies may reflect judgments that do not necessarily relate to participants' lived experience. In this paper I review current risk-oriented perspectives on extreme sports and present research findings that question this assumed relationship between extreme sports and risk and thus reposition the experience in a hitherto unexplored manner. Risk taking is not the focus. Participants acknowledge that the potential outcome of a mismanaged mistake or accident could be death. However, accepting this potential outcome does not mean that they search for risk. Participants argue that many everyday life events (e.g., driving) are high-risk events. Participants undertake detailed preparation in order to minimise the possibility of negative outcomes because extreme sports trigger a range of positive experiential outcomes. The study is significant as it followed a hermeneutic phenomenological process which did not presuppose a risk-taking orientation. Hermeneutic phenomenology allows for a multitude of data sources including interviews (10 male and 5 female extreme sports participants, ages 30 to 72 years), auto-biographies, videos and other firsthand accounts. This process allowed this unexpected perspective to emerge more clearly.


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This article explores the interplay between extreme sports and the natural world in which they take place. Prior theoretical work on extreme sports has often made anthropocentric assumptions about this relationship, taking for granted that extreme participants treat nature only as a resource for athletic consumption, valuable only for its human uses. From this perspective, the natural world is regarded as a playground or battlefield, as a means to test physical prowess and human capacity. In contrast, extreme sports participants involved in this study report developing an intimate and reciprocal relationship with the natural world. A phenomenological analysis of participant accounts reveals, among veteran extreme athletes, the development of a heightened respect for something greater than themselves and a realization that humanity is simply a part of the natural environment.


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This paper investigates the social and environmental disclosure practices of two large multinational companies, specifically Nike and Hennes&Mauritz. Utilising a joint consideration of legitimacy theory and media agenda setting theory, we investigate the linkage between negative media attention, and positive corporate social and environmental disclosures. Our results generally support a view that for those industry‐related social and environmental issues attracting the greatest amount of negative media attention, these corporations react by providing positive social and environmental disclosures. The results were particularly significant in relation to labour practices in developing countries – the issue attracting the greatest amount of negative media attention for the companies in question.


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