999 resultados para Sports drink


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Celebrity athlete endorsement of products and services has become prominent in the promotional mixes of New Zealand companies and organisations. For years advertisers and researchers have pondered how successful celebrity athlete endorsement really works. Most suggest some form of transfer of positive images takes place between celebrity and the product or service they are endorsing and source-credibility models have become the preferred research design. The overall objective of this research was to assist sport marketing managers and their advertising agencies in matching celebrities with products and services. An ancillary objective was to compare results obtained from multiple-item and single-item scales. An exploratory study with tertiary students was conducted, using both Ohanian’s (1990) 15 item source-credibility scale and two single-item measures to examine potential “endorsement fit” for four New Zealand sporting heroes. They were Bernice Mene (recently retired national netball team captain), Dean Barker (America’s Cup yachting defender’s helmsman), Mandy Smith (recently retired national women’s hockey team star) and Justin Marshall (All Black rugby’s most capped halfback), all of whom were adjudged by students as physically attractive sports stars. The product reported here against which these athletes were scored was an isotonic sports drink. Results were mixed; the Ohanian source-credibility scale yielded selection of different celebrity athletes to the single-item measures. The research results show that matching celebrities to products for potential endorsement opportunities is a complex issue, leaving scope for judgement and intuition alongside quantification. Still unresolved is the question of multiple-item measures versus single-item measures in advertising and service research.


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Background: The identification of beverages that promote longer- term fluid retention and maintenance of fluid balance is of real clinical and practical benefit in situations in which free access to fluids is limited or when frequent breaks for urination are not desirable. The postingestion diuretic response is likely to be influenced by several beverage characteristics, including the volume ingested, energy den- sity, electrolyte content, and the presence of diuretic agents. Objective: This study investigated the effects of 13 different com- monly consumed drinks on urine output and fluid balance when ingested in a euhydrated state, with a view to establishing a beverage hydration index (BHI), i.e., the volume of urine produced after drinking expressed relative to a standard treatment (still water) for each beverage. Design: Each subject (n = 72, euhydrated and fasted male subjects) ingested 1 L still water or 1 of 3 other commercially available beverages over a period of 30 min. Urine output was then collected for the subsequent 4 h. The BHI was corrected for the water content of drinks and was calculated as the amount of water retained at 2 h after ingestion relative to that observed after the ingestion of still water. Results: Total urine masses (mean 6 SD) over 4 h were smaller than the still-water control (1337 6 330 g) after an oral rehydration solution (ORS) (1038 6 333 g, P , 0.001), full-fat milk (1052 6 267 g, P , 0.001), and skimmed milk (1049 6 334 g, P , 0.001). Cumulative urine output at 4 h after ingestion of cola, diet cola, hot tea, iced tea, coffee, lager, orange juice, sparkling water, and a sports drink were not different from the response to water ingestion. The mean BHI at 2 h was 1.54 6 0.74 for the ORS, 1.50 6 0.58 for full- fat milk, and 1.58 6 0.60 for skimmed milk. Conclusions: BHI may be a useful measure to identify the short- term hydration potential of different beverages when ingested in a euhydrated state.


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Many athletes report using a wide range of special sports foods and supplements. In the present study of 77 elite Australian swimmers, 99% of those surveyed reported the use of these special preparations, with 94% of swimmers reporting the use of non-food supplements. The most popular dietary supplements were vitamin or mineral supplements (used by 94% of the group), herbal preparations (61%), and creatine (31%). Eighty-seven percent of swimmers reported using a sports drink or other energy-providing sports food. In total, 207 different products were reported in this survey. Sports supplements, particularly supplements presented as pills or other non-food form, are poorly regulated in most countries, with little assurance of quality control. The risk of an inadvertent "positive doping test" through the use of sports supplements or sports foods is a small but real problem facing athletes who compete in events governed by anti-doping rules. The elite swimmers in this survey reported that information about the "doping safety" of supplements was important and should be funded by supplement manufacturers. Although it is challenging to provide such information, we suggest a model to provide an accredited testing program suitable for the Australian situation, with targeted athlete education about the "sports safety" of sports supplements and foods.


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The effects of a commercial sports drink on performance in high-intensity cycling was investigated. Nine well-trained subjects were asked to complete a set amount of work as fast as possible (time trial) following 24 h of dietary (subjects were provided with food, energy 57.4 ± 2.4 kcal/kg and carbohydrate 9.1 ± 0.4 g/kg) and exercise control. During exercise, subjects were provided with 14 mL/kg of either 6% carbohydrate-electrolyte (CHO-E) solution or carbohydrate-free placebo (P).


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Competitive athletes completed two studies of 2-h steady-state (SS) cycling at 70% peak O2 uptake followed by 7 kJ/kg time trial (TT) with carbohydrate (CHO) intake before (2 g/kg) and during (6% CHO drink) exercise. In Study A, 12 subjects received either 6 mg/kg caffeine 1 h preexercise (Precaf), 6 × 1 mg/kg caffeine every 20 min throughout SS (Durcaf), 2 × 5 ml/kg Coca-Cola between 100 and 120 min SS and during TT (Coke), or placebo. Improvements in TT were as follows: Precaf, 3.4% (0.2-6.5%, 95% confidence interval); Durcaf, 3.1% (-0.1-6.5%); and Coke, 3.1% (-0.2-6.2%). In Study B, eight subjects received 3 × 5 ml/kg of different cola drinks during the last 40 min of SS and TT: decaffeinated, 6% CHO (control); caffeinated, 6% CHO; decaffeinated, 11% CHO; and caffeinated, 11% CHO (Coke). Coke enhanced TT by 3.3% (0.8-5.9%), with all trials showing 2.2% TT enhancement (0.5-3.8%; P < 0.05) due to caffeine. Overall, 1) 6 mg/kg caffeine enhanced TT performance independent of timing of intake and 2) replacing sports drink with Coca-Cola during the latter stages of exercise was equally effective in enhancing endurance performance, primarily due to low intake of caffeine (∼1.5 mg/kg).


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The purpose of this study was to verify the effects of a carbohydrate-electrolyte drink on soccer performance. Twenty soccer players volunteered to participate in the study. Players were allocated to two assigned trials according to their positional roles in the team: CHO group (ingesting a 6% carbohydrate-electrolyte solution at regular 15 minutes intervals) and NCHO (ingesting no fluid) during 75 min on-field soccer game. During the trials, body mass loss, heart rate, time spent running, number of sprints and core temperature were measured. There were statistically significant changes (p < 0.05) in body mass loss (CHO: 1.14 ± 0.37 kg vs. NCHO: 1.75 ± 0.47 kg) and number of sprints performed (CHO: 14.70 ± 4.38 vs. NCHO: 10.70 ± 5.80) between groups. The main finding of the present study indicates that supplementation with a carbohydrate-electrolyte drink during a soccer match is beneficial in helping to prevent deterioration in performance. © Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2004).


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Coordenação de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)


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Habitual consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) has been reliably linked to obesity in adolescents. A wide variety of beverages sweetened with sugar are available to this population. The objective of this secondary data analysis was to assess the consumption of SSB by category and to identify behaviors that occur concurrently with the consumption of soda, sport drinks and fruit-flavored drinks in high school students. The analysis used self-reported survey data from 97 adolescents ages 14 to 18. SSB categories considered in the consumption analysis included regular soda, sports drinks, fruit-flavored drinks (FFD), iced tea, coffee drinks and energy drinks. The mean weekly sweetened beverage load in this population, calculated from the frequency and amount of consumption, was 145 ounces when all categories were considered. When SSB categories were considered independently, sports drinks (45 oz.) had the highest contribution to the mean sweetened beverage load followed by FFD (41 oz.), iced tea (27 oz.), soda (26 oz.) coffee drinks (15 oz.) and energy drinks (2 oz.). Sweetened beverage load was higher in boys (151 oz.) than girls (138 oz.) and was highest in Hispanics (159 oz.) followed by whites (152 oz.), blacks (137 oz.) and others (104 oz.). Behaviors that occurred on a usual basis during SSB consumption included watching TV, eating a family meal, eating salty and fried foods, being on the computer and hanging out with friends. Activities concurrent with sports drink consumption included physical activity behaviors whereas soda and FFD did not. Sports drink and FFD consumption commonly co-occurred with fruit consumption. Multiple SSB categories contribute to the total SSB consumption and the common dietary and activity behaviors are distinct between categories. Several of the concurrent behaviors point to the importance of home beverage availability, and to the influence that parents and peers have on SSB consumption. Identifying and assessing intervention strategies targeted to specific beverage categories could be an important step in behavioral intervention research aimed at reducing added sugar consumption, and ultimately, promote a healthy weight in adolescents. ^


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Objetivo: comparar la efectividad rehidratante del agua de coco fresca, con el agua embotellada y una bebida deportiva.Metodología: once participantes de 22,0 ± 1,9 años y 65,6 ± 13,0 kg de masa corporal (promedio ± D.E), asistieron al laboratorio en tres ocasiones, separadas entre sí por una semana. En cada sesión se deshidrataron por ejercicio en el calor hasta perder 1,84 ± 0,2% de la masa corporal. Luego fueron rehidratados en una hora, con agua comercial embotellada (AE), una bebida deportiva (BD) o agua de coco (AC), utilizando un volumen equivalente al 120% del peso perdido. Se evaluaron las sensaciones percibidas relacionadas con la tolerancia y la aceptación de las bebidas. Se recolectó la orina eliminada durante tres horas post-rehidratación.Resultados: Hubo interacción entre las bebidas y el tiempo sobre la orina excretada (p=0,003), siendo el AE estadísticamente diferente al AC y la BD a los 30 y 60 min post-rehidratación (p<0,05). El volumen total de orina fue mayor con agua embotellada (625 ± 183 mL), en comparación con AC y BD (390 ± 73 mL y 416 ± 200 mL, respectivamente, p<0,002); AC y BD no fueron distintas entre sí (p>0,05). Esto produjo porcentajes de conservación de líquido diferentes para AE (56%), con respecto a BD (71%) y AC (71%) (p<0,001). No hubo interacción entre las bebidas y el tiempo sobre las sensaciones percibidas de tolerancia (p>0,05).La percepción de la dulzura fue menor para AE (p= 0,024). BD obtuvo mejores puntajes de sabor y aceptación general (p<0,05).Conclusiones: el agua de coco fresca resulta tan efectiva como una bebida deportiva para conservar el líquido consumido, teniendo una buena tolerancia y aceptación. Podría ser usada como una bebida rehidratante, cuando la persona la tenga disponible y le agrade su sabor.


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Caffeinated energy drinks (EDs) are purported to increase energy and improve performance, but have been associated with adverse health effects and death. EDs are popular among adolescents and young adults, yet little is known about their use among young adolescents. This study explored perceptions, patterns, and contexts of ED use in six focus groups with 40 adolescents aged 12-15 years from two regional Australian schools. A thematic analysis of the data was used to investigate knowledge about ED brands and content, ED use, reasons for ED use, physiological effects, and influences on ED use. Participants were familiar with EDs and most had used them at least once but had limited knowledge of ED ingredients, and some had difficulty differentiating them from soft and sports drinks. EDs were used as an alternative to other drinks, to provide energy, and in social contexts, and their use was associated with short-term physiological symptoms. Parents and advertising influenced participants' perceptions and use of EDs. These findings suggest young adolescents use EDs without knowing what they are drinking and how they are contributing to their personal risk of harm. The advertising, appeal, and use of EDs by adolescents appear to share similarities with alcohol and tobacco. Further research is needed to replicate and extend the current findings, informed by the lessons learned in alcohol research.


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Alcohol misuse has been linked to negative organizational outcomes, including reduced productivity and increased absenteeism. Additionally, media reports have focused on alcohol misuse within sporting organizations. Given the paucity of research evaluating alcohol misuse interventions in professional sporting organizations, two systematic literature searches were conducted. Review one examined alcohol interventions in the workplace, and Review two included sport as a search term. Resultant papers demonstrated four categories of workplace alcohol interventions; brief, web based, psychosocial, and random drug and alcohol testing. Brief interventions were prevalent, yielding largely non-significant results. Review two studies evaluated a community sporting intervention, which adopted an ecological, multi-level approach, yielding significant improvements in alcohol consumption, drink-driving, and club profitability. Brief interventions in workplaces were ineffective, and no brief interventions were found in elite sporting organizations. However, community sporting interventions showed promising results. Ongoing evaluation of alcohol interventions in professional sporting organizations are recommended.


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