625 resultados para Sporophila melanogaster
The genus Sporophila (Cabanis, 1844) unites about 30 species of small seedeaters that predominantly inhabit open or semi-open areas in the Neotropical region. The taxonomy of this group is based on morphological studies from collected male specimens. The dynamic spatial and temporal variation in the male plumage and lack of knowledge of their vocalizations make it difficult to properly diagnose some species even today, so these two aspects account for the existing taxonomic dilemmas involving Sporophila. During a four-year field study, we investigated the natural history of a breeding population of Sporophila melanogaster (Pelzeln, 1870). This is an endemic species in Brazil, which reproduces in the high-altitude grasslands of the Atlantic Forest biome. We found four male specimens with clearly diagnosable plumage, distinct from the typical form of the species. Here we describe this previously unreported plumage form. Based on the evaluation of habitat use, vocalization, and reproductive behavior, we tested two hypotheses regarding its taxonomic status. We concluded that this is another case of an intra-specific color morph within the seedeaters of the "capuchinos" group.
Many species in the genus Sporophila are migratory. Migration patterns, while poorly studied, may be influenced by seed production which can be very seasonal in some regions. The distribution of S. bouvreuil extends from the Amazon and Suriname south through a large part of the open regions of Brazil. Sporophila pileata, on the other hand, is found in southeastern and southern Brazil as well as Argentina and Paraguay. Both of these species migrate, but their movement patterns are poorly known. To better understand the geographical and the seasonal distributions of S. bouvreuil and S. pileata, we grouped the records into two categories: the breeding season (September to March) and the putative migration season (April to August). We found two areas of sympatry between S. bouvreuil and S. pileata in the Brazilian states of Minas Gerais and São Paulo. For S. bouvreuil we suggest that populations that breed in the Amazon migrate to the Cerrado or Caatinga, where they will encounter resident populations of the same species. These resident populations may take part in short distance migrations. Sporophila pileata, on the other hand, occur in the Cerrado and open areas within the Atlantic Forest and it is not yet possible to determine migratory tendencies or destinations in the non-breeding season.
S2 cell populations (S2AcRVGP2K and S2MtRVGP-Hy) were selected after transfection of gene expression vectors carrying the cDNA encoding the rabies virus glycoprotein (RVGP) gene under the control of the constitutive (actin) or inductive (metallothionein) promoters. These cell populations were cultivated in a 1 L bioreactor mimicking a large scale bioprocess. Cell cultures were carried out at 90 rpm and monitored/controlled for temperature (28 degrees C) and dissolved oxygen (10 or 50% air saturation). Cell growth attained similar to 1.5-3 x 10(7) cells/mL after 3-4 clays of cultivation. The constitutive synthesis of RVGP in S2AcRVGP2K cells led to values of 0.76 mu g/10(7) cells at day 4 of culture. The RVGP synthesis in S2MtRVGP-Hy cell fraction increased upon CuSO(4) induction attaining specific productivities of 1.5-2 mu g/10(7) cells at clays 4-5. RVGP values in supernatant as a result of cell lysis were always very low (<0.2 mu g/mL) indicating good integrity of cells in culture. Overall the RVGP productivity was of 1.5-3 mg/L. Our data showed an important influence of dissolved oxygen on RVGP synthesis allowing a higher and sustained productivity by S2MtRVGP-Hy cells when cultivated with a DO of 10% air saturation. The RVGP productivity in bioreactors shown here mirrors those previously observed for T-flasks and shaker bottles and allow the preparation of the large RVGP quantities required for studies of structure and function. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The dibenzylbutyrolactolic lignan (-)-cubebin was isolated from dry seeds of Piper cubeba L (Piperaceae). (-)-Cubebin possesses anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial activities. Doxorubicin (DXR) is a topoisomerase-interactive agent that may induce single- and double-strand breaks, intercalate into the DNA and generate oxygen free radicals. Here, we examine the mutagenicity and recombinogenicity of different concentrations of (-)-cubebin alone or in combination with DXR using standard (ST) and high bioactivation (HB) crosses of the wing Somatic Mutation And Recombination Test in Drosophila melanogaster. The results from both crosses were rather similar. (-)-Cubebin alone did not induce mutation or recombination. At lower concentrations, (-)-cubebin statistically reduced the frequencies of DXR-induced mutant spots. At higher concentrations, however, (-)-cubebin was found to potentiate the effects of DXR, leading to either an increase in the production of mutant spots or a reduction, due to toxicity. These results suggest that depending on the concentration, (-)-cubebin may interact with the enzymatic system that catalyzes the metabolic detoxification of DXR, inhibiting the activity of mitochondria! complex 1 and thereby scavenging free radicals. Recombination was found to be the major effect of the treatments with DXR alone. The combined treatments reduced DXR mutagenicity but did not affect DXR recombinogenicity. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Bent DNA sites promote the curvature of DNA in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic chromosomes. Here, we investigate the localization and structure of intrinsically bent DNA sites in the extensively characterized Drosophila melanogaster third chromosome DAFC-66D segment (Drosophila amplicon in the follicle cells). This region contains the amplification control element ACE3, which is a replication enhancer that acts in cis to activate the major replication origin ori-beta. Through both electrophoretic and in silico analysis, we have identified three major bent DNA sites in DAFC-66D. The bent DNA site (b1) is localized in the ACE3 element, whereas the other two bent DNA sites (b2 and b3) are localized in the ori-beta region. Four additional bent DNA sites were identified in the intron of the S18 gene and near the TATA box of the S15, S19, and S16 genes. The identification of DNA bent sites in genomic regions previously characterized as functionally relevant for DNA amplification further supports a function for DNA bent sites in DNA replication in eukaryotes.
Wolbachia are maternally inherited intracellular α-Proteobacteria found in numerous arthropod and filarial nematode species [1, 2 and 3]. They influence the biology of their hosts in many ways. In some cases, they act as obligate mutualists and are required for the normal development and reproduction of the host [4 and 5]. They are best known, however, for the various reproductive parasitism traits that they can generate in infected hosts. These include cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) between individuals of different infection status, the parthenogenetic production of females, the selective killing of male embryos, and the feminization of genetic males [1 and 2]. Wolbachia infections of Drosophila melanogaster are extremely common in both wild populations and long-term laboratory stocks [6, 7 and 8]. Utilizing the newly completed genome sequence of Wolbachia pipientis wMel [9], we have identified a number of polymorphic markers that can be used to discriminate among five different Wolbachia variants within what was previously thought to be the single clonal infection of D. melanogaster. Analysis of long-term lab stocks together with wild-caught flies indicates that one of these variants has replaced the others globally within the last century. This is the first report of a global replacement of a Wolbachia strain in an insect host species. The sweep is at odds with current theory that cannot explain how Wolbachia can invade this host species given the observed cytoplasmic incompatibility characteristics of Wolbachia infections in D. melanogaster in the field [6].
Life histories are generally assumed to evolve via antagonistic pleiotropy (negative genetic correlations) among traits, and trade-offs between life-history traits are typically studied using either phenotypic manipulations or selection experiments. We investigated the trade-off between egg size and fecundity in Drosophila melanogaster by examining both the phenotypic and genetic relationships between these traits after artificial selection for large and small eggs, relative to female body size. Egg size responded strongly to selection in both directions, increasing in the large-egg selected lines and decreasing in the small-egg selected lines. Phenotypic correlations between egg size and fecundity in the large-egg selected lines were negative, but no relationship between these traits occurred in either the control or small-egg selected lines. There was no negative genetic correlation between egg size and fecundity. Total reproductive allocation decreased in the small-egg selected lines but did not increase in the large-egg lines. Our results have three implications. First, our selection procedure may have forced females selected for large eggs into a physiological trade-off not reflected in a negative genetic correlation between these traits. Second, the lack of a negative genetic correlation between egg size and number suggests that the phenotypic trade-off frequently observed between egg size and number in other organisms may not evolve over the short term via a direct genetic trade-off whereby increases in egg size are automatically accompanied by decreased fecundity. Finally, total reproductive allocation may not evolve independently of egg size as commonly assumed.
Lipins constitute a novel family of Mg2+-dependent phosphatidate phosphatases that catalyze the dephosphorylation of phosphatidic acid to yield diacylglycerol, an important intermediate in lipid metabolism and cell signaling. Whereas a single lipin is detected in less complex organisms, in mammals there are distinct lipin isoforms and paralogs that are differentially expressed among tissues. Compatible with organism tissue complexity, we show that the single Drosophila Lpin1 ortholog (CG8709, here named DmLpin) expresses at least three isoforms (DmLpinA, DmLpinK and DmLpinJ) in a temporal and spatially regulated manner. The highest levels of lipin in the fat body, where DmLpinA and DmLpinK are expressed, correlate with the highest levels of triacylglycerol (TAG) measured in this tissue. DmLpinK is the most abundant isoform in the central nervous system, where TAG levels are significantly lower than in the fat body. In the testis, where TAG levels are even lower, DmLpinJ is the predominant isoform. Together, these data suggest that DmLpinA might be the isoform that is mainly involved in TAG production, and that DmLpinK and DmLpinJ could perform other cellular functions. In addition, we demonstrate by immunofluorescence that lipins are most strongly labeled in the perinuclear region of the fat body and ventral ganglion cells. In visceral muscles of the larval midgut and adult testis, lipins present a sarcomeric distribution. In the ovary chamber, the lipin signal is concentrated in the internal rim of the ring canal. These specific subcellular localizations of the Drosophila lipins provide the basis for future investigations on putative novel cellular functions of this protein family.
Using differential display PCR, we identified a novel gene upregulated in renal cell carcinoma. Characterization of the full-length cDNA and gene revealed that the encoded protein is a human homologue of the Drosophila melanogaster Tweety protein, and so we have termed the novel protein TTYH2. The orthologous mouse cDNA was also identified and the predicted mouse protein is 81% identical to the human protein. The encoded human TTYH2 protein is 534 amino acids and, like the other members of the tweety-related protein family, is a putative cell surface protein with five transmembrane regions. TTYH2 is located at 17q24; it is expressed most highly in brain and testis and at lower levels in heart, ovary, spleen, and peripheral blood leukocytes. Expression of this gene is upregulated in 13 of 16 (81%) renal cell carcinoma samples examined. In addition to a putative role in brain and testis, the overexpression of TTYH2 in renal cell carcinoma suggests that it may have an important role in kidney tumorigenesis.
We studied the foraging habitat of the endangered black-breasted button-quail (Turnix melanogaster) in 13 rainforest patches of an agricultural landscape (23.4 km(2)) in eastern Australia to assess its use of fragmented habitats outside conservation reserves. The species foraged only in the three largest patches (17.4, 40.0, 63.8 ha in size), all of which were connected to open eucalypt forest, and in intact rainforest. Occurrence of birds was greatest in the largest patch. The maximum number of individuals within the study area was estimated to be 22. Radio-tracking of nine birds revealed that three were resident in the largest patch for periods of over 100 days; no movements between patches were detected. Three radio-tagged birds were taken by avian and mammalian predators. Our results indicated that the long-term future of the species in agricultural landscapes is bleak and that management action is urgently needed to arrest its decline in these ecosystems, (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
OBJETIVO: Relatar o isolamento do vírus Ilheus no Estado de São Paulo e avaliar o seu impacto para a saúde pública. MÉTODOS: O isolamento de vírus foi realizado em camundongos albinos Swiss, a partir de sangue de aves silvestres, capturadas com redes de espera tipo mist net, armadas no nível do solo, no Parque Ecológico do Tietê, São Paulo. A identificação das cepas isoladas foi feita pelos testes de inibição da hemaglutinação, fixação de complemento e neutralização em camundongos. Amostras de plasma de aves e de mamíferos silvestres foram submetidas à pesquisa sorológica para detecção de anticorpos inibidores de hemaglutinação. RESULTADOS: Foram isoladas duas cepas do vírus Ilheus em sangue de aves das espécies Sporophila caerulescens e Molothrus bonariensis e detectados anticorpos em aves das espécies Columbina talpacoti, Geopelia cuneata, Molothrus bonariensis e Sicalis flaveola, em sagüis das espécies Callithrix jacchus e Callithrix penicillata e no quati Nasua nasua. CONCLUSÕES: O isolamento do vírus Ilheus e a detecção de anticorpos específicos em aves residentes, migratórias e de cativeiro, em sagüis e quatis, comprovam a presença desse agente no Parque Ecológico do Tietê. O comportamento migratório de aves silvestres pode determinar a introdução do vírus em outras regiões. Considerando-se a patogenicidade para o homem e a confirmação da circulação desse agente viral em área urbana, freqüentada para atividade de lazer e de educação, o risco de ocorrência de infecção na população humana não pode ser descartado.
Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Cellular Biology
Part of the work described in this chapter, was the subject of the following publication: D. Vieira, T. a. Figueiredo, A. Verma, R. G. Sobral, A. M. Ludovice, H. de Lencastre, and J. Trincao, “Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of GatD, a glutamine amidotransferase-like protein from Staphylococcus aureus peptidoglycan,” Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Commun., vol. 70, no. 5, pp. 1–4, Apr. 2014.