33 resultados para Spinosad


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Spinosad was an effective larvicide against the Australian sheep blowfly, Lucilia cuprina. A survey of 41 field populations indicated no cross-resistance to spinosad from existing organophosphate resistance. The data presented serve as baseline data for future resistance surveys.


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Objective To measure the residues of spinosad and chlorhexidine in the tissues of sheep after treatment of blowfly strike. Procedure Fourteen sheep with natural myiasis and 12 with artificial infestations of Lucilia cuprina larvae had the wool removed over their infestations and were treated with an aerosol wound dressing containing spinosad and chlorhexidine. Sheep were killed up to 14 days after treatment and residues of the chemicals measured in tissues. Results Chlorhexidine was not detected in any tissue. Residues of spinosad were highest in fat, lowest in muscle and intermediate in liver and kidney. The highest residue detected was 0.2 mg/kg spinosad in perirenal fat 7 days after generous treatment of a sheep with a large fly strike. Residues of spinosad in fat peaked 3 to 7 days after treatment and 1 to 3 days after treatment in liver and kidney. Conclusion These studies present a realistic worst-case in struck sheep and at the highest dose studied, equivalent to 5.8 mg spinosad per kg body weight, the maximum residue detected of 0.2 mg/kg in peri-renal fat was 20% of the Australian maximum residue limit. Muscle, liver and kidney residues of spinosad were also below the Australian maximum residue limits at all times.


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Spinosad, applied as a jetting solution or dip is an efficacious, non-systemic treatment for the control of Bovicola ovis in sheep. This paper describes the effect of back-line treatment width and group housing of animals on the efficacy of spinosad for the control of lice. A 0.4 mg/kg liveweight dose was found to be the suboptimal dose of spinosad for the control of body lice in a dose titration study and was used to investigate application and housing effects in a second study. Lousy Merino sheep were treated with either a narrow 3-cm application of spinosad or with a wider 25-cm swathe. After treatment they were either kept alone or in groups of 6 sheep per pen. Lice were counted at day 0 and every 14 days to 70 days after treatment before estimation of the percentage of lice control and analysis of treatment effects. A much higher percentage of lice control was achieved with 0.4 mg/kg in the second study than in the first, possibly because of differences in formulation used. The wider application width gave significantly higher (P < 0.05) control of lice than the narrow application when sheep were either housed alone or in groups up to day 42 post-treatment. Greater control of lice was seen in group-housed sheep compared with sheep housed individually (P < 0.05) up to day 70. Using broader application widths combined with holding the animals together after treatment with pour-on formulations may optimise the delivery and efficacy of ectoparasiticides for livestock.


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The embryonic development of human lice was evaluated according to the changes in the morphology of the embryo observed through the transparent chorion. Based on ocular and appendage development, three stages of embryogenesis were established: early, medium, and late. Influence of temperature and relative humidity (RH) on the laboratory rearing of Pediculus humanus capitis eggs was assessed. The optimal ranges for temperature and RH were 27-31°C and 45-75%. The susceptibility of human louse eggs to insecticide spinosad (a macrocyclic lactone) was assessed by immersion method. The results showed similar susceptibility to spinosad in early, medium, and late stages of head lice eggs. In addition, this study showed similar susceptibility of head and body lice eggs to spinosad, an insecticide that has not been used as pediculicide in Argentina (lethal concentration 50: 0.01%).


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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BACKGROUND: The immediate lethality caused by spinosad has been widely studied on Spodoptera exigua (H ¿ ubner). However, long-term effects can also provide valuable information on insecticide toxic action. Here, the persistence of spinosad on Capsicum annuum L. foliage and the lethal and sublethal effects of greenhouse-aged foliar residues of this insecticide on third instars of S. exigua are reported. RESULTS: Foliage was collected at 0, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 days after application, and spinosad residues were measured. Residues decreased over time according to first-order kinetics. The average rate constant and half-life of disappearance were 4.44×10?3 and156 daysand5.80×10?3 and120 days for60and120 mg L?1 respectively. Larval mortalitygradually decreased, corresponding to the residues, but was still appreciable (35 and 65% for 60 and 120 mg L?1 respectively) when the larvae were fed with foliage collected 50 days after treatment. Subsequently, pupal development was reduced and varied between 20 and 60% and between 21 and 41% for 60 and 120 mg L?1, respectively, in all ages of leaf residues that were bioassayed. At all time points, the consumption rate by the larvae was reduced between 62 and 84% for both concentrations that were bioassayed. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that, under the present greenhouse conditions, the degradation of spinosad was slower than that reported by other authors in the field, and, because of that, its residues could cause lethal and sublethal effects to S. exigua larvae.


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Triatoma infestans (Klug) is the main vector of Chagas disease, which is a public health concern in most Latin American countries. The prevention of Chagas disease is based on the chemical control of the vector using pyrethroid insecticides. In the last decade, different levels of deltamethrin resistance have been detected in certain areas of Argentina and Bolivia. Because of this, alternative non-pyrethroid insecticides from different chemical groups were evaluated against two T. infestans populations, NFS and El Malá, with the objective of finding new insecticides to control resistant insect populations. Toxicity to different insecticides was evaluated in a deltamethrin-susceptible and a deltamethrin-resistant population. Topical application of the insecticides fenitrothion and imidacloprid to first nymphs had lethal effects on both populations, producing 50% lethal dose (LD50) values that ranged from 5.2-28 ng/insect. However, amitraz, flubendiamide, ivermectin, indoxacarb and spinosad showed no insecticidal activity in first instars at the applied doses (LD50 > 200 ng/insect). Fenitrothion and imidacloprid were effective against both deltamethrin-susceptible and deltamethrin-resistant populations of T. infestans. Therefore, they may be considered alternative non-pyrethroid insecticides for the control of Chagas disease.


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Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da associação do herbicida glyphosate com 10 inseticidas de diferentes grupos químicos sobre a cultura da soja Roundup Ready® (cultivar Monsoy 8585 RR®), o controle de plantas daninhas e o controle da lagarta-da-soja (Anticarsia gemmatalis). O experimento foi realizado em lavoura no município de Nova Xavantina - MT, no período de novembro de 2005 a abril de 2006, em solo classificado como Latossolo Vermelho distrófico. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 11 x 2, sendo os fatores constituídos por 11 tratamentos inseticidas [lambdacyhalothrin (3,75 g ha-1); permethrin (12,50 g ha-1); methamidophos (300,00 g ha-1); chlorpyriphos (240,00 g ha-1); acephate (150,00 g ha-1); endosulfan (175,00 g ha-1); methomyl (107,50 g ha-1); lufenuron (7,50 g ha-1); triflumuron (14,40 g ha-1); spinosad (24,00 g ha-1); e testemunha sem inseticida], com ou sem a adição (mistura em tanque) de 960 g e.a. ha-1 de glyphosate, formando 22 tratamentos, conduzidos em quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram aplicados 30 dias depois da emergência da cultura. A mistura do herbicida glyphosate com o inseticida chlorpyriphos causou fitotoxicidade inicial à cultura da soja RR®. O controle das plantas daninhas Chamaesyce hirta, Alternanthera tenella, Euphorbia heterophylla e Cenchrus echinatus não foi afetado pelas misturas de glyphosate com todos os inseticidas avaliados. A adição do glyphosate à calda de aplicação prejudicou a eficiência inicial dos inseticidas methomyl, methamidophos, chlorpyriphos e acephate no controle de Anticarsia gemmatalis, porém incrementou o controle dessa praga quando associado aos inseticidas spinosad, lambdacyhalothrin e lufenuron. A combinação de glyphosate com os inseticidas methamidophos, chlorpyriphos, lufenuron, triflumuron e spinosad proporcionou os maiores níveis de produtividade de grãos da soja RR®.


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The objective this work was to evaluate the effect of microbial and chemical insecticides on the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda in the development initial phase of crop corn. The work was lead in the experimental area of the State University of Mato Grosso do sul, in Cassilandia (MS) city. The treatments had been: 1) control; 2) fipronil; 3) thiametoxan; 4) Beauveria bassiana (0,5 kg of p.c/ha), 5) Beauveria bassiana (1 kg of p.c/ha), 6) teflubenzuron and 7) spinosad, in the doses and recommended way of application. After the tenth second after the emergency of the plants (DAE), had been day applied the treatments in foliar spraying (PF), being evaluated to the 2, 9, 15 and 21 days after the application (DAA), the number of small caterpillars (lesser that 1,5 cm) for parcel in 20 showed plants. The applied results show that teflubenzuron and spinosad in PF to the 12 DAE had been most efficient (71 and 83% respectively). The microbial's insecticides had not differed significantly from the chemical insecticides in the percentage of plants attacked for the pest and the 15 and 21 DAA.


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Searching for a new alternative to A. diaperinus control, it was evaluated the action of Spinosad in two concentrations (250ppm, 400ppm) and two doses (0.05 L/m 2 and 0.1 L/m 2), applied in poultry broiler facilities naturally infested by this coleoptera. Assessments of the infestation were held in weekly intervals, during 49 days after treatment, using traps. The percentage of effectiveness were calculated from the results of the number of adults and/or larval stages in control and treated groups. Spinosad at the concentration of 250ppm, applied at a dose of 0.1L/m2, can be considered ineffective against these beetles, however the application of 400ppm at a dose of 0.1L/m2 showed high efficacy and short residual period. The dose of 0.1L/m 22 of Spinosad at the concentration of 400ppm demonstrated, between treatments, better effectiveness against coleopters, reaching efficacy of 100% against larvae of A. diaperinus, observed after the seventh day post-treatment.


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The ideal time is more important than amount of insecticidal spraying to adequate the control of Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in corn. This study aimed to evaluate lufenuron sequential sprayings effect and its rotation with other active ingredients on the population, damage caused by S. frugiperda and the impact on corn yield. The experiment was carried out in the field with six treatments: (1) one lufenuron spraying, (2) two lufenuron sprayings, (3) three lufenuron sprayings (4) four lufenuron sprayings, (5) sprayings with spinosad, lufenuron, thiamethoxam+lambdacyhalothrin and deltamethrin (in sequence, at ten days intervals) (6) control treatment. Sprayings started twenty days after the seedling had emerged and then every ten days for a maximum of four sprays. Both caterpillar population (20.9-21.7 larvae/plot) and index of damage (1.2-1.7) observed in corn plants were significantly lower in treated plots compared to control (untreated) (31.7 larvae/plot and index of damage 2.7), regardless of spraying amount. The results showed that multiple insecticide applications to control S. frugiperda do not guarantee higher yields in corn, ranging from 6375.2 to 7650.1 kg ha -1. Only one spraying of lufenuron was enough to prevent significant reduction in corn yield (6749.9 kg ha -1). © 2012 Asian Network for Scientific Information.


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The study aimed to evaluate the performance of air assistance in spray booms using different types of nozzles and spray volumes. We took into account spray deposits, fall armyworm control and crop corn performance in a narrow row cropping system. The experiment was carried out at the experimental area of Sao Paulo State University, Botucatu/SP, Brazil, during the 2008/2009 agricultural season, in randomized blocks with a factorial scheme (2×2+1) and four replications. Two spray nozzles (flat fan nozzle and hollow cone nozzle) were tested, combined with two air assistance levels in the spray boom (with and without air assistance) and a treatment control. In the experimental spraying, Spinosad insecticide was sprayed in amounts of 48 g active substance (a.s.)/ha. The air assistance in the spray boom increased the spray deposits in the V 4 growth stage of the corn plants. Moreover, the application of this technology showed higher efficiency on fall armyworm control, reaching a 100% level 15 days after spraying, in the V 10 growth stage of the plants. The hollow cone nozzle increased the spray deposit level on the corn plants compared with the flat fan nozzle, at growth stage V 4. However, the flat fan nozzle, combined with air assistance technology, was more effective for controlling fall armyworm in the same growth stage (V 4), although the hollow cone nozzle increased the deposit levels on the plants. All the technologies tested in the study promoted a reduction of plant damage from fall armyworm attack. Corn productivity is directly related to the control efficiency of fall armyworm.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)