3 resultados para Spelaeotriletes


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The upper Paleozoic miospore genus Spelaeotriletes Neves and Owens, 1966 is reviewed as a morpho-taxonomic entity and vis-a-vis other similarly constructed (pseudosaccate) genera - Geminospora Balme, 1962, Grandispora Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, 1955, Rhabdosporites Richardson, 1960, and Retispora Staplin, 1960. Detailed studies of numerous, mainly topotype specimens of Spelaeotriletes ybertii (Marques-Toigo, 1970) Playford and Powis, 1979 from the Lower Permian of Uruguay result in its re-diagnosis, in conjunction with a survey of its exclusively Gondwanan occurrences, particularly in South American strata extending from the Upper Carboniferous (Westphalian) into the Lower Permian, and also in Australian strata of approximately equivalent age. The characteristics of other species of Spelaeotriletes reported from upper Paleozoic deposits of Gondwana are discussed, as are their temporal representations in various broad regions of the supercontinent (South America, North Africa, Australia). These species include two, perhaps three, that, like Spelaeotriletes triangulus/arenaceus, are known also from Euramerica - S. balteatus (Playford, 1963) Higgs, 1996, S. pretiosus (Playford, 1964) Utting, 1987, and possibly S. owensii Loboziak and Alpern, 1978. Other species, such as S. benghaziensis Loboziak and Clayton, 1988, S. giganteus Loboziak and Clayton, 1988, and S. vibrissus Playford and Satterthwait, 1988, have, on present knowledge, exclusively Gondwanan occurrences. S. queenslandensis Jones and Truswell. 1992, known only from Upper Carboniferous strata of northeastern Australia, is formally reassigned on sculptural grounds to Grandispora. Not unexpectedly in a paleogeographic perspective, North Africa and South America are more closely allied with each other than with Australia in terms of shared species of Spelaeotriletes. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A well-preserved palynoflora is reported from within a cored interval of a coal-exploratory borehole (1-UN-23-PI of the Geological Survey of Brazil) in the southern part of the Parnaiba Basin, northeastern Brazil. The sample studied is from the lower portion of the Piaui Formation. Its palynoflora is characterized by particular abundance of the trilete cavate/pseudosaccate miospores Spelaeotriletes triangulus Neves and Owens, 1966 and S. arenaceus Neves and Owens, 1966, together with cingulizonate forms mainly attributable to Vallatisporites Hacquebard, 1957 and Cristatisporites R. Potonie and Kremp emend. Butterworth et al., 1964. Radially and bilaterally symmetrical monosaccate pollen grains are also well-represented, chiefly by Plicatipollenites Lele, 1964 and Potonieisporites Bhardwaj, 1954, respectively. Taeniate grains (i.e., monosaccates and bisaccates) are relatively minor constituents of the palynoflora; no marine microplankton were encountered. Several species are described in detail : the trilete apiculate spores Brevitriletes levis (Balme and Hennelly) Bharadwaj and Srivastava, 1969 and Horriditriletes uruguaiensis (Marques-Toigo) Archangelsky and Gamerro, 1979; and the taeniate pollen grains Meristocorpus ostentus sp. nov. and Lahirites segmentatus sp. nov. A Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous : late Westphalian) age is adduced for the palynoflora via its correlation with part of the Tapajos Group (specifically, the upper Itaituba Formation) of the Amazonas Basin in northern Brazil. The entirely land-derived palynomorphs, associated with abundant plant debris, corroborate previous suggestions that the lower part of the Piaui Formation accumulated in a nonmarine setting under conditions of aridity.


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The Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), which forms part of the Variscan orogenic massif, is renowned for the magnitude and extent of its massive sulfide mineralization. The stratigraphic record of the IPB consists of Upper Palaeozoic sedimentary and igneous rocks. In ascending order, these comprise the thick Phyllite-Quartzite Group attributed to the Middle and Upper Devonian and characterized by shales and quartzites with conglomeratic and carbonate intercalations towards the top; the appreciably thinner Volcano-Sedimentary Complex, a heterogeneous uppermost Devonian-Mississippian unit embodying diverse volcanic, subvolcanic, and sedimentary rocks that host the massive sulfide deposits; and the shaly and sandy, turbiditic Culm Group (Carboniferous). This entire succession was folded and faulted during the Asturian phase of the Variscan Orogeny that gave rise to a thin-skinned type structure. The present study constitutes a detailed blostratigraphic investigation of palynologically productive samples representative of the Phyllite-Quartzite Group and the basal (anoxic) portion of the Volcano-Sedimentary Complex. These were collected from surface and mine exposures variously located in the Spanish part of the IPB; out of 282 samples processed, 117 proved to be productive palynologically. The aim of this project is to provide comprehensive palynostratigraphic data applicable to precise dating and correlation of the IPB's stratigraphic succession (i.e., of the two sampled lithostratigraphic units), which has hitherto been investigated biostratigraphically on a relatively localized basis. The results are incorporated in two successive parts. The first of these, i. e., the present paper, focuses on the systematic analysis of the terrestrial (miospore) component of the palynological assemblages. The second part, devoted to the marine, organic-walled microphytoplankton (acritarchs and prasinophytes), will evaluate the stratigraphic significance of the IPB palynofloras and their application to elucidating the geological history of the region. In the systematic-descriptive section, which occupies the bulk of this paper, 55 species of trilete miospores are described and are allocated among 34 genera, two of which (Cristicavatispora and Epigruspora) are newly instituted herein. The majority of the species are either positively identifiable or closely affiliable with previously named species. The nine newly established species are as follows: Camptozonotriletes confertus, Indotriradites diversispinosus, Cristicavatispora dispersa (type species), Epigruspora regularis (type species), Ancyrospora? implicata, Endosporites tuberosus, Rugospora explicata, Spelaeotriletes plicatus, and Teichertospora iberica.