990 resultados para Spectral filters


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Visual stress is a condition characterised by symptoms of eyestrain, headaches and distortions of visual perception when reading text. The symptoms are frequently alleviated with spectral filters and precision tinted ophthalmic lenses. Visual stress is thought to arise due to cortical hyperexcitability and is associated with a range of neurological conditions. Cortical hyperexcitability is known to occur following stroke. The case presented describes visual stress symptoms resulting from stroke, subsequently managed with spectral filters and precision tinted ophthalmic lenses. The case also highlights that the spectral properties of the tint may need to be modified if the disease course alters.


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The present thesis investigates pattern glare susceptibility following stroke and the immediate and prolonged impact of prescribing optimal spectral filters on reading speed, accuracy and visual search performance. Principal observations: A case report has shown that visual stress can occur following stroke. The use of spectral filters and precision tinted lenses proved to be a successful intervention in this case, although the parameters required modification following a further stroke episode. Stroke subjects demonstrate elevated levels of pattern glare compared to normative data values and a control group. Initial use of an optimal spectral filter in a stroke cohort increased reading speed by ~6% and almost halved error scores, findings not replicated in a control group. With the removal of migraine subjects reading speed increased by ~8% with an optimal filter and error scores almost halved. Prolonged use of an optimal spectral filter for stroke subjects, increased reading speed by >9% and error scores more than halved. When the same subjects switched to prolonged use of a grey filter, reading speed reduced by ~4% and error scores increased marginally. When a second group of stroke subjects used a grey filter first, reading speed decreased by ~3% but increased by ~3% with prolonged use of an optimal filter, with error scores almost halving; these findings persisted with migraine subjects excluded. Initial use of an optimal spectral filter improved visual search response time but not error scores in a stroke cohort with migraine subjects excluded. Neither prolonged use of an optimal nor grey filter improved response time or reduced error scores in a stroke group; these findings persisted with the exclusion of migraine subjects.


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Visual search impairment can occur following stroke. The utility of optimal spectral filters on visual search in stroke patients has not been considered to date. The present study measured the effect of optimal spectral filters on visual search response time and accuracy, using a task requiring serial processing. A stroke and control cohort undertook the task three times: (i) using an optimally selected spectral filter; (ii) the subjects were randomly assigned to two groups with group 1 using an optimal filter for two weeks, whereas group 2 used a grey filter for two weeks; (iii) the groups were crossed over with group 1 using a grey filter for a further two weeks and group 2 given an optimal filter, before undertaking the task for the final time. Initial use of an optimal spectral filter improved visual search response time but not error scores in the stroke cohort. Prolonged use of neither an optimal nor a grey filter improved response time or reduced error scores. In fact, response times increased with the filter, regardless of its type, for stroke and control subjects; this outcome may be due to contrast reduction or a reflection of task design, given that significant practice effects were noted. © 2013 a Pion publication.


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Purpose - The aim of the study was to determine the effect of optimal spectral filters on reading performance following stroke. Methods - Seventeen stroke subjects, aged 43-85, were considered with an age-matched Control Group (n = 17). Subjects undertook the Wilkins Rate of Reading Test on three occasions: (i) using an optimally selected spectral filter; (ii) subjects were randomly assigned to two groups: Group 1 used an optimal filter, whereas Group 2 used a grey filter, for two-weeks. The grey filter had similar photopic reflectance to the optimal filters, intended as a surrogate for a placebo; (iii) the groups were crossed over with Group 1 using a grey filter and Group 2 given an optimal filter, for two weeks, before undertaking the task once more. An increase in reading speed of >5% was considered clinically relevant. Results - Initial use of a spectral filter in the stroke cohort, increased reading speed by ~8%, almost halving error scores, findings not replicated in controls. Prolonged use of an optimal spectral filter increased reading speed by >9% for stroke subjects; errors more than halved. When the same subjects switched to using a grey filter, reading speed reduced by ~4%. A second group of stroke subjects used a grey filter first; reading speed decreased by ~3% but increased by ~4% with an optimal filter, with error scores almost halving. Conclusions - The present study has shown that spectral filters can immediately improve reading speed and accuracy following stroke, whereas prolonged use does not increase these benefits significantly. © 2013 Spanish General Council of Optometry.


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A spectral-filter method is numerically demonstrated to obtain sub-5 fs pulses by using femtosecond filamentation in fused silica. Instead of employing spectral phase compensation, by properly employing a high-pass filter to select the broadened high-frequency spectra that are located almost in phase in the tailing edge of the self-compressed pulses owing to self-steepening, as short as single-cycle pulses can be obtained. For instance, for an input pulse with a duration of 50 fs and energy 2.2 mu J, the minimum pulse duration can reach to similar to 4 fs (about 1.5 cycles) by applying a proper spectral filter. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America


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R. Zwiggelaar, Q. Yang, E. Garcia-Pardo and C.R. Bull, 'Using spectral information and machine vision for bruise detection on peaches and apricots', Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 63 (4), 323-332 1996)


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The idea of balancing the resources spent in the acquisition and encoding of natural signals strictly to their intrinsic information content has interested nearly a decade of research under the name of compressed sensing. In this doctoral dissertation we develop some extensions and improvements upon this technique's foundations, by modifying the random sensing matrices on which the signals of interest are projected to achieve different objectives. Firstly, we propose two methods for the adaptation of sensing matrix ensembles to the second-order moments of natural signals. These techniques leverage the maximisation of different proxies for the quantity of information acquired by compressed sensing, and are efficiently applied in the encoding of electrocardiographic tracks with minimum-complexity digital hardware. Secondly, we focus on the possibility of using compressed sensing as a method to provide a partial, yet cryptanalysis-resistant form of encryption; in this context, we show how a random matrix generation strategy with a controlled amount of perturbations can be used to distinguish between multiple user classes with different quality of access to the encrypted information content. Finally, we explore the application of compressed sensing in the design of a multispectral imager, by implementing an optical scheme that entails a coded aperture array and Fabry-Pérot spectral filters. The signal recoveries obtained by processing real-world measurements show promising results, that leave room for an improvement of the sensing matrix calibration problem in the devised imager.


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The aim of this work was to measure susceptibility to pattern glare within a stroke group, employing a direct method of assessment. Twenty stroke subjects, aged 38-85 years, were recruited, along with an age-matched control group (n = 20). Assessment of pattern glare susceptibility was undertaken using the pattern glare test. An abnormal degree of pattern glare is present when individuals score >1 on the mid-high spatial frequency difference variable, a relative score that allows for normalization of the subject, or >3 when viewing the mid spatial frequency grating. Stroke subjects demonstrate elevated levels of pattern glare compared to normative data values and a control population, as determined using the pattern glare test. This was most notable when considering the output measure for the mid-high difference variable. The mean score for the mid-high difference variable was 2.15 SD 1.27 for the stroke subjects versus 0.10 SD 1.12 for the control subjects. When considering the mid-high difference variable, 75% of the stroke group recorded an abnormal level of pattern glare compared to 5% in the control group. This study demonstrates an association between stroke subjects and elevated levels of pattern glare. Cortical hyperexcitability has been shown to present following stroke, and this has been proposed as a plausible explanation for the perceptual distortions experienced by individuals susceptible to pattern glare. Further work to assess the benefits of spectral filters in reducing perceptual distortions in stroke patients is currently underway.


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In dieser Arbeit werden optische Filterarrays für hochqualitative spektroskopische Anwendungen im sichtbaren (VIS) Wellenlängenbereich untersucht. Die optischen Filter, bestehend aus Fabry-Pérot (FP)-Filtern für hochauflösende miniaturisierte optische Nanospektrometer, basieren auf zwei hochreflektierenden dielektrischen Spiegeln und einer zwischenliegenden Resonanzkavität aus Polymer. Jeder Filter erlaubt einem schmalbandigem spektralen Band (in dieser Arbeit Filterlinie genannt) ,abhängig von der Höhe der Resonanzkavität, zu passieren. Die Effizienz eines solchen optischen Filters hängt von der präzisen Herstellung der hochselektiven multispektralen Filterfelder von FP-Filtern mittels kostengünstigen und hochdurchsatz Methoden ab. Die Herstellung der multiplen Spektralfilter über den gesamten sichtbaren Bereich wird durch einen einzelnen Prägeschritt durch die 3D Nanoimprint-Technologie mit sehr hoher vertikaler Auflösung auf einem Substrat erreicht. Der Schlüssel für diese Prozessintegration ist die Herstellung von 3D Nanoimprint-Stempeln mit den gewünschten Feldern von Filterkavitäten. Die spektrale Sensitivität von diesen effizienten optischen Filtern hängt von der Genauigkeit der vertikalen variierenden Kavitäten ab, die durch eine großflächige ‚weiche„ Nanoimprint-Technologie, UV oberflächenkonforme Imprint Lithographie (UV-SCIL), ab. Die Hauptprobleme von UV-basierten SCIL-Prozessen, wie eine nichtuniforme Restschichtdicke und Schrumpfung des Polymers ergeben Grenzen in der potenziellen Anwendung dieser Technologie. Es ist sehr wichtig, dass die Restschichtdicke gering und uniform ist, damit die kritischen Dimensionen des funktionellen 3D Musters während des Plasmaätzens zur Entfernung der Restschichtdicke kontrolliert werden kann. Im Fall des Nanospektrometers variieren die Kavitäten zwischen den benachbarten FP-Filtern vertikal sodass sich das Volumen von jedem einzelnen Filter verändert , was zu einer Höhenänderung der Restschichtdicke unter jedem Filter führt. Das volumetrische Schrumpfen, das durch den Polymerisationsprozess hervorgerufen wird, beeinträchtigt die Größe und Dimension der gestempelten Polymerkavitäten. Das Verhalten des großflächigen UV-SCIL Prozesses wird durch die Verwendung von einem Design mit ausgeglichenen Volumen verbessert und die Prozessbedingungen werden optimiert. Das Stempeldesign mit ausgeglichen Volumen verteilt 64 vertikal variierenden Filterkavitäten in Einheiten von 4 Kavitäten, die ein gemeinsames Durchschnittsvolumen haben. Durch die Benutzung der ausgeglichenen Volumen werden einheitliche Restschichtdicken (110 nm) über alle Filterhöhen erhalten. Die quantitative Analyse der Polymerschrumpfung wird in iii lateraler und vertikaler Richtung der FP-Filter untersucht. Das Schrumpfen in vertikaler Richtung hat den größten Einfluss auf die spektrale Antwort der Filter und wird durch die Änderung der Belichtungszeit von 12% auf 4% reduziert. FP Filter die mittels des Volumengemittelten Stempels und des optimierten Imprintprozesses hergestellt wurden, zeigen eine hohe Qualität der spektralen Antwort mit linearer Abhängigkeit zwischen den Kavitätshöhen und der spektralen Position der zugehörigen Filterlinien.


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The HIRDLS instrument contains 21 spectral channels spanning a wavelength range from 6 to 18mm. For each of these channels the spectral bandwidth and position are isolated by an interference bandpass filter at 301K placed at an intermediate focal plane of the instrument. A second filter cooled to 65K positioned at the same wavelength but designed with a wider bandwidth is placed directly in front of each cooled detector element to reduce stray radiation from internally reflected in-band signals, and to improve the out-of-band blocking. This paper describes the process of determining the spectral requirements for the two bandpass filters and the antireflection coatings used on the lenses and dewar window of the instrument. This process uses a system throughput performance approach taking the instrument spectral specification as a target. It takes into account the spectral characteristics of the transmissive optical materials, the relative spectral response of the detectors, thermal emission from the instrument, and the predicted atmospheric signal to determine the radiance profile for each channel. Using this design approach an optimal design for the filters can be achieved, minimising the number of layers to improve the in-band transmission and to aid manufacture. The use of this design method also permits the instrument spectral performance to be verified using the measured response from manufactured components. The spectral calculations for an example channel are discussed, together with the spreadsheet calculation method. All the contributions made by the spectrally active components to the resulting instrument channel throughput are identified and presented.


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This paper describes the design and manufacture of the filters and antireflection coatings used in the HIRDLS instrument. The multilayer design of the filters and coatings, choice of layer materials, and the deposition techniques adopted to ensure adequate layer thickness control is discussed. The spectral assessment of the filters and coatings is carried out using a FTIR spectrometer; some measurement results are presented together with discussion of measurement accuracy and the identification and avoidance of measurement artifacts. The post-deposition processing of the filters by sawing to size, writing of an identification code onto the coatings and the environmental testing of the finished filters are also described.


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The improvements obtained on cooling atmospheric remote-sensing instruments for space flight applications has promoted research in characterization of the necessary optical filters. By modelling the effects of temperature on the dispersive spectrum of some constituent thin film materials, the cooled performance can be simulated and compared. multilayer filter designs with the measured spectra from actual filters. Two actual filters are discussed, for the 7µm region, one a composite cut-on/cut-off design of 13% HBW and the other an integral narrowband design of 4% HBW.


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The ability of narrow bandpass filters to discriminate wavelengths between closely-separated gas absorption lines is crucial in many areas of infrared spectroscopy. As improvements to the sensitivity of infrared detectors enables operation in uncontrolled high-temperature environments, this imposes demands on the explicit bandpass design to provide temperature-invariant behavior. The unique negative temperature coefficient (dn/dT<0) of Lead-based (Pb) salts, in combination with dielectric materials enable bandpass filters with exclusive immunity to shifts in wavelength with temperature. This paper presents the results of an investigation into the interdependence between multilayer bandpass design and optical materials together with a review on invariance at elevated temperatures.


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Surveillance systems such as object tracking and abandoned object detection systems typically rely on a single modality of colour video for their input. These systems work well in controlled conditions but often fail when low lighting, shadowing, smoke, dust or unstable backgrounds are present, or when the objects of interest are a similar colour to the background. Thermal images are not affected by lighting changes or shadowing, and are not overtly affected by smoke, dust or unstable backgrounds. However, thermal images lack colour information which makes distinguishing between different people or objects of interest within the same scene difficult. ----- By using modalities from both the visible and thermal infrared spectra, we are able to obtain more information from a scene and overcome the problems associated with using either modality individually. We evaluate four approaches for fusing visual and thermal images for use in a person tracking system (two early fusion methods, one mid fusion and one late fusion method), in order to determine the most appropriate method for fusing multiple modalities. We also evaluate two of these approaches for use in abandoned object detection, and propose an abandoned object detection routine that utilises multiple modalities. To aid in the tracking and fusion of the modalities we propose a modified condensation filter that can dynamically change the particle count and features used according to the needs of the system. ----- We compare tracking and abandoned object detection performance for the proposed fusion schemes and the visual and thermal domains on their own. Testing is conducted using the OTCBVS database to evaluate object tracking, and data captured in-house to evaluate the abandoned object detection. Our results show that significant improvement can be achieved, and that a middle fusion scheme is most effective.


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Early detection of (pre-)signs of ulceration on a diabetic foot is valuable for clinical practice. Hyperspectral imaging is a promising technique for detection and classification of such (pre-)signs. However, the number of the spectral bands should be limited to avoid overfitting, which is critical for pixel classification with hyperspectral image data. The goal was to design a detector/classifier based on spectral imaging (SI) with a small number of optical bandpass filters. The performance and stability of the design were also investigated. The selection of the bandpass filters boils down to a feature selection problem. A dataset was built, containing reflectance spectra of 227 skin spots from 64 patients, measured with a spectrometer. Each skin spot was annotated manually by clinicians as "healthy" or a specific (pre-)sign of ulceration. Statistical analysis on the data set showed the number of required filters is between 3 and 7, depending on additional constraints on the filter set. The stability analysis revealed that shot noise was the most critical factor affecting the classification performance. It indicated that this impact could be avoided in future SI systems with a camera sensor whose saturation level is higher than 106, or by postimage processing.