11 resultados para Spectometry
The formation and the isolation of fluoroboron salts, (D2BF2+)(PF6-), (DD'BF2+)(PF6-) and (D3BF2+)(PF6-)2, have been carried out. 1,8-Diazabicyclo [5,4.0]undec-7-ene (DBU) and 1,5-diazabicyclo[4,3,O]non-5-ene (DBN), extremely strong organic bases, were introduced into the fluoroboron cation systems and induced a complicated redistribution reaction in the D/BF3/BC13 systems. The result was the formation of all BFnCI4-n-, D.BFnCI3-n and fluoroboron cation species which were detected by 19p and 11B NMR spectrometry. The displacement reaction of CI- from these D.BFnCI3-n (n = 1 and 2) species by the second entering ligand is much faster than in other nitrogen donor containing systems which have been previously studied. Tetramethylguanidine, oxazolines and thiazolines can also produce similar reactions in D/BF3/BCI3 systems, but no significant BFnC4-n- species were observed. As well as influences of their basicity and their steric hindrance, N=C-R(X) (X = N, 0 or S) and N=C( X)2 (X = N or S) structures of ligands have significant effects on the fonnationof fluoroboron cations and the related NMR parameters. D3BF2+ and some D2BF2+ show the expected inertness, but (DBU)2BF2+ shows an interestingly high reactivity. (D2BF2+)(X-) formed from weak organic bases such as pyridine can react with stronger organic bases and form DD'BF2+ and D'2BF2+ in acetone or nitromethane. Fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry is doubly meaningful to this work. Firstly, FABMS can be directly applied to the complicated fluoroboron cation containing solution systems as an excellent complementary technique to multinuclear NMR. Secondly, the gas-phase ion substitution reaction of (D2BF2+)(PF6-) with the strong organic bases is successfully observed in a FABMS ion source when the B-N bond is not too strong in these cations.
The present PhD thesis was focused on the development and application of chemical methodology (Py-GC-MS) and data-processing method by multivariate data analysis (chemometrics). The chromatographic and mass spectrometric data obtained with this technique are particularly suitable to be interpreted by chemometric methods such as PCA (Principal Component Analysis) as regards data exploration and SIMCA (Soft Independent Models of Class Analogy) for the classification. As a first approach, some issues related to the field of cultural heritage were discussed with a particular attention to the differentiation of binders used in pictorial field. A marker of egg tempera the phosphoric acid esterified, a pyrolysis product of lecithin, was determined using HMDS (hexamethyldisilazane) rather than the TMAH (tetramethylammonium hydroxide) as a derivatizing reagent. The validity of analytical pyrolysis as tool to characterize and classify different types of bacteria was verified. The FAMEs chromatographic profiles represent an important tool for the bacterial identification. Because of the complexity of the chromatograms, it was possible to characterize the bacteria only according to their genus, while the differentiation at the species level has been achieved by means of chemometric analysis. To perform this study, normalized areas peaks relevant to fatty acids were taken into account. Chemometric methods were applied to experimental datasets. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of analytical pyrolysis and chemometric analysis for the rapid characterization of bacterial species. Application to a samples of bacterial (Pseudomonas Mendocina), fungal (Pleorotus ostreatus) and mixed- biofilms was also performed. A comparison with the chromatographic profiles established the possibility to: • Differentiate the bacterial and fungal biofilms according to the (FAMEs) profile. • Characterize the fungal biofilm by means the typical pattern of pyrolytic fragments derived from saccharides present in the cell wall. • Individuate the markers of bacterial and fungal biofilm in the same mixed-biofilm sample.
We present temporal information obtained by mass spectrometry techniques about the evolution of plasmas generated by laser filamentation in air. The experimental setup used in this work allowed us to study not only the dynamics of the filament core but also of the energy reservoir that surrounds it. Furthermore, valuable insights about the chemistry of such systems like the photofragmentation and/or formation of molecules were obtained. The interpretation of the experimental results are supported by PIC simulations.
By means of capillary electrophoresis coupled online to electrospray ionization MS, a library of theoretically 171 disubstituted xanthene derivatives was analyzed. The method allowed the purity and makeup of the library to be determined: 160 of the expected compounds were found to be present, and 12 side-products were also detected in the mixture. Due to the ability of capillary electrophoresis to separate analytes on the basis of charge, most of the xanthene derivatives could be resolved by simple capillary electrophoresis-MS procedures even though 124 of the 171 theoretical compounds were isobaric with at least one other molecule in the mixture. Any remaining unresolved peaks were resolved by MS/MS experiments. The method shows promise for the analysis of small combinatorial libraries with fewer than 1000 components.
Alguns Bastonetes Gram-negativos não fermentadores (BGNNF) costumam ser considerados clinicamente pouco significantes e a sua implicação em infecções é subestimada. Devido à similaridade fenotípica, mudanças taxonômicas, baixa reatividade bioquímica e limitações nos bancos de dados em sistemas comerciais, a identificação de BGNNF é frequentemente equivocada, culminando com a denominação de diferentes micro-organismos apenas como BGNNF, por falta de melhor diferenciação. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar, por métodos fenotípico convencional, proteômico e molecular, a identificação de BGNNF incomuns isolados em hemoculturas de pacientes atendidos em um hospital universitário no Rio de Janeiro. Foram selecionadas 78 amostras isoladas de hemoculturas caracterizadas no laboratório clinico como BGNNF para a identificação por sequenciamento dos genes 16S RNA e recA, por um conjunto amplo de testes fenotípicos manuais e por MALDI-TOF MS. Os micro-organismos predominantes na amostragem foram genotipados pela técnica de eletroforese em gel de campo pulsado (PFGE). Pelo sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA, a maioria das amostras (n=31; 40%) foi incluída no gênero Burkholderia, seguido de Pseudomonas stutzeri (10%) e Delftia acidovorans (4%). Os demais isolados foram agrupados em 27 diferentes espécies. O sequencimento do gene recA identificou a maioria das espécies de Burkholderia como Burkholderia contaminans (n=19; 24%). Os testes fenotípicos incluíram as 31 amostras apenas no CBc e para as outras 47 amostras, a concordância com o sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA em nível de espécie foi de 64% (n=30) e apenas em gênero a concordância foi de 17% (n=8). A análise comparativa geral da identificação por MALDI-TOF MS com o sequenciamento do gene16S rRNA mostrou que 42% (n=33) das 78 amostras foram concordantes em nível de espécie e 45% (n=35) apenas em gênero. Excluindo as amostras do CBc, houve um aumento da concordância em nível de espécie para 60%. As discordâncias parecem ser devido às diferenças nos perfis proteicos das amostras em relação às amostras-referência do banco de dados do equipamento e podem ser aprimorados com a atualização de perfis no sistema. A análise do polimorfismo genético de B. contaminans mostrou a ausência de um clone disseminado causando surto, além da provável origem ambiental das infecções. Os setores de nefrologia e hemodiálise contribuíram com maior número de pacientes com amostras positivas (5 pacientes e 9 amostras). Os grupos clonais BcoD e BcoE foram encontrados em pacientes assistidos no mesmo setor com diferença de quatro meses (BcoD, nefrologia) e 1,5 ano (BcoE, hemodilálise), entre as culturas, respectivamente. As discordâncias entre as técnicas ocorreram principalmente devido a dificuldade de identificação das espécies do CBc. Os BGNNF incomuns são de difícil caracterização independente da metodologia usada e nenhum método por si só foi capaz de identificar todas as amostras.
Usando as cores para caracterizar as propriedades dos solos ou atraves de fotografias aereas para a discriminacao de pedoformas , os pedologos, ja ha algum tempo, compreenderam a importancia do uso dos recursos oferecidos pela luz refletida como instrumento para compreender a distribuicao dos solos na paisagem ou para a descricao de suas propriedades. A rapida evolucao da espectroscopia de reflectancia, amplamente explorada no sensoriamento remoto multiespectral, permitiu estender esse uso a comprimentos de onda outros que o visivel. Mais recentemente, com o desenvolvimento da espectroscopia de imageamento o interesse pelas propriedades de reflectancia espectral dos solos ganha nova importancia, por causa da possibilidade de identificar e de mapear ocorrencias de componentes do solo com dados de imagens obtidas por avioes ou satelites. Este trabalho tem por objetivo oferecer ao leitor a alguns elementos importantes para a compreensao das possibilidades reais do uso dos dados de reflectancia espectral em pedologia . Apos rever conceitos basicos sobre a interacao entre a energia eletromagnetica e a materia, sao discutidas as caracteristicas de reflectancia dos principais minerais existentes nos solos tropicais, da materia organica, da umidade e da granulometria. Finalmente introduz-se, sinteticamente, os conceitos de cor e de seu calculo com base em espectros de reflectancia.
O trabalho de investigação desenvolvido teve como objectivo o estudo por espectrometria de massa com ionização por electrospray de compostos tetrapirrólicos (porfirinas e corróis) e das suas interacções com G-quadruplexes (estruturas de ADN de ordem superior, ricas em guanina). A química em fase gasosa de porfirinas catiónicas e neutras, e de corróis, foi investigada, tendo-se verificado a ocorrência de processos inesperados que foram objecto de um estudo aprofundado: redução das porfirinas catiónicas durante o processo global de electrospray e formação, na câmara de colisões, de aductos dos corróis com moléculas de água, ambos os processos detectados no modo de iões positivos. A redução das porfirinas ocorre através da formação de agregados catião-anião-solvente e catião-solvente-anião e os diferentes tipos de agregados conduzem a diferentes espécies reduzidas. A formação de aductos com água, bem como de outros iões-diagnóstico, permitiu a diferenciação dos isómeros posicionais dos corróis. Este último grupo de compostos foi igualmente estudado no modo de iões negativos. A espectrometria de massa com ionização por electrospray no modo de iões negativos foi também usada no estudo de aductos quadruplex-porfirina. Foi observada a formação de aductos do tipo [Q + nNH4+ + Pp+ -(z+n+p)H+ ]z- (Q=quadruplex, P=porfirina, p=0,1,2,3,4) para todas as porfirinas seleccionadas. A caracterização destes aductos foi efectuada através das suas decomposições induzidas por colisões. Verificou-se que o número de cargas presente nas porfirinas é um factor muito importante na estabilidade dos aductos formados, que aumenta com o aumento do número de cargas. O tipo e tamanho dos grupos substituintes presentes na porfirina não mostraram ter uma influência significativa nos processos de fragmentação. Os resultados obtidos apontam para uma ligação externa porfirina - G-quadruplex, com as porfirinas empilhadas nas extremidades dos quadruplexes.
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Portable system of energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence was used to determine the elemental composition of 68 pottery fragments from Sambaqui do Bacanga, an archeological site in Sao Luis, Maranhao, Brazil. This site was occupied from 6600 BP until 900 BP. By determining the element chemical composition of those fragments, it was possible to verify the existence of engobe in 43 pottery fragments. Obtained from two-dimensional graphs and hierarchical cluster analysis performed in fragments of stratigraphies from surface and 113-cm level, and 10 to 20, 132 and 144-cm level, it was possible to group these fragments in five distinct groups, according to their stratigraphies. The results of data grouping (two-dimensional graphics) are in agreement with hierarchical cluster analysis by Ward method. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) is a syndrome caused by the ingestion of fish contaminated with Ciguatoxins (CTXs). These phycotoxins are produced mainly by dinoflagellates that belong to the genus Gambierdiscus that are transformed in more toxic forms in predatory fish guts, and are more present in the Indo-Pacific and Caribbean areas. It is estimated that CFP causes per year more than 10,000 intoxications worldwide. With the rise of water temperature and anthropogenic intervention, it is important to study the prevalence of CFP in more temperate waters. Through inter- and subtidal sampling, 22 species of organisms were collected, in Madeira and Azores archipelagos and in the northwestern Moroccan coast, during September of 2012 and June and July of 2013. A total of 94 samples of 22 different species of bivalves, gastropods, echinoderms and crustaceans where analyzed by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectometry-Ion Trap-Time of Flight (UPLC-MS-IT-TOF) and Ultra Performance Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-MS). Our main aim was to detect new vectors and ascertain if there were some geographical differences. We detected for the first time putative CTXs in echinoderms, in two starfish species—M. glacialis and O. ophidianus. We detected differences regarding uptake values by organisms and geographical location. Toxin amounts were significant, showing the importance and the need for continuity of these studies to gain more knowledge about the prevalence of these toxins, in order to better access human health risk. In addition, we suggest monitoring of these toxins should be extended to other vectors, starfish being a good alternative for protecting and accessing human health risk.
Ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) is a syndrome caused by the ingestion of fish contaminated with Ciguatoxins (CTXs). These phycotoxins are produced mainly by dinoflagellates that belong to the genus Gambierdiscus that are transformed in more toxic forms in predatory fish guts, and are more present in the Indo-Pacific and Caribbean areas. It is estimated that CFP causes per year more than 10,000 intoxications worldwide. With the rise of water temperature and anthropogenic intervention, it is important to study the prevalence of CFP in more temperate waters. Through inter- and subtidal sampling, 22 species of organisms were collected, in Madeira and Azores archipelagos and in the northwestern Moroccan coast, during September of 2012 and June and July of 2013. A total of 94 samples of 22 different species of bivalves, gastropods, echinoderms and crustaceans where analyzed by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectometry-Ion Trap-Time of Flight (UPLC-MS-IT-TOF) and Ultra Performance Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-MS). Our main aim was to detect new vectors and ascertain if there were some geographical differences. We detected for the first time putative CTXs in echinoderms, in two starfish species—M. glacialis and O. ophidianus. We detected differences regarding uptake values by organisms and geographical location. Toxin amounts were significant, showing the importance and the need for continuity of these studies to gain more knowledge about the prevalence of these toxins, in order to better access human health risk. In addition, we suggest monitoring of these toxins should be extended to other vectors, starfish being a good alternative for protecting and accessing human health risk.