969 resultados para Specific density
Filamentary structures are ubiquitous in astrophysics and are observed at various scales. On a cosmological scale, matter is usually distributed along filaments, and filaments are also typical features of the interstellar medium. Within a cosmic filament, matter can contract and form galaxies, whereas an interstellar gas filament can clump into a series of bead-like structures that can then turn into stars. To investigate the growth of such instabilities, we derive a local dispersion relation for an idealized self-gravitating filament and study some of its properties. Our idealized picture consists of an infinite self-gravitating and rotating cylinder with pressure and density related by a polytropic equation of state. We assume no specific density distribution, treat matter as a fluid, and use hydrodynamics to derive the linearized equations that govern the local perturbations. We obtain a dispersion relation for axisymmetric perturbations and study its properties in the (kR, kz) phase space, where kR and kz are the radial and longitudinal wavenumbers, respectively. While the boundary between the stable and unstable regimes is symmetrical in kR and kz and analogous to the Jeans criterion, the most unstable mode displays an asymmetry that could constrain the shape of the structures that form within the filament. Here the results are applied to a fiducial interstellar filament, but could be extended for other astrophysical systems, such as cosmological filaments and tidal tails.
To be in compliance with the Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the United States Department of the Navy is required to assess the potential environmental impacts of conducting at-sea training operations on sea turtles and marine mammals. Limited recent and area-specific density data of sea turtles and dolphins exist for many of the Navy’s operations areas (OPAREAs), including the Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Cherry Point OPAREA, which encompasses portions of Core and Pamlico Sounds, North Carolina. Aerial surveys were conducted to document the seasonal distribution and estimated density of sea turtles and dolphins within Core Sound and portions of Pamlico Sound, and coastal waters extending one mile offshore. Sea Surface Temperature (SST) data for each survey were extracted from 1.4 km/pixel resolution Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer remote images. A total of 92 turtles and 1,625 dolphins were sighted during 41 aerial surveys, conducted from July 2004 to April 2006. In the spring (March – May; 7.9°C to 21.7°C mean SST), the majority of turtles sighted were along the coast, mainly from the northern Core Banks northward to Cape Hatteras. By the summer (June – Aug.; 25.2°C to 30.8°C mean SST), turtles were fairly evenly dispersed along the entire survey range of the coast and Pamlico Sound, with only a few sightings in Core Sound. In the autumn (Sept. – Nov.; 9.6°C to 29.6°C mean SST), the majority of turtles sighted were along the coast and in eastern Pamlico Sound; however, fewer turtles were observed along the coast than in the summer. No turtles were seen during the winter surveys (Dec. – Feb.; 7.6°C to 11.2°C mean SST). The estimated mean surface density of turtles was highest along the coast in the summer of 2005 (0.615 turtles/km², SE = 0.220). In Core and Pamlico Sounds the highest mean surface density occurred during the autumn of 2005 (0.016 turtles/km², SE = 0.009). The mean seasonal abundance estimates were always highest in the coastal region, except in the winter when turtles were not sighted in either region. For Pamlico Sound, surface densities were always greater in the eastern than western section. The range of mean temperatures at which turtles were sighted was 9.68°C to 30.82°C. The majority of turtles sighted were within water ≥ 11°C. Dolphins were observed within estuarine waters and along the coast year-round; however, there were some general seasonal movements. In particular, during the summer sightings decreased along the coast and dolphins were distributed throughout Core and Pamlico Sounds, while in the winter the majority of dolphins were located along the coast and in southeastern Pamlico Sound. Although relative numbers changed seasonally between these areas, the estimated mean surface density of dolphins was highest along the coast in the spring of 2006 (9.564 dolphins/km², SE = 5.571). In Core and Pamlico Sounds the highest mean surface density occurred during the autumn of 2004 (0.192 dolphins/km², SE = 0.066). The estimated mean surface density of dolphins was lowest along the coast in the summer of 2004 (0.461 dolphins/km², SE = 0.294). The estimated mean surface density of dolphins was lowest in Core and Pamlico Sounds in the summer of 2005 (0.024 dolphins/km², SE = 0.011). In Pamlico Sound, estimated surface densities were greater in the eastern section except in the autumn. Dolphins were sighted throughout the entire range of mean SST (7.60°C to 30.82°C), with a tendency towards fewer dolphins sighted as water temperatures increased. Based on the findings of this study, sea turtles are most likely to be encountered within the OPAREAs when SST is ≥ 11°C. Since sea turtle distributions are generally limited by water temperature, knowing the SST of a given area is a useful predictor of sea turtle presence. Since dolphins were observed within estuarine waters year-round and throughout the entire range of mean SST’s, they likely could be encountered in the OPAREAs any time of the year. Although our findings indicated the greatest number of dolphins to be present in the winter and the least in the summer, their movements also may be related to other factors such as the availability of prey. (PDF contains 28 pages)
O comportamento espacial dos indivíduos é um componente chave para se entender a dinâmica de população dos organismos e esclarecer o potencial de migração e dispersão das espécies. Vários fatores afetam a atividade de locomoção de moluscos terrestres, como temperatura, luz, umidade, época do ano, tamanho da concha, sexo, estratégia reprodutiva, idade, densidade de coespecíficos e disponibilidade de alimento. Um dos métodos usados para estudar deslocamento de gastrópodes terrestres é o de marcação-recaptura. Gastrópodes terrestres se prestam a este tipo de estudo por causa de (1) seu reduzido tamanho, (2) fácil manejo, (3) fácil captura e (4) pequenas distâncias de deslocamento e, consequentemente, reduzidas áreas de vida. Estes organismos servem como modelo para o estudo de ecologia espacial e dispersão. Estudos de população, investigando o uso do espaço, a distribuição espacial, a densidade populacional e a área de vida são escassos para moluscos terrestres e ainda mais raros em áreas naturais tropicais. Nosso objeto de estudo é Hypselartemon contusulus (Férussac, 1827), um molusco terrestre carnívoro, da família Streptaxidae, muito abundante na serrapilheira, em trechos planos de mata secundária na Trilha da Parnaioca, Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro. A espécie é endêmica para o estado do Rio de Janeiro. Seu tamanho é de até 7,2 mm de altura, apresentando 6 a 7 voltas. Neste trabalho estudamos as variáveis temperatura ambiente, temperatura do solo, umidade do ar, luminosidade, profundidade do folhiço, tamanho do animal, densidade de co-específicos e densidade de presas, relacionando estes dados ecológicos ao deslocamento observado em Hypselartemon contusulus. Uma das hipóteses de trabalho é que estas variáveis afetam seu deslocamento. O trabalho foi realizado na Ilha Grande, situada ao sul do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, no município de Angra dos Reis. Os animais foram capturados e marcados com um código individual pintado na concha com corretor ortográfico líquido e caneta nanquim. As distâncias de deslocamento, em cm, foram registradas medindo-se as distâncias entre marcadores subsequentes. Os resultados encontrados indicam que o método utilizado é eficaz para marcar individualmente Hypselartemon contusulus em estudos de médio prazo (até nove meses). Sugerimos o uso deste método de marcação para estudos com gastrópodes terrestres ameaçados de extinção, como algumas espécies das famílias Bulimulidae, Megalobulimidae, Streptaxidae e Strophocheilidae. Hypselartemon contusulus não mantém uma distância mínima de seus vizinhos, é ativo ao longo de todo o ano e ao longo do dia, demonstrando atividade de locomoção e predação. Não foram encontrados animais abrigados sob pedra ou madeira morta. Não foram observados locais de atividade em oposição a lugares de repouso/abrigo. Beckianum beckianum (Pfeiffer, 1846) foi a presa preferencial. A densidade populacional variou de 0,57 a 1,2 indivíduos/m2 entre as campanhas de coleta. A espécie desloca-se, em média, 26,57 17,07 cm/24h, na Trilha da Parnaioca, Ilha Grande. A área de vida de H. contusulus é pequena, sendo de, no máximo, 0,48 m2 em três dias e 3,64 m2 em 79 dias. O deslocamento da espécie variou ao longo do ano, mas esta variação não é afetada pelas variáveis ecológicas estudadas. Este é, portanto, um comportamento plástico em H. contusulus e, provavelmente, controlado por fatores endógenos.
Neste estudo nós fornecemos os primeiros dados acerca dos parâmetros da comunidade de anuros de folhiço de uma floresta no estado do Paraná, sul do Brasil, incluindo informações sobre riqueza de espécies, densidades específicas e biomassa. Nosso estudo foi realizado na Reserva Natural Salto Morato entre julho de 2009 e abril de 2010. Para amostrar a comunidade de anuros de folhiço usamos 40 parcelas de 4 x 4 m em cada estação do ano (inverno, primavera, verão e outono), totalizando 2.560 m2 de chão de floresta amostrados. Nós amostramos um total de 96 anuros habitando o chão da floresta, pertencentes a sete espécies: Brachycephalus hermogenesi, Ischnocnema guentheri, Haddadus binotatus, Leptodactylus gr. marmoratus, Physalaemus spiniger, Proceratophrys boiei e Rhinella abei. A densidade total de anuros vivendo no chão da floresta foi de 3,73 ind/100m2, sendo I. guentheri (1,37 ind/100m2) a espécie mais numerosa e R. abei (0,19 ind/100m2), a mais rara. A estimativa da biomassa total na comunidade de anuros de folhiço foi de 3,290g. A temperatura foi um fator ambiental significativo para a abundância de anuros de folhiço, enquanto a umidade não foi importante na estruturação da comunidade na área estudada. A abundância, riqueza e densidade variaram consistentemente entre as quatro estações do ano amostradas, com os maiores valores ocorrendo nos meses mais quentes da primavera e verão. Esse estudo aumenta a distribuição geográfica de Brachycephalus hermogenesi.
The procedures described are standard methods used in the European Union to quantify wood quality. Samples used here were smaller than the standards laid down in the DIN system (12 x 12 x 16 cm) as Litsea is a small tree and planks of the required size are unobtainable. The use of quality sized samples means that the results presented here can be compared with each other but unfortunately not with data in the literature. Wood is dried first at ambient temperature in the shade to reduce moisture content to an even 11-12%. Part of the sample was then oven-dried to 0% moisture content and its specific density determined by weighing a subsample of 128 cm super(3) (4 x 4 x 8 cm). Strength of expansion of the wood is determined as the percentage by which the wood sample can be pulled apart parallel and vertical to the grain before it breaks. Compression and bending strengths and elasticity are measured by compressing, bending and pulling wood sample in a machine specially designedto determine the forces required.
Demersal groundfish densities were estimated by conducting a visual strip-transect survey via manned submersible on the continental shelf off Cape Flattery, Washington. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the statistical sampling power of the submersible survey as a tool to discriminate density differences between trawlable and untrawlable habitats. A geophysical map of the study area was prepared with side-scan sonar imagery, multibeam bathymetry data, and known locations of historical NMFS trawl survey events. Submersible transects were completed at randomly selected dive sites located in each habitat type. Significant differences in density between habitats were observed for lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus), yelloweye rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus), and tiger rockfish (S. nigrocinctus) individually, and for “all rockfish” and “all flatfish” in the aggregate. Flatfish were more than ten times as abundant in the trawlable habitat samples than in the untrawlable samples, whereas rockfish as a group were over three times as abundant in the untrawlable habitat samples. Guidelines for sample sizes and implications for the estimation of the continental shelf trawl-survey habitat-bias are considered. We demonstrate an approach that can be used to establish sample size guidelines for future work by illustrating the interplay between statistical sampling power and 1) habitat specific-density differences, 2) variance of density differences, and 3) the proportion of untrawlable area in a habitat.
The Industry of the Civil Construction has been one of the sectors that most contribute to the pollution of the environment, due to the great amount of residues generated by the construction, demolition and the extraction of raw material. As a way of minimizing the environmental impacts generated by this industry, some governmental organizations have elaborated laws and measures about the disposal of residues from the building construction (CONAMA - resolution 307). This work has as objective the reutilization of residues compound of sand, concrete, cement, red bricks and blocks of cement and mortar for the production of red ceramic, with the objective of minimizing costs and environmental impacts. The investigated samples contained 0% to 50% of residues in weight, and they were sintered at temperatures of 950°C, 1000°C, 1050°C, 1100°C and 1150°C. After the sinterization, the samples were submitted to tests of absorption of water, linear retraction, resistance to bending, apparent porosity, specific density, XRD and SEM. Satisfactory results were obtained in all studied compositions, with the possible incorporation of up to 50% of residues in ceramic mass without great losses in the mechanical strength, giving better results to the incorporation of 30% of residues in the fabrication of ceramic parts, such as roofing tiles, bricks masonry and pierced bricks
The objective of this work was to compare the results of measuring the specific gravity (SG) of laying hen eggs by using a weighing apparatus and the saline flotation method (SFM). Two hundred eggs from two genetic lines were distributed randomly into two groups of 50 eggs per genetic line and were submitted to two different sequences of SG measurement. Not significant differences were found between the two methods. The weighing apparatus measured the SG of the eggs accurately as the SFM.
Objective: This research was performed with the objective of investigating the renal effects on premature newborn infants of fortifying banked donor human milk. Methods: Clinical intervention trial, of the before-and-after type, involving 28 premature newborn infants split into two groups by postconceptional age at the start of the study: GI < 34 weeks (n = 14) and GII ≥ 34 weeks (n = 14), and assessed at three sample points: S1, on unfortified donor human milk, S2, after 3 days, and S3, after 10-13 days on fortified donor human milk. Nutrient intake, weight gain, fractional sodium excretion, urinary osmolality and specific density were compared with two-way ANOVA for repeated measures. Results: Fluids, energy and sodium intakes were similar for both groups, and weight gain was satisfactory. Among the preterms with < 34 weeks postconceptional age, serum sodium was lower at the end of the study and the fractional sodium excretion was elevated at the start and at the end of the study (S1 = 2.11±1.05; S2 = 1.25±0.64; S3 = 1.62±0.88), with a significant difference in relation to GII (S1 = 1.34±0.94; S2 = 0.90±0.54; S3 = 0.91±0.82). Osmolality and urinary specific density were normal, with no differences between groups or collection dates. Conclusions: No adverse effects on the renal function of these preterms were detected as a result of being fed fortified donor human milk. Copyright © 2006 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.
This research evaluated the natural resistance of Platanus x acerifolia, Luehea divaricate, Carya illinoinensis, Peltophorum dubium, Araucaria angustifolia, Eucalyptus grandis and Hovenia dulcis, to accelerated decay of the white-rot fungus Pycnoporus sanguineus. The Specific Density at 12% was determinated. The accelerated decay test was conducted with glass bottles (capacity of 500 mL) filled with 100 g of moist soil, autoclaved, and kept at 25 degrees C. The initial establishment of fungal colonies on plates was supported by samples of Pinus elliottii sapwood. In this study, three samples of dimensions 9.0 x 25.0 x 25.0 mm were used for each species evaluated and, after 16 weeks of incubation, the percentage loss of mass was calculated. The degree of natural resistance was performed according to the percentages of mass loss. The results obtained from weight loss were compared by Tukey test at 5%. The natural resistance of woods was not influenced by specific gravity The wood of Carya illinoinensis, Eucalyptus grandis, Platanus x acerifolia, Luehea divaricata and Peltophorum dubium were classified as very resistant, Houvenia dulcis as resistant and Araucaria angustifolia as moderate resistant.
The deep bedding is a swine alternative production, especially in the finishing phase, whose byproduct can be recycled, reducing the environmental impact. The objectives of this study were to characterize the ash coming from the controlled burning of the swine deep bedding (SDBA) based on rice husk, and to evaluate their performance in composites as a partial substitute for Portland cement (PC). To measure the differences between SDBA and rice husk ash (RHA) as a reference, we have characterized: particle size distribution, real specific density, x-ray diffraction, electrical conductivity, scanning electron microscopy, chemical analysis and loss on ignition. Samples were prepared for two experimental series: control, and another one with the partial replacement of 30% of SDBA in relation to the mass of the Portland cement. According to the results obtained for physical and mechanical characterization, the composites with SDBA can be used as a constructive element in the rural construction.
[EN] Diatom cell quantity and their biochemical composition vary among species and are greatly affected by harvest stage or culture conditions. Biometric parameters, growth, attachment capacity and variations in biochemical composition of four species of benthic diatoms (Amphora sp., Navicula incerta, Nitzschia sp. and Proschkinia sp.) were studied. For biochemical analysis the diatoms were harvested at different stages, in log and stationary phase of growth. The culture conditions were identical for all the experiments, benthic diatoms were cultured during 7 days in F/2 medium at 28.5 ± 1.4 ºC, at different original inoculating densities (50000, 100000, and 250000 cell mL-1), under continuous light of 5403 ± 649 Lux provided by cool white fluorescent lighting. The cultures were neither aerated nor agitated. These results show that the specific density of 10000 cell mL-1 was the best for weekly production: Proschkinia sp. reached the highest cell density of 5.81 x 106 cells mL-1 and Amphora sp. had the highest cell attachment capacity with 12000 cell mm-2, in stationary phase of growth. Protein and lipid content were higher in log phase than in stationary phase for the four diatoms. Amphora sp. in log phase of growth had the highest lipid content of 9.74% dry weight (DW). Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content ranged from 23.25% to 38.62% of the total fatty acids (TFA), and the four diatoms tested were richer in n-3 PUFA than in n-6 PUFA. All the diatoms had significant quantities of 20:5n-3 (EPA) ranging between 12.69% and 17.68% of TFA. Benthic diatoms play an important and critical role in abalone culture as they are the principal food source of abalone post-larvae. Therefore, it is necessary to improve diatom quantity and quality to optimize post-larval nutrition and the consistency of production, resulting in an increase in growth and survival of abalones.
OBJECTIVE: Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are introduced as an alternative to traditional autopsy. The purpose of this study was to investigate their accuracy in mass estimation of liver and spleen. METHODS: In 44 cases, the weights of spleen and liver were estimated based on MRI and CT data using a volume-analysis software and a postmortem tissue-specific density factor. In a blinded approach, the results were compared with the weights noted at autopsy. RESULTS: Excellent correlation between estimated and real weights (r = 0.997 for MRI, r = 0.997 for CT) was found. Putrefaction gas and venous air embolism led to an overestimation. Venous congestion and drowning caused higher estimated weights. CONCLUSION: Postmortem weights of liver and spleen can accurately be assessed by nondestructive imaging. Multislice CT overcomes the limitation of putrefaction and venous air embolism by the possibility to exclude gas. Congestion seems to be even better assessed.
Most research on carbon content of trees has focused on temperate tree species with little information existing on the carbon content of tropical tree species. This study investigated the variation in carbon content of selected tropical tree species and compared carbon content of Khaya spp from two ecozones in Ghana. Allometric equations developed for mixed-plantation stands for wet evergreen forest verified the expected strong relationship between tree volumes and dbh (r2>0.93) and volume and dbh2×height (r2>0.97). Carbon concentration, wood density and carbon content differed significantly among species. Volume at age 12 ranged from 0.01 to 1.04 m3 per tree, and wood density was highly variable among species, ranging from 0.27 to 0.76 g cm-3. This suggests that species specific density data is critical for accurate conversion of volumes derived from allometric relationships into carbon contents. Significant differences in density of Khaya spp existed between the wet and moist semi-deciduous ecozones. The baseline species-level information from this study will be useful for carbon accounting and development of carbon sequestration strategies in Ghana and other tropical African countries.
Background Finite element models of augmented vertebral bodies require a realistic modelling of the cement infiltrated region. Most methods published so far used idealized cement shapes or oversimplified material models for the augmented region. In this study, an improved, anatomy-specific, homogenized finite element method was developed and validated to predict the apparent as well as the local mechanical behavior of augmented vertebral bodies. Methods Forty-nine human vertebral body sections were prepared by removing the cortical endplates and scanned with high-resolution peripheral quantitative CT before and after injection of a standard and a low-modulus bone cement. Forty-one specimens were tested in compression to measure stiffness, strength and contact pressure distributions between specimens and loading-plates. From the remaining eight, fourteen cylindrical specimens were extracted from the augmented region and tested in compression to obtain material properties. Anatomy-specific finite element models were generated from the CT data. The models featured element-specific, density-fabric-based material properties, damage accumulation, real cement distributions and experimentally determined material properties for the augmented region. Apparent stiffness and strength as well as contact pressure distributions at the loading plates were compared between simulations and experiments. Findings The finite element models were able to predict apparent stiffness (R2 > 0.86) and apparent strength (R2 > 0.92) very well. Also, the numerically obtained pressure distributions were in reasonable quantitative (R2 > 0.48) and qualitative agreement with the experiments. Interpretation The proposed finite element models have proven to be an accurate tool for studying the apparent as well as the local mechanical behavior of augmented vertebral bodies.