915 resultados para Specialized Library
El texto es un testimonio de dimensiones poco abordadas de Alfredo Pareja: el lado humano del diplomático, del docente en el extranjero, de integrante del Grupo de Guayaquil. Principalmente reseña el nacimiento de un espacio clave de recuperación de la memoria: el Archivo Histórico y la biblioteca especializada del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Ecuador. Durante tres años, desde 1981, se trabajó en una pequeña oficina, elaborando fichas a partir de manuscritos, pergaminos y demás documentos que allí reposaban, Pareja veía necesario este rescate para la construcción de la historia del país. A partir de ésta y de otras fuentes -coloniales y del siglo XIX, hasta entonces desconocidas o interpretadas de diferente modo por los territorialistas ecuatorianos-, Pareja planteó una nueva interpretación del conflicto limítrofe con Perú, y sostuvo la necesidad de un acuerdo de paz, ello implicaba la aceptación del Protocolo de Río de Janeiro, situación que despertó en su contra muchos comentarios enconados, pero que formó parte de la tesis que prevaleció. El Archivo Histórico «Alfredo Pareja Diezcanseco» se inauguró en julio de 1996.
Single-page applications have historically been subject to strong market forces driving fast development and deployment in lieu of quality control and changeable code, which are important factors for maintainability. In this report we develop two functionally equivalent applications using AngularJS and React and compare their maintainability as defined by ISO/IEC 9126. AngularJS and React represent two distinct approaches to web development, with AngularJS being a general framework providing rich base functionality and React a small specialized library for efficient view rendering. The quality comparison was accomplished by calculating Maintainability Index for each application. Version control analysis was used to determine quality indicators during development and subsequent maintenance where new functionality was added in two steps. The results show no major differences in maintainability in the initial applications. As more functionality is added the Maintainability Index decreases faster in the AngularJS application, indicating a steeper increase in complexity compared to the React application. Source code analysis reveals that changes in data flow requires significantly larger modifications of the AngularJS application due to its inherent architecture for data flow. We conclude that frameworks are useful when they facilitate development of known requirements but less so when applications and systems grow in size.
Este trabalho relata a experiência e os procedimentos adotados em um processo de análise e identificação dos títulos de periódicos recebidos pela Biblioteca do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo da Universidade de São Paulo, desde sua criação. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizadas as informações dos registros bibliográficos no Módulo de Catalogação no Banco de Dados Bibliográficos – DEDALUS Aleph 500 Versão 18.1 da Universidade de São Paulo, seguindo alguns critérios pré-estabelecidos. Conclui-se que, apesar dos problemas detectados serem pouco relevantes em relação ao acervo analisado, deve-se manter um estudo comparativo entre a necessidade do usuário e a coleção disponível na Biblioteca, para que os periódicos atendam às necessidades de informação de seus usuários.
[ES] El trabajo consistirá en abordar el desarrollo de un videojuego utilizando el lenguaje de programación Java y una librería especializada en desarrollo de videojuegos. Crearemos un videojuego del género plataformas. Para ello utilizaremos una vista en dos dimensiones, el jugador controlará un personaje humanoide con el que deberá atravesar una serie de niveles. Los niveles estarán agrupados en mundos con distintas temáticas (nieve, espacio, etc.) y en ellos el jugador se encontrará con múltiples obstáculos y enemigos. Los mundos se definen como agrupaciones de diez niveles en las que en el décimo nivel de cada mundo (nivel final) el jugador se enfrenta a un enemigo con una complejidad mayor al resto. Un ejemplo de videojuego de plataformas similar al que se va a desarrollar sería: "Super Mario Bros.". La librería que utilizaremos permite el desarrollo de videojuegos de escritorio y para móviles utilizando el mismo código. Es multiplataforma y soporta Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android, iOS, y navegadores con soporte WebGL.
Single-page applications have historically been subject to strong market forces driving fast development and deployment in lieu of quality control and changeable code, which are important factors for maintainability. In this report we develop two functionally equivalent applications using AngularJS and React and compare their maintainability as defined by ISO/IEC 9126. AngularJS and React represent two distinct approaches to web development, with AngularJS being a general framework providing rich base functionality and React a small specialized library for efficient view rendering. The quality comparison was accomplished by calculating Maintainability Index for each application. Version control analysis was used to determine quality indicators during development and subsequent maintenance where new functionality was added in two steps. The results show no major differences in maintainability in the initial applications. As more functionality is added the Maintainability Index decreases faster in the AngularJS application, indicating a steeper increase in complexity compared to the React application. Source code analysis reveals that changes in data flow requires significantly larger modifications of the AngularJS application due to its inherent architecture for data flow. We conclude that frameworks are useful when they facilitate development of known requirements but less so when applications and systems grow in size. Sammanfattning: Ensidesapplikationer har historiskt sett påverkats av starka marknadskrafter som pådriver snabba utvecklingscykler och leveranser. Detta medför att kvalitetskontroll och förändringsbar kod, som är viktiga faktorer för förvaltningsbarhet, blir lidande. I denna rapport utvecklar vi två funktionellt ekvi-valenta ensidesapplikationer med AngularJS och React samt jämför dessa applikationers förvaltningsbarhet enligt ISO/IEC 9126. AngularJS och React representerar två distinkta angreppsätt på webbutveckling, där AngularJS är ett ramverk med mycket färdig funktionalitet och React ett mindre bibliotek specialiserat på vyrendering. Kvalitetsjämförelsen utfördes genom att beräkna förvaltningsbarhetsindex för respektive applikation. Versionshanteringsanalys användes för att bestämma andra kvalitetsindikatorer efter den initiala utvecklingen samt två efterföljande underhållsarbeten. Resultaten visar inga markanta skillnader i förvaltningsbarhet för de initiala applikationerna. I takt med att mer funktionalitet lades till sjönk förvaltnings-barhetsindex snabbare för AngularJS-applikationen, vilket motsvarar en kraftigare ökning i komplexitet jämfört med React-applikationen. Versionshanteringsanalys visar att ändringar i dataflödet kräver större modifikationer för AngularJS-applikationen på grund av dess förbestämda arkitektur. Utifrån detta drar vi slutsatsen att ramverk är användbara när de understödjer utvecklingen mot kända krav men att deras nytta blir begränsad ju mer en applikation växer i storlek.
O objetivo deste relato é apresentar os resultados de um processo de aquisição bibliográfica, realizado pelo Sistema Embrapa de Bibliotecas (SEB), através das unidades (UDs) de pesquisas da Embrapa, localizadas no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Para isso, expõe aspectos da infraestrutura de acesso e recuperação da informação do Sistema, em vista de sua responsabilidade nesta ação. A base metodológica retratou a aquisição como uma das etapas do processo de Desenvolvimento de Coleções (DC), cuja função estratégica e política subsidia maior segurança para a formação da coleção. Neste sentido, o trabalho apoiou-se na descrição de todas as etapas dos processos de aquisição, comumente observados em estudos da área. Como resultado, pondera que embora alguns fatores tenham inviabilizado a compra de e-books, os itens adquiridos provocaram um forte impacto na taxa de crescimento do acervo do SEB, corroborando, assim, a superação da média de aquisição nos últimos 10 anos.
Accompanied by "Supplement, Jan. 1, 1963." (29 p.) Published: [Washington], 1963.
Graduate programs in library and information science programs provide strong theoretical foundations in information systems, library organization, library history, management, collection management to support user needs, reference, information literacy instruction, and specialized information resources. While practical course projects create approximations of professional librarianship, the best hands-on learning experiences include work-based learning through internship placements in actual libraries. Internships immerse students in valuable hands-on practical work in real-workd settings. Internships also learn from the interns' perspectives on library processes and challenges, while also providing library professionals with enriching opportunities to mentor library students and convey knowledge to future generations of professionals.
Molecular analysis of the bacterial diversity in a specialized consortium for diesel oil degradation
Diesel oil is a compound derived from petroleum, consisting primarily of hydrocarbons. Poor conditions in transportation and storage of this product can contribute significantly to accidental spills causing serious ecological problems in soil and water and affecting the diversity of the microbial environment. The cloning and sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene is one of the molecular techniques that allows estimation and comparison of the microbial diversity in different environmental samples. The aim of this work was to estimate the diversity of microorganisms from the Bacteria domain in a consortium specialized in diesel oil degradation through partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. After the extraction of DNA metagenomics, the material was amplified by PCR reaction using specific oligonucleotide primers for the 16S rRNA gene. The PCR products were cloned into a pGEM-T-Easy vector (Promega), and Escherichia coli was used as the host cell for recombinant DNAs. The partial clone sequencing was obtained using universal oligonucleotide primers from the vector. The genetic library obtained generated 431 clones. All the sequenced clones presented similarity to phylum Proteobacteria, with Gammaproteobacteria the most present group (49.8 % of the clones), followed by Alphaproteobacteira (44.8 %) and Betaproteobacteria (5.4 %). The Pseudomonas genus was the most abundant in the metagenomic library, followed by the Parvibaculum and the Sphingobium genus, respectively. After partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA, the diversity of the bacterial consortium was estimated using DOTUR software. When comparing these sequences to the database from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), a strong correlation was found between the data generated by the software used and the data deposited in NCBI.
Spanish document available at the Library
Includes bibliography
Objective. This research study had two goals: (1) to describe resource consumption patterns for Medi-Cal children with cystic fibrosis, and (2) to explore the feasibility from a rate design perspective of developing specialized managed care plans for such a special needs population.^ Background. Children with special health care needs (CSHN) comprise about 2% of the California Medicaid pediatric population. CSHN have rare but serious health problems, such as cystic fibrosis. Medicaid programs, including Medi-Cal, are enrolling more and more beneficiaries in managed care to control costs. CSHN, however, do not fit the wellness model underlying most managed care plans. Child health advocates believe that both efficiency and quality will suffer if CSHN are removed from regionalized special care centers and scattered among general purpose plans. They believe that CSHN should be "carved out" from enrollment in general plans. One alternative is the Specialized Managed Care Plan, tailored for CSHN.^ Methods. The study population consisted of children under age 21 with CF who were eligible for Medi-Cal and California Children's Services program (CCS) during 1991. Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) Medicaid Tape-to-Tape data were analyzed as part of a California Children's Hospital Association (CCHA) project.^ Results. Mean Medi-Cal expenditures per month enrolled were $2,302 for 457 CF children, compared to about \$1,270 for all 47,000 CCS special needs children and roughly $60 for almost 2.6 million ``regular needs'' children. For CF children, inpatient care (80\%) and outpatient drugs (9\%) were the major cost drivers, with {\it all\/} outpatient visits comprising only 2\% of expenditures. About one-third of CF children were eligible due to AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children). Age group explained about 17\% of all expenditure variation. Regression analysis was used to select the best capitation rate structure (rate cells by age and eligibility group). Sensitivity analysis estimated moderate financial risk for a statewide plan (360 enrollees), but severe risk for single county implementation due to small numbers of children.^ Conclusions. Study results support the carve out of CSHN due to unique expenditure patterns. The Specialized Managed Care Plan concept appears feasible from a rate design perspective given sufficient enrollees. ^
Support for molecular biology researchers has been limited to traditional library resources and services in most academic health sciences libraries. The University of Washington Health Sciences Libraries have been providing specialized services to this user community since 1995. The library recruited a Ph.D. biologist to assess the molecular biological information needs of researchers and design strategies to enhance library resources and services. A survey of laboratory research groups identified areas of greatest need and led to the development of a three-pronged program: consultation, education, and resource development. Outcomes of this program include bioinformatics consultation services, library-based and graduate level courses, networking of sequence analysis tools, and a biological research Web site. Bioinformatics clients are drawn from diverse departments and include clinical researchers in need of tools that are not readily available outside of basic sciences laboratories. Evaluation and usage statistics indicate that researchers, regardless of departmental affiliation or position, require support to access molecular biology and genetics resources. Centralizing such services in the library is a natural synergy of interests and enhances the provision of traditional library resources. Successful implementation of a library-based bioinformatics program requires both subject-specific and library and information technology expertise.