949 resultados para Sparse arrays


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Piezoelectric array transducers applications are becoming usual in the ultrasonic non-destructive testing area. However, the number of elements can increase the system complexity, due to the necessity of multichannel circuitry and to the large amount of data to be processed. Synthetic aperture techniques, where one or few transmission and reception channels are necessary, and the data are post-processed, can be used to reduce the system complexity. Another possibility is to use sparse arrays instead of a full-populated array. In sparse arrays, there is a smaller number of elements and the interelement spacing is larger than half wavelength. In this work, results of ultrasonic inspection of an aluminum plate with artificial defects using guided acoustic waves and sparse arrays are presented. Synthetic aperture techniques are used to obtain a set of images that are then processed with an image compounding technique, which was previously evaluated only with full-populated arrays, in order to increase the resolution and contrast of the images. The results with sparse arrays are equivalent to the ones obtained with full-populated arrays in terms of resolution. Although there is an 8 dB contrast reduction when using sparse arrays, defect detection is preserved and there is the advantage of a reduction in the number of transducer elements and data volume. © 2013 Brazilian Society for Automatics - SBA.


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Sparse arrays have pitch larger than half-wavelength (lambda/2) and there is a reduced number of elements in comparison with a full-populated array. Consequently, there is a reduction in cost, data acquisition and processing. However, conventional beamforming techniques result in large side and grating lobes, and consequently in image artifacts. In this work the instantaneous phase of the signals is used in a beamforming technique instead of the instantaneous amplitudes to improve images obtained from sparse arrays configurations. A threshold based on a statistical analysis and the number of signals used for imaging is applied to each pixel, in order to determine if that pixel is related to a defect or not. Three sets of data are used to evaluate the technique, considering medical and non-destructive testing: a simulated point spread function, a medical phantom and an aluminum plate with 2 lambda-, 7 lambda- and lambda-pitch, respectively. The conventional amplitude image is superposed by the image improved by the instantaneous phase, increasing the reflectors detectability and reducing artifacts for all cases, as well as dead zone for the tested plate.


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La ecografía es hoy en día uno de los métodos de visualización más populares para examinar el interior de cuerpos opacos. Su aplicación es especialmente significativa tanto en el campo del diagnóstico médico como en las aplicaciones de evaluación no destructiva en el ámbito industrial, donde se evalúa la integridad de un componente o una estructura. El desarrollo de sistemas ecográficos de alta calidad y con buenas prestaciones se basa en el empleo de sistemas multisensoriales conocidos como arrays que pueden estar compuestos por varias decenas de elementos. El desarrollo de estos dispositivos tiene asociada una elevada complejidad, tanto por el número de sensores y la electrónica necesaria para la adquisición paralela de señales, como por la etapa de procesamiento de los datos adquiridos que debe operar en tiempo real. Esta etapa de procesamiento de señal trabaja con un elevado flujo de datos en paralelo y desarrolla, además de la composición de imagen, otras sofisticadas técnicas de medidas sobre los datos (medida de elasticidad, flujo, etc). En este sentido, el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas de imagen con mayores prestaciones (resolución, rango dinámico, imagen 3D, etc) está fuertemente limitado por el número de canales en la apertura del array. Mientras algunos estudios se han centrado en la reducción activa de sensores (sparse arrays como ejemplo), otros se han centrado en analizar diferentes estrategias de adquisiciónn que, operando con un número reducido de canales electrónicos en paralelo, sean capaz por multiplexación emular el funcionamiento de una apertura plena. A estas últimas técnicas se las agrupa mediante el concepto de Técnicas de Apertura Sintética (SAFT). Su interés radica en que no solo son capaces de reducir los requerimientos hardware del sistema (bajo consumo, portabilidad, coste, etc) sino que además permiten dentro de cierto compromiso la mejora de la calidad de imagen respecto a los sistemas convencionales...


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Vision must analyze the retinal image over both small and large areas to represent fine-scale spatial details and extensive textures. The long-range neuronal convergence that this implies might lead us to expect that contrast sensitivity should improve markedly with the contrast area of the image. But this is at odds with the orthodox view that contrast sensitivity is determined merely by probability summation over local independent detectors. To address this puzzle, I aimed to assess the summation of luminance contrast without the confounding influence of area-dependent internal noise. I measured contrast detection thresholds for novel Battenberg stimuli that had identical overall dimensions (to clamp the aggregation of noise) but were constructed from either dense or sparse arrays of micro-patterns. The results unveiled a three-stage visual hierarchy of contrast summation involving (i) spatial filtering, (ii) long-range summation of coherent textures, and (iii) pooling across orthogonal textures. Linear summation over local energy detectors was spatially extensive (as much as 16 cycles) at Stage 2, but the resulting model is also consistent with earlier classical results of contrast summation (J. G. Robson & N. Graham, 1981), where co-aggregation of internal noise has obscured these long-range interactions.


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The overarching theme of this thesis is mesoscale optical and optoelectronic design of photovoltaic and photoelectrochemical devices. In a photovoltaic device, light absorption and charge carrier transport are coupled together on the mesoscale, and in a photoelectrochemical device, light absorption, charge carrier transport, catalysis, and solution species transport are all coupled together on the mesoscale. The work discussed herein demonstrates that simulation-based mesoscale optical and optoelectronic modeling can lead to detailed understanding of the operation and performance of these complex mesostructured devices, serve as a powerful tool for device optimization, and efficiently guide device design and experimental fabrication efforts. In-depth studies of two mesoscale wire-based device designs illustrate these principles—(i) an optoelectronic study of a tandem Si|WO3 microwire photoelectrochemical device, and (ii) an optical study of III-V nanowire arrays.

The study of the monolithic, tandem, Si|WO3 microwire photoelectrochemical device begins with development and validation of an optoelectronic model with experiment. This study capitalizes on synergy between experiment and simulation to demonstrate the model’s predictive power for extractable device voltage and light-limited current density. The developed model is then used to understand the limiting factors of the device and optimize its optoelectronic performance. The results of this work reveal that high fidelity modeling can facilitate unequivocal identification of limiting phenomena, such as parasitic absorption via excitation of a surface plasmon-polariton mode, and quick design optimization, achieving over a 300% enhancement in optoelectronic performance over a nominal design for this device architecture, which would be time-consuming and challenging to do via experiment.

The work on III-V nanowire arrays also starts as a collaboration of experiment and simulation aimed at gaining understanding of unprecedented, experimentally observed absorption enhancements in sparse arrays of vertically-oriented GaAs nanowires. To explain this resonant absorption in periodic arrays of high index semiconductor nanowires, a unified framework that combines a leaky waveguide theory perspective and that of photonic crystals supporting Bloch modes is developed in the context of silicon, using both analytic theory and electromagnetic simulations. This detailed theoretical understanding is then applied to a simulation-based optimization of light absorption in sparse arrays of GaAs nanowires. Near-unity absorption in sparse, 5% fill fraction arrays is demonstrated via tapering of nanowires and multiple wire radii in a single array. Finally, experimental efforts are presented towards fabrication of the optimized array geometries. A hybrid self-catalyzed and selective area MOCVD growth method is used to establish morphology control of GaP nanowire arrays. Similarly, morphology and pattern control of nanowires is demonstrated with ICP-RIE of InP. Optical characterization of the InP nanowire arrays gives proof of principle that tapering and multiple wire radii can lead to near-unity absorption in sparse arrays of InP nanowires.


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A new 2-D hydrophone array for ultrasound therapy monitoring is presented, along with a novel algorithm for passive acoustic mapping using a sparse weighted aperture. The array is constructed using existing polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) ultrasound sensor technology, and is utilized for its broadband characteristics and its high receive sensitivity. For most 2-D arrays, high-resolution imagery is desired, which requires a large aperture at the cost of a large number of elements. The proposed array's geometry is sparse, with elements only on the boundary of the rectangular aperture. The missing information from the interior is filled in using linear imaging techniques. After receiving acoustic emissions during ultrasound therapy, this algorithm applies an apodization to the sparse aperture to limit side lobes and then reconstructs acoustic activity with high spatiotemporal resolution. Experiments show verification of the theoretical point spread function, and cavitation maps in agar phantoms correspond closely to predicted areas, showing the validity of the array and methodology.


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Previous work has shown that human vision performs spatial integration of luminance contrast energy, where signals are squared and summed (with internal noise) over area at detection threshold. We tested that model here in an experiment using arrays of micro-pattern textures that varied in overall stimulus area and sparseness of their target elements, where the contrast of each element was normalised for sensitivity across the visual field. We found a power-law improvement in performance with stimulus area, and a decrease in sensitivity with sparseness. While the contrast integrator model performed well when target elements constituted 50–100% of the target area (replicating previous results), observers outperformed the model when texture elements were sparser than this. This result required the inclusion of further templates in our model, selective for grids of various regular texture densities. By assuming a MAX operation across these noisy mechanisms the model also accounted for the increase in the slope of the psychometric function that occurred as texture density decreased. Thus, for the first time, mechanisms that are selective for texture density have been revealed at contrast detection threshold. We suggest that these mechanisms have a role to play in the perception of visual textures.


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cDNA arrays are a powerful tool for discovering gene expression patterns. Nylon arrays have the advantage that they can be re-used several times. A key issue in high throughput gene expression analysis is sensitivity. In the case of nylon arrays, signal detection can be affected by the plastic bags used to keep membranes humid. In this study, we evaluated the effect of five types of plastics on the radioactive transmittance, number of genes with a signal above the background, and data variability. A polyethylene plastic bag 69 μm thick had a strong shielding effect that blocked 68.7% of the radioactive signal. The shielding effect on transmittance decreased the number of detected genes and increased the data variability. Other plastics which were thinner gave better results. Although plastics made from polyvinylidene chloride, polyvinyl chloride (both 13 μm thick) and polyethylene (29 and 7 μm thick) showed different levels of transmittance, they all gave similarly good performances. Polyvinylidene chloride and polyethylene 29 mm thick were the plastics of choice because of their easy handling. For other types of plastics, it is advisable to run a simple check on their performance in order to obtain the maximum information from nylon cDNA arrays.


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Measurement of the transmitted intensity from a coherent monomode light source through a series of subwavelength slit arrays in Ag films, with varying array pitch and number of slits, demonstrates enhancement (suppression) by factors of as much as 6 (9) when normalized to the transmission efficiency of an isolated slit. Pronounced minima in the transmitted intensity are observed at array pitches corresponding to lambda(SPP), 2 lambda(SPP), and 3 lambda(SPP), where lambda(SPP) is the wavelength of the surface plasmon polariton (SPP). The position of these minima arises from destructive interference between incident propagating waves and pi-phase-shifted SPP waves. Increasing the number of slits to four or more does not increase appreciably the per-slit transmission intensity. A simple interference model fits well the measured transmitted intensity profile.


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The interaction between poly(o-ethoxyaniline) (POEA) adsorbed onto solid substrates and humic substances (HS) and Cu(2+) ions has been investigated using UV-vis spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Both HS and Cu(2+) are able to dope POEA and change film morphology. This interaction was exploited in a sensor array made with nanostructured films of POEA, sulfonated lignin and HS, which could detect small concentrations of HS and Cu(2+) in water. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Modal filters may be obtained by a properly designed weighted sum of the output signals of an array of sensors distributed on the host structure. Although several research groups have been interested in techniques for designing and implementing modal filters based on a given array of sensors, the effect of the array topology on the effectiveness of the modal filter has received much less attention. In particular, it is known that some parameters, such as size, shape and location of a sensor, are very important in determining the observability of a vibration mode. Hence, this paper presents a methodology for the topological optimization of an array of sensors in order to maximize the effectiveness of a set of selected modal filters. This is done using a genetic algorithm optimization technique for the selection of 12 piezoceramic sensors from an array of 36 piezoceramic sensors regularly distributed on an aluminum plate, which maximize the filtering performance, over a given frequency range, of a set of modal filters, each one aiming to isolate one of the first vibration modes. The vectors of the weighting coefficients for each modal filter are evaluated using QR decomposition of the complex frequency response function matrix. Results show that the array topology is not very important for lower frequencies but it greatly affects the filter effectiveness for higher frequencies. Therefore, it is possible to improve the effectiveness and frequency range of a set of modal filters by optimizing the topology of an array of sensors. Indeed, using 12 properly located piezoceramic sensors bonded on an aluminum plate it is shown that the frequency range of a set of modal filters may be enlarged by 25-50%.


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The classical approach for acoustic imaging consists of beamforming, and produces the source distribution of interest convolved with the array point spread function. This convolution smears the image of interest, significantly reducing its effective resolution. Deconvolution methods have been proposed to enhance acoustic images and have produced significant improvements. Other proposals involve covariance fitting techniques, which avoid deconvolution altogether. However, in their traditional presentation, these enhanced reconstruction methods have very high computational costs, mostly because they have no means of efficiently transforming back and forth between a hypothetical image and the measured data. In this paper, we propose the Kronecker Array Transform ( KAT), a fast separable transform for array imaging applications. Under the assumption of a separable array, it enables the acceleration of imaging techniques by several orders of magnitude with respect to the fastest previously available methods, and enables the use of state-of-the-art regularized least-squares solvers. Using the KAT, one can reconstruct images with higher resolutions than was previously possible and use more accurate reconstruction techniques, opening new and exciting possibilities for acoustic imaging.


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In Part I [""Fast Transforms for Acoustic Imaging-Part I: Theory,"" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING], we introduced the Kronecker array transform (KAT), a fast transform for imaging with separable arrays. Given a source distribution, the KAT produces the spectral matrix which would be measured by a separable sensor array. In Part II, we establish connections between the KAT, beamforming and 2-D convolutions, and show how these results can be used to accelerate classical and state of the art array imaging algorithms. We also propose using the KAT to accelerate general purpose regularized least-squares solvers. Using this approach, we avoid ill-conditioned deconvolution steps and obtain more accurate reconstructions than previously possible, while maintaining low computational costs. We also show how the KAT performs when imaging near-field source distributions, and illustrate the trade-off between accuracy and computational complexity. Finally, we show that separable designs can deliver accuracy competitive with multi-arm logarithmic spiral geometries, while having the computational advantages of the KAT.


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This paper presents the recent finding by Muhlhaus et al [1] that bifurcation of crack growth patterns exists for arrays of two-dimensional cracks. This bifurcation is a result of the nonlinear effect due to crack interaction, which is, in the present analysis, approximated by the dipole asymptotic or pseudo-traction method. The nonlinear parameter for the problem is the crack length/ spacing ratio lambda = a/h. For parallel and edge crack arrays under far field tension, uniform crack growth patterns (all cracks having same size) yield to nonuniform crack growth patterns (i.e. bifurcation) if lambda is larger than a critical value lambda(cr) (note that such bifurcation is not found for collinear crack arrays). For parallel and edge crack arrays respectively, the value of lambda(cr) decreases monotonically from (2/9)(1/2) and (2/15.096)(1/2) for arrays of 2 cracks, to (2/3)(1/2)/pi and (2/5.032)(1/2)/pi for infinite arrays of cracks. The critical parameter lambda(cr) is calculated numerically for arrays of up to 100 cracks, whilst discrete Fourier transform is used to obtain the exact solution of lambda(cr) for infinite crack arrays. For geomaterials, bifurcation can also occurs when array of sliding cracks are under compression.


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Krylov subspace techniques have been shown to yield robust methods for the numerical computation of large sparse matrix exponentials and especially the transient solutions of Markov Chains. The attractiveness of these methods results from the fact that they allow us to compute the action of a matrix exponential operator on an operand vector without having to compute, explicitly, the matrix exponential in isolation. In this paper we compare a Krylov-based method with some of the current approaches used for computing transient solutions of Markov chains. After a brief synthesis of the features of the methods used, wide-ranging numerical comparisons are performed on a power challenge array supercomputer on three different models. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.AMS Classification: 65F99; 65L05; 65U05.