19 resultados para Sparisoma cretense


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Several juvenile specimens of Sparisoma cretense, a previously unrecorded species, were caught using beach seining in Ria Formosa.The hypothesis that these occurrences are related with climatic changes is discussed.


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The present work reports on the extended distribution of nineteen species in the Mediterranean. These are: Upeneus pori (Fish:Turkey), Bursatella leachii (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia: eastern coast of Spain), Sparisoma cretense (Fish: Ionian coast of Greece), Pseudobryopsis myura (Chlorophyta:Turkey), Aplysia dactylomela (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia: Karpathos island, and Kyklades Archipelago, Greece), Asparagopsis armata and Botryocladia madagascariensis (Rhodophyta: South Peloponnesos, Greece), Oxynotus centrina (Fish: Greece), Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea (Chlorophyta ), Stypopodium schimperi (Phaeophyta ) Siganus luridus and Stephanolepis diaspros (Fish) Percnon gibbesi (Decapoda, Brachyura) (Kyklades Archipelago, Greece), Cerithium scabridum (Mollusca, Prosobranchia: Anavissos: Greece) and Cerithium renovatum (Mollusca, Prosobranchia: N. Κriti), Cassiopea andromeda (Scyphomedusa: Rhodos Island, Greece), Abra tenuis (Mollusca Bivalvia: Vouliagmeni Lake, Greece) Lagocephalus lagocephalus (Fish: Calabrian coast, Italy) and Plocamopherus ocellatus (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia: İskenderun Bay, Turkey).


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Monográfico con el título: 'Hacia una cultura de paz en la escuela'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Parrotfishes (Labridae, Scarinae) comprise a large marine fish group of difficult identification, particularly during juvenile phase when the typical morphology and coloration of adults are absent. Therefore, the goal of this study was to test cytogenetic markers and DNA barcoding in the identification of bucktooth parrtotfish Sparisoma radians from the northeastern coast of Brazil. Sequencing of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) confirmed all studied samples as S. radians, and all showed high similarity (99-100%) with Caribbean populations. The karyotype of this species was divergent from most marine Perciformes, being composed of 2n = 46 chromosomes. These consisted of a large number of metacentric and submetacentric pairs with small amounts of heterochromatin and GC-rich single nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) not syntenic to 5S rDNA clusters. These are the first data about DNA barcoding in parrotfish from the Brazilian province and the first refined chromosomal analysis in Scarinae, providing useful data to a reliable genetic identification of S. radians.


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Informes Técnicos del Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas, 1


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l artículo explora el contenido de la idea de Europa, con el objetivo de mostrar que no está definida por la “identidad” como un resultado producto de la historia, la geografía, o los aspectos económicos, sino por un conjunto de factores, en parte aleatorios, que la han ido constituyendo a través del tiempo. La aproximación cultural (en este caso histórico-antropológica) a las características de lo europeo se efectúa comenzando con la misma idea de Europa, que se analiza desde sus comienzos como el resultado de una amalgama de culturas como la cretense, la fenicia y la egipcia, con el aporte y el discurso que al respecto han tenido los griegos, los romanos, las tentativas de unidad europea desde Carlo Magno y Carlos V, hasta la Unión Europea de nuestros días.El estudio de las estructuras simbólicas e históricas que han construido una idea de lo europeo ha sido multiforme y no siempre idéntico. Además, concluye la autora, no puede definirse a Europa en términos de una ‘identidad’ fija que sea necesario proteger a toda costa frente a intrusiones culturales externas. Por el contrario, se trata de un proceso o ‘configuración’ sociohistórica que permite que en futuras ampliaciones países que por su pasado no podrían aspirar a ser miembros de la Unión Europea, pueden llegar a serlo por su futuro; tal es el caso en especial de Turquía y Ucrania.-----This article explores the idea of Europe in order to show that it is defined not by “identity” as a result or product of history, geography or economic factors, but by a set of partially random factors that have gradually shaped the idea over time. The cultural approach to Europe’s characteristics (in this case historical-anthropological) starts by analyzing the idea of Europe from its origins as an amalgam of Cretan, Phoenician, Egyptian and other cultures, which later absorbed Greek and Roman contributions and thinking, followed by the attempts by Charlemagne and Charles V to unify Europe, and culminating in the modernday European Union. The symbolic and historical structures that have shaped the idea of Europe have taken a variety of different forms. Furthermore, the author concludes that Europe cannot be defined in terms of a fixed “identity” that must be protected from external cultural interference at all costs. On the contrary, it is a socio-historical process or “configuration” which, in future enlargements, will allow countries that formerly could not aspire to become members of the European Union to become future members. This applies especially to Turkey and the Ukraine.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Se describen los siguientes monumentos, conjuntos hist??rico-art??sticos y paisajes pintorescos a los que se les ha otorgado tal declaraci??n y protecci??n oficial: el Convento de San Jos?? de ??vila, la ciudad de Ibiza, el Palacio del marqu??s de Comillas (Barcelona), la 'Casa del Cord??n' (Burgos), Barrio jud??o de Herv??s (C??ceres), la villa de Llivia (Gerona), la villa de Ba??os de la Encina (Ja??n), la Herrer??a de Compludo (Le??n), la ciudad de Alcal?? de Henares, alrededores de Maro-Cueva de Nerja (??M??laga), Palacio de los Condes de Casa Galindo (Sevilla), antigua Universidad Literaria (Sevilla), la ciudad de Daroca (Zaragoza), y la villa de Sos del Rey Cat??lico (Zaragoza). Se describen tambi??n las razones que abonan la creaci??n del Museo Hist??rico Municipal de Requena (Valencia), las tres nuevas salas de pintura flamenca en el Museo del Prado, la conferencia del catedr??tico don Jos?? Mar??a Azc??rate sobre obras que incluyen el 'Comentario del Apocalipsis' de Beato de Li??bana, la 'alegr??a vital del arte cretense', la 'teor??a de Miguel ??ngel' y 'La m??stica y el arte en la Espa??a de Felipe II' por el profesor Cam??n Aznar y, por ??ltimo, se hace un repaso por la vida de Daniel V??zquez D??az, con motivo de su fallecimiento.


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Habitat use and the processes which determine fish distribution were evaluated at the reef flat and reef crest zones of a tropical, algal-dominated reef. Our comparisons indicated significant differences in the majority of the evaluated environmental characteristics between zones. Also, significant differences in the abundances of twelve, from thirteen analyzed species, were observed within and between-sites. According to null models, non-random patterns of species co-occurrences were significant, suggesting that fish guilds in both zones were non-randomly structured. Unexpectedly, structural complexity negatively affected overall species richness, but had a major positive influence on highly site-attached species such as a damselfish. Depth and substrate composition, particularly macroalgae cover, were positive determinants for the fish assemblage structure in the studied reef, prevailing over factors such as structural complexity and live coral cover. Our results are conflicting with other studies carried out in coral-dominated reefs of the Caribbean and Pacific, therefore supporting the idea that the factors which may potentially influence reef fish composition are highly site-dependent and variable.


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Parrotfishes are important components of the herbivore and detritivore guilds of tropical and subtropical reefs. Most of parrotfish species are protogynous hermaphrodites that change colour and sex, from initial phase females or males (IP) to terminal phase males (TP). We studied the foraging behaviour of Sparisoma amplum, S. axillare and S. frondosum, three syntopic scarids on the rocky reefs of Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Tropical West Atlantic. The three parrotfish species differed in food selection and preference, but IP and TP individuals of the same species preferred the same food types, except for S. amplum. Feeding rates of IP individuals were higher than those of TP individuals, but the distribution of feeding frequencies throughout the day of IP and TP individuals of the same species was similar. IP individuals had higher feeding rates than TP ones, which seems related to the fact that TP individuals spend a large amount of time patrolling their territories and chasing away conspecific individuals at the study site. The general foraging pattern we found for S. amplum, S. axillare and S. frondosum is similar to patterns found for other parrotfish species in the Western Atlantic.