105 resultados para Spammomys Obesus


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La résistance à l’insuline et le diabète de type 2 (DT2) sont caractérisés par une hyperlipidémie. Le but de cette étude est de déterminer si le DT2 contribue au dérèglement du métabolisme du cholestérol au niveau du petit intestin et du foie du Psammomys obesus, un modèle animal nutritionnel d’induction de la résistance à l’insuline et du DT2. L’absorption intestinale du cholestérol est diminuée chez les animaux diabétiques. Cette diminution est associée à une baisse (i) de l’expression génique et protéique de NPC1-L1 qui joue un rôle primordial dans l’absorption du cholestérol au niveau des entérocytes; et (ii) de l’ARNm de l’ABCA1 responsable de l’efflux de cholestérol des cellules intestinales à l’apolipoprotéine A-I et aux HDLs. En ce qui a trait aux transporteurs SR-B1 et Annexin II, aucune différence n’a été observée au niveau intestinal. Toutefois, une diminution significative de l’expression génique de l’ABCG5, un intervenant majeur dans la sécrétion du cholestérol des entérocytes vers la lumière intestinale, est mesurée chez les animaux diabétiques. De plus, l’expression protéique est diminuée pour le PCSK9 et augmentée pour le LDLr au niveau du jéjunum, tandis que la quantité de protéine de l’enzyme HMG-CoA réductase est régulée à la baisse chez les Psammomys obesus diabétiques. Finalement, de tous les facteurs de transcription testés seule une augmentation de LXR et une diminution de PPAR/δ sont détectées au niveau de l’intestin. Au niveau hépatique, il y a (i) une augmentation de la masse protéique de NPC1-L1, SR-BI et Annexin II; (ii) une élévation l’ARNm de SR-BI; (iii) une diminution du contenu protéique de ABCG8 et de l’expression génique de l’ABCG5 et de l’ABCA1; et (iv) une élévation de l’ARNm de LXR et de PPAR/δ, tout comme une baisse de l’expression protéique de SREBP-2. Somme toute, nos résultats montrent que le développement du diabète de type 2 chez le Psammomys obesus entraîne un changement dans la machinerie intra-entérocytaire et hépatocytaire, qui mène à un dérèglement de l’homéostasie du cholestérol.


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Size composition data of bigeye tuna taken from the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean by Japanese Prefectural experimental training vessels from 1958 to 1964 are examined. A gradient of increasing fish size from east to west is noted. Males increase in ratio over females for the entire range of lengths examined, and beyond 170 cm comprise more than 75 per cent of the total. The first semester of the year is important as a bigeye spawning season. A general relationship between sexual maturity and thermal structure of the water is discussed. At the end of their 12th quarter of life bigeye are about 114 cm long, by the 16th quarter, 137 cm and at the end of 20 quarters, about 153 cm. The long-line fishery in the eastern Pacific has had a marked effect on the size composition of the stocks of bigeye, but whether the fishing has driven the stocks below a point which could afford a maximum sustainable yield could not be determined. (PDF contains 55 pages.)


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ENGLISH: Longline hook rates of bigeye and yellowfin tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean were standardized by maximum depth of fishing, area, and season, using generalized linear models (GLM's). The annual trends of the standardized hook rates differ from the unstandardized, and are more likely to represent the changes in abundance of tunas in the age groups most vulnerable to longliners in the fishing grounds. For both species all of the interactions in the GLM's involving years, depths of fishing, areas, and seasons were significant. This means that the annual trends in hook rates depend on which depths, areas, and seasons are being considered. The overall average hook rates for each were estimated by weighting each 5-degree quadrangle equally and each season by the number of months in it. Since the annual trends in hook rates for each fishing depth category are roughly the same for bigeye, total average annual hook rate estimates are possible with the GLM. For yellowfin, the situation is less clear because of a preponderance of empty cells in the model. The full models explained 55% of the variation in bigeye hook rate and 33% of that of yellowfin. SPANISH: Se estandardizaron las tasas de captura con palangre de atunes patudo y aleta amarilla en el Océano Pacífico oriental por la profunidad máxima de pesca, área, y temporada, usando modelos lineales generalizados (MLG). Las tendencias anuales de las tasas de captura estandardizadas son diferentes a las de las tasas no estandardizadas, y es más que representen los cambios en la abundancia de los atunes en los grupos de edad más vulnerables a los palangreros en las áreas de pesca. Para ambas especies fueron significativas todas las interacciones en los MLG con año, profundidad de pesca, área, y temporada. Esto significa que las tendencias anuales de las tasas de captura dependen de cuál profundidad, área, y temporado se está considerando. Para la estimación de la tasa de captura general media para cada especie se ponderó cada cuadrángulo de 5 grados igualmente y cada temporada por el número de meses que contiene. Ya que las tendencias anuales en las tasas de captura para cada categoría de profundidad de pesca son aproximadamente iguales para el patudo, son posibles estimaciones de la tasa de captura anual media total con el MLG. En el caso del aleta amarilla, la situación es más confusa, debido a una preponderancia de celdas vacías en el modelo. Los modelos completos explican el 55% de la variación de la tasa de captura de patudo y 33% de la del aleta amarilla. (PDF contains 19 pages.)


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The growth of big eye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean was studied using Petersen's method, by the analysis of the length frequency data of the F.I.S. (French-Ivorian-Senegalese) surface tuna fleet from 1969 to 1977. The results are in agreement with a previous study by Champagnat and Pianet (1973) and with observations made in the Pacific Ocean.


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Skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin (Thunnus albacares), and bigeye (Thunnus obesus) tunas are caught by purse-seine vessels in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO). Although there is no evidence to indicate that current levels of fishing-induced mortality will affect the sustainability of skipjack or yellowfin tunas, fishing mortality on juvenile (younger than 5 years of age) bigeye tuna has increased, and overall fishing mortality is greater than that necessary to produce the maximum sustainable yield of this species. We investigated whether time-area closures have the potential to reduce purse-seine bigeye catches without significantly reducing skipjack catches. Using catch and effort data for 1995–2002, we identified regions where the ratio of bigeye to skipjack tuna catches was high and applied simple closed-area models to investigate the possible benefits of time-area closures. We estimated that the most optimistic and operationally feasible 3-month closures, covering the equatorial region of the EPO during the third quarter of the year, could reduce bigeye catches by 11.5%, while reducing skipjack tuna catches by 4.3%. Because this level of bigeye tuna catch reduction is insufficient to address sustainability concerns, and larger and longer closures would reduce catches of this species signficantly, we recommend that future research be directed toward gear technology solutions because these have been successful in many other fisheries. In particular, because over 50% of purse-seine catches of bigeye tuna are taken in sets in which bigeye tuna are the dominant species, methods to allow the determination of the species composition of aggregations around floating objects may be important.


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The effects of El Niño–Southern Oscillation events on catches of Bigeye Tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the eastern Indian Ocean (EIO) off Java were evaluated through the use of remotely sensed environmental data (sea-surface-height anomaly [SSHA], sea-surface temperature [SST], and chlorophyll a concentration), and Bigeye Tuna catch data. Analyses were conducted for the period of 1997–2000, which included the 1997–98 El Niño and 1999–2000 La Niña events. The empirical orthogonal function (EOF) was applied to examine oceanographic parameters quantitatively. The relationship of those parameters to variations in catch distribution of Bigeye Tuna was explored with a generalized additive model (GAM). The mean hook rate was 0.67 during El Niño and 0.44 during La Niña, and catches were high where SSHA ranged from –21 to 5 cm, SST ranged from 24°C to 27.5°C, and chlorophyll-a concentrations ranged from 0.04 to 0.16 mg m–3. The EOF analysis confirmed that the 1997–98 El Niño affected oceanographic conditions in the EIO off Java. The GAM results indicated that SST was better than the other environmental factors (SSHA and chlorophyll-a concentration) as an oceanographic predictor of Bigeye Tuna catches in the region. According to the GAM predictions, the highest probabilities (70–80%) for Bigeye Tuna catch in 1997–2000 occurred during oceanographic conditions during the 1997–98 El Niño event.


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Tag release and recapture data of bigeye (Thunnus obesus) and yellowfin tuna (T. albacares) from the Hawaii Tuna Tagging Project (HTTP) were analyzed with a bulk transfer model incorporating size-specific attrition to infer population dynamics and transfer rates between various fishery components. For both species, the transfer rate estimates from the offshore handline fishery areas to the longline fishery area were higher than the estimates of transfer from those same areas into the inshore fishery areas. Natural and fishing mortality rates were estimated over three size classes: yellowfin 20–45, 46–55, and ≥56 cm and bigeye 29–55, 56–70, and ≥71 cm. For both species, the estimates of natural mortality were highest in the smallest size class. For bigeye tuna, the estimates decreased with increasing size and for yellowfin tuna there was a slight increase in the largest size class. In the Cross Seamount fishery, the fishing mortality rate of bigeye tuna was similar for all three size classes and represented roughly 12% of the gross attrition rate (includes fishing and natural mortality and emigration rates). For yellowfin tuna, fishing mortality ranged between 7% and 30%, the highest being in the medium size class. For both species, the overall attrition rate from the entire fishery area was nearly the same. However, in the specific case of the Cross Seamount fishery, the attrition rate for yellowfin tuna was roughly twice that for bigeye. This result indicates that bigeye tuna are more resident at the Seamount than yellowfin tuna, and larger bigeye tunas tend to reside longer than smaller individuals. This may result in larger fish being more vulnerable to capture in the Seamount fishery. The relatively low level of exchange between the Sea-mount and the inshore and longline fisheries suggests that the fishing activity at the Seamount need not be of great management concern for either species. However, given that the current exploitation rates are considered moderate (10–30%), and that Seamount aggregations of yellowfin and bigeye tuna are highly vulnerable to low-cost gear types, it is recommended that further increases in fishing effort for these species be monitored at Cross Seamount.


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Ninety-six bigeye tuna (88– 134 cm fork length) were caught and released with implanted archival (electronic data storage) tags near fish-aggregating devices (FADs) in the equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO) during April 2000. Twenty-nine fish were recaptured, and the data from twenty-seven tags were successfully downloaded and processed. Time at liberty ranged from 8 to 446 days, and data for 23 fish at liberty for 30 days or more are presented. The accuracy in geolocation estimates, derived from the light level data, is about 2 degrees in latitude and 0.5 degrees in longitude in this region. The movement paths derived from the filtered geolocation estimates indicated that none of the fish traveled west of 110°W during the period between release and recapture. The null hypothesis that the movement path is random was rejected in 17 of the 22 statistical tests of the observed movement paths. The estimated mean velocity was 117 km/d. The fish exhibited occasional deep-diving behavior, and some dives exceeded 1000 m where temperatures were less than 3°C. Evaluations of timed depth records, resulted in the discrimination of three distinct behaviors: 54.3% of all days were classified as unassociated (with a floating object) type-1 behavior, 27.7% as unassociated type-2 behavior, and 18.7% as behavior associated with a floating object. The mean residence time at floating objects was 3.1 d. Data sets separated into day and night were used to evaluate diel differences in behavior and habitat selection. When the fish were exhibiting unassociated type-1 behavior (diel vertical migrations), they were mostly at depths of less than 50 m (within the mixed layer) throughout the night, and during the day between 200 and 300 m and 13° and 14°C. They shifted their average depths in conjunction with dawn and dusk events, presumably tracking the deep-scattering layer as a foraging strategy. There were also observed changes in the average nighttime depth distributions of the fish in relation to moon phase.


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A freshly dead bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus was washed ashore near Burry Port, Wales (51 degrees 40' N; 4 degrees 15' W) in August, 2006. This is only the third occasion that the species has been observed in British waters, and is the largest and most northerly recorded specimen.


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En la primavera austral de 1986, 52 ejemplares de Thunnus obesus (patudo) fueron colectados entre 0-10º S y 95-105º W. Sus contenidos estomacales fueron identificados, contados y pesados.


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L’expansion des maladies métaboliques dans les sociétés modernes exige plus d’activités de recherche afin d’augmenter notre compréhension des mécanismes et l’identification de nouvelles cibles d’interventions cliniques. L’obésité, la résistance à l’insuline (RI) et la dyslipidémie, en particulier sont tous des facteurs de risque associés à la pathogenèse du diabète de type 2 (DT2) et des maladies cardiovasculaires. Ainsi, la dyslipidémie postprandiale, notamment la surproduction des lipoprotéines hépatiques et intestinales, contribue d’une façon significative à l’hypertriglycéridémie. Quoique plusieurs études cliniques et fondamentales chez l’homme et les modèles animaux aient mis en évidence les rôles importants joués par le foie et l’intestin dans la dyslipidémie, les mécanismes moléculaires en cause ne sont pas bien élucidés. L’une des voies principales régulant le métabolisme lipidique est la voie de la protéine kinase AMPK. L’épuisement de l’ATP intracellulaire entraîne une activation de l’AMPK qui va œuvrer pour rétablir l’équilibre énergétique en stimulant des voies génératrices d’ATP et en inhibant des voies anaboliques consommatrices d’ATP. Les effets positifs de l’activation de l’AMPK comprennent l’augmentation de la sensibilité à l’insuline dans les tissus périphériques, la réduction de l’hyperglycémie et la réduction de la lipogenèse, d’où son importance dans les interventions cliniques pour la correction des dérangements métaboliques. Il est à souligner que le rôle de l’AMPK dans le foie et l’intestin semble plus complexe et mal compris. Ainsi, la voie de signalisation de l’AMPK n’est pas bien élucidée dans les situations pathologiques telles que le DT2, la RI et l’obésité. Dans le présent projet, notre objectif consiste à caractériser le rôle de cette voie de signalisation dans la lipogenèse hépatique et dans le métabolisme des lipides dans l’intestin chez le Psammomys obesus, un modèle animal d’obésité, de RI et de DT2. À cette fin, 3 groupes d’animaux sont étudiés (i.e. contrôle, RI et DT2). En caractérisant la voie de signalisation de l’AMPK/ACC dans le foie, nous avons constaté une augmentation de l’expression génique des enzymes clés de la lipogenèse (ACC, FAS, SCD-1 et mGPAT) et des facteurs de transcription (ChREBP, SREBP-1) qui modulent leur niveau d’expression. Nos analyses détaillées ont révélé, par la suite, une nette augmentation de l’expression de l’isoforme cytosolique de l’ACC, ACC1 (impliqué dans la lipogenèse de novo) concomitante avec une invariabilité de l’expression de l’isoforme mitochondrial ACC2 (impliqué dans la régulation négative de la β-oxydation). En dépit d’un état adaptatif caractérisé par une expression protéique et une phosphorylation (activation) élevées de l’AMPKα, l’activité de la kinase qui phosphoryle et inhibe l’ACC reste très élevée chez les animaux RI et DT2. Au niveau de l’intestin grêle des animaux RI et DT2, nous avons démontré que l’augmentation de la lipogenèse intestinale est principalement associée avec une diminution de la voie de signalisation de l’AMPK (i.e. expression protéique et phosphorylation/activation réduites des deux isoformes AMPKα1 et AMPKα2). La principale conséquence de la diminution de l’activité AMPK est la réduction de la phosphorylation de l’ACC. Étant donné que le niveau d’expression totale d’ACC reste inchangé, nos résultats suggèrent donc une augmentation de l’activité des deux isoformes ACC1 et ACC2. En parallèle, nous avons observé une réduction de l’expression protéique et génique de la CPT1 [enzyme clé de la β-oxydation des acides gras (AG)]. L’ensemble de ces résultats suggère une inhibition de l’oxydation des AG concomitante avec une stimulation de la lipogenèse de novo. Enfin, nous avons démontré que l’intestin grêle est un organe sensible à l’action de l’insuline et que le développement de la résistance à l’insuline pourrait altérer les deux voies de signalisation (i.e. Akt/GSK3 et p38MAPK) essentielles dans plusieurs processus métaboliques. En conclusion, nos résultats indiquent que l’augmentation de la lipogenèse qui contribue pour une grande partie à la dyslipidémie dans la résistance à l’insuline et le diabète serait due, en partie, à des défauts de signalisation par l’AMPK. Nos observations illustrent donc le rôle crucial du système AMPK au niveau hépatique et intestinal, ce qui valide l’approche thérapeutique consistant à activer l’AMPK pour traiter les maladies métaboliques.


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Objective: To investigate whether beacon administration affects substrate utilisation, physical activity levels or energy expenditure in Psammomys obesus. Design: Pairs of age- and sex-matched Psammomys obesus were randomly assigned to either beacon-treated (15 µg/day for 7 days (i.c.v.)) or control (i.c.v. saline) groups. Measurements: Indirect calorimetry on day 0 and day 7 to measure oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production, which were used to calculate fat oxidation, carbohydrate oxidation and total energy expenditure. Physical activity in the calorimeter was measured using an infrared beam system. Food intake and body weight were measured daily. Results: The administration of beacon significantly increased body weight compared to saline-treated control animals. This body weight gain was primarily due to increased body fat content. Average daily food intake tended to be higher in beacon-treated Psammomys obesus, but no effect of beacon administration on substrate oxidation, activity or energy expenditure was detected. Conclusion: The effects of beacon on body weight are due to increased food intake, with no detectable effect on nutrient partitioning, physical activity or energy expenditure.


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Objective: To investigate hypothalamic beacon gene expression at various developmental stages in genetically selected diabetes-resistant and diabetes-prone Psammomys obesus. In addition, effects of dietary energy composition on beacon gene expression were investigated in diabetes-prone P. obesus. Methods: Hypothalamic beacon gene expression was measured using TaqmanÔ fluorogenic PCR in 4-, 8- and 16-week-old animals from each genetically selected line. Results: Expression of beacon was elevated in the diabetes-prone compared with diabetes-resistant P. obesus at 4 weeks of age despite no difference in body weight between the groups. At 8 weeks of age, hypothalamic beacon gene expression was elevated in diabetes-prone animals fed a high-energy diet, and was correlated with serum insulin concentration. Conclusion: P. obesus with a genetic predisposition for the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes have elevated hypothalamic beacon gene expression at an early age. Overexpression of beacon may contribute to the development of obesity and insulin resistance in these animals.


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It has been reported previously that leptin may be involved in nicotine's ability to reduce body weight. Our aim was to investigate whether the anorexic action of nicotine is related to the actions of leptin by utilizing lean leptin-sensitive and obese leptin-resistant Psammomys obesus. Lean and obese P. obesus were assigned to receive nicotine sulphate at 6, 9 or 12 mg/day or saline (control) for 9 days (n = 6-10 in each group), administered using mini-osmotic pumps. Food intake, body weight, plasma leptin concentrations, plasma insulin and blood glucose were measured at baseline and throughout the study period. Nicotine treatment reduced food intake by up to 40% in lean and obese P. obesus. Plasma leptin levels fell significantly only in lean nicotine-treated animals, whereas no changes were observed in obese nicotine-treated animals. However, both lean and obese nicotine-treated animals had similar reductions in body weight. Our results show that nicotine has dramatic effects on food intake and body weight, however, these changes appear to be independent of the leptin signalling pathway.