987 resultados para Spain. 1898 Dec. 10.


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Includes bibliographical references (p. 141-142).


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Impressa em papel couché. De acordo com Ana Luiza Martins em sua obra "Revistas em revista": "A Revista Moderna, impressa em Paris, em 1897, introduzia o que havia de mais avançado em periodismo, primando por elaboradas reportagens, coberturas de acontecimentos marcantes do tempo, geralmente ilustradas com desenhos tomados a partir dos acontecimentos, não se furtando ao sensacionalismo em voga."


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RESUMEN Objetivos Determinar la prevalencia de sintomatología musculoesquelética en trabajadores en una empresa avícola de Cundinamarca en el año 2013. Metodología Se eligió un diseño observacional, descriptivo, transversal mediante un método de recolección de datos a través de una herramienta estandarizada el “Cuestionario Nórdico musculoesquelético”(1), se adicionaron datos sociodemográficos como edad, género, cargo laboral y antigüedad laboral. El análisis del presente estudio se realizó a través de herramienta informática estadística “EPIINFO versión 3.5.4”(2). Resultados Del total de la población estudiada en la empresa avícola de Cundinamarca que fue de 229 trabajadores, se excluyeron 65 trabajadores por llevar menos de un año de labor en la empresa; quedando 164 trabajadores de las que correspondieron al género femenino 36.0% (n=58) y del género masculino 64.0% (n=105). El promedio de edad fue de 38.1 ± 9.4 años con un mínimo de 18 años y un máximo de 56 años. La distribución de acuerdo a nivel educativo principalmente fueron bachilleres con el 48.8% (n=80) y primaria fueron 34.8% (n=57). La prevalencia de síntomas osteomusculares en los últimos 12 meses por segmentos corporales fue más frecuente en manos y muñecas con un 65.2%, seguido del segmento de columna lumbar con un 48.0%; por número de segmentos comprometidos se encontró una prevalencia de 4 o más segmentos del 52.2%. Conclusión La prevalencia global de sintomatología musculoesquelética de nuestro estudio aunque coincidente con la literatura, evidencia a nivel de segmentos diferencias importantes como en el de manos muñecas, donde la séptima encuesta nacional de condiciones de trabajo del Instituto Nacional de Higiene en el Trabajo de España (INHT) reporta el 10.8%(3). En nuestro estudio se encontró una mayor prevalencia de síntomas en 4 o más segmentos comprometidos, comparado con el estudio Prevalence of multisite musculoskeletal symptoms: a French cross-sectional working population-based study que reporta una prevalencia para 4 o más segmentos del 27.0% al 35.0%(12), lo que nos hace pensar en la coexistencia de múltiples factores de riesgos ergonómicos.


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In this deed of feoffment, written on Dec. 10, 1677, Thomas Sweetman agreed to sell his dwelling house, barn, and orchard to his son-in-law, Michael Spencer, for the cost of eighty pounds sterling. The property was located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on what was then the northwest corner of the grounds of Harvard College, and was sold "together with the wood lot upon the rocks and cow commons belonging to it." The deed specifies that both Sweetman and his wife Isabel were to be allowed to occupy the property until their deaths, and further explains that Spencer and his family were already living in the dwelling house, occupying three rooms. The document was signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of Daniel Gookin, Jr. and John Bridgham. It was also signed by Thomas Sweetman.


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Supplement of Dances, 9 p., at end.


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Acknowledgements This work was funded by the projects HAR2013-43701-P (Spanish Economy and Competitiveness Ministry) and CGL2010-20672 (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation). This research was also partially developed with Xunta de Galicia funding (grants R2014/001 and GPC2014/009). N. Silva-Sánchez is currently supported by a FPU pre-doctoral grant (AP2010-3264) funded by the Spanish Government. We are grateful to Ana Moreno, Mariano Barriendos and Gerardo Benito who kindly provide us data included in Figure 5a. We also want to thank constructive comments from two anonymous reviewers.


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This paper presents effects of end-winding on shaft voltage in AC generators. A variety of design parameters have been considered to calculate the parasitic capacitive couplings in the machine structure with Finite Elements simulations and mathematical calculations. End-winding capacitances have also been calculated to have a precise estimation of shaft voltage and its relationship with design parameters in AC generators.


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Two letters from Rabbi Leo Baeck in London to Mrs. Fred Alexander in Belmont, MA pertaining to common acquaintances in Theresienstadt; Dec. 10, 1945 and Jan 3, 1947.


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The cyclically varying magnetic field of the Sun is believed to be produced by the hydromagnetic dynamo process. We first summarize the relevant observational data pertaining to sunspots and solar cycle. Then we review the basic principles of MHD needed to develop the dynamo theory. This is followed by a discussion how bipolar sunspots form due to magnetic buoyancy of flux tubes formed at the base of the solar convection zone. Following this, we come to the heart of dynamo theory. After summarizing the basic ideas of a turbulent dynamo and the basic principles of its mean field formulation, we present the famous dynamo wave solution, which was supposed to provide a model for the solar cycle. Finally we point out how a flux transport dynamo can circumvent some of the difficulties associated with the older dynamo models.


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The method of structured programming or program development using a top-down, stepwise refinement technique provides a systematic approach for the development of programs of considerable complexity. The aim of this paper is to present the philosophy of structured programming through a case study of a nonnumeric programming task. The problem of converting a well-formed formula in first-order logic into prenex normal form is considered. The program has been coded in the programming language PASCAL and implemented on a DEC-10 system. The program has about 500 lines of code and comprises 11 procedures.


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Vernacular dwellings are well-suited climate-responsive designs that adopt local materials and skills to support comfortable indoor environments in response to local climatic conditions. These naturally-ventilated passive dwellings have enabled civilizations to sustain even in extreme climatic conditions. The design and physiological resilience of the inhabitants have coevolved to be attuned to local climatic and environmental conditions. Such adaptations have perplexed modern theories in human thermal-comfort that have evolved in the era of electricity and air-conditioned buildings. Vernacular local building elements like rubble walls and mud roofs are given way to burnt brick walls and reinforced cement concrete tin roofs. Over 60% of Indian population is rural, and implications of such transitions on thermal comfort and energy in buildings are crucial to understand. Types of energy use associated with a buildings life cycle include its embodied energy, operational and maintenance energy, demolition and disposal energy. Embodied Energy (EE) represents total energy consumption for construction of building, i.e., embodied energy of building materials, material transportation energy and building construction energy. Embodied energy of building materials forms major contribution to embodied energy in buildings. Operational energy (OE) in buildings mainly contributed by space conditioning and lighting requirements, depends on the climatic conditions of the region and comfort requirements of the building occupants. Less energy intensive natural materials are used for traditional buildings and the EE of traditional buildings is low. Transition in use of materials causes significant impact on embodied energy of vernacular dwellings. Use of manufactured, energy intensive materials like brick, cement, steel, glass etc. contributes to high embodied energy in these dwellings. This paper studies the increase in EE of the dwelling attributed to change in wall materials. Climatic location significantly influences operational energy in dwellings. Buildings located in regions experiencing extreme climatic conditions would require more operational energy to satisfy the heating and cooling energy demands throughout the year. Traditional buildings adopt passive techniques or non-mechanical methods for space conditioning to overcome the vagaries of extreme climatic variations and hence less operational energy. This study assesses operational energy in traditional dwelling with regard to change in wall material and climatic location. OE in the dwellings has been assessed for hot-dry, warm humid and moderate climatic zones. Choice of thermal comfort models is yet another factor which greatly influences operational energy assessment in buildings. The paper adopts two popular thermal-comfort models, viz., ASHRAE comfort standards and TSI by Sharma and Ali to investigate thermal comfort aspects and impact of these comfort models on OE assessment in traditional dwellings. A naturally ventilated vernacular dwelling in Sugganahalli, a village close to Bangalore (India), set in warm - humid climate is considered for present investigations on impact of transition in building materials, change in climatic location and choice of thermal comfort models on energy in buildings. The study includes a rigorous real time monitoring of the thermal performance of the dwelling. Dynamic simulation models validated by measured data have also been adopted to determine the impact of the transition from vernacular to modern material-configurations. Results of the study and appraisal for appropriate thermal comfort standards for computing operational energy has been presented and discussed in this paper. (c) 2014 K.I. Praseeda. Published by Elsevier Ltd.