956 resultados para Sovereign wealth funds
Num contexto de mudanças no cenário econômico mundial, novas formas de investimento emergem, delineando o papel do Estado nas relações internacionais. Atores políticos que não tinham histórico como investidores passam a ganhar relevância no mercado financeiro mundial. A ambiguidade sobre o volume de recursos e intenções de investimento dos fundos da riqueza soberana de algumas nações, especialmente de países em desenvolvimento, tem causado desconforto junto às autoridades monetárias dos países ricos. Tal preocupação com o fluxo de capital e possível transferência de poder às economias antes periféricas suscitou uma onda de neonacionalismo. Para se esclarecer o entendimento sobre Fundos Soberanos, este trabalho organiza sua definição e principais características, uma vez que esta discussão é ainda midiática e controversa, dada a novidade do tema no meio acadêmico de pesquisa. Além disso, este estudo compara dados macroeconômicos de alguns poucos países, cujos governos detêm fundos já bem estabelecidos. Esta informação é essencial para a compreensão sobre o que justifica a efetividade na criação de um fundo deste tipo. Enfim, quer-se, também, à luz da análise qualitativa de diferentes tipos de fundos, discutir a configuração do Fundo Soberano do Brasil.
Durante a recente crise da dívida soberana europeia, os fundos soberanos demonstraram seu peso na esfera financeira global. Contribuíram para salvar o sistema financeiro dos países desenvolvidos, distribuindo créditos que as entidades financeiras tradicionais do Norte não podiam mais providenciar. Em 2012, os ativos totais desses fundos atingiram USD 4.620 bilhões, comparado aos USD 3.355 bilhões de antes da crise, no final de 2007 (Preqin, 2012). Sendo quase todos criados por economias em desenvolvimento ou subdesenvolvidas, os fundos soberanos podem então ser vistos como o símbolo de um recente reequilíbrio do poder a favor desses países (Santiso, 2008). Além disso, em um futuro próximo, espera-se que os fundos soberanos afastem-se dos países desenvolvidos para investir mais em países em desenvolvimento. Nesse contexto, os países africanos estão cada vez mais alvos de investimentos dos fundos (Triki & Faye, 2011). O estudo subjacente analisa dois fundos, o IFC ALAC e o Mubadala Development Company, para entender como, de acordo com as percepções dos seus gestores, os fundos soberanos podem ajudar no desenvolvimento dos países beneficiários. Mais precisamente, trata-se definir, através de um estudo de casos múltiplos, quais são os mecanismos pelos quais os fundos soberanos podem impactar o desenvolvimento da África ocidental. Os resultados sugerem que, segundo os gestores, os fundos soberanos podem desempenhar um papel significativo no desenvolvimento dos países beneficiários. Eles investem em alguns setores-chave da economia (bancos, infraestruturas etc.), criando condições favoráveis ao desenvolvimento local. Além disso, através de um efeito multiplicador, os investimentos dos fundos soberanos alavancam novos investimentos do setor privado local ou global, fortalecendo o tecido industrial e produtivo do país beneficiário. Porém, parece que as empresas beneficiárias não ajudam nas transferências de conhecimento e de tecnologia, embora sejam essenciais para o desenvolvimento econômico, e se limitam a programas de treinamento específico e de RSE. Além disso, apesar dos investimentos de fundos soberanos impulsionarem o crescimento da região, eles também podem agravar a dependência dessas economias à exportação de commodities. Finalmente, os impactos positivos dos fundos soberanos sobre a economia regional são muitas vezes reduzidos devido a conflitos políticos e barreiras estruturais exigindo reformas profundas e de longo prazo.
The study sheds light on the application of the rule of state immunity to sovereign wealth funds (SWFs). SWFs are Janus-faced investment vehicles established by their parent states to invest public resources in financial markets, with the aim of increasing long-term returns and pursuing macroeconomic goals. The ultimate purpose of the study is to assess if the hybrid nature of SWFs results in changes to the rule of state immunity when applied to them, and whether a generally accepted standard in this regard can be deduced from state practice. The research is conducted through a comparative analysis. It is based on the provisions of the UN Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property (UNCSI), as well as on six domestic jurisdictions (US, UK, France, Germany, Italy and China) among those that have contributed most significantly to the international debate on state immunity and which host the largest amount of SWF investments.
Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs), government-owned or managed investment vehicles, have proliferated at a remarkable rate over the past decade, even as political controversy has surrounded them. Why? The extant literature depicts the process of SWF creation as driven by functional imperatives associated with “excess” revenue and reserves accumulated from commodity booms and large current account surpluses. I argue that SWF creation also reflects in large part a process of contingent emulation in which first this policy has been constructed as appropriate for countries with given characteristics, and then when countries took on these characteristics, they followed their peers. Put simply, fashions and fads in finance matter for policy diffusion. I assess this argument using a new dataset on SWF creation that covers nearly 80 countries from 1984 to 2007. The results suggest peer-based contingent emulation has been a crucial factor shaping the decision of many countries to create a SWF, especially among fuel exporters. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, 2 – 5 September 2010. The author would like to thank Eric Neumayer for his many suggestions and comments on previous versions of the manuscript. The author would also like to thank Zachary Elkins for sharing data. Finally, the author would like to acknowledge the research assistance of Natali Bulamacioglu and Christopher Gandrud.
Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) have been established in several countries to manage the revenues arising from exhaustible natural resources. SWFs allow consumption to be spread between generations, and between periods of high and low natural resource prices. In this paper the arguments for and against establishing an SWF in Kenya are considered. A first section considers the argument that Kenya is too poor to allocate oil revenues to such a fund. A second section discusses the principles underlying such a fund. A final section concludes by considering the steps that are being taken to establish a Kenyan SWF.
As an alternative to the present system of intermediation of the German savings surplus, this paper suggests that the risk-adjusted rate of return could be improved by creating a sovereign wealth fund for Germany (designated DESWF), which could invest excess German savings globally. Such a DESWF would offer German savers a secure vehicle paying a guaranteed positive minimum real interest rate, with a top-up when real investment returns allowed. The vehicle would invest the funds in a portfolio that is highly diversified by geography and asset classes. Positive real returns can be expected in the long run based on positive real global growth. Since, in this case, a significant amount of funds would flow outside the euro area, the euro would depreciate, which would help crisis countries presently struggling to revive growth through exports and to close their external deficits so as to recoup their international credit-worthiness. Target imbalances would gradually disappear and German claims abroad would move from nominal claims on the ECB to diversified real and nominal claims on various private and public foreign entities in a variety of asset classes.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
L’intérêt principal de l’analyse du cadre des investissements miniers et pétroliers chinois en Afrique est la détermination du chantier juridique résultant de la cohabitation de deux cultures juridiques en vue de l’émergence d’une lex mercatoria dans les investissements sino-africains. Elle comprend deux parties principales. D’abord, l’étude se penche sur l’origine des fonds chinois investis sur le continent africain qui sont les fonds souverains. La problématique des fonds souverains est celle de savoir s’il s’agit d’instruments politiques ou financiers. Néanmoins, cette inquiétude ne freine pas la force opérationnelle grandissante des fonds souverains chinois sur le continent africain. Rentrant dans l’encadrement et le contenu du contrat proprement dit, l’analyse des figures contractuelles usitées dans l’industrie pétrolière et minière sino-africaine séparément dans les contextes chinois et africains révèle l’inadéquation des contrats et de la législation africaine aux besoins économiques et technologiques du continent. En outre, l’examen particulier des clauses de choix de la loi applicable et de règlement des différends dans les contextes chinois et africain permet de soulever quelques options possibles pour le contexte sino-africain. Ensuite, l’analyse se penche sur les mécanismes mis en place pour favoriser les investissements chinois miniers et pétroliers sur le continent africain avant de relever les conséquences dans les domaines sociaux et environnementaux desdits investissements. Il ressort donc que des avantages fiscaux et douaniers sont mis en place en faveur des investissements chinois en Afrique ainsi que des traités bilatéraux signés entre la Chine et de nombreux pays africains. Cependant, sur le plan social, l’on s’interroge sur la place accordée à la lutte contre la corruption et la promotion de la transparence dans l’industrie extractive africaine avec ses relations avec la Chine. L’on constate également que l’absence de transfert de technologie influe négativement sur le développement économique et technologique, la concurrence et l’emploi local du pays hôte. De même, la protection de l’environnement dans le contexte sino-africain semble être reléguée au dernier plan. L’environnement africain court donc le risque de connaître une crise comme celle de la chine causée par l’industrialisation du pays. La société civile nous apparaît donc au regard de ces effets peu glorieux des investissements chinois en Afrique dans les domaines miniers et pétroliers comme une troisième partie de cette relation qui devra être la médiatrice ou régulatrice entre les deux autres.
Este trabalho faz uma resenha da literatura sobre Fundos Soberanos, destacando tópicos como suas origens, objetivos, impactos de seus investimentos, transparência e atuação destes instrumentos governamentais na recente crise financeira global. Analisa ainda a criação do Fundo Soberano Brasileiro buscando ressaltar seus prós e contras. Ressaltamos a necessidade de se observar superávits consistentes em Conta Corrente no Balanço de Pagamentos para justificar a constituição destes instrumentos. A simples existência de elevados volumes de reservas internacionais não serve como prerrogativa para sua criação, devendo-se analisar a sustentabilidade e volatilidade das fontes das divisas. Ainda, destacamos que os Fundos Soberanos são veículos de investimentos governamentais cuja relevância no mercado financeiro não justifica os temores que possam causar desequilíbrios relevantes, apesar das críticas e questionamentos em relação à falta de transparência na divulgação de informações acerca de seus investimentos.
The focus of Corporate Governance is shifting from the role of directors to active ownership. Based on their fiduciary duty to other shareholders, it is believed that institutional investors have an important role to play in this regard. However, the Pension Funds and the Sovereign Wealth Organisations are not driven by the same set of objectives. In addition, Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) issues in investment decision-making are now becoming more important and they are capable of becoming the mainstream in the future. However, there are widespread variations in perception of fiduciary responsibilities, ESG issues appraisal, as well as the strategies adopted by institutional investors on shareholder engagement as responsible investors. Responsible Investment market is largely driven by institutional investors and they are expected to continue to lead the way. This research work investigates the role of the main asset owners and their advisors in responsible investment practices in the UK. It adopts a qualitative approach using semi-structured interviews, questionnaire and meetings observations. Gathered data is analysed using grounded theory and the findings highlight the perception of the various investor groups to corporate governance. The research work contributes to the body of knowledge by assessing the corporate governance perspectives of the various classes of institutional investors which may have practical implications for other countries.
The administrative model of the Brazilian State, based on regulation, strives, with the application of the efficiency principle and assessment of economical costs, to give a greater effectiveness to fundamental rights by implementing public policies.The objective of this work is to analyze the role of Oil royalties in the context of the Brazilian State, considering that, being an income gap, they might work as a device that promotes intra/intergenerational justice. By means of a correct and efficient distribution and application in the national region, the royalties constitute financial resources available for implementing public policies that intend to guarantee the fundamental rights; above all, with the discovery of the Pre-salt basin and the indisputable rise in the tax revenues arising from Oil exploration. In the making of this work, the theoretical-descriptive methodology is observed, grounded in a critical-reflexive analysis about Constitutional Law and Oil Law. This work analyzes the administrative model of the Brazilian State, the theory of costs of fundamental rights and the theoretical aspects about royalties, such as: the ethical and economical fundamentals, the distribution and destination of revenues, considering the oil exploration scenario before and after the discovery of the pre-salt basin. it is verified, with the present work, the importance of the creation of a new regulatory framework, and consequently the creation of a sovereign wealth fund, which arises to re-evaluate the application of the current norms of Oil revenue distribution. Still, it is imperative that the mechanisms for controlling the application of royalties are defined in detail, so that those can fully admit the objectives of intra/intergenerational justice. Furthermore, it is emphasized that this process should develop from the efficiency principle viewpoint, as well as the principle of reducing social and regional differences, given that the Oil revenues might be used to ensure fundamental social rights, by implementing public policies that are aligned with the development recommended by the Federal Constitution
An empirical investigation of the impact of global energy transition on Nigerian oil and gas exports
18 months embargo on the thesis and check appendix for copy right materials
This dissertation examines international lending arrangements between a competitive foreign investor and a less-developed country. Given that the benefits and costs of borrowing are distributed unequally across society, it is of interest to examine the conditions under which borrowing occurs and how the borrowed funds are allocated. Three theoretical models are developed to consider optimal lending arrangements in the presence of sovereign risk. The models show how a society's level and distribution of wealth influences its access to loans and the terms of the loan agreements. Optimal loan contracts are established, which place either a debt ceiling or a debt floor on the amount of the loan that, will be offered. ^
This paper examines the impact of Sovereign rating changes on the aggregate stock and bond market returns both in emerging and developed countries. Rating downgrades in emerging markets are associated with significant negative wealth effects both in the stock and bond markets. Moreover, the effects of rating downgrades persist up to six-months after the event. In contrast, upgrades in emerging markets convey no information. Rating changes in developed markets have no significant impact on either stock and bond market returns. Rating agencies act pro-cyclically, downgrading countries in bad times and, consequently, contributing to the instability in emerging markets.