17 resultados para Southland


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Later edition published 1872 under title: The living female writers of the South.


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The macerals in bituminous coals with varying organic sulfur content from the Early Permian Greta Coal Measures at three locations (Southland Colliery, Drayton Colliery and the Cranky Corner Basin), in and around the Sydney Basin (Australia), have been studied using light-element electron microprobe (EMP) analysis and micro-ATR–FTIR. Electron microprobe analysis of individual macerals reveals that the vitrinite in both the Cranky Corner Basin and Drayton Colliery (Puxtrees seam) samples have similar carbon contents (ca. 78% C in telocollinite), suggesting that they are of equivalent rank. However, the Cranky Corner coals have anomalously low vitrinite reflectance (down to 0.45%) vs. the Drayton materials (ca. 0.7%). They also have very high organic S content (3–6.5%) and lower O content (ca. 10%) than the equivalent macerals in the Drayton sample (0.7% S and 15.6% O). A study was carried out to investigate the impacts of the high organic S on the functional groups of the macerals in these two otherwise iso-rank, stratigraphically-equivalent seams. An iso-rank low-S coal from the overlying Wittingham Coal Measures near Muswellbrook and coals of slightly higher rank from the Greta Coal Measures at Southland Colliery near Cessnock were also evaluated using the same techniques to extend the data set. Although the telocollinite in the Drayton and Cranky Corner coals have very similar carbon content (ca.78% C), the ATR–FTIR spectra of the vitrinite and inertinite macerals in these respectively low S and high S coals show some distinct differences in IR absorbance from various aliphatic and aromatic functional groups. The differences in absorbance of the aliphatic stretching bands (2800–3000 cm−1) and the aromatic carbon (CC) peak at 1606 cm−1 are very obvious. Compared to that of the Drayton sample (0.7% S and 15% O), the telocollinite of the Cranky Corner coal (6% S and 10% O) clearly shows: (i) less absorbance from OH groups, represented by a broad region around 3553 cm−1, (ii) much stronger aliphatic C–H absorbance (stretching modes around 3000–2800 cm−1 and bending modes around 1442 cm−1) and (iii) less absorbance from aromatic carbon functional groups (peaking at 1606 cm−1). Evaluation of the iso-rank Drayton and Cranky Corner coals shows that: (i) the aliphatic C–H absorbances decrease with increasing oxygen content but increase with increasing organic S content and (ii) the aromatic H to aliphatic H ratio (Har/Hali) for the telocollinite increases with (organic) O%, but decreases progressively with increasing organic S. The high organic S content in the maceral appears to be accompanied by a greater proportion of aliphatic functional groups, possibly as a result of some of the O within maceral ring structures in the high S coal samples being replaced.


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Coal Seam Gas (CSG) is a form of natural gas (mainly methane) sorbed in underground coal beds. To mine this gas, wells are drilled directly into an underground coal seam and groundwater (CSG water) is pumped out to the surface. This lowers the downhole piezometric pressure and enables gas desporption from the coal matrix. In the United States, this gas has been extracted commercially since the 1980s. The economic success of US CSG projects has inspired exploration and development in Australia and New Zealand. In Australia, Queensland’s Bowen and Surat basins have been the subject of increased CSG development over the last decade. CSG growth in other Australian basins has not matured to the same level but exploration and development are taking place at an accelerated pace in the Sydney Basin (Illawarra and the Hunter Valley, NSW) and in the Gunnedah Basin. Similarly, CSG exploration in New Zealand has focused in the Waikato region (Maramarua and Huntly), in the West Coast region (Buller, Reefton, and Greymouth), and in Southland (Kaitangata, Mataura, and Ohai). Figure 1 shows a Shcoeller diagram with CSG samples from selected basins in Australia, New Zealand, and the USA. CSG water from all of these basins exhibit the same geochemical signature – low calcium, low magnesium, high bicarbonate, low sulphate and, sometimes, high chloride. This water quality is a direct result of specific biological and geological processes that have taken part in the formation of CSG. In general, these processes include the weathering of rocks (carbonates, dolomite, and halite), cation exchange with clays (responsible for enhanced sodium and depleted calcium and magnesium), and biogenic processes (accounting for the presence of high bicarbonate concentrations). The salinity of CSG waters tends to be brackish (TDS < 30000 mg/l) with a fairly neutral pH. These particular characteristics need to be taken into consideration when assessing water management and disposal alternatives. Environmental issues associated with CSG water disposal have been prominent in developed basins such as the Powder River Basin (PRB) in the United States. When disposed on the land or used for irrigation, water having a high dissolved salts content may reduce water availability to crops thus affecting crop yield. In addition, the high sodium, low calcium and low magnesium concentrations increase the potential to disperse soils and significantly reduce the water infiltration rate. Therefore, CSG waters need to be properly characterised, treated, and disposed to safeguard the environment without compromising other natural resources.


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Aims : To describe the incidence of parentally reported illness in otherwise healthy South Island toddlers; characterise the predictors of illness; and determine whether there was a relationship between teething and illness in this population.

Methods :
A 20-week randomised controlled trial was conducted on 1-year-old children (n=225) from Otago and Southland between February 2004 and December 2005. Information on symptoms of morbidity, occurrence of teething, and childcare attendance were recorded daily throughout the intervention period. Morbidity symptoms were categorised into respiratory illness (RI), gastrointestinal illness (GII), ear infection, and total illness, and the number and duration of events were determined.

Results :
The mean (SD) number of total illnesses was 3.4 (2.3) per 20 weeks, with an average duration of 4.5 days. Episodes of RI were most common (50% of total illness events), and tended to be the longest in duration (mean of 3.7 days). Having siblings aged less than 5 years (23% increase, 95%CI 6%–42%, p=0.007) and attending childcare (72% increase, 95%CI 38%–113%, p<0.001)), were positively associated with the number of total illness events but not duration. In addition, teething was positively associated with total events (OR 1.94, 95%CI 1.45–2.60, p<0.001), RI events (OR 2.03, 95%CI 1.41–2.93, p<0.001) and GII events (OR 1.90, 95%CI 1.36–2.67, p<0.001).

Conclusion :
This study has shown that illness (particularly RI) is common in the second year of life. It has also confirmed that attending childcare and having siblings aged under 5 years increases the number of illness events. An association between teething and the occurrence of illness was also seen but the exact nature of this relationship requires verification.


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The Animal Health Board (AHB) is the agency responsible for controlling bovine tuberculosis (Tb) in New Zealand. In 2000, the AHB embarked on a strategy designed to reduce the annual period prevalence of Tb infected cattle and farmed deer herds from 1.67% to 0.2% by 2012/13. Under current rules of the Office International des Epizooties (OIE) this would allow New Zealand to claim freedom from Tb. The epidemiology of Tb in New Zealand is largely influenced by wildlife reservoirs of infection and control of Tb vector populations is central to the elimination of Tb from New Zealand’s cattle and deer herds. The AHB has classified New Zealand’s land area into Vector Risk Areas (VRAs) where Tb is established in wildlife (currently 39%) and Vector Free Areas (VFAs) where the disease is not established (61%). Within the VRAs the introduced Australian brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is the primary wildlife maintenance host and the main source of infection for domestic cattle and deer herds. Southland is a region of New Zealand with a long history of wildlife associated Tb. Progress in reducing infected herd numbers has been impressive in recent years, primarily due to an intensive possum control program. As a result of this reduction, the focus is now shifting to that of providing increasing levels of confidence that Tb is absent from the remaining susceptible wildlife. High levels of confidence of Tb freedom in wildlife will allow the AHB to reduce the wildlife control programs and ultimately cease control altogether, with minimal risk of Tb reemerging. This paper examines the strategies being utilized to provide that confidence. The types of data, the format in which it is collected and the methods of analysis and review are outlined.


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The Bounty Trough, east of New Zealand, lies along the southeastern edge of the present-day Subtropical Front (STF), and is a major conduit via the Bounty Channel, for terrigenous sediment supply from the uplifted Southern Alps to the abyssal Bounty Fan. Census data on 65 benthic foraminiferal faunas (>63 µm) from upper bathyal (ODP 1119), lower bathyal (DSDP 594) and abyssal (ODP 1122) sequences, test and refine existing models for the paleoceanographic and sedimentary history of the trough through the last 150 ka (marine isotope stages, MIS 6-1). Cluster analysis allows recognition of six species groups, whose distribution patterns coincide with bathymetry, the climate cycles and displaced turbidite beds. Detrended canonical correspondence analysis and comparisons with modern faunal patterns suggest that the groups are most strongly influenced by food supply (organic carbon flux), and to a lesser extent by bottom water oxygen and factors relating to sediment type. Major faunal changes at upper bathyal depths (1119) probably resulted from cycles of counter-intuitive seaward-landward migrations of the Southland Front (SF) (north-south sector of the STF). Benthic foraminiferal changes suggest that lower nutrient, cool Subantarctic Surface Water (SAW) was overhead in warm intervals, and higher nutrient-bearing, warm neritic Subtropical Surface Water (STW) was overhead in cold intervals. At lower bathyal depths (594), foraminiferal changes indicate increased glacial productivity and lowered bottom oxygen, attributed to increased upwelling and inflow of cold, nutrient-rich, Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) and shallowing of the oxygen-minimum zone (upper Circum Polar Deep Water, CPDW). The observed cyclical benthic foraminiferal changes are not a result of associations migrating up and down the slope, as glacial faunas (dominated by Globocassidulina canalisuturata and Eilohedra levicula at upper and lower bathyal depths, respectively) are markedly different from those currently living in the Bounty Trough. On the abyssal Bounty Fan (1122), faunal changes correlate most strongly with grain size, and are attributed to varying amounts of mixing of displaced and in-situ faunas. Most of the displaced foraminifera in turbiditic sand beds are sourced from mid-outer shelf depths at the head of the Bounty Channel. Turbidity currents were more prevalent during, but not restricted to, glacial intervals.


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1119 is located at water depth 395 m near the subtropical front (STF; here represented by the Southland Front), just downslope from the shelf edge of eastern South Island, New Zealand. The upper 86.19 metres composite depth (mcd) of Site 1119 sediment was deposited at an average sedimentation rate of 34 cm/kyr during Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 1-8 (0-252 ka), and is underlain across a ~25 kyr intra-MIS 8 unconformity by MIS 8.5-11 (277-367 ka) and older sediment deposited at ~14 cm/kyr. A time scale is assigned to Site 1119 using radiocarbon dates for the period back to ~39 ka, and, prior to then, by matching its climatic record with that of the Vostok ice core, which it closely resembles. Four palaeoceanographic proxy measures for surface water masses vary together with the sandy-muddy, glacial-interglacial (G/I) cyclicity at the site. Interglacial intervals are characterised by heavy delta13C, high colour reflectance (a proxy for carbonate content), low Q-ray (a proxy for clay content) and light delta18O; conversely, glacial intervals exhibit light delta13C, low reflectance, high Q-ray and heavy delta18O signatures. Early interglacial intervals are represented by silty clays with 10-105-cm-thick beds of sharp-based (Chondrites-burrowed), shelly, graded, fine sand. The sands are rich in foraminifera, and were deposited distant from the shoreline under the influence of longitudinal flow in relatively deep water. Glacial intervals comprise mostly micaceous silty clay, though with some thin (2-10 cm thick) sands present also at peak cold periods, and contain the cold-water scallop Zygochlamys delicatula. Interglacial sandy intervals are characterised by relatively low sedimentation rates of 5-32 cm/kyr; cold climate intervals MIS 10, 6 and 2 have successively higher sedimentation rates of 45, 69 and 140 cm/kyr. Counter-intuitively,and forced by the bathymetric control of a laterally-moving shoreline during G/I and I/G transitions, the 1119 core records a southeasterly (seaward) movement of the STF during early glacial periods, accompanied by the incursion of subtropical water (STW) above the site, and northwesterly (landward) movement during late glacial and interglacial times, resulting in a dominant influence then of subantarctic surface water (SAW). The history of passage of these different water masses at the site is clearly delineated by their characteristic delta13C values. The intervals of thin, graded sands-muds which occur within MIS 2-3, 6, 7.4 and 10 indicate the onset at times of peak cold of intermittent bottom currents caused by strengthened and expanded frontal flows along the STF, which at such times lay near Site 1119 in close proximity to seaward-encroaching subantarctic waters within the Bounty gyre. In common with other nearby Southern Hemisphere records, the cold period which represents the last glacial maximum lasted between ~23-18 ka at Site 1119, during which time the STF and Subantarctic Front (SAF) probably merged into a single intense frontal zone around the head of the adjacent Bounty Trough.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Publication suspended Mar. 1920-Feb. 1921.


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An illustrated monthly magazine about the great Southland (varies).


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Materials.--The Southland.--The poor white.--Immigration.--Southern leadership.--Southern temperament.--Attitude toward history.--Negro character.--Negro life.--The Negro at work.--Is the Negro rising?--Race association.--Race separation.--Crime and its penalties.--Lynching.--Actual wealth.--Comparative wealth.--Making cotton.--Cotton hands.--Peonage.--White education.--Negro education.--Objections to education.--Postulates of the problem.--The wrong way out.--Material and political remedies.--Moral remedies.


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Revised edition of the author's Southland writers. 2 v. 1870.


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Vol. 1-2, written under the author's pseud., H.J. Mozans.


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Known Early-Middle Miocene terrestrial strata of southern New Zealand are represented by alluvial plain and lacustrine sediments. A vertebrate fauna including fish, ducks, and crocodiles populated Lake Manuherikia, with abundant mussels, gastropods, and stromatolites occupying the near-shore areas of the lake. A diverse vegetation covered the surrounding broad fluvial plains that extended to the coastal margins. Initially this was largely rainforest, which varied according to habitat and to changing climate. In particular, the climate and ecology appear to have fluctuated across the two major thresholds of fire/no-fire and of peat accumulation and no-peat. A major climate change, possibly the sharp global deterioration in conditions at about 14 Ma, profoundly changed the vegetation. Rainforest continuity fragmented, and herblands became widespread. Leaf fossils effectively disappear from the record at this time.