999 resultados para Southern Patagonia


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The objective of this paper is to present the first steps into the study of health in southern Patagonia during pre and post Native-European contact. Thus, our work has a double purpose. First, to discuss characteristics and relevance of human bone records of southern Patagonia, in order to study health in a population context. Second, to show some new lines of information, which include paleoparasitology, nutritional paleopathologies, and the study of lifestyles from human remains. In this context, we have started working on the first Spanish settlement "Nombre de Jesus", founded in 1584, and with historical documentation of "La Candelaria" Mission in Rio Grande (1896-1931).


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Pío XI, the largest glacier of the Southern Patagonia Icefield, reached its neoglacial maximum extent in 1994 and is one of the few glaciers in that area which is not retreating. In view of the recent warming it is important to understand glacier responses to climate changes. Due to its remoteness and the harsh conditions in Patagonia, no systematic mass balance studies have been performed. In this study we derived net accumulation rates for the period 2000–2006 from a 50 m (33.2 4 m weq) ice core collected in the accumulation area of Pío XI (2600 m a.s.l., 49°16'40"S, 73°21'14"W). Borehole temperatures indicate near temperate ice, but the average melt percent is only 16 ± 14%. Records of stable isotopes are well preserved and were used for identification of annual layers. Net accumulation rates range from 3.4–7.1 water equivalent (m weq) with an average of 5.8 m weq, comparable to precipitation amounts at the Chilean coast, but not as high as expected for the Icefield. Ice core stable isotope data correlate well with upper air temperatures and may be used as temperature proxy.


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The 106 m long composite profile from site 2 of ICDP expedition 5022 (PASADO) at Laguna Potrok Aike documents a distinct change in sedimentation patterns from pelagic sediments at the top to dominating mass movement deposits at its base. The main lithological units correspond to the Holocene, to the Lateglacial and to the last glacial period and can be interpreted as the result of distinct environmental variations. Overflow conditions might have been achieved during the last glacial period, while signs of desiccation are absent in the studied sediment record. Altogether, 58 radiocarbon dates were used to establish a consistent age-depth model by applying the mixed-effect regression procedure which results in a basal age of 51.2 cal. ka BP. Radiocarbon dates show a considerable increase in scatter with depth which is related to the high amount of reworking. Validation of the obtained chronology was achieved with geomagnetic relative paleointensity data and tephra correlation.


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Four seismic surveys and a stratigraphic record from southernmost Patagonia (Argentina) based on 51 AMS-14C dates obtained in the framework of ICDP expedition 5022 "Potrok Aike Maar Lake Sediment Archive Drilling Project" (PASADO) provide a database to compare the 106 m composite profile from the lake centre with piston cores from the littoral and outcrops in the catchment area. Based on event correlation using distinct volcanic ash layers with unique geochemical composition and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates on feldspars, sediment records are firmly linked. This approach allows to match the sediment record with water levels during the past ca. 49 ka providing evidence for lake level variations. Reconstructed lake levels were 20 m higher than today during the last Glacial until the early Holocene. With the migration of the Southern Hemispheric Westerlies over this site the lake level dropped ca. 55 m for a period of two millennia. Thereupon the water balance was more positive again causing a stepwise rise of the lake level until the maximum was reached during the Little Ice Age with a subsequent lowering since the 20th century. We suggest that the mid- to late-Holocene lake level variation is caused by intensity changes of the Southern Hemispheric Westerlies.


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Relict sand wedges are ubiquitous in southern Patagonia. At six sites we conducted detailed investigations of stratigraphy, soils, and wedge frequency and characteristics. Some sections contain four or more buried horizons with casts. The cryogenic features are dominantly relict sand wedges with an average depth, maximum apparent width, minimum apparent width, and H/W of 78, 39, 3.8, and 2.9 cm, respectively. The host materials are fine-textured (silt loam, silty clay loam, clay loam) till and the infillings are aeolian sand. The soils are primarily Calciargidic Argixerolls that bear a legacy of climate change. Whereas the sand wedges formed during very cold (-4 to -8 °C or colder) and dry (ca. <=100 mm precipitation/yr) glacial periods, petrocalcic horizons from calcium carbonate contributed by dustfall formed during warmer (7 °C or warmer) and moister (>= 250 mm/yr) interglacial periods. The paleo-argillic (Bt) horizons reflect unusually moist interglacial events where the mean annual precipitation may have been 400 mm/yr. Permafrost was nearly continuous in southern Patagonia during the Illinoian glacial stage (ca. 200 ka), the early to mid-Pleistocene (ca. 800-500 ka), and on two occasions during the early Pleistocene (ca. 1.0-1.1 Ma).


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Living microorganisms inhabit every environment of the biosphere but only in the last decades their importance governing biochemical cycles in deep sediments has been widely recognized. Most investigations have been accomplished in the marine realm whereas there is a clear paucity of comparable studies in lacustrine sediments. One of the main challenges is to define geomicrobiological proxies that can be used to identify different microbial signals in the sediments. Laguna Potrok Aike, a maar lake located in Southeastern Patagonia, has an annually not stratifying cold water column with temperatures ranging between 4 and 10 °C, and most probably an anoxic water/sediment interface. These unusual features make it a peculiar and interesting site for geomicrobiological studies. Living microbial activity within the sediments was inspected by the first time in a sedimentary core retrieved during an ICDP-sponsored drilling operation. The main goals to study this cold subsaline environment were to characterize the living microbial consortium; to detect early diagenetic signals triggered by active microbes; and to investigate plausible links between climate and microbial populations. Results from a meter long gravity core suggest that microbial activity in lacustrine sediments can be sustained deeper than previously thought due to their adaptation to both changing temperature and oxygen availability. A multi-proxy study of the same core allowed defining past water column conditions and further microbial reworking of the organic fraction within the sediments. Methane content shows a gradual increase with depth as a result of the fermentation of methylated substrates, first methanogenic pathway to take place in the shallow subsurface of freshwater and subsaline environments. Statistical analyses of DGGE microbial diversity profiles indicate four clusters for Bacteria reflecting layered communities linked to the oxidant type whereas three clusters characterize Archaea communities that can be linked to both denitrifiers and methanogens. Independent sedimentary and biological proxies suggest that organic matter production and/or preservation have been lower during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) coinciding with a low microbial colonization of the sediments. Conversely, a reversed trend with higher organic matter content and substantial microbial activity characterizes the sediments deposited during the Little Ice Age (LIA). Thus, the initial sediments deposited during distinctive time intervals under contrasting environmental conditions have to be taken into account to understand their impact on the development of microbial communities throughout the sediments and their further imprint on early diagenetic signals.


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Authigenic minerals can form in the water column and sediments of lakes, either abiotically or mediated by biological activity. Such minerals have been used as paleosalinity and paleoproductivity indicators and reflect trophic state and early diagenetic conditions. They are also considered potential indicators of past and perhaps ongoing microbial activity within sediments. Authigenic concretions, including vivianite, were described in late glacial sediments of Laguna Potrok Aike, a maar lake in southernmost Argentina. Occurrence of iron phosphate implies specific phosphorus sorption behavior and a reducing environment, with methane present. Because organic matter content in these sediments was generally low during glacial times, there must have been alternative sources of phosphorus and biogenic methane. Identifying these sources can help define past trophic state of the lake and diagenetic processes in the sediments. We used scanning electron microscopy, phosphorus speciation in bulk sediment, pore water analyses, in situ ATP measurements, microbial cell counts, and measurements of methane content and its carbon isotope composition (d13C CH4) to identify components of and processes in the sediment. The multiple approaches indicated that volcanic materials in the catchment are important suppliers of iron, sulfur and phosphorus. These elements influence primary productivity and play a role in microbial metabolism during early diagenesis. Authigenic processes led to the formation of pyrite framboids and revealed sulfate reduction. Anaerobic oxidation of methane and shifts in pore water ion concentration indicated microbial influence with depth. This study documents the presence of active microbes within the sediments and their relationship to changing environmental conditions. It also illustrates the substantial role played by microbes in the formation of Laguna Potrok Aike concretions. Thus, authigenic minerals can be used as biosignatures in these late Pleistocene maar sediments.