992 resultados para South Atlantic magnetic anomaly


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Equatorial F region vertical plasma drifts, spread F and anomaly responses, in the south American longitude sector during the superstorm of 30 October 2003, are analyzed using data from an array of instruments consisting of Digisondes, a VHF radar, GPS TEC and scintillation receivers in Brazil, and a Digisonde and a magnetometer in Jicamarca, Peru. Prompt penetrating eastward electric field of abnormally large intensity drove the F layer plasma up at a velocity ∼1200 ms -1 during post dusk hours in the eastern sector over Brazil. The equatorial anomaly was intensified and expanded poleward while the development of spread F/plasma bubble irregularities and GPS signal scintillations were weaker than their quiet time intensity. Significantly weaker F region response over Jicamarca presented a striking difference in the intensity of prompt penetration electric field between Peru and eastern longitudes of Brazil. The enhanced post dusk sector vertical drift over Brazil is attributed to electro-dynamics effects arising energetic particle precipitation in the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA). These extraordinary results and their longitudinal differences are presented and discussed in this paper. Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union.


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The upcoming solar maximum, which is expected to reach its peak around May 2013, occurs at a time when our reliance on high-precision GNSS has reached unprecedented proportions. The perturbations of the ionosphere caused by increased solar activity pose a major threat to these applications. This is particularly true in equatorial regions where high exposure to solar-induced disturbances is coupled with explosive growth of precise GNSS applications. Along with the various types of solar-induced ionospheric disturbances, strong scintillations are amongst the most challenging, causing phase measurement errors up to full losses of lock for several satellites. Brazil, which heavily relies on high-precision GNSS, is one of the most affected regions due notably to the proximity to the southern crest of the ionospheric equatorial anomaly and to the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly. In the framework of the CIGALA project, we developed the PolaRxS™, a GNSS receiver dedicated to the monitoring of ionospheric scintillation indices not only in the GPS L1 band but for all operational and upcoming constellations and frequency bands. A network of these receivers was deployed across the whole Brazilian territory in order to first investigate and secondly to mitigate the impact of scintillation on the different signals, ensuring high precision GNSS availability and integrity in the area. This paper reports on the validation of the PolaRxS™ receiver as an ionospheric scintillation monitor and the first results of the analysis of the data collected with the CIGALA network.


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We report new archeointensity data obtained from the analyses of baked clay elements (architectural and kiln brick fragments) sampled in Southeast Brazil and historically and/or archeologically dated between the end of the XVIth century and the beginning of the XXth century AD. The results were determined using the classical Thellier and Thellier protocol as modified by Coe, including partial thermoremanent magnetization (pTRM) and pTRM-tail checks, and the Triaxe protocol, which involves continuous high-temperature magnetization measurements. In both protocols, TRM anisotropy and cooling rate TRM dependence effects were taken into account for intensity determinations which were successfully performed for 150 specimens from 43 fragments, with a good agreement between intensity results obtained from the two procedures. Nine site-mean intensity values were derived from three to eight fragments and defined with standard deviations of less than 8%. The site-mean values vary from similar to 25 mu T to similar to 42 mu T and describe in Southeast Brazil a continuous decreasing trend by similar to 5 mu T per century between similar to 1600 AD and similar to 1900 AD. Their comparison with recent archeointensity results obtained from Northeast Brazil and reduced at a same latitude shows that: (1) the geocentric axial dipole approximation is not valid between these southeastern and northeastern regions of Brazil, whose latitudes differ by similar to 10 degrees, and (2) the available global geomagnetic field models (gufm1 models, their recalibrated versions and the CALSK3 models) are not sufficiently precise to reliably reproduce the non-dipole field effects which prevailed in Brazil for at least the 1600-1750 period. The large non-dipole contribution thus highlighted is most probably linked to the evolution of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA) during that period. Furthermore, although our dataset is limited, the Brazilian archeointensity data appear to support the view of a rather oscillatory behavior of the axial dipole moment during the past three centuries that would have been marked in particular by a moderate increase between the end of the XVIIIth century and the middle of the XIXth century followed by the well-known decrease from 1840 AD attested by direct measurements. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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To study the production and propagation of fast secondaries particles in the atmosphere, data collected during eleven quiet-time balloon flights are analysed. Comparisons of these data with those obtained in different geomagnetic rigidity regions permit to estimate the contributions of the proton and electron components in the measured intensities. Derivations of this last component in the «upward» and «downward» moving electrons fluxes indicate that in the anomaly region a fraction of these particles, produced by the primary protons, are leaving the atmosphere and will not return to the Earth. © 1991 Società Italiana di Fisica.


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Magnetic polarity stratigraphies from ODP Leg 177 'high resolution' sites indicate Brunhes sedimentation rates in the 12-25 cm/kyr range, with a trend of decreasing sedimentation rates with increasing age. Magnetite is the principal remanence-carrying mineral. Downcore alteration of magnetite and authigenic growth of iron sulfides introduces a high coercivity diagenetic remanence carrier (pyrrhotite). The change in pore water sulfate with depth in the sediment tends to be in step with the decrease in magnetization intensity, indicating the link between sulfate reduction and magnetite dissolution. Shipboard pass-through magnetometer data are generally very noisy due to a combination of weak magnetization intensities, drilling-related core deformation, and the influence of authigenic iron sulfides. Post-cruise progressive demagnetization of discrete samples aids the magnetostratigraphic interpretation, as these measurements are less influenced by low magnetization intensities and drilling-related deformation. The magnetostratigraphic interpretations provide much-needed calibration for biostratigraphic events in the high latitude southern oceans. Apart from the ODP Hole 745B (Kerguelen Plateau), published Plio-Pleistocene magnetostratigraphies from ODP sites in the Southern Ocean are poorly constrained. For this reason, we compare interpolated ages of 11 radiolarian events and one diatom event that occur at Hole 745B and Leg 177 sites.


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Geochemical and rock magnetic investigations of sediments from three sites on the continental margin off Argentina and Uruguay were carried out to study diagenetic alteration of iron minerals driven by anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM). The western Argentine Basin represents a suitable sedimentary environment to study nonsteady-state processes because it is characterized by highly dynamic depositional conditions. Mineralogic and bulk solid phase data document that the sediment mainly consists of terrigenous material with high contents of iron minerals. As a typical feature of these deposits, distinct minima in magnetic susceptibility (k) are observed. Pore water data reveal that these minima in susceptibility coincide with the current depth of the sulfate/methane transition (SMT) where HS- is generated by the process of AOM. The released HS- reacts with the abundant iron (oxyhydr)oxides resulting in the precipitation of iron sulfides accompanied by a nearly complete loss of magnetic susceptibility. Modeling of geochemical data suggest that the magnetic record in this area is highly influenced by a drastic change in mean sedimentation rate (SR) which occurred during the Pleistocene/Holocene transition. We assume that the strong decrease in mean SR encountered during this glacial/interglacial transition induced a fixation of the SMT at a specific depth. The stagnation has obviously enhanced diagenetic dissolution of iron (oxyhydr)oxides within a distinct sediment interval. This assumption was further substantiated by numerical modeling in which the mean SR was decreased from 100 cm/kyr during glacial times to 5 cm/kyr in the Holocene and the methane flux from below was fixed to a constant value. To obtain the observed geochemical and magnetic patterns, the SMT must remain at a fixed position for ~9000 yrs. This calculated value closely correlates to the timing of the Pleistocene/Holocene transition. The results of the model show additionally that a constant high mean SR would cause a concave-up profile of pore water sulfate under steady state conditions.


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Surface sediment samples representative for the tropical and subtropical South Atlantic (15°N to 40°S) were investigated by isothermal magnetic methods to delineate magnetic mineral distribution patterns and to identify their predominant Holocene climatic and oceanographic controls. Individual parameters reveal distinct, yet frequently overlapping, regional sedimentation characteristics. A probabilistic ('fuzzy c-means') cluster analysis was applied to five concentration independent magnetic properties assessing magnetite to hematite ratios and diagnostic of bulk and fine-particle magnetite grain size and coercivity spectra. The resultant 10 cluster structures establish an oceanwide magnetic sediment classification scheme tracing the major terrigenous eolian and fluvial fluxes, authigenic biogenic magnetite accumulation in high-productivity areas, transport by ocean current systems, and effects of bottom water velocity on depositional regimes. Distinct dissimilarities in magnetic mineral inventories between the eastern and western basins of the South Atlantic reflect prominent contrasts of both oceanic and continental influences.


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This work presents an analysis of a lowermost stratospheric air intrusion event over the coast of Brazil, which may have been responsible for a secondary surface cyclogenesis over the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. The surface cyclone initiated at 0600 UTC 17 April 1999 in a cold air mass in the rear of a cold front after a primary cyclone developed over the same region. The analysis of the secondary cyclone revealed the presence of lowermost stratospheric air intrusion characterized by anomalous potential vorticity (PV), dry air, and high concentration of ozone in atmospheric column. The system developed on the eastern side of an upper level core of PV anomaly, which induced a cyclonic wind circulation at lower levels and favored the onset of the secondary cyclone. In midlevels (500 hPa), the cutoff low development contributed to reduce the propagation speed of the wave pattern. This feature seemed to (1) allow the low-level cold/dry air to heat/moisten associated with sensible and latent fluxes transferred from the ocean to the atmosphere, which intensified a baroclinic zone parallel to the coast, and (2) contribute to the long duration of the system. The present analysis indicates that this secondary cyclone development could be the result of the coupling between the PV anomaly in the upper levels and low-level air-sea interaction.