952 resultados para Sources of Metals


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Road deposited dust is a complex mixture of pollutants derived from a wide range of sources. Accurate identification of these sources is seminal for effective source-oriented control measures. A range of techniques such as enrichment factor analysis (EF), principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) are available for identifying sources of complex mixtures. However, they have multiple deficiencies when applied individually. This study presents an approach for the effective utilisation of EF, PCA and HCA for source identification, so that their specific deficiencies on an individual basis are eliminated. EF analysis confirmed the non-soil origin of metals such as Na, Cu, Cd, Zn, Sn, K, Ca, Sb, Ba, Ti, Ni and Mo providing guidance in the identification of anthropogenic sources. PCA and HCA identified four sources, with soil and asphalt wear in combination being the most prominent sources. Other sources were tyre wear, brake wear and sea salt.


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A variety of mineral deposits occur in the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks and Late Cretaceous granitic rocks of central Idaho. The main objective of this project is to identify the sources of metals and sulfur in central Idaho ores. Lead isotope compositions of various crustal rocks were determined and compared with the ore lead composition in order to trace sources of lead, and by inference other metals. Sulfur isotope compositions of various sulfide minerals were also determined to trace the sources of sulfur and to explore the coupling or decoupling of metal and sulfur sources. ^ On the basis of lead and sulfur isotope compositions, two groups of ores are recognized: a sedimentary group and an igneous group. The sedimentary group ores are characterized by radiogenic lead and heavy sulfur typical of upper crustal rocks. The sedimentary group ores were formed by meteoric water-dominated hydrothermal systems that leached metals and sulfur from host Paleozoic sedimentary rocks and the underlying Precambrian crystalline basement rocks. The igneous group ores can be divided into two types, the Carrietown-type, and the non Carrietown-type. The Carrietown-type ores are isotopically different from their host granites and are characterized by low uranogenic lead isotope ratios (206Pb/204Pb and 207Pb/ 204Pb) and variable thorogenic lead isotope ratios (208Pb/ 204Pb) typical of lower crustal rocks. The non Carrietown-type ores are similar to host granites and are more radiogenic in their uranogenic lead isotope ratios when compared to the Carrietown-type ores. The differences in the lead isotope compositions of the igneous group ores are attributed to two different phases of magmatic activity. The magmatic phase exposed on the surface involved melting of shallow crustal Precambrian crystalline rocks as well as mid/lower crustal rocks while the underlying phase was derived by melting of mid/lower crustal rocks only. Igneous group ores have both light and heavy sulfur associated with them and it is a function of interaction of hydrothermal fluids with Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. ^ Paleozoic sedimentary rocks and Precambrian basement rocks are the sources of radiogenic lead, and the granites are the sources of light sulfur. Heavy sulfur comes almost entirely from Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. ^


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River floodplain soils are sinks and potential sources for toxic trace metals like Cu and Zn. We hypothesize that stable Cu and Zn isotope ratios reflect both the mobilization and the sources of metals. We determined the soil properties, the concentrations and partitioning of Cu and Zn, and variations in δ65Cu and δ66Zn values in a core obtained from an Aquic Udifluvent developed on a freshwater intertidal mudflat of the River Elbe, Germany. The core was sampled at 2 cm intervals to a depth of 34 cm, which corresponds to approximately 9 yr of sedimentation. Elevated concentrations of Cu (up to 320 μg g−1) and Zn (up to 2080 μg g−1) indicated anthropogenic pollution. At the time of sampling the redox conditions changed from oxic (Eh 200 to 400 mV, above 22 cm deep) to strongly anoxic conditions (-100 to -200 mV, below 22 cm deep). The δ65Cu values varied systematically with depth (from -0.02 to 0.16‰) and were correlated with the Fe, C, and N concentrations. Although pre-depositional variations cannot be ruled out, the systematic variation with depth suggests post-sedimentation fractionation of δ65Cu in response to seasonally variable organic matter deposition and redox conditions. In contrast, the δ66ZnIRMM values were uniform (from -0.07 to 0.01‰) throughout the core, indicating that the Zn isotopes did not significantly fractionate after deposition and that the Zn sources were homogeneous throughout the sedimentation.


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Sediment samples from 13 sampling sites in Deception Bay, Australia were analysed for the presence of heavy metals. Enrichment factors, modified contamination indices and Nemerow pollution indices were calculated for each sampling site to determine sediment quality. The results indicate significant pollution of most sites by lead (average enrichment factor (EF) of 13), but there is also enrichment of arsenic (average EF 2.3), zinc (average EF 2.7) and other heavy metals. The modified degree of contamination indices (average 1.0) suggests that there is little contamination. By contrast, the Nemerow pollution index (average 5.8) suggests that Deception Bay is heavily contaminated. Cluster analysis was undertaken to identify groups of elements. Strong correlation between some elements and two distinct clusters of sampling sites based on sediment type was evident. These results have implications for pollution in complex marine environments where there is significant influx of sand and sediment into an estuarine environment.


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"April 15, 1943."


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Currently, there is a limited understanding of the sources of ambient fine particles that contribute to the exposure of children at urban schools. Since the size and chemical composition of airborne particle are key parameters for determining the source as well as toxicity, PM1 particles (mass concentration of particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 1 µm) were collected at 24 urban schools in Brisbane, Australia and their elemental composition determined. Based on the elemental composition four main sources were identified; secondary sulphates, biomass burning, vehicle and industrial emissions. The largest contributing source was industrial emissions and this was considered as the main source of trace elements in the PM1 that children were exposed to at school. PM1 concentrations at the schools were compared to the elemental composition of the PM2.5 particles (mass concentration of particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 µm) from a previous study conducted at a suburban and roadside site in Brisbane. This comparison revealed that the more toxic heavy metals (V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb), mostly from vehicle and industrial emissions, were predominantly in the PM1 fraction. Thus, the results from this study points to PM1 as a potentially better particle size fraction for investigating the health effects of airborne particles.


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In this paper, we determined the concentrations of antimony species (antimonite (Sb(III)), antimonate (Sb(V)) and dissolved inorganic antimony (DISb)) and arsenic, in Bohai Bay seawaters, as well as the relationships of the analytes with environmental factors such as seawater characteristics (e.g., suspended particulate material (SPM), salinity and total organic carbon (TOC)), heavy metals, nutrients and phytoplankton species, and evaluated the sources of arsenic and antimony. Dissolved arsenic and antimony concentrations in the surface waters were ranging spatially from 1.03 to 1.26 ng/ml and 0.386 to 1.075 ng/ml, with mean values of 1.18 and 0.562 ng/ml, respectively. Sb(V) as the prominent chemical species constituted about 89%. Regarding arsenic concentrations in the surface waters, there was a tendency for a small variation. However, antimony species concentrations were much variable than arsenic. The highest arsenic and antimony concentrations were found near the Haihe Estuary. These distribution patterns were controlled mainly by environmental factors, biological activities and sources. In this region, DISb and Sb(V) negatively correlated with salinity. Besides, arsenic and antimony correlated well with the nutrients, chlorophyll a and phytoplankton, implying that arsenic and antimony had been involved in biological cycling. In addition, according to our estimate, about 333.5 x 10(8) mg/year of arsenic and 454.2 x 10(8) mg/year of antimony reached Bohai Bay via rivers. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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White storks (Ciconia ciconia) fed in contaminated waters resulting from the Aznacollar acid mining-sludge spillage into the R. Guadiamar, which feeds the eastern flank of the Guadalquivir marshes (Doñana), S.W. Spain. The sludge was rich in a range of toxic elements, and in organic pollutants such as the aromatic amines. Storks did not exhibit elevated metals in their blood immediately following the accident, but chick blood collected the year following the accident showed genotoxic damage compared to the controls. In this study lead isotope analysis was used to assess if the storks had ingested sludge-derived contaminants. The sludge lead isotope ratio was distinct from that of the Doñana sediments. The stork blood lead isotope ratios exactly matched that of the sludge. It was concluded that the storks had ingested sludge-derived contaminants. A detailed study of the lead contamination along the R. Guadiamar and the R. Guadalquivir (of which the Guadiamar is a tributary) was also conducted to place the white stork colony lead exposure in the context of the spatial contamination of the storks' habitat.


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The common cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis, is a necto-benthic cephalopod that can live in coastal ecosystems, with high influence of anthropogenic pressures and thus be vulnerable to exposure to various types of contaminants. The cuttlefish is a species of great importance to the local economy of Aveiro, considering the global data of catches of this species in the Ria de Aveiro. However, studies on this species in Ria de Aveiro are scarce, so the present study aims to fill this information gap about the cuttlefish in the Ria de Aveiro. The cuttlefish enters Ria de Aveiro in the spring and summer to reproduce, returning to deeper waters in the winter. In terms of abundance, the eastern and center regions of the lagoon, closer to the sea, showed the highest values of abundance, while the northern and southern regions of the main channel had the lowest abundance. This fact may be related to abiotic factors, as well as depth, salinity and temperature. In the most southern point of the Ria de Aveiro (Areão) no cuttlefish was caught. This site had the lowest values of salinity and depth. The cuttlefish has an allometric the females being heavier than males to mantle lengths greater than 82.4 mm. Males reach sexual maturity first than females. In Ria de Aveiro in a generation of parents was found. The cuttlefish, presents itself as opportunistic predators, consuming a wide variety of prey from different taxa. The diet was similar in different sampling locations observing significant differences for the seasons. S. officinalis was captured at 10 sites in the Ria de Aveiro with different anthropogenic sources of contamination. Thus, levels of metals analyzed were similar at all sampling sites, with the exception of a restricted area, Laranjo, which showed higher values. The cuttlefish has the ability to accumulate metals in your body. The levels of Fe, Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb and Hg found in the digestive gland and mantle reflect a differential accumulation of metals in the tissues. This accumulation is related to the type and function of tissue analyzed and the type of metal analysis (essential and non-essential). The metal concentrations in the digestive gland are higher than in the mantle, with the exception of mercury. This may be due to the high affinity of the mantle for the incorporation of methylmercury (MeHg), the most abundant form of mercury. The accumulation of metals can vary over a lifetime, depending on the metal. The concentrations of Zn, Cd and Hg increases throughout life, while Pb decreases and essential metals such as Fe and Cu remain constant. The data collected suggest that the cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) can be used as a bioindicator of environmental contamination for some metals.


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The nearshore marine ecosystem is a dynamic environment impacted by many activities, especially the coastal waters and sediments contiguous to major urban areas. Although heavy metals are natural constituents of the marine environment, inputs are considered to be conservative pollutants and are potentially toxic, accumulate in the sediment, are bioconcentrated by organisms and may cause health problems to humans via the food chain. A variety of metals in trace amounts are essential for biological processes in all organisms, but excessive levels can be detrimental by acting as enzyme inhibitors. Discharge of industrial wastewater, agriculture runoff and untreated sewage pose a particularly serious threat to the coastal environment of Kerala, but there is a dearth of studies in documenting the contaminant metals. This study aimed principally to assess such contamination by examining the results of heavy metal (Cu, Pb, Cr, Ni, Zn, Cd and Hg) analysis in seawater, sediment and benthic biota from a survey of five transects along the central and northern coast of Kerala in 2008 covering a 10.0 km stretch of near shore environment in each transect. Trophic transfer of metal contaminants from aquatic invertebrates to its predators was also assessed, by employing a suitable benthic food chain model in order to understand which all metals are undergoing biotransference (transfer of metals from a food source to consumer).The study of present contamination levels will be useful for potential environmental remediation and ecosystem restoration at contaminated sites and provides a scientific basis for standards and protective measures for the coastal waters and sediments. The usefulness of biomonitor proposed in this study would allow identification of different bioavailable metals as well as provide an assessment of the magnitude of metal contamination in the coastal marine milieu. The increments in concentration of certain metals between the predator and prey discerned through benthic food chain can be interpreted as evidence of biotransference.


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An assessment of hydrocarbon and metal/metalloids (arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, selenium, zinc) contamination in sediments from Lake Mulwala, Australia, was undertaken. The objectives of the study were: (i) to determine the extent of contamination in the lake sediments, compared to Australian and international sediment quality guidelines, and (ii) to attempt to identify the contaminant sources to the lake. With the exception of a few samples containing elevated levels of arsenic and/or mercury, the levels of all contaminants in the sediment samples taken from the lake were below the 'lower trigger' of the Australian Sediment Quality Guidelines that would warrant further investigation. High molecular weight hydrocarbons (up to 700 mg kg−1) were found in most sediment samples. Non-metric statistical analysis indicated that the contaminant distribution was different in different parts of the lake, with the lowest concentrations generally found at the influent to the lake. No definitive source(s) of contamination could be identified for either metalloids or hydrocarbons.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)