1000 resultados para Sound recording industry.


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Covers defining a sound in terms of amplitude, frequency, time, timbre and space. How sound behaves within a space. Digital recording settings. Winchester School of Art loan equipment. Winchester School of Art editing software overview.


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The aim of this MA thesis is to demonstrate how corporate concentration within the global music industry specifically affects the Canadian music industry's ability to compete for its own national audience as well as audiences worldwide. Federal public policies, regulatory regimes and subsidies are considered within the context of the structure of the global marketplace which is, in effect, an oligopoly controlled by four major corporations. Through an extensive literature review of political economy theory, Canadian public policies and music studies, as well as personal interviews conducted with Canadian musicians, entrepreneurs and public servants, I will situate my research within the body of political economy theory; present a detailed report of the structure of the global music industry; address the key players within the industry; describe the relationship between the major corporations and the independent companies operating in the industry; discuss how new technologies affect said relationships; consider the effectiveness of Canadian public policies in safeguarding the national music industry; and recommend steps that can be taken to remedy the shortcomings of Federal policies and regulatory regimes.


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UNESCO’s approval of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (UNESCO, 2005) has been an important element in catalyzing any attempt to measure the diversity of cultural industries (UIS, 2011). Within this framework, this article analyzes the relations between the music and radio industries in Spain from a critical perspective through the analysis of available data on recorded music offer and consumption (sales lists, radio-formula lists, the characteristics of the phonographic and radio markets) in different key moments due to the emergence of new formats and devices (CDS, Mp3, Internet).The main goal of this work is to study the evolution of the Spanish record market in terms of diversity from the end of the 1970s to the present, through the study of radio music hits lists and, the business structure of the phonographic and radio sectors, and phonograms top sales


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Soitinnus : lauluäänet (2), piano.


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Es una plataforma de doble lado que tiene como objetivo fundamental acercar a los buscadores de talento de una forma eficaz y precisa a los actores. Esta propuesta empresarial quiere mejorar las condiciones laborales de estos últimos mediante la tecnología disponible y un know know digital. Así mismo, generar el primer banco consolidado de talentos del país y contribuir a la solidificación de un segmento cultural.


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The objective of this paper is to discuss EU lobbying in the area of copyright. Legislation needs to regulate the legal position of various different stakeholders in a balanced manner. However, a number of EU copyright provisions brought into effect over recent years were highly controversial and have led to suggestions that powerful lobbying forces may have had some influence. This article investigates the effects of lobbying on copyright law-making in Europe. A specific comparative and multi-faceted analysis is provided of the legislative process for two recently adopted directives: 2011/77/EU which extends the term of protection of sound recordings and 2012/28/EU which introduces certain permitted uses of orphan works (some references are also made to the ACTA case). Firstly, a short presentation is given of the legal bases for the EU consultation process and lobbying. Next, an analysis is provided of the two cases, taking into consideration the policy-making procedures (with special focus on how the consultation process was handled), the legal solutions proposed and adopted and the various stakeholders’ claims. Lastly, it asks why some interest groups were successful and some others failed (the analysis identifies two types of factor for the effectiveness of lobbying: those resulting from stakeholders’ actions and those connected with the consultation process).


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Challenges posed to copyright law in the digital age is most evident in A and M Records Inc v Napster Inc - the various court rulings indicate that Napster is likely to be held responsible for massive copyright infringement should the case come to a full trial - implications for Australian copyright law, the recording industry and individual artists - globalisation may hinder the ability of the recording industry to prevent mass copyright infringement.


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Chromium dioxide (CrO2) has been extensively used in the magnetic recording industry. However, it is its ferromagnetic half-metallic nature that has more recently attracted much attention, primarily for the development of spintronic devices. CrO2 is the only stoichiometric binary oxide theoretically predicted to be fully spin polarized at the Fermi level. It presents a Curie temperature of ∼ 396 K, i.e. well above room temperature, and a magnetic moment of 2 mB per formula unit. However an antiferromagnetic native insulating layer of Cr2O3 is always present on the CrO2 surface which enhances the CrO2 magnetoresistance and might be used as a barrier in magnetic tunnel junctions.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Direitos Humanos


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L'objectiu del TFC és crear una 'suite' que resolgui tota la línia de producció d'un podcast. És a dir: captura d'un senyal d'audio en directe, transcodificació, classificació,emmagatzematge i, per acabar, difusió per Internet.


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Un instrumento musical implica la presencia de un registro sonoro que afecta tanto a la organización de los sonidos, silencios y ruidos, como a la disposición corporal que con él se va forjando. Desde esta consideración, la organización de la música llevada a cabo con las tecnologías eléctricas y electrónicas supone una profunda modificación de ambos aspectos. La llegada de la electricidad implica una tripledislocación: respecto a la transmisión de lo sonoro, a su posibilidad de reproducción y a la escucha. Estas dislocaciones son puestas en relación con invenciones que, desde el órgano de Ctesibios hasta el clavecín ocular de Castel, nos dibujan un marco en el que música, técnica, sensibilidad y sistemaeconómico-social, tejen sus nexos. A lo largo de este recorrido se trazan lo que se ha denominado contrapuntos de la invención, que pueden tomar en las figuras de J.S. Bach y de J. Cage sus ejemplos más prominentes


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Opinnäytetyö selvittää musiikkiteollisuuden ansaintalogiikkaa ja riippumattoman musiikintekijän tulomuotoja, sekä teknologisen kehityksen ja Internetin aiheuttaman rakennemuutoksen vaikutusta niihin. Alan nykyisenä ongelmana nähdään musiikintekijälle päätyvän rahan pieni osuus teollisuudessa liikkuvasta tulovirrasta. Työn tavoitteena on löytää kustannustehokkaita väyliä musiikin saattamiseen kuulijoille, pohtien samalla erilaisten promootiokanavien vaikutusarvoa. Lopullisena tarkoituksena on löytää tapa elättää itseään musiikin tekemisellä. Lähdeaineistona on käytetty alan kirjallisuutta, tilastoja, Internet-artikkeleita, sekä kirjoittajan omaa kokemusta alalta. Työ osoittaa, kuinka hankalaa musiikin tekemisellä tienaaminen on Suomessa. Kustannusten pitäminen mahdollisimman alhaisina ja asioiden tekeminen omatoimisesti mahdollisimman pitkälle ovat perusedellytys voitolliselle liiketoiminnalle. Digitaaliteknologia yhdessä Internetin kanssa tarjoaa mahdollisuuden tähän. Musiikintekijän merkittävimmiksi tulomuodoiksi osoittautuvat esiintymis- ja tekijänoikeuskorvaukset. Äänitteillä ansaitseminen on todennäköisintä pienlevy-yhtiöiden kanssa toimiessa, isojen levy-yhtiöiden raskas kulurakenne takaa sen että itse musiikintekijälle tuloutuu vain murto-osa tuotoista. Äänitteiden digijakelu ei vielä tarjoa varteenotettavaa tulonlähdettä musiikintekijälle, mutta sen merkitys kasvaa lähitulevaisuudessa, samoin kuin erilaisista edelleenlisensioinneista ja oheistuotteista kertyvät tulot.


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