185 resultados para Sorocaba


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BENEVIDES, Gustavo. Polos de desenvolvimento e a constituição do ambiente inovador: uma análise sobre a região de Sorocaba. 2013. 260f. Dissertação (Doutorado em Administração) - Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul, São Caetano do Sul, 2013.


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Esta dissertação trata do desenvolvimento da área de administração de recursos humanos na região de Sorocaba, sob a perspectiva histórica e influências sofridas. Aborda os recursos humanos a nível industrial, a origem e a consolidação do setor a nível organizacional, e como área definida dentro da administração de empresas. Também tece considerações sobre as políticas, metodologias e técnicas de administração de re cursos humanos, em relação ao contexto local


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Noise mapping has been used as an instrument for assessment of environmental noise, helping to support decision making on urban planning. In Brazil, urban noise is not yet recognized as a major environmental problem by the government. Besides, cities that have databases to drive acoustic simulations, making use of advanced noise mapping systems, are rare. This study sought an alternative method of noise mapping through the use of geoprocessing, which is feasible for the Brazilian reality and for other developing countries. The area chosen for the study was the central zone of the city of Sorocaba, located in So Paulo State, Brazil. The proposed method was effective in the spatial evaluation of equivalent sound pressure level. The results showed an urban area with high noise levels that exceed the legal standard, posing a threat to the welfare of the population.


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Reconhecendo a exposição a riscos à saúde a que adolescentes obesos estão submetidos e a necessidade da produção de estudos, os quais relacionem excesso de peso corporal e capacidade física durante a puberdade, configura-se como objetivo da presente comunicação explorar as relações entre o sobrepeso e a aptidão física dos alunos de ensino fundamental e médio de escola particular paulista. Trata-se de estudo de coorte, considerando como variável independente o índice de massa corporal (IMC) e como dependentes a resistência muscular localizada (RML) abdominal, força de membros inferiores (MMII), flexibilidade e agilidade. Os dados de interesse foram colhidos em duas oportunidades (no início de dois anos letivos subseqüentes), segundo testes específicos. Foi realizada análise multivariada dos perfis médios, complementada com a construção dos intervalos de confiança simultâneos, ao nível de 5% de significância. Constatou-se prevalência de 21,42% de sobrepeso e associação deste com: i) em meninos, menores RML abdominal e força de MMII e não evolução nas médias de agilidade; ii) em meninas, menor RML abdominal e agilidade, no início do período considerado. Ao se compararem os resultados entre os dois momentos de avaliação, notou-se que: i) a agilidade, das meninas com peso corporal adequado diminuiu significantemente; ii) a RML abdominal, mesmo do grupo masculino com sobrepeso, aumentou; e iii) a agilidade, somente em meninos com IMC inferior, melhorou. Verificaram-se, também entre o sexo masculino, médias de RML abdominal, força de MMII e agilidade significantemente maiores que as do grupo feminino. Nesse sentido, revela-se que a prescrição da atividade física para adolescentes deve realmente ser específica segundo composição corporal e sexo.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Four biological aspects of Schizodon nasutus in the low Sorocaba river basin, São Paulo, Brazil were analysed. These were accomplished during the year seasons. The fish diet and the feeding activity were investigated by studying the repletion index, which showed no significant differences between seasons. The food items analysed by frequency of occurrence and dominance showed a predominance of vegetable items in the diet. The reproduction, analysed by using the gonadosomatic index, indicated that the reproductive period occurs during the summer period when temperatures are higher and rainfalls are more intense. The amount of accumulated fat and condition factor varied according to reproduction, especially for females.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVOS: recupera-se síntese dos principais aspectos das publicações referentes a projeto conduzido pela equipe, na década passada, com o objetivo de subsidiar a avaliação de política pública setorial de suplementação alimentar na infância. MÉTODOS: acompanharam-se trimestralmente, durante um ano, indicadores de crescimento e desenvolvimento em populações periféricas de dois a 72 meses de idade, em Sorocaba, São Paulo. Após realização do censo infantil de duas regiões da cidade, as crianças freqüentes a creches (em número de 164) foram comparadas às demais (280). O impacto nutricional foi quantificado através de análises univariadas (testes inferenciais Kappa e de Goodman) e multivariadas. Vieses e confundimento foram averiguados e controlados. RESULTADOS: observou-se, entre muitas outras informações obtidas, que o grupo assistido apresentou: 1) idade média superior; 2) menor taxa de aleitamento natural; 3) menores valores de peso/altura à admissão, com maiores ganhos durante a evolução; 4) essa melhora aumentou com a duração da exposição e foi maior entre os mais velhos. CONCLUSÕES: avalia-se que assistir apropriadamente pré-escolares constitui hoje, em nosso meio, relevante imperativo de ordem social.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A survey was carried out on the fish species in the Sorocaba River basin, the main tributary of the left margin of the Tietê River, located in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The species were collected with gill nets. After identification of the specimens, their relative abundance, weight and standard length were determined. Up to the present moment there are not any studies that focus this subject in this hydrographic basin. Fifty-three species, distributed in eighteen families and six orders were collected. Characiformes were represented by twenty-eight species, Siluriformes by seventeen species, the Gymnotiformes by three species, Perciformes and Cyprinodontiformes by two species, and the Synbranchiformes by one species. Among the collected species there were two exotic. The most abundant species were Astyanax fasciatus and Hypostomus ancistroides. In relation to total weight the most representative species were Hoplias malabaricus and Hypostomus ancistroides. Cyprinus carpio, Prochilodus lineatus, Schizodon nasutus and Hoplias malabaricus were the most representative species in relation to average weight. Largest standard length were recorded for Sternopygus macrurus, Steindachnerina insculpta, Eigenmannia off. virescens and Cyprinus carpio.


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The length-weight relationship and condition factor of Salminus hilarii were analyzed in a section of the lower part of the Sorocaba river basin, São Paulo State. By studying male, female and immature individuals separately, different length-weight patterns were found for each. The same happened when distinct seasonal variations of the relationships were compared, related to feeding alterations and to the reproductive period of the species.


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The aim of this study was to discuss aspects of the diet of Serrasalmus maculatus. Fish were collected using gill nets, whose lengths measured 100 m and mesh diameters varied from 3 to 8 cm. A total of 107 individuals were collected. Their length varied from 62 to 210 mm. They were mainly represented by female and immature individuals. No individual was caught in temperatures below 21°C. Four feeding item categories were observed: fish muscle pieces, parts of fish fins, plant fragments, and insects. Comparisons made among individual length classes revealed some significant differences within stomach consumed contents. Individuals whose length exceeded 165 mm consumed only parts of fish muscles and plants. The food availability in the environment and the class lengths amplitude may, however, have influenced the results, in which ontogenetic differences should not be precisely observed.


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Due to growing urbanization and industrialization, the environment is suffering from pollution of rivers, degradation of soils and deteriorated air quality. Quality indices appear to be useful to evaluate the conditions of these media. The aim of this study was the development of a water quality index using a fuzzy inference system, since such an approach has proved advantageous in addressing problems that are subjective by nature or for which the data are uncertain. The methodology employed was based on this inference system, and considered the nine water quality parameters employed by CETESB (Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental, São Paulo, Brazil) to evaluate water quality. After assessment of the data using the index, a comparison was made with the WQI (Water Quality Index), which is used for the monitoring of various water bodies, including in the study region. The results obtained using the index developed on the basis of fuzzy inference were found to be more useful than those derived from the method currently used by CETESB, since losses and/or omissions concerning individual parameters were minimized. © 2010 IEEE.