1000 resultados para Somatomedin-c


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The results of this study challenge the widely held view that growth hormone (GH) acts only during the postnatal period. RNA phenotyping shows transcripts for the GH receptor and GH-binding protein in mouse preimplantation embryos of all stages from fertilized eggs (day 1) to blastocysts (day 4). An antibody specific to the cytoplasmic region of the GH receptor revealed receptor protein expression, first in two-cell embryos, the stage of activation of the embryonic genome (day 2), and in all subsequent stages, In cleavage-stage embryos this immunoreactivity was localized mainly to the nucleus, but clear evidence of membrane labeling was apparent in blastocysts. GH receptor immunoreactivity was also observed in cumulus cells associated with unfertilized oocytes but not in the unfertilized oocytes. The blastocyst receptor was demonstrated to be functional, exhibiting the classic bell-shaped dose-response curves for GH stimulation of both 3-O-methyl glucose transport and protein synthesis. Maximal stimulation of 40-50% was seen for both responses at less than 1 ng/ml recombinant GH, suggesting a role for maternal GK. However mRNA transcripts for GH were also detected from the morula stage (day 3) by using reverse transcription-PCR, and GH immunoreactivity was seen in blastocysts. These observations raise the possibility of a paracrine/autocrine GH loop regulating embryonic development in its earliest stages.


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The cDNA sequence for insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF-2) was determined from the liver of the marsupial brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) using reverse transcription followed by polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) with gene-specific primers. The 359 bp of possum sequence encompassed the mature peptide, 27 bp of the signal peptide, and 125 bp of the E-peptide. Alignment of the deduced amino acid sequence with those from other species indicated that the mature peptide was 71 amino acids in length, 4 amino acids longer than most other mammals. At both the nucleotide and amino acid levels there was a high degree of sequence identity with IGF-2 from other mammalian and nonmammalian species. Amino acid identity ranged from 94.4% with a variant form of human IGF-2 to 80.3% with zebrafinch IGF-2. Northern analysis revealed that radiolabeled possum IGF-2, cDNA hybridized to multiple transcripts in the liver of both adult possums and 150-day-old pouch young and that the overall level of expression was greater in pouch young. Semiquantitative RT-PCR with total RNA from liver samples of pouch young aged 12 to 150 days postpartum and adults confirmed that IGF-2 gene expression was two to three times more abundant in pouch young than in adults but there was no significant change in the level of expression during pouch life. Unlike other mammalian species, in which there is a decline in levels of liver IGF-2 gene expression around the time of birth, levels in the marsupial brushtail possum remain elevated for at least 150 days after birth. This suggests that the decline in liver IGF-2 expression in marsupials and eutherians occurs at a similar stage of development and may reflect a role for this growth factor during the postnatal growth and development of the marsupial, (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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Pituitary growth hormone (GH) stimulates postnatal growth and metabolism. The role of CH and its receptor (GHR) during prenatal development, however, is still controversial. As shown by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), bovine in vitro fertilization embryos synthesized the transcript of GHR from Day 2 of embryonic life onwards. Real time RT-PCR revealed that synthesis of GHR mRNA was increased 5.9-fold in 6-day-old embryos compared with 2-day-old embryos. Using in situ hybridization, the mRNA encoding GHR was predominantly localized to the inner cell mass of blastocysts. The GHR protein was first visualized 3 days after fertilization. GH-specific transcripts were first detected in embryos on Day 8 of in vitro culture. As shown by transmission electron microscopy, GH treatment resulted in elimination of glycogen storage in 6- to 8-day-old embryos and an increase in exocytosis of lipid vesicles. These results suggest that a functional GHR able to modulate carbohydrate and lipid metabolism is synthesized during preimplantation development of the bovine embryo and that this GHR may be subject to activation by embryonic GH after Day 8.


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RESUMO: Tivemos como objectivo do presente trabalho avaliar a capacidade funcional, e factores eventualmente a ela associados, numa amostra de 152 idosos ambulatórios, sem doenças agudas ou graves, utentes de um centro de saúde urbano. Cada avaliação consistiu numa entrevista, mediante um inquérito sobre capacidade funcional, morbilidade, estado mental e aspectos sociais, e no estudo da composição corporal. As perguntas referentes às variáveis estudadas foram por nós desenvolvidas e estruturadas com base em escalas internacionais validadas e de utilização comum na avaliação de idosos, excepto para as variáveis em que não encontrámos escalas com essas características. Os seus quesitos foram incluídos como perguntas e respostas estruturadas e pré-codificadas, permitindo a atribuição de uma pontuação a cada variável e a sua posterior divisão dicotómica. Aplicámos as escalas de Katz e de Lawton para a avaliação das actividades de autonomia física e instrumental da vida diária, a escala de Grimby para a avaliação da actividade física, a escala de Hamilton e o teste de Folstein para a avaliação do estado mental nas vertentes afectiva e cognitiva e a escala de Graffar para caracterizar a classe social, e perguntas sobre locomoção, autoavaliação da saúde, queixas de saúde presentes e rede social. Fizemos o registo da morbilidade segundo a International Classification of Primary Care - ICPC. A avaliação antropométrica constou da medição do peso, da altura, dos perímetros do braço, da cintura, da anca e proximal da coxa, e das pregas bicipital, tricipital, sub-escapular e supra-ilíaca. Foi também feita a estimativa da composição corporal por cálculos derivados de índices antropométricos e de bioimpedância eléctrica corporal total, o doseamento de algumas proteínas plasmáticas e a quantificação da força de preensão. Analisámos os resultados obtidos por grupos quanto ao sexo e à idade, dividida nos escalões etários 65 a 74 anos e mais do que 74 anos. Por regressão linear múltipla, foi testado o efeito do sexo e da idade sobre os valores medidos, para cada uma das variáveis e cada uma das suas pontuações parciais, sendo considerado como evidência de um efeito estaticamente significativo um valor “p” inferior a 0,05.Resumimos do seguinte modo os dados obtidos e a sua comparação com os dos estudos que seleccionámos como referência: A média de idades da amostra foi de 74 anos, sendo um terço destes do sexo masculino. Na sua maioria eram independentes em locomoção e funcionalidade, praticavam alguma actividade física, classificavam a sua saúde como razoável ou boa, apresentavam sintomatologia activa, não tinham depressão ou demência, tinham quem os acompanhasse embora cerca de metade apresentasse algum grau de isolamento, eram de baixa classe social, tinham excesso de peso, valores elevados de massa gorda, parâmetros plasmáticos proteicos compatíveis com ausência de doenças agudas ou graves e considerável força muscular de preensão. Na análise descritiva por grupos quanto ao sexo e/ou à idade, verificou-se que as mulheres e os mais idosos apresentavam maior isolamento social e os valores mais baixos de massa magra, hemoglobina e força de preensão. As mulheres tinham maior prevalência de dependência em autonomia física, depressão e valores mais baixos de transferrina. Os mais idosos apresentavam maior dependência em funcionalidade, menor actividade física, maior prevalência de demência, índice de massa corporal menos elevado, e valores mais baixos de albumina. Não se verificou prevalência de piores resultados dicotómicos nos homens nem no escalão etário menos idoso. Não teve relação com o sexo ou a idade o compromisso em autonomia instrumental, a presença de morbilidade ou a baixa classe social, assim como a não perturbação da locomoção e dos níveis de somatomedina-C. A análise comparativa com estudos multidimensionais em idosos portugueses e europeus ambulatórios revelou que a nossa amostra apresentava muitas características semelhantes às desses idosos. Assim, tinham elevada independência em locomoção, considerável independência em autonomia física e menor independência em autonomia instrumental; prática de actividade física ligeira, as mulheres dentro e os homens fora de casa; maior prevalência de morbilidade a nível dos aparelhos locomotor e cardiocirculatório, nos nossos idosos com pouca flutuação na autoavaliação de saúde; pequena prevalência de depressão e de demência; maior isolamento social nas mulheres e nas mais idosas; factores de classe social de baixo nível, diferindo apenas em relação aos idosos do norte da Europa que apresentavam elevada escolaridade e profissões mais diferenciadas; características biométricas sobreponíveis às dos idosos portugueses e às dos do sul da Europa, com tendência para o excesso de peso e proporção elevada de massa gorda; e doseamentos plasmáticos proteicos e força muscular de preensão compatíveis com ausência de doenças agudas ou crónicas graves. A comparação com os referidos estudos em relação ao risco de dependência, revelou semelhanças na associação entre dependência funcional e idade avançada, morbilidade, alteração do estado mental e isolamento social. Na amostra que estudámos não obtivemos associação entre dependência e o sexo feminino, facto que se verificou no estudo nacional de Almeida et al. e nos estudos multicêntricos europeus, ou o grau de escolaridade, como no estudo francês. Podemos concluir que, com o instrumento de avaliação que utilizámos, foi possível detectar e caracterizar perturbações numa amostra de idosos ambulatórios, a maioria funcionalmente independentes, sem alterações do estado mental, mas apresentando morbilidade activa, tendência para a obesidade, e actividade física ligeira. Nos que apresentaram alterações, estas foram mais frequentes no sexo feminino e nos indivíduos com mais de 74 anos. A escala de funcionalidade desenvolvida foi sensível aos efeitos da idade e permitiu o cálculo do risco de dependência em relação às outras variáveis estudadas, sendo mais marcante a associação com baixa actividade física, presença de queixas de saúde, demência e índice de massa corporal elevado. Consideramos que a metodologia que empregámos poderá contribuir para a avaliação de capacidades, cujo conhecimento sistemático nos idosos se impõe. ------------- ABSTRACT: The main objective of the present work was to evaluate functional capacity and related factors, in a sample of 152 ambulatory elderly, free from acute or serious disease, attending an urban health centre. Each evaluation included an interview, with a questionnaire about functional capacity, morbidity, mental health and social aspects, and the study of body composition. The questions were developed and structured in accordance with international validated scales usually applied in the evaluation of the elderly, whenever there were scales for that purpose. Their items were included as structured pre-coded questions and answers, so that each variable could have its own quotation and be dichotomised. We employed Katz and Lawton scales for basic and instrumental activities of daily living, Grimby scale for physical activity, Hamilton scale for depression, Folstein’s Mini Mental State Examination for cognitive ability and Graffar scale for social class, and questions about walking, health perception, active complaints and social network. The symptoms register was done according to the International Classification of Primary Care - ICPC. The anthropometric exam involved the determination of height and weight, arm, waist, hip and proximal thigh circumferences, and biceps, triceps, subscapular and suprailiac skinfolds. For the body composition calculation we employed equations derived from anthropometric indices, and from measurement of total body bioelectric impedance. We also measured some plasma proteins and handgrip strength. The analysis of results was done by sex and age groups, separating those with 65 to 74 years from those older than 74 years. The effects of sex and age were tested by linear multiple regression, for each variable and its components. Presented "p" values being considered statistically significative if less than 0,05. The results we obtained and their comparison with the studies we choose as reference can be summarised as follows: Mean age of the sample was 74 years and about one third were men. Most of them were independent in gait and functionality, practised some physical activity, rate their health as fair or good, had physical complaints, had not depression or dementia, had some companionship although almost half of them with stigmas of isolation, belonged to low social class, were in the range of overweight, had raised values of fat mass, plasma proteins in accordance with no acute or serious disease, and considerable handgrip strength. The analysis of groups by sex and age revealed that women and the eldest had the greater social isolation and the lowest values of free fat mass, haemoglobin and handgrip strength. Women had the higher dependence in basic activities of daily living, more depression and lower levels of transferrin. The eldest were more dependent in functionality, had greater prevalence of dementia, less physical activity, less raised body mass index and lower levels of albumin. Men alone and the age range of 65 to 74 did not show any prevalence of the worse dichotomised results. There was no relationship between sex or age and instrumental activities of daily living, morbidity or low social class, and unaffected gait or somatomedin-C levels. The comparison of results with multidimensional studies in portuguese and european ambulatory elderly showed that our sample had many similarities with theirs. They were independent in gait and activities of daily living; practiced light physical activity, women indoors and men outdoors; had greater morbidity at locomotor and cardiovascular systems, with small latitude in health evaluation; low prevalence of depression and dementia; social isolation predominantly in older women; and low social class factors, witch is only different from those of north Europe who had higher education levels and professional carriers; biometric characteristics similar to other portuguese and south Europe elders, with tendency for overweight and high proportion of fat mass; and plasma protein levels and handgrip strength in accordance with no acute or chronic serious disease. The comparison to the referred studies in relation to dependency risk, showed similarities in the association of dependency and age, morbidity,altered mental state and social isolation. We did not find association between dependency and sex, as it was found in the portuguese study of Almeida et al. and the european multicentric studies, or the education level, as in the french study. We conclude that, with the evaluation battery we employed, it was possible to detect and characterise alterations in a sample of ambulatory elderly, most of whom were functionally independent and had no alterations in mental state, but had active morbidity, tendency to obesity, and only light physical activity. Those that had some alteration, were more frequently women and the eldest. The functionality scale we developed showed to be sensitive to age effects and suitable for the calculation of risk of dependency, being more important the association with low physical activity, active complaints, dementia and high body mass index. We consider that the methodology we applied can contribute to the evaluation of capabilities that should be systematically sought for in the elderly.


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Zinc is known to play a relevant role in growth and development. The basic mechanisms of action of this trace element are intimately linked to the structure and action of countless enzymes involved in many different metabolic processes. In this respect, when zinc specifically acts on cartilage growth it is involved in multiple enzymatic reactions which make this a multifactorial event. Thus, we may divide the actions of zinc into three distinct types: 1) action on taste and smell acuity, appetite regulation, and food consumption and regulation; 2) action on DNA and RNA synthesis stimulating a) cell replication and differentiation of chondrocytes, osteoblasts and fibroblasts; b) cell transcription culminating in the synthesis of somatomedin-C (liver), alkaline phosphatase, collagen and osteocalcin (bone), and c) protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, that is intimately related to the mechanisms of smell, taste, appetite, and food consumption and utilization; 3) action on hormonal mediation by participating in a) GH synthesis and secretion in somatomammotroph cells, b) the action of GH on liver somatomedin-C production, and c) somatomedin-C activation in bone cartilage. In addition to these multiple functions, zinc also interacts with other hormones somehow related to bone growth such as testosterone, thyroid hormones, insulin, and vitamin D-3.On the basis of the above considerations, we conclude that the integration of these mechanisms contributes to the perfect physiological functioning of bone. Tn the presence of zinc deficiency, this homeostasis is impaired, causing the weight-height deficiency detected in several species studied, the human species in particular.


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Seven male broiler strains (Arbor Acres, Avian Farms, Cobb-500, Hubbard-Peterson, ISA, Naked Neck, and Ross) were compared for their growth rate, feed efficiency, and mortality due to sudden death and ascites. In addition, weekly plasma levels of thyroid hormones [3,3′,5-triiodothyronine (T3) thyroxine (T4), T3: T4 ratio, growth hormone (GH), and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I)] were determined. The highly productive, commercial strains were very similar in their endocrine profiles but differed markedly from the Naked Neck chickens. Naked Neck chickens were characterized by higher plasma T3 and lower T4 levels at similar ages as well as when compared on the same body weight basis. The present findings support the hypothesis that the slightly hypothyroid state of high productive broilers renders them more sensitive to metabolic disorders. Naked Neck chickens also had higher plasma GH levels than those of their age-matched commercial broilers. The coefficient of variation for GH was highest for Naked Neck chickens, which is indicative for an amplified GH burst amplitude. It may be stated that changes in plasma thyroid hormone concentration in indirect response to selection for low feed conversion and fast growth may be causatively linked to susceptibility for metabolic disturbances such as sudden death syndrome and ascites.


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Follicle diameters and concentrations of follicular fluid factors were studied in the two largest follicles (F1 and F2) using F1 diameters in increments of 0.2 mm (equivalent to 4 h intervals) and extending from 7.4 to 8.4 mm (12 heifers in each of 6 groups). Changes were compared between follicles using the F2 associated with each F1-diameter group. Diameter deviation began in the 8.2-mm group as indicated by a greater (P < 0.05) diameter difference between F1 and F2 in the 8.4-mm group than in the 8.2-mm group. In the 8.0-mm group, estradiol concentrations began to increase (P < 0.05) differentially in F1 versus F2, and free insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) began to decrease differentially in F2 (P < 0.06). Combined for F1 and the associated F2, activin-A concentrations increased (P < 0.05) between the 7.6- and 8.2-mm groups and then decreased (P < 0.05). Results supported the hypothesis that estradiol and free IGF-1 concentrations simultaneously become higher in F1 than in the associated F2 by the beginning of diameter deviation. Results did not support the hypothesis that a transient elevation in activin-A is present in F1 but not in the associated F2 at the beginning of the estradiol and IGF-1 changes; instead, a mean transient elevation in activin-A occurred at this time only when data for the two follicles were combined. Comparisons between F1 and F2 also were made by independently grouping F2 and using diameter groups at 0.2-mm increments for F2 as well as for F1. In the diameter groups common to F1 and F2 (7.4, 7.6, 7.8, and 8.0 mm) there was a group effect (P < 0.003) for estradiol involving an increase (P < 0.05) beginning at the 7.6-mm group averaged over F1 and F2. For free IGF-1 concentrations, a fluctuation (a significant increase followed by a significant decrease) occurred independently in F1 between the 7.4-to 7.8-mm groups and independently in F2 between the 7.0- to 7.4-mm groups.


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Chronic and excessive alcohol consumption has been related to an increased risk of several cancers, including that of the liver; however, studies in animal models have yet to conclusively determine whether ethanol acts as a tumor promoter in hepatic tumorigenesis. We examined whether prolonged alcohol consumption could act as a hepatic tumor promoter after initiation by diethylnitrosamine (DEN) in a rat model. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were injected with 20 mg DEN/kg body weight 1 wk before introduction of either an ethanol liquid diet or an isoenergic control liquid diet. Hepatic pathological lesions, hepatocyte proliferation, apoptosis, PPARα and PPARγ, and plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) levels were assessed after 6 and 10 mo. Mean body and liver weights, plasma IGF-1 concentration, hepatic expressions of proliferating cellular nuclear antigen and Ki-67, and cyclin D1 in ethanol-fed rats were all significantly lower after 10 mo of treatment compared with control rats. In addition, levels of hepatic PPARγ protein, not PPARα, were significantly higher in the ethanol-fed rats after prolonged treatment. Although ethanol feeding also resulted in significantly fewer altered hepatic foci, hepatocellular adenoma was detected in ethanol-fed rats at 10 mo, but not in control rats given the same dose of DEN. Together, these results indicate that chronic, excessive ethanol consumption impairs normal hepatocyte proliferation, which is associated with reduced IGF-1 levels, but promotes hepatic carcinogenesis. © 2011 American Society for Nutrition.


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The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that skeletal muscle adaptations induced by long-term resistance training (RT) are associated with increased myogenic regulatory factors (MRF) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) mRNA expression in rats skeletal muscle. Male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups: 8-week control (C8), 8-week trained (T8), 12-week control (C12) and 12-week trained (T12). Trained rats were submitted to a progressive RT program (4 sets of 10-12 repetitions at 65-75% of the 1RM, 3 day/week), using a squat-training apparatus with electric stimulation. Muscle hypertrophy was determined by measurement of muscle fiber cross-sectional area (CSA) of the muscle fibers, and myogenin, MyoD and IGF-I mRNA expression were measured by RT-qPCR. A hypertrophic stabilization occurred between 8 and 12 weeks of RT (control-relative % area increase, T8: 29% vs. T12: 35%; p>0.05) and was accompanied by the stabilization of myogenin (control-relative % increase, T8: 44.8% vs. T12: 37.7%, p>0.05) and MyoD (control-relative % increase, T8: 22.9% vs. T12: 22.3%, p>0.05) mRNA expression and the return of IGF-I mRNA levels to the baseline (control-relative % increase, T8: 30.1% vs. T12: 1.5%, p<0.05). Moreover, there were significant positive correlations between the muscle fiber CSA and mRNA expression for MyoD (r=0.85, p=0.0001), myogenin (r=0.87, p=0.0001), and IGF-I (r=0.88, p=0.0001). The significant (p<0.05) increase in myogenin, MyoD and IGF-I mRNA expression after 8 weeks was not associated with changes in the fiber-type frequency. In addition, there was a type IIX/D-to-IIA fiber conversion at 12 weeks, even with the stabilization of MyoD and myogenin expression and the return of IGF-I levels to baseline. These results indicate a possible interaction between MRFs and IGF-I in the control of muscle hypertrophy during long-term RT and suggest that these factors are involved more in the regulation of muscle mass than in fiber-type conversion. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.


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Two functional and positional candidate genes were selected in a region of chicken chromosome 1 (GGA1), based on their biological roles, and also where several quantitative trait loci (QTL) have been mapped and associated with performance, fatness and carcass traits in chickens. The insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) gene has been associated with several physiological functions related to growth. The lysine (K)-specific demethylase 5A (KDM5A) gene participates in the epigenetic regulation of genes involved with the cell cycle. Our objective was to find associations of selected single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in these genes with performance, fatness and carcass traits in 165 F2 chickens from a resource population. In the IGF1 gene, 17 SNPs were detected, and in the KDM5A gene, nine SNPs were detected. IGF1 SNP c. 47673G > A was associated with body weight and haematocrit percentage, and also with feed intake and percentages of abdominal fat and gizzard genotype × sex interactions. KDM5A SNP c. 34208C > T genotype × sex interaction affected body weight, feed intake, percentages of abdominal fat (p = 0. 0001), carcass, gizzard and haematocrit. A strong association of the diplotype × sex interaction (p < 0. 0001) with abdominal fat was observed, and also associations with body weight, feed intake, percentages of carcass, drums and thighs, gizzard and haematocrit. Our findings suggest that the KDM5A gene might play an important role in the abdominal fat deposition in chickens. The IGF1 and KDM5A genes are strong candidates to explain the QTL mapped in this region of GGA1. © 2012 Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan.


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Tendinitis is an important disease that leads to lameness and decreased performance in equine athletes and results in high costs associated with therapy due to a long recovery period and a high rate of recurrence. Although, several treatments for equine tendinitis have been described, few are effective in significantly improving the quality of the extracellular matrix and reducing the rate of recurrence. The use of cell therapy with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from various sources has received much attention because of its therapeutic potential for equine tendinitis. In this paper, we review patents on stem cell therapy and the specific use of MSCs for the treatment of equine tendinitis. © 2013 Bentham Science Publishers.


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Mammalian class A macrophage-specific scavenger receptors (SR-A) exhibit unusually broad binding specificity for a wide variety of polyanionic ligands. The properties of these receptors suggest that they may be involved in atherosclerosis and host defense. We have previously observed a similar receptor activity in Drosophila melanogaster embryonic macrophages and in the Drosophila macrophage-like Schneider L2 cell line. Expression cloning was used to isolate from L2 cells a cDNA that encodes a third class (class C) of scavenger receptor, Drosophila SR-CI (dSR-CI). dSR-CI expression was restricted to macrophages/hemocytes during embryonic development. When expressed in mammalian cells, dSR-CI exhibited high affinity and saturable binding of 125I-labeled acetylated low density lipoprotein and mediated its chloroquine-dependent, presumably lysosomal, degradation. Although the broad polyanionic ligand-binding specificity of dSR-CI was similar to that of SR-A, their predicted protein sequences are not similar. dSR-CI is a 609-residue type I integral membrane protein containing several well-known sequence motifs, including two complement control protein (CCP) domains and somatomedin B, MAM, and mucin-like domains. Macrophage scavenger receptors apparently mediate important, well-conserved functions and may be pattern-recognition receptors that arose early in the evolution of host-defense mechanisms. Genetic and physiologic analysis of dSR-CI function in Drosophila should provide further insights into the roles played by scavenger receptors in host defense and development.


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Mutations in the FGFR3 gene cause the phenotypic spectrum of FGFR3 chondrodysplasias ranging from lethal forms to the milder phenotype seen in hypochondroplasia (Hch). The p.N540K mutation in the FGFR3 gene occurs in ∼70% of individuals with Hch, and nearly 30% of individuals with the Hch phenotype have no mutations in the FGFR3, which suggests genetic heterogeneity. The identification of a severe case of Hch associated with the typical mutation c.1620C > A and the occurrence of a c.1150T > C change that resulted in a p.F384L in exon 10, together with the suspicion that this second change could be a modulator of the phenotype, prompted us to investigate this hypothesis in a cohort of patients. An analysis of 48 patients with FGFR3 chondrodysplasia phenotypes and 330 healthy (control) individuals revealed no significant difference in the frequency of the C allele at the c.1150 position (p = 0.34). One patient carrying the combination `pathogenic mutation plus the allelic variant c.1150T > C' had a typical achondroplasia (Ach) phenotype. In addition, three other patients with atypical phenotypes showed no association with the allelic variant. Together, these results do not support the hypothesis of a modulatory role for the c.1150T > C change in the FGFR3 gene.


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The p23 protein is a chaperone widely involved in protein homeostasis, well known as an Hsp90 co-chaperone since it also controls the Hsp90 chaperone cycle. Human p23 includes a β-sheet domain, responsible for interacting with Hsp90; and a charged C-terminal region whose function is not clear, but seems to be natively unfolded. p23 can undergo caspase-dependent proteolytic cleavage to form p19 (p231-142), which is involved in apoptosis, while p23 has anti-apoptotic activity. To better elucidate the function of the human p23 C-terminal region, we studied comparatively the full-length human p23 and three C-terminal truncation mutants: p23₁₋₁₁₇; p23₁₋₁₃₁ and p23₁₋₁₄₂. Our data indicate that p23 and p19 have distinct characteristics, whereas the other two truncations behave similarly, with some differences to p23 and p19. We found that part of the C-terminal region can fold in an α-helix conformation and slightly contributes to p23 thermal-stability, suggesting that the C-terminal interacts with the β-sheet domain. As a whole, our results suggest that the C-terminal region of p23 is critical for its structure-function relationship. A mechanism where the human p23 C-terminal region behaves as an activation/inhibition module for different p23 activities is proposed.


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Vitamin C stability and concentration was evaluated in isotonic beverages and B group vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6) in power beverages. The amount of vitamins was found to be above of that declared on the labels, even after the shelf life had been exceeded. A small decrease in the amount of B group vitamins was observed during the shelf life of the products. In the case of vitamin C this decrease was slightly higher. The present research shows the need of increased quality control and inspection.