974 resultados para Somatic Copy Number Alterations


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Metastasizing pleomorphic adenoma (MPA) is a rare tumour, and its mechanism of metastasis still is unknown. To date, there has been no study on MPA genomics. We analysed primary and secondary MPAs with array comparative genomic hybridization to identify somatic copy number alterations and affected genes. Tumour DNA samples from primary (parotid salivary gland) and secondary (scalp skin) MPAs were subjected to array comparative genomic hybridization investigation, and the data were analysed with NEXUS COPY NUMBER DISCOVERY. The primary MPA showed copy number losses affecting 3p22.2p14.3 and 19p13.3p123, and a complex pattern of four different deletions at chromosome 6. The 3p deletion encompassed several genes: CTNNB1, SETD2, BAP1, and PBRM1, among others. The secondary MPA showed a genomic profile similar to that of the primary MPA, with acquisition of additional copy number changes affecting 9p24.3p13.1 (loss), 19q11q13.43 (gain), and 22q11.1q13.33 (gain). Our findings indicated a clonal origin of the secondary MPA, as both tumours shared a common profile of genomic copy number alterations. Furthermore, we were able to detect in the primary tumour a specific pattern of copy number alterations that could explain the metastasizing characteristic, whereas the secondary MPA showed a more unbalanced genome.


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Cancer genomes frequently contain somatic copy number alterations (SCNA) that can significantly perturb the expression level of affected genes and thus disrupt pathways controlling normal growth. In melanoma, many studies have focussed on the copy number and gene expression levels of the BRAF, PTEN and MITF genes, but little has been done to identify new genes using these parameters at the genome-wide scale. Using karyotyping, SNP and CGH arrays, and RNA-seq, we have identified SCNA affecting gene expression ('SCNA-genes') in seven human metastatic melanoma cell lines. We showed that the combination of these techniques is useful to identify candidate genes potentially involved in tumorigenesis. Since few of these alterations were recurrent across our samples, we used a protein network-guided approach to determine whether any pathways were enriched in SCNA-genes in one or more samples. From this unbiased genome-wide analysis, we identified 28 significantly enriched pathway modules. Comparison with two large, independent melanoma SCNA datasets showed less than 10% overlap at the individual gene level, but network-guided analysis revealed 66% shared pathways, including all but three of the pathways identified in our data. Frequently altered pathways included WNT, cadherin signalling, angiogenesis and melanogenesis. Additionally, our results emphasize the potential of the EPHA3 and FRS2 gene products, involved in angiogenesis and migration, as possible therapeutic targets in melanoma. Our study demonstrates the utility of network-guided approaches, for both large and small datasets, to identify pathways recurrently perturbed in cancer.


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AbstractAlthough the genomes from any two human individuals are more than 99.99% identical at the sequence level, some structural variation can be observed. Differences between genomes include single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), inversion and copy number changes (gain or loss of DNA). The latter can range from submicroscopic events (CNVs, at least 1kb in size) to complete chromosomal aneuploidies. Small copy number variations have often no (lethal) consequences to the cell, but a few were associated to disease susceptibility and phenotypic variations. Larger re-arrangements (i.e. complete chromosome gain) are frequently associated with more severe consequences on health such as genomic disorders and cancer. High-throughput technologies like DNA microarrays enable the detection of CNVs in a genome-wide fashion. Since the initial catalogue of CNVs in the human genome in 2006, there has been tremendous interest in CNVs both in the context of population and medical genetics. Understanding CNV patterns within and between human populations is essential to elucidate their possible contribution to disease. But genome analysis is a challenging task; the technology evolves rapidly creating needs for novel, efficient and robust analytical tools which need to be compared with existing ones. Also, while the link between CNV and disease has been established, the relative CNV contribution is not fully understood and the predisposition to disease from CNVs of the general population has not been yet investigated.During my PhD thesis, I worked on several aspects related to CNVs. As l will report in chapter 3, ! was interested in computational methods to detect CNVs from the general population. I had access to the CoLaus dataset, a population-based study with more than 6,000 participants from the Lausanne area. All these individuals were analysed on SNP arrays and extensive clinical information were available. My work explored existing CNV detection methods and I developed a variety of metrics to compare their performance. Since these methods were not producing entirely satisfactory results, I implemented my own method which outperformed two existing methods. I also devised strategies to combine CNVs from different individuals into CNV regions.I was also interested in the clinical impact of CNVs in common disease (chapter 4). Through an international collaboration led by the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) and the Imperial College London I was involved as a main data analyst in the investigation of a rare deletion at chromosome 16p11 detected in obese patients. Specifically, we compared 8,456 obese patients and 11,856 individuals from the general population and we found that the deletion was accounting for 0.7% of the morbid obesity cases and was absent in healthy non- obese controls. This highlights the importance of rare variants with strong impact and provides new insights in the design of clinical studies to identify the missing heritability in common disease.Furthermore, I was interested in the detection of somatic copy number alterations (SCNA) and their consequences in cancer (chapter 5). This project was a collaboration initiated by the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research and involved other groups from the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, the CHUV and Universities of Lausanne and Geneva. The focus of my work was to identify genes with altered expression levels within somatic copy number alterations (SCNA) in seven metastatic melanoma ceil lines, using CGH and SNP arrays, RNA-seq, and karyotyping. Very few SCNA genes were shared by even two melanoma samples making it difficult to draw any conclusions at the individual gene level. To overcome this limitation, I used a network-guided analysis to determine whether any pathways, defined by amplified or deleted genes, were common among the samples. Six of the melanoma samples were potentially altered in four pathways and five samples harboured copy-number and expression changes in components of six pathways. In total, this approach identified 28 pathways. Validation with two external, large melanoma datasets confirmed all but three of the detected pathways and demonstrated the utility of network-guided approaches for both large and small datasets analysis.RésuméBien que le génome de deux individus soit similaire à plus de 99.99%, des différences de structure peuvent être observées. Ces différences incluent les polymorphismes simples de nucléotides, les inversions et les changements en nombre de copies (gain ou perte d'ADN). Ces derniers varient de petits événements dits sous-microscopiques (moins de 1kb en taille), appelés CNVs (copy number variants) jusqu'à des événements plus large pouvant affecter des chromosomes entiers. Les petites variations sont généralement sans conséquence pour la cellule, toutefois certaines ont été impliquées dans la prédisposition à certaines maladies, et à des variations phénotypiques dans la population générale. Les réarrangements plus grands (par exemple, une copie additionnelle d'un chromosome appelée communément trisomie) ont des répercutions plus grave pour la santé, comme par exemple dans certains syndromes génomiques et dans le cancer. Les technologies à haut-débit telle les puces à ADN permettent la détection de CNVs à l'échelle du génome humain. La cartographie en 2006 des CNV du génome humain, a suscité un fort intérêt en génétique des populations et en génétique médicale. La détection de différences au sein et entre plusieurs populations est un élément clef pour élucider la contribution possible des CNVs dans les maladies. Toutefois l'analyse du génome reste une tâche difficile, la technologie évolue très rapidement créant de nouveaux besoins pour le développement d'outils, l'amélioration des précédents, et la comparaison des différentes méthodes. De plus, si le lien entre CNV et maladie a été établit, leur contribution précise n'est pas encore comprise. De même que les études sur la prédisposition aux maladies par des CNVs détectés dans la population générale n'ont pas encore été réalisées.Pendant mon doctorat, je me suis concentré sur trois axes principaux ayant attrait aux CNV. Dans le chapitre 3, je détaille mes travaux sur les méthodes d'analyses des puces à ADN. J'ai eu accès aux données du projet CoLaus, une étude de la population de Lausanne. Dans cette étude, le génome de plus de 6000 individus a été analysé avec des puces SNP et de nombreuses informations cliniques ont été récoltées. Pendant mes travaux, j'ai utilisé et comparé plusieurs méthodes de détection des CNVs. Les résultats n'étant pas complètement satisfaisant, j'ai implémenté ma propre méthode qui donne de meilleures performances que deux des trois autres méthodes utilisées. Je me suis aussi intéressé aux stratégies pour combiner les CNVs de différents individus en régions.Je me suis aussi intéressé à l'impact clinique des CNVs dans le cas des maladies génétiques communes (chapitre 4). Ce projet fut possible grâce à une étroite collaboration avec le Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) et l'Impérial College à Londres. Dans ce projet, j'ai été l'un des analystes principaux et j'ai travaillé sur l'impact clinique d'une délétion rare du chromosome 16p11 présente chez des patients atteints d'obésité. Dans cette collaboration multidisciplinaire, nous avons comparés 8'456 patients atteint d'obésité et 11 '856 individus de la population générale. Nous avons trouvés que la délétion était impliquée dans 0.7% des cas d'obésité morbide et était absente chez les contrôles sains (non-atteint d'obésité). Notre étude illustre l'importance des CNVs rares qui peuvent avoir un impact clinique très important. De plus, ceci permet d'envisager une alternative aux études d'associations pour améliorer notre compréhension de l'étiologie des maladies génétiques communes.Egalement, j'ai travaillé sur la détection d'altérations somatiques en nombres de copies (SCNA) et de leurs conséquences pour le cancer (chapitre 5). Ce projet fut une collaboration initiée par l'Institut Ludwig de Recherche contre le Cancer et impliquant l'Institut Suisse de Bioinformatique, le CHUV et les Universités de Lausanne et Genève. Je me suis concentré sur l'identification de gènes affectés par des SCNAs et avec une sur- ou sous-expression dans des lignées cellulaires dérivées de mélanomes métastatiques. Les données utilisées ont été générées par des puces ADN (CGH et SNP) et du séquençage à haut débit du transcriptome. Mes recherches ont montrées que peu de gènes sont récurrents entre les mélanomes, ce qui rend difficile l'interprétation des résultats. Pour contourner ces limitations, j'ai utilisé une analyse de réseaux pour définir si des réseaux de signalisations enrichis en gènes amplifiés ou perdus, étaient communs aux différents échantillons. En fait, parmi les 28 réseaux détectés, quatre réseaux sont potentiellement dérégulés chez six mélanomes, et six réseaux supplémentaires sont affectés chez cinq mélanomes. La validation de ces résultats avec deux larges jeux de données publiques, a confirmée tous ces réseaux sauf trois. Ceci démontre l'utilité de cette approche pour l'analyse de petits et de larges jeux de données.Résumé grand publicL'avènement de la biologie moléculaire, en particulier ces dix dernières années, a révolutionné la recherche en génétique médicale. Grâce à la disponibilité du génome humain de référence dès 2001, de nouvelles technologies telles que les puces à ADN sont apparues et ont permis d'étudier le génome dans son ensemble avec une résolution dite sous-microscopique jusque-là impossible par les techniques traditionnelles de cytogénétique. Un des exemples les plus importants est l'étude des variations structurales du génome, en particulier l'étude du nombre de copies des gènes. Il était établi dès 1959 avec l'identification de la trisomie 21 par le professeur Jérôme Lejeune que le gain d'un chromosome supplémentaire était à l'origine de syndrome génétique avec des répercussions graves pour la santé du patient. Ces observations ont également été réalisées en oncologie sur les cellules cancéreuses qui accumulent fréquemment des aberrations en nombre de copies (telles que la perte ou le gain d'un ou plusieurs chromosomes). Dès 2004, plusieurs groupes de recherches ont répertorié des changements en nombre de copies dans des individus provenant de la population générale (c'est-à-dire sans symptômes cliniques visibles). En 2006, le Dr. Richard Redon a établi la première carte de variation en nombre de copies dans la population générale. Ces découvertes ont démontrées que les variations dans le génome était fréquentes et que la plupart d'entre elles étaient bénignes, c'est-à-dire sans conséquence clinique pour la santé de l'individu. Ceci a suscité un très grand intérêt pour comprendre les variations naturelles entre individus mais aussi pour mieux appréhender la prédisposition génétique à certaines maladies.Lors de ma thèse, j'ai développé de nouveaux outils informatiques pour l'analyse de puces à ADN dans le but de cartographier ces variations à l'échelle génomique. J'ai utilisé ces outils pour établir les variations dans la population suisse et je me suis consacré par la suite à l'étude de facteurs pouvant expliquer la prédisposition aux maladies telles que l'obésité. Cette étude en collaboration avec le Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois a permis l'identification d'une délétion sur le chromosome 16 expliquant 0.7% des cas d'obésité morbide. Cette étude a plusieurs répercussions. Tout d'abord elle permet d'effectuer le diagnostique chez les enfants à naître afin de déterminer leur prédisposition à l'obésité. Ensuite ce locus implique une vingtaine de gènes. Ceci permet de formuler de nouvelles hypothèses de travail et d'orienter la recherche afin d'améliorer notre compréhension de la maladie et l'espoir de découvrir un nouveau traitement Enfin notre étude fournit une alternative aux études d'association génétique qui n'ont eu jusqu'à présent qu'un succès mitigé.Dans la dernière partie de ma thèse, je me suis intéressé à l'analyse des aberrations en nombre de copies dans le cancer. Mon choix s'est porté sur l'étude de mélanomes, impliqués dans le cancer de la peau. Le mélanome est une tumeur très agressive, elle est responsable de 80% des décès des cancers de la peau et est souvent résistante aux traitements utilisés en oncologie (chimiothérapie, radiothérapie). Dans le cadre d'une collaboration entre l'Institut Ludwig de Recherche contre le Cancer, l'Institut Suisse de Bioinformatique, le CHUV et les universités de Lausanne et Genève, nous avons séquencés l'exome (les gènes) et le transcriptome (l'expression des gènes) de sept mélanomes métastatiques, effectués des analyses du nombre de copies par des puces à ADN et des caryotypes. Mes travaux ont permis le développement de nouvelles méthodes d'analyses adaptées au cancer, d'établir la liste des réseaux de signalisation cellulaire affectés de façon récurrente chez le mélanome et d'identifier deux cibles thérapeutiques potentielles jusqu'alors ignorées dans les cancers de la peau.


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Multiple Myeloma (MM) is a hematologic cancer with heterogeneous and complex genomic landscape, where Copy Number Alterations (CNAs) play a key role in the disease's pathogenesis and prognosis. It is of biological and clinical interest to study the temporal occurrence of early alterations, as they play a disease "driver" function by deregulating key tumor pathways. This study presents an innovative bioinformatic tools suite created for harmonizing and tracing the origin of CNAs throughout the evolutionary history of MM. To this aim, large cohorts of newly-diagnosed MM (NDMM, N=1582) and Smoldering-MM (SMM, N=282) were aggregated. The tools developed in this study enable the harmonization of CNAs as obtained from different genomic platforms in such a way that a high statistical power can be obtained. By doing so, the high numerosity of those cohorts was harnessed for the identification of novel genes characterized as "driver" (NFKB2, NOTCH2, MAX, EVI5 and MYC-ME2-enhancer), and the generation of an innovative timing model, implemented with a statistical method to introduce confidence intervals in the CNAs-calls. By applying this model on both NDMM and SMM cohorts, it was possible to identify specific CNAs (1q(CKS1B)amp, 13q(RB1)del, 11q(CCND1)amp and 14q(MAX)del) and categorize them as "early"/ "driver" events. A high level of precision was guaranteed by the narrow confidence intervals in the timing estimates. These CNAs were proposed as critical MM alterations, which play a foundational role in the evolutionary history of both SMM and NDMM. Finally, a multivariate survival model was able to identify the independent genomic alterations with the greatest effect on patients’ survival, including RB1-del, CKS1B-amp, MYC-amp, NOTCH2-amp and TRAF3-del/mut. In conclusion, the alterations that were identified as both "early-drivers” and correlated with patients’ survival were proposed as biomarkers that, if included in wider survival models, could provide a better disease stratification and an improved prognosis definition.


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Aim of the present study was to develop a statistical approach to define the best cut-off Copy number alterations (CNAs) calling from genomic data provided by high throughput experiments, able to predict a specific clinical end-point (early relapse, 18 months) in the context of Multiple Myeloma (MM). 743 newly diagnosed MM patients with SNPs array-derived genomic and clinical data were included in the study. CNAs were called both by a conventional (classic, CL) and an outcome-oriented (OO) method, and Progression Free Survival (PFS) hazard ratios of CNAs called by the two approaches were compared. The OO approach successfully identified patients at higher risk of relapse and the univariate survival analysis showed stronger prognostic effects for OO-defined high-risk alterations, as compared to that defined by CL approach, statistically significant for 12 CNAs. Overall, 155/743 patients relapsed within 18 months from the therapy start. A small number of OO-defined CNAs were significantly recurrent in early-relapsed patients (ER-CNAs) - amp1q, amp2p, del2p, del12p, del17p, del19p -. Two groups of patients were identified either carrying or not ≥1 ER-CNAs (249 vs. 494, respectively), the first one with significantly shorter PFS and overall survivals (OS) (PFS HR 2.15, p<0001; OS HR 2.37, p<0.0001). The risk of relapse defined by the presence of ≥1 ER-CNAs was independent from those conferred both by R-IIS 3 (HR=1.51; p=0.01) and by low quality (< stable disease) clinical response (HR=2.59 p=0.004). Notably, the type of induction therapy was not descriptive, suggesting that ER is strongly related to patients’ baseline genomic architecture. In conclusion, the OO- approach employed allowed to define CNAs-specific dynamic clonality cut-offs, improving the CNAs calls’ accuracy to identify MM patients with the highest probability to ER. As being outcome-dependent, the OO-approach is dynamic and might be adjusted according to the selected outcome variable of interest.


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Background: MLPA method is a potentially useful semi-quantitative method to detect copy number alterations in targeted regions. In this paper, we propose a method for the normalization procedure based on a non-linear mixed-model, as well as a new approach for determining the statistical significance of altered probes based on linear mixed-model. This method establishes a threshold by using different tolerance intervals that accommodates the specific random error variability observed in each test sample.Results: Through simulation studies we have shown that our proposed method outperforms two existing methods that are based on simple threshold rules or iterative regression. We have illustrated the method using a controlled MLPA assay in which targeted regions are variable in copy number in individuals suffering from different disorders such as Prader-Willi, DiGeorge or Autism showing the best performace.Conclusion: Using the proposed mixed-model, we are able to determine thresholds to decide whether a region is altered. These threholds are specific for each individual, incorporating experimental variability, resulting in improved sensitivity and specificity as the examples with real data have revealed.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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To obtain a comprehensive genomic profile of presenting multiple myeloma cases we performed high-resolution single nucleotide polymorphism mapping array analysis in 114 samples alongside 258 samples analyzed by U133 Plus 2.0 expression array (Affymetrix). We examined DNA copy number alterations and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) to define the spectrum of minimally deleted regions in which relevant genes of interest can be found. The most frequent deletions are located at 1p (30%), 6q (33%), 8p (25%), 12p (15%), 13q (59%), 14q (39%), 16q (35%), 17p (7%), 20 (12%), and 22 (18%). In addition, copy number-neutral LOH, or uniparental disomy, was also prevalent on 1q (8%), 16q (9%), and X (20%), and was associated with regions of gain and loss. Based on fluorescence in situ hybridization and expression quartile analysis, genes of prognostic importance were found to be located at 1p (FAF1, CDKN2C), 1q (ANP32E), and 17p (TP53). In addition, we identified common homozygously deleted genes that have functions relevant to myeloma biology. Taken together, these analyses indicate that the crucial pathways in myeloma pathogenesis include the nuclear factor-κB pathway, apoptosis, cell-cycle regulation, Wnt signaling, and histone modifications. This study was registered at http://isrctn.org as ISRCTN68454111.


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To develop a comprehensive overview of copy number aberrations (CNAs) in stage-II/III colorectal cancer (CRC), we characterized 302 tumors from the PETACC-3 clinical trial. Microsatellite-stable (MSS) samples (n = 269) had 66 minimal common CNA regions, with frequent gains on 20 q (72.5%), 7 (41.8%), 8 q (33.1%) and 13 q (51.0%) and losses on 18 (58.6%), 4 q (26%) and 21 q (21.6%). MSS tumors have significantly more CNAs than microsatellite-instable (MSI) tumors: within the MSI tumors a novel deletion of the tumor suppressor WWOX at 16 q23.1 was identified (p<0.01). Focal aberrations identified by the GISTIC method confirmed amplifications of oncogenes including EGFR, ERBB2, CCND1, MET, and MYC, and deletions of tumor suppressors including TP53, APC, and SMAD4, and gene expression was highly concordant with copy number aberration for these genes. Novel amplicons included putative oncogenes such as WNK1 and HNF4A, which also showed high concordance between copy number and expression. Survival analysis associated a specific patient segment featured by chromosome 20 q gains to an improved overall survival, which might be due to higher expression of genes such as EEF1B2 and PTK6. The CNA clustering also grouped tumors characterized by a poor prognosis BRAF-mutant-like signature derived from mRNA data from this cohort. We further revealed non-random correlation between CNAs among unlinked loci, including positive correlation between 20 q gain and 8 q gain, and 20 q gain and chromosome 18 loss, consistent with co-selection of these CNAs. These results reinforce the non-random nature of somatic CNAs in stage-II/III CRC and highlight loci and genes that may play an important role in driving the development and outcome of this disease.


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A large fraction of genome variation between individuals is comprised of submicroscopic copy number variation of genomic DNA segments. We assessed the relative contribution of structural changes and gene dosage alterations on phenotypic outcomes with mouse models of Smith-Magenis and Potocki-Lupski syndromes. We phenotyped mice with 1n (Deletion/+), 2n (+/+), 3n (Duplication/+), and balanced 2n compound heterozygous (Deletion/Duplication) copies of the same region. Parallel to the observations made in humans, such variation in gene copy number was sufficient to generate phenotypic consequences: in a number of cases diametrically opposing phenotypes were associated with gain versus loss of gene content. Surprisingly, some neurobehavioral traits were not rescued by restoration of the normal gene copy number. Transcriptome profiling showed that a highly significant propensity of transcriptional changes map to the engineered interval in the five assessed tissues. A statistically significant overrepresentation of the genes mapping to the entire length of the engineered chromosome was also found in the top-ranked differentially expressed genes in the mice containing rearranged chromosomes, regardless of the nature of the rearrangement, an observation robust across different cell lineages of the central nervous system. Our data indicate that a structural change at a given position of the human genome may affect not only locus and adjacent gene expression but also "genome regulation." Furthermore, structural change can cause the same perturbation in particular pathways regardless of gene dosage. Thus, the presence of a genomic structural change, as well as gene dosage imbalance, contributes to the ultimate phenotype.


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BACKGROUND Hirschsprung disease (HSCR) is a congenital malformation of the hindgut produced by a disruption in neural crest cell migration during embryonic development. HSCR has a complex genetic etiology and mutations in several genes, mainly the RET proto-oncogene, have been related to the disease. There is a clear predominance of missense/nonsense mutations in these genes whereas copy number variations (CNVs) have been seldom described, probably due to the limitations of conventional techniques usually employed for mutational analysis. METHODS In this study we have aimed to analyze the presence of CNVs in some HSCR genes (RET, EDN3, GDNF and ZFHX1B) using the Multiple Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) approach. RESULTS Two alterations in the MLPA profiles of RET and EDN3 were detected, but a detailed inspection showed that the decrease in the corresponding dosages were due to point mutations affecting the hybridization probes regions. CONCLUSION Our results indicate that CNVs of the gene coding regions analyzed here are not a common molecular cause of Hirschsprung disease. However, further studies are required to determine the presence of CNVs affecting non-coding regulatory regions, as well as other candidate genes.


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Copy number variation (CNV) is a key source of genetic diversity, but a comprehensive understanding of its phenotypic effect is only beginning to emerge. We have generated a CNV map in wild mice and classical inbred strains. Genome-wide expression data from six major organs show not only that expression of genes within CNVs tend to correlate with copy number changes, but also that CNVs influence the expression of genes in their vicinity, an effect that extends up to half a megabase. Genes within CNVs show lower expression and more specific spatial expression patterns than genes mapping elsewhere. Our analyses reveal differential constraint on copy number changes of genes expressed in different tissues. Dosage alterations of brain-expressed genes are less frequent than those of other genes and are buffered by tighter transcriptional regulation. Our study provides initial evidence that CNVs shape tissue transcriptomes on a global scale.


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Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are a heterogeneous group of disorders with a complex genetic etiology. We used high-resolution whole genome array-based comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) to screen 223 ASD patients for gene dose alterations associated with susceptibility for autism. Clinically significant copy number variations (CNVs) were identified in 18 individuals (8%), of which 9 cases (4%) had de novo aberrations. In addition, 20 individuals (9%) were shown to have CNVs of unclear clinical relevance. Among these, 13 cases carried rare but inherited CNVs that may increase the risk for developing ASDs, while parental samples were unavailable in the remaining seven cases. Classification of all patients into different phenotypic and inheritance pattern groups indicated the presence of different CNV patterns in different patient groups. Clinically relevant CNVs were more common in syndromic cases compared to non-syndromic cases. Rare inherited CNVs were present in a higher proportion of ASD cases having first- or second-degree relatives with an ASD-related neuropsychiatric phenotype in comparison with cases without reported heredity (P = 0.0096). We conclude that rare CNVs, encompassing potential candidate regions for ASDs, increase the susceptibility for the development of ASDs and related neuropsychiatric disorders giving us further insight into the complex genetics underlying ASDs.


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Abstract Background Lung cancer often exhibits molecular changes, such as the overexpression of the ErbB1 gene. ErbB1 encodes epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), a tyrosine kinase receptor, involved mainly in cell proliferation and survival. EGFR overexpression has been associated with more aggressive disease, poor prognosis, low survival rate and low response to therapy. ErbB1 amplification and mutation are associated with tumor development and are implicated in ineffective treatment. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the ErbB1 copy number affects EGFR expression, cell proliferation or cell migration by comparing two different cell lines. Methods The copies of ErbB1 gene was evaluated by FISH. Immunofluorescence and Western blotting were performed to determine location and expression of proteins mentioned in the present study. Proliferation was studied by flow cytometry and cell migration by wound healing assay and time lapse. Results We investigated the activation and function of EGFR in the A549 and HK2 lung cancer cell lines, which contain 3 and 6 copies of ErbB1, respectively. The expression of EGFR was lower in the HK2 cell line. EGFR was activated after stimulation with EGF in both cell lines, but this activation did not promote differences in cellular proliferation when compared to control cells. Inhibiting EGFR with AG1478 did not modify cellular proliferation, confirming previous data. However, we observed morphological alterations, changes in microfilament organization and increased cell migration upon EGF stimulation. However, these effects did not seem to be consequence of an epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Conclusion EGFR expression did not appear to be associated to the ErbB1 gene copy number, and neither of these aspects appeared to affect cell proliferation. However, EGFR activation by EGF resulted in cell migration stimulation in both cell lines.


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An approach was developed for the quantification of subtle gains and losses of genomic DNA. The approach relies on a process called molecular combing. Molecular combing consists of the extension and alignment of purified molecules of genomic DNA on a glass coverslip. It has the advantage that a large number of genomes can be combed per coverslip, which allows for a statistically adequate number of measurements to be made on the combed DNA. Consequently, a high-resolution approach to mapping and quantifying genomic alterations is possible. The approach consists of applying fluorescence hybridization to the combed DNA by using probes to identify the amplified region. Measurements then are made on the linear hybridization signals to ascertain the region's exact size. The reliability of the approach first was tested for low copy number amplifications by determining the copy number of chromosome 21 in a normal and trisomy 21 cell line. It then was tested for high copy number amplifications by quantifying the copy number of an oncogene amplified in the tumor cell line GTL-16. These results demonstrate that a wide range of amplifications can be accurately and reliably quantified. The sensitivity and resolution of the approach likewise was assessed by determining the copy number of a single allele (160 kb) alteration.