83 resultados para SolidWorks


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Copy of NT CADCAM Webinar (~Q1 2016) - Managing SOLIDWORKS data with SOLIDWORKS PDM, provided for reference in FEE by Max Templeman, Account Manager for NT CADCAM Ltd


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Finite element analyses of the human body in seated postures requires digital models capable of providing accurate and precise prediction of the tissue-level response of the body in the seated posture. To achieve such models, the human anatomy must be represented with high fidelity. This information can readily be defined using medical imaging techniques such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or Computed Tomography (CT). Current practices for constructing digital human models, based on the magnetic resonance (MR) images, in a lying down (supine) posture have reduced the error in the geometric representation of human anatomy relative to reconstructions based on data from cadaveric studies. Nonetheless, the significant differences between seated and supine postures in segment orientation, soft-tissue deformation and soft tissue strain create a need for data obtained in postures more similar to the application posture. In this study, we present a novel method for creating digital human models based on seated MR data. An adult-male volunteer was scanned in a simulated driving posture using a FONAR 0.6T upright MRI scanner with a T1 scanning protocol. To compensate for unavoidable image distortion near the edges of the study, images of the same anatomical structures were obtained in transverse and sagittal planes. Combinations of transverse and sagittal images were used to reconstruct the major anatomical features from the buttocks through the knees, including bone, muscle and fat tissue perimeters, using Solidworks® software. For each MR image, B-splines were created as contours for the anatomical structures of interest, and LOFT commands were used to interpolate between the generated Bsplines. The reconstruction of the pelvis, from MR data, was enhanced by the use of a template model generated in previous work CT images. A non-rigid registration algorithm was used to fit the pelvis template into the MR data. Additionally, MR image processing was conducted to both the left and the right sides of the model due to the intended asymmetric posture of the volunteer during the MR measurements. The presented subject-specific, three-dimensional model of the buttocks and thighs will add value to optimisation cycles in automotive seat development when used in simulating human interaction with automotive seats.


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The finite element (FE) analysis is an effective method to study the strength and predict the fracture risk of endodontically-treated teeth. This paper presents a rapid method developed to generate a comprehensive tooth FE model using data retrieved from micro-computed tomography (μCT). With this method, the inhomogeneity of material properties of teeth was included into the model without dividing the tooth model into different regions. The material properties of the tooth were assumed to be related to the mineral density. The fracture risk at different tooth portions was assessed for root canal treatments. The micro-CT images of a tooth were processed by a Matlab software programme and the CT numbers were retrieved. The tooth contours were obtained with thresholding segmentation using Amira. The inner and outer surfaces of the tooth were imported into Solidworks and a three-dimensional (3D) tooth model was constructed. An assembly of the tooth model with the periodontal ligament (PDL) layer and surrounding bone was imported into ABAQUS. The material properties of the tooth were calculated from the retrieved CT numbers via ABAQUS user's subroutines. Three root canal geometries (original and two enlargements) were investigated. The proposed method in this study can generate detailed 3D finite element models of a tooth with different root canal enlargements and filling materials, and would be very useful for the assessment of the fracture risk at different tooth portions after root canal treatments.


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This paper proposes a new iterative method to achieve an optimally fitting plate for preoperative planning purposes. The proposed method involves integration of four commercially available software tools, Matlab, Rapidform2006, SolidWorks and ANSYS, each performing specific tasks to obtain a plate shape that fits optimally for an individual tibia and is mechanically safe. A typical challenge when crossing multiple platforms is to ensure correct data transfer. We present an example of the implementation of the proposed method to demonstrate successful data transfer between the four platforms and the feasibility of the method.


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Anatomically pre-contoured fracture fixation plates are a treatment option for bone fractures. A well-fitting plate can be used as a tool for anatomical reduction of the fractured bone. However, recent studies showed that some plates fit poorly for many patients due to considerable shape variations between bones of the same anatomical site. Therefore, the plates have to be manually fitted and deformed by surgeons to fit each patient optimally. The process is time-intensive and labor-intensive, and could lead to adverse clinical implications such as wound infection or plate failure. This paper proposes a new iterative method to simulate the patient-specific deformation of an optimally fitting plate for pre-operative planning purposes. We further demonstrate the validation of the method through a case study. The proposed method involves the integration of four commercially available software tools, Matlab, Rapidform2006, SolidWorks, and ANSYS, each performing specific tasks to obtain a plate shape that fits optimally for an individual tibia and is mechanically safe. A typical challenge when crossing multiple platforms is to ensure correct data transfer. We present an example of the implementation of the proposed method to demonstrate successful data transfer between the four platforms and the feasibility of the method.


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An important application of solar thermal storage is for power generation or process heating. Low-temperature thermal storage in a packed rock bed is considered the best option for thermal storage for solar drying applications. In this chapter, mathematical formulations for conical have been developed. The model equations are solved numerically for charging/discharging cycles utilizing MATLAB. Results were compared with rock-bed storage with standard straight tank. From the simulated results, the temperature distribution was found to be more uniform in the truncated conical rock-bed storage. Also, the pressure drop over a long period of time in the conical thermal storage was as low as 25 Pa. Hence, the amount of power required from a centrifugal fan would be significantly lower. The flow of air inside the tank is simulated in SolidWorks software. From flow simulation, 3D modelling of flow is obtained to capture the actual scenario inside the tank.


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[ES]El objetivo de este trabajo es plantear el diseño de una máquina para la realización de ensayos de impacto que pueda ser utilizada por el equipo Formula Student de la Escuela. El equipo necesita probar la valía de su parachoques en unas condiciones que este artefacto simulará. Para ello, tras justificar las soluciones elegidas mediante los cálculos correspondientes, nos valdremos del programa Solidworks. Con la ayuda de las ventajas de ese software se dibujará el diseño propuesto y se podrá analizar la máquina detalladamente.


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月球探测对于我国有着长远的战略意义,移动机器人将在我国“二”期月球探测计划中发挥举足轻重的作用。因为月面环境恶劣、机器人自主性有限,所以基于虚拟现实的遥操作技术将在月球探测任务中发挥重要作用。它给操作者提供一种三维的、逼真的和可交互的机器人仿真平台。在此平台上,操作者可以借助科学家的智能来解决月球探测机器人自主和遥操作的结合问题,可以验证路径规划、机械臂运动规划及控制指令等。 本文分析了月球探测机器人和真实三维地形几何拓扑信息的交互过程,借助基于虚拟现实的遥操作技术,开发了基于真实地形场景的移动机器人运动仿真平台。在此平台上,运动仿真反应了机器人真实的运动状态。 首先通过对真实地形三维点云的三角剖分和纹理影射,我们得到了真实三维地形场景。然后借助OpenGL软件库和Solidworks软件我们对月球探测机器人进行了精确的几何建模。 本文在分析国内外星球探测机器人仿真系统基础上,提出了一种轮式移动机器人轮子与地形几何拓扑信息交互的方法,此方法解释了地形变化如何影响到机器人姿态的变化。通过在虚拟地形上实验和分析机器人状态数据,证明了此方法的合理性。 本文还推导了六轮移动机器人的运动学模型,确定了机器人车体位姿及其变化与轮子接地点位姿及其变化之间的关系,为机器人如何调整姿态以适应变化的三维崎岖地形提供了理论基础。并利用速度投影法,得到了轮式移动机器人运动学模型新的形式。 最后结合运动学模型和几何模型,我们在Windows平台上利用VC++OpenGL 开发了基于真实地形场景的星球探测机器仿真系统,实现了月球探测机器人的实时仿真。该系统具有较强的交互性和实时性,为星球探测机器人虚拟导航、路径验证、遥操作等提供了验证平台。


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深海ROV是一种可以在深海进行观察和作业的水下机器人。其研究和开发,对海洋环境的调查,海洋资源的钻探以及军事应用方面都具有重要的意义。深海ROV收放在深海区域收放作业时,作业环境复杂,作业深度大,如果铠缆绞车采用单卷筒结构会存在驱动装置功率过大,卷筒的转动惯量过大,载体出水的瞬间铠缆外层压入内层等问题。另外,海面的海况条件比较恶劣,支持母船受风、浪、涌、流影响而产生较大幅度的升沉运动对有缆水下机器人正常作业和收放操作有较大的影响,ROV中继器的升沉运动甚至可以造成系缆的损害而使机器人本体丢失。为了提高ROV在恶劣海况下的安全性能,保护中继器与载体之间的系缆不受损坏,需要配备升沉补偿装置。所以深海ROV铠缆绞车及其升沉补偿装置的研究与设计,对实现深海ROV的收放及保障系统安全及各项关键技术的进一步研究具有重要的意义。 本文在863计划“基于母船升沉预测的深海装备主动升沉补偿测控单元的研究开发”资助下,结合7000m ROV收放操作和升沉补偿的要求,开展深海ROV铠缆绞车及其主动升沉补偿装置的设计研究。针对深海ROV收放作业时,ROV铠缆绞车需要具有ROV快速收放能力及升沉补偿能力,设计适合于深海ROV收放作业的铠缆绞车。本文重点研究适合于深海ROV铠缆绞车的双绞车结构形式;研究双绞车的受力分析,驱动装置的选型;设计深海ROV铠缆绞车的储存绞车和牵引绞车;设计用于深海ROV铠缆绞车的主动升沉补偿装置。本文的主要内容如下: (1)研究深海ROV铠缆绞车的结构形式。分析了如果深海ROV铠缆绞车采用单卷筒结构存在转动惯量过大,驱动装置功率过大,在出水的瞬间铠缆外层缆压入内层等问题,提出了双绞车结构。分析了双绞车的组成,布置及其作用原理,各部件的组成及作用原理。 (2)研究深海ROV铠缆绞车的受力及所需要的功率。利用微元分析,求解出深海ROV牵引绞车每个绞盘提供的摩擦力,从而求出各绞车驱动装置需提供的最大驱动力矩和功率,作为驱动装置的选型依据。 (3)设计深海ROV铠缆绞车。通过类比以前的绞车系统,理论计算,初步选定储存绞车及牵引绞车各个部件参数。采用SolidWorks进行三维建模后,采用ANSYS进行有限元分析,通过计算机仿真技术克服理论计算的缺陷,对各个部件进行强度校核及结构优化。 (4)设计主动升沉补偿装置。根据升沉补偿装置的技术指标,通过理论计算确定升沉补偿装置各个部分结构形式和参数,并进行了三维建模、通过有限元分析对各个部件进行强度校核,最后分析了超长缆释放时自身的张力对绞车定位的影响。 通过以上研究,设计出符合7000m ROV收放作业要求的深海ROV铠缆绞车及其升沉补偿装置,为7000m ROV的实现和收放技术的研究奠定了良好的基础。


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直角坐标机器人作为一种常用的工业机器人广泛应用于现代工业生产线中,其运动学和动力学特性关系整个生产线性能发挥。虚拟样机技术在复杂机械系统仿真中的成功应用不仅可以提高仿真精度,而且还可以缩短产品设计周期,对于工程实际具有重要的应用价值。通过虚拟样机技术,工程师可以通过机械系统运动仿真,在产品设计阶段发现产品设计中的潜在问题,并快速进行修改,减少了对于物理样机的依赖,这样不仅可以节省成本,缩短产品开发周期,而且还可以提高产品性能,增强产品竞争力。本文结合中科院沈阳自动化研究所现代装备研究设计中心的大型项目“激光拼焊生产线”,对生产线中从国外引进的上下料机器人进行研究分析,设计出一台可以满足“激光拼焊生产线”工业要求的上下料直角坐标机器人,来实现高性能上下料机器人的国产化。以设计出的上下料直角坐标机器人为研究对象,采用虚拟样机技术,以有限元法和多体系统动力学为理论基础,进行上下料直角坐标机器人机构的运动学和动力学分析仿真研究。其中研究了三维实体建模方法以及D-H方法,探讨了利用CAD/CAE软件SOLIDWORKS, ADAMS和ANSYS进行协同虚拟样机的建模、装配、数据共享、有限元静力分析以及刚柔耦合多体动力学仿真技术,研究成果对实际工程的运用具有一定的指导作用。本文主要的研究工作及其成果如下: 1根据工业生产线要求,确定高性能上下料直角坐标机器人总体机构设计方案,设计各个直线运动单元。 2利用CAD软件SOLIDWORKS对上下料直角坐标机器人进行3维实体建模,然后利用D-H方法,建立其运动学方程,最后利用MATLAB工具对运动学进行仿真。 3以有限元方法为基础,利用有限元分析软件ANSYS对上下料直角坐标机器人核心部件Y轴横梁静力分析,最后进行横梁结构优化。 4以多体系统动力学为基础,利用有限元软件ANSYS生成刚柔耦合多体动力学仿真所需的模态中性文件(MNF),同时结合运用ANSYS和ADAMS建立了上下料直角坐标机器人刚柔性耦合多体模型,并进行了动力学分析。


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Timely and individualized feedback on coursework is desirable from a student perspective as it facilitates formative development and encourages reflective learning practice. Faculty however are faced with a significant and potentially time consuming challenge when teaching larger cohorts if they are to provide feedback which is timely, individualized and detailed. Additionally, for subjects which assess non-traditional submissions, such as Computer-Aided-Design (CAD), the methods for assessment and feedback tend not to be so well developed or optimized. Issues can also arise over the consistency of the feedback provided. Evaluations of Computer-Assisted feedback in other disciplines (Denton et al, 2008), (Croft et al, 2001) have shown students prefer this method of feedback to traditional “red pen” marking and also that such methods can be more time efficient for faculty.
Herein, approaches are described which make use of technology and additional software tools to speed up, simplify and automate assessment and the provision of feedback for large cohorts of first and second year engineering students studying modules where CAD files are submitted electronically. A range of automated methods are described and compared with more “manual” approaches. Specifically one method uses an application programming interface (API) to interrogate SolidWorks models and extract information into an Excel spreadsheet, which is then used to automatically send feedback emails. Another method describes the use of audio recordings made during model interrogation which reduces the amount of time while increasing the level of detail provided as feedback.
Limitations found with these methods and problems encountered are discussed along with a quantified assessment of time saving efficiencies made.


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This article details how the primary studies are specified to establish the flow of energy power generation and principally the turbines design flow, starting from the analysis of how determine the flow of a basin and also the methods to define the runoff flow which generates the rainfalls in the basins, analyzing the kind of grounds. When the flow of the river (basin) and design flow are specified, the type of turbine to be used is determined and also define the best efficiency possible, taking into consideration the geography of the zone of the hydroelectric, the abacus help to choose the turbine in agreed to parameters like electricity potency, voltage drops and voltage. By using the above software previously, for the design house Sarapullo and Alluriquín Hydroelectric Project Toachi machines - Pilatón, it was determined that each generating station will have three turbines type Francis of vertical axis with their complementary systems for its operation which are designed to generate 254.4 megawatts (MW) using a flow of 33.33 m3/s. Keywords: flow, basin, electric power, runoff, hydroelectric, turbine.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica