998 resultados para Solid-modeling


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This paper describes an interactive environment built entirely upon public domain or free software, intended to be used as the preprocessor of a finite element package for the simulation of three-dimensional electromagnetic problems.


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The applications of the Finite Element Method (FEM) for three-dimensional domains are already well documented in the framework of Computational Electromagnetics. However, despite the power and reliability of this technique for solving partial differential equations, there are only a few examples of open source codes available and dedicated to the solid modeling and automatic constrained tetrahedralization, which are the most time consuming steps in a typical three-dimensional FEM simulation. Besides, these open source codes are usually developed separately by distinct software teams, and even under conflicting specifications. In this paper, we describe an experiment of open source code integration for solid modeling and automatic mesh generation. The integration strategy and techniques are discussed, and examples and performance results are given, specially for complicated and irregular volumes which are not simply connected. © 2011 IEEE.


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[EN]We present a new method to construct a trivariate T-spline representation of complex solids for the application of isogeometric analysis. We take a genus-zero solid as a basis of our study, but at the end of the work we explain the way to generalize the results to any genus solids. The proposed technique only demands a surface triangulation of the solid as input data. The key of this method lies in obtaining a volumetric parameterization between the solid and the parametric domain, the unitary cube. To do that, an adaptive tetrahedral mesh of the parametric domain is isomorphically transformed onto the solid by applying a mesh untangling and smoothing procedure...


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[EN]We present a new method to construct a trivariate T-spline representation of complex genuszero solids for the application of isogeometric analysis. The proposed technique only demands a surface triangulation of the solid as input data. The key of this method lies in obtaining a volumetric parameterization between the solid and the parametric domain, the unitary cube. To do that, an adaptive tetrahedral mesh of the parametric domain is isomorphically transformed onto the solid by applying a mesh untangling and smoothing procedure. The control points of the trivariate T-spline are calculated by imposing the interpolation conditions on points sited both on the inner and on the surface of the solid...


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[EN]We present a new method to construct a trivariate T-spline representation of complex solids for the application of isogeometric analysis. The proposed technique only demands the surface of the solid as input data. The key of this method lies in obtaining a volumetric parameterization between the solid and a simple parametric domain. To do that, an adaptive tetrahedral mesh of the parametric domain is isomorphically transformed onto the solid by applying the meccano method. The control points of the trivariate T-spline are calculated by imposing the interpolation conditions on points situated both on the inner and on the surface of the solid...


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The Finite Element Method is a well-known technique, being extensively applied in different areas. Studies using the Finite Element Method (FEM) are targeted to improve cardiac ablation procedures. For such simulations, the finite element meshes should consider the size and histological features of the target structures. However, it is possible to verify that some methods or tools used to generate meshes of human body structures are still limited, due to nondetailed models, nontrivial preprocessing, or mainly limitation in the use condition. In this paper, alternatives are demonstrated to solid modeling and automatic generation of highly refined tetrahedral meshes, with quality compatible with other studies focused on mesh generation. The innovations presented here are strategies to integrate Open Source Software (OSS). The chosen techniques and strategies are presented and discussed, considering cardiac structures as a first application context. © 2013 E. Pavarino et al.


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In this work, we present a neural network (NN) based method designed for 3D rigid-body registration of FMRI time series, which relies on a limited number of Fourier coefficients of the images to be aligned. These coefficients, which are comprised in a small cubic neighborhood located at the first octant of a 3D Fourier space (including the DC component), are then fed into six NN during the learning stage. Each NN yields the estimates of a registration parameter. The proposed method was assessed for 3D rigid-body transformations, using DC neighborhoods of different sizes. The mean absolute registration errors are of approximately 0.030 mm in translations and 0.030 deg in rotations, for the typical motion amplitudes encountered in FMRI studies. The construction of the training set and the learning stage are fast requiring, respectively, 90 s and 1 to 12 s, depending on the number of input and hidden units of the NN. We believe that NN-based approaches to the problem of FMRI registration can be of great interest in the future. For instance, NN relying on limited K-space data (possibly in navigation echoes) can be a valid solution to the problem of prospective (in frame) FMRI registration.


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Tämä diplomityö tehtiin Valmet Technologies Oy:n Järvenpään toimipisteelle. Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia miten pituusleikkureiden 3D-suunnittelua voidaan tehostaa hyödyntämällä uuden 3D-CAD -järjestelmän ominaisuuksia optimaalisesti. Työ koostuu teoriaosuudesta, haastattelututkimuksesta sekä käytännön osuudesta. Teoriaosuudessa perehdytään pituusleikkurin toimintaan ja rakenteeseen, 3D-suunnittelun teoriaan sekä CATIA-järjestelmään. Teoriaosuudessa etsitään myös uusia näkökulmia 3D-suunnitteluun. Haastattelututkimuksessa kartoitetaan nykyinen suunnitteluprosessi, suunnittelun kehitettäviä kohteita, sekä käytössä olevia suunnittelumenetelmiä, jotka ovat todettu toimiviksi. Haastattelututkimuksessa haastatellaan Valmet Technologies Oy:n Järvenpään toimipisteessä työskenteleviä pituusleikkureiden pääsuunnittelijoita sekä heidän esimiehiään. Lisäksi erillisten haastattelujen avulla kerätään kokemuksia CATIA V6 -ohjelmiston käytöstä sekä suunnitteluohjelmiston vaihtumisesta. Käytännön osuuden tavoitteena on arvioida pituusleikkurin parametroitujen mallirakenteiden siirtämiseen sekä korjauksiin kuluvia aikamääriä kyseisiin toimenpiteisiin tarvittavien resurssien määrittämiseksi. Käytännön osuudessa siirretään kaksi Valmet OptiWin Drum Compact -pituusleikkurin parametroitua osakokonaisuutta uuteen CAD-järjestelmään ja niille suoritetaan tarvittavat korjaustoimenpiteet Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella yhteisen mallinnusmetodologian puuttuminen on merkittävin kehityskohde suunnittelun kehittämisessä. Lopuksi luotiin kehitysehdotukset sekä implementointisuunnitelma, joiden avulla pituusleikkureiden 3D-suunnittelua voidaan kehittää ja CATIA V6 -ohjelmisto voidaan ottaa käyttöön tehokkaasti.


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The Finite Element Method (FEM) is a way of numerical solution applied in different areas, as simulations used in studies to improve cardiac ablation procedures. For this purpose, the meshes should have the same size and histological features of the focused structures. Some methods and tools used to generate tetrahedral meshes are limited mainly by the use conditions. In this paper, the integration of Open Source Softwares is presented as an alternative to solid modeling and automatic mesh generation. To demonstrate its efficiency, the cardiac structures were considered as a first application context: atriums, ventricles, valves, arteries and pericardium. The proposed method is feasible to obtain refined meshes in an acceptable time and with the required quality for simulations using FEM.


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This thesis provides efficient and robust algorithms for the computation of the intersection curve between a torus and a simple surface (e.g. a plane, a natural quadric or another torus), based on algebraic and numeric methods. The algebraic part includes the classification of the topological type of the intersection curve and the detection of degenerate situations like embedded conic sections and singularities. Moreover, reference points for each connected intersection curve component are determined. The required computations are realised efficiently by solving quartic polynomials at most and exactly by using exact arithmetic. The numeric part includes algorithms for the tracing of each intersection curve component, starting from the previously computed reference points. Using interval arithmetic, accidental incorrectness like jumping between branches or the skipping of parts are prevented. Furthermore, the environments of singularities are correctly treated. Our algorithms are complete in the sense that any kind of input can be handled including degenerate and singular configurations. They are verified, since the results are topologically correct and approximate the real intersection curve up to any arbitrary given error bound. The algorithms are robust, since no human intervention is required and they are efficient in the way that the treatment of algebraic equations of high degree is avoided.


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A mathematical model that simulates the operation of a solid-state bipolar Marx modulator topology, including the influence of parasitic capacitances is presented and discussed as a tool to analyze the circuit behavior and to assist the design engineer to select the semiconductor components and to enhance the operating performance. Simulations show good agreement with experimental results, considering a four stage circuit assembled with 1200 V isolated gate bipolar transistors and diodes, operating at 1000 V dc input voltage and 1-kHz frequency, giving 4 kV and 10-mu s output pulses into several resistive loads. Results show that parasitic capacitances between Marx cells to ground can significantly load the solid-state switches, adding new operating circuit conditions.


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This paper models an n-stage stacked Blumlein generator for bipolar pulses for various load conditions. Calculation of the voltage amplitudes in time domain at the load and between stages is described for an n-stage generator. For this, the reflection and transmission coefficients are mathematically modeled where impedance discontinuity occurs (i.e., at the junctions between two transmission lines). The mathematical model developed is assessed by comparing simulation results to experimental data from a two-stage Blumlein solid-state prototype.


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In this doctoral thesis, a power conversion unit for a 10 kWsolid oxide fuel cell is modeled, and a suitable control system is designed. The need for research was identified based on an observation that there was no information available about the characteristics of the solid oxide fuel cell from the perspective of power electronics and the control system, and suitable control methods had not previously been studied in the literature. In addition, because of the digital implementation of the control system, the inherent characteristics of the digital system had to be taken into account in the characteristics of the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). The characteristics of the solid oxide fuel cell as well the methods for the modeling and control of the DC/DC converter and the grid converter are studied by a literature survey. Based on the survey, the characteristics of the SOFC as an electrical power source are identified, and a solution to the interfacing of the SOFC in distributed generation is proposed. A mathematical model of the power conversion unit is provided, and the control design for the DC/DC converter and the grid converter is made based on the proposed interfacing solution. The limit cycling phenomenon is identified as a source of low-frequency current ripple, which is found to be insignificant when connected to a grid-tied converter. A method to mitigate a second harmonic originating from the grid interface is proposed, and practical considerations of the operation with the solid oxide fuel cell plant are presented. At the theoretical level, the thesis discusses and summarizes the methods to successfully derive a model for a DC/DC converter, a grid converter, and a power conversion unit. The results of this doctoral thesis can also be used in other applications, and the models and methods can be adopted to similar applications such as photovoltaic systems. When comparing the results with the objectives of the doctoral thesis, we may conclude that the objectives set for the work are met. In this doctoral thesis, theoretical and practical guidelines are presented for the successful control design to connect a SOFC-based distributed generation plant to the utility grid.


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In the present work, liquid-solid flow in industrial scale is modeled using the commercial software of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) ANSYS Fluent 14.5. In literature, there are few studies on liquid-solid flow in industrial scale, but any information about the particular case with modified geometry cannot be found. The aim of this thesis is to describe the strengths and weaknesses of the multiphase models, when a large-scale application is studied within liquid-solid flow, including the boundary-layer characteristics. The results indicate that the selection of the most appropriate multiphase model depends on the flow regime. Thus, careful estimations of the flow regime are recommended to be done before modeling. The computational tool is developed for this purpose during this thesis. The homogeneous multiphase model is valid only for homogeneous suspension, the discrete phase model (DPM) is recommended for homogeneous and heterogeneous suspension where pipe Froude number is greater than 1.0, while the mixture and Eulerian models are able to predict also flow regimes, where pipe Froude number is smaller than 1.0 and particles tend to settle. With increasing material density ratio and decreasing pipe Froude number, the Eulerian model gives the most accurate results, because it does not include simplifications in Navier-Stokes equations like the other models. In addition, the results indicate that the potential location of erosion in the pipe depends on material density ratio. Possible sedimentation of particles can cause erosion and increase pressure drop as well. In the pipe bend, especially secondary flows, perpendicular to the main flow, affect the location of erosion.