999 resultados para Solid biofuel


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The brewing industry produces large amounts of by-products and wastes like brewers' spent grain (BSG). In Germany, each year approximately 2.1 million tonnes of BSG are generated. During the last years conventional routes of BSG utilization face a remarkable change, such as the decline in the demand as animal feed. Due to its high content of organic matter energetic utilization may create an additional economic value for breweries. Furthermore, in the recent past breweries tend to shift their energy supply towards more sustainable concepts. Although, a decent number of research projects were carried out already, still no mature strategy is available. However, one possible solution can be the mechanical pretreatment of BSG. This step allows optimized energy utilization by the fractionation of BSG. Due to the transfer of digestible components, such as protein, to the liquid phase, the solid phase will largely consist of combustible components. That represents an opportunity to produce a solid biofuel with lower fuelnitrogen content compared to only thermal dried BSG. Therefore, two main purposes for the mechanical pre-treatment were determined, (1) to reduce the moisture content to at least 60 % (w/w) and (2) to diminish the protein content of the solid phase by 30 %. Moreover, the combustion trials should demonstrate whether stable processes and flue gas emissions within the legal limits in Germany are feasible. The results of the mechanical pre-treatment trials showed that a decrease of the moisture and protein content has been achieved. With regard to the combustion trials inconsistent outcomes were found. On the one hand a stable combustion was realized. On the other hand the legal emission levels of NOx (500 mgm -3) and dust (50 mgm-3) could not be kept during all trials. The further research steps will focus on the optimization of the air/fuel ratio by reducing the primary and secondary air conditions. Copyright © 2014,AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar la localización óptima de una planta de producción de 30.000 m3/año de bioetanol a partir de tubérculos de pataca (Helianthus tuberosus L.) cultivada en regadío, en tierras de barbecho de la Cuenca Hidrográfica del Duero (CH Duero). Inicialmente se elaboró, a partir de datos bibliográficos, un modelo de producción de pataca en base a una ecuación de regresión que relaciona datos experimentales de rendimientos de variedades tardías con variables agroclimáticas. Así se obtuvo una función de producción basada en la cantidad de agua disponible (precipitación efectiva + dosis de riego) y en la radiación global acumulada en el periodo brotación‐senescencia del cultivo. A continuación se estima la superficie potencial de cultivo de pataca en la CH Duero a partir de la superficie arable en regadío cartografiada por el Sistema de Ocupación del Suelo (SIOSE), a la cual se le aplican, en base a los requerimientos del cultivo, unas restricciones climáticas, edafológicas, topográficas y logísticas mediante el uso de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG). La proporción de superficie de regadío restringida se cuantifica a escala municipal con el fin de calcular la superficie de barbecho en regadío apta para el cultivo de pataca. A partir de las bases de datos georreferenciadas de precipitación, radiación global, y la dotación de agua para el riego de cultivos no específicos establecida en el Plan Hidrológico de la Cuenca del Duero a escala comarcal, se estimó la producción potencial de tubérculos de pataca sobre la superficie de barbecho de regadío según el modelo de producción elaborado. Así, en las 53.360 ha de barbecho en regadío aptas para el cultivo de pataca se podrían producir 3,8 Mt de tubérculos al año (80 % de humedad) (761.156 t ms/año) de los que se podría obtener 304.462 m3/año de bioetanol, considerando un rendimiento en la transformación de 12,5 kg mf/l de etanol. Se estiman los costes de las labores de cultivo de pataca así como los costes de la logística de suministro a una planta de transformación considerando una distancia media de transporte de 25 km, en base a las hojas de cálculo de utilización de aperos y maquinaria agrícola oficiales del Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (MAGRAMA). Considerando el balance de costes asociados a la producción de bioetanol (costes de transformación, distribución y transporte del producto, costes estructurales de la planta, ahorro de costes por la utilización de las vinazas generadas en el proceso como fertilizante y un beneficio industrial), se ha estimado que el coste de producción de bioetanol a partir de tubérculos de pataca asciende a 61,03 c€/l. Se calculan los beneficios fiscales para el Estado por el cultivo de 5.522 ha de pataca que suministren la materia prima necesaria para una planta de bioetanol de 30.000 m3/año, en concepto de cotizaciones a la Seguridad Social de los trabajadores, impuestos sobre el valor añadido de los productos consumidos, impuesto sobre sociedades y ahorro de las prestaciones por desempleo. Se obtuvieron unos beneficios fiscales de 10,25 c€ por litro de bioetanol producido. El coste de producción de bioetanol depende del rendimiento de tubérculos por hectárea y de la distancia de transporte desde las zonas de producción de la materia prima hasta la planta. Se calculó la distancia máxima de transporte para que el precio de coste del bioetanol producido sea competitivo con el precio de mercado del bioetanol. Como resultado se determinó que el precio del bioetanol (incluido un beneficio industrial del 15%) de la planta sería igual o inferior al precio de venta en el mercado (66,35 c€/l) con una distancia máxima de transporte de 25 km y un rendimiento mínimo del cultivo de 60,1 t mf/ha. Una vez conocido el área de influencia de la planta según la distancia de transporte máxima, se determinó la localización óptima de la planta de producción de bioetanol mediante un proceso de ubicación‐asignación realizado con SIG. Para ello se analizan los puntos candidatos a la ubicación de la planta según el cumplimiento de unos requerimientos técnicos establecidos (distancia a fuentes de suministro eléctrico y de recursos hídricos, distancia a estaciones de ferrocarril, distancia a núcleos urbanos y existencia de Espacios Naturales Protegidos) que minimizan la distancia de transporte maximizando la cantidad de biomasa disponible según la producción potencial estimada anteriormente. Por último, la superficie destinada al cultivo de pataca en el área de influencia de la planta se determina en base a un patrón de distribución del cultivo alrededor de una agroindustria. Dicho patrón se ha obtenido a partir del análisis del grado de ocupación del cultivo de la remolacha en función de la distancia de transporte a la planta azucarera de Miranda de Ebro (Burgos). El patrón resultante muestra que la relación entre el grado de ocupación del suelo por el cultivo y la distancia de transporte a la planta siguen una ecuación logística. La localización óptima que se ha obtenido mediante la metodología descrita se ubica en el municipio leonés de El Burgo Ranero, donde la producción potencial de tubérculos de pataca en la superficie de barbecho situada en un radio de acción de 25 km es de 375.665 t mf/año, superando las 375.000 t mf requeridas anualmente por la planta de bioetanol. ABSTRACT Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) is a harsh crop with a high potential for biomass production. Its main use is related to bioethanol production from the carbohydrates, inulin mainly, accumulated in its tubers at the end of the crop cycle. The aerial biomass could be used as solid biofuel to provide energy to the bioethanol production process. Therefore, Jerusalem artichoke is a promising crop as feedstock for biofuel production in order to achieve the biofuels consumption objectives established by the Government of Spain (PER 2011‐2020 and RDL 4/2013) and the European Union (Directive 2009/28/EC). This work aims at the determination of the optimal location for a 30,000 m3/year bioethanol production plant from Jerusalem artichoke tubers in the Duero river basin. With this purpose, a crop production model was developed by means of a regression equation that relates experimental yield data of late Jerusalem artichoke varieties with pedo‐climatic parameters from a bibliographic data matrix. The resulting crop production model was based on the crop water availability (including effective rainfall and irrigation water supplied) and on global radiation accumulated in the crop emergence‐senescence period. The crop potential cultivation area for Jerusalem artichoke in the Duero basin was estimated using the georeferenced irrigated arable land from the “Sistema de Ocupación del Suelo” (SIOSE) of Spain. Climatic, soil, slope and logistic restrictions were considered by means of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The limited potential growing area was then applied to a municipality scale in order to calculate the amount of fallow land suitable for Jerusalem artichoke production. Rainfall and global radiation georeferenced layers as well as data of irrigation water supply for crop production (established within the Duero Hydrologic Plan) were use to estimate the potential production of Jerusalem artichoke tubers in the suitable fallow land according to the crop production model. As a result of this estimation, there are 53,360 ha of fallow land suitable for Jerusalem artichoke production in the Duero basin, where 3.8 M t fm/year could be produced. Considering a bioethanol processing yield of 12.5 kg mf per liter of bioethanol, the above mentioned tuber potential production could be processed in 304,462 m3/year of bioethanol. The Jerusalem crop production costs and the logistic supply costs (considering an average transport distance of 25 km) were estimated according to official agricultural machinery cost calculation sheets of the Minister of Agriculture of Spain (MAGRAMA). The bioethanol production cost from Jerusalem artichoke tubers was calculated considering bioethanol processing, transport and structural costs, industrial profits as well as plant cost savings from the use of vinasses as fertilizer. The resulting bioetanol production cost from Jerusalem artichoke tubers was 61.03 c€/l. Additionally, revenues for the state coffers regarding Social Security contributions, added value taxes of consumed raw materials, corporation tax and unemployment benefit savings due to the cultivation of 5,522 ha of Jerusalem artichoke for the 30.000 m3/year bioethanol plant supply were calculated. The calculated revenues amounted to 10.25 c€/l. Bioethanol production cost and consequently the bioethanol plant economic viability are strongly related to the crop yield as well as to road transport distance from feedstock production areas to the processing plant. The previously estimated bioethanol production cost was compared to the bioethanol market price in order to determine the maximum supply transport distance and the minimum crop yield to reach the bioethanol plant economic viability. The results showed that the proposed plant would be economically viable at a maximum transport distance of 25 km and at a crop yield not less than 60.1 t fm/ha. By means of a GIS location‐allocation analysis, the optimal bioethanol plant location was determined. Suitable candidates were detected according to several plant technical requirements (distance to power and water supply sources, distance to freight station, and distance to urban areas and to Natural Protected Areas). The optimal bioethanol plant location must minimize the supply transport distance whereas it maximizes the amount of available biomass according to the previously estimated biomass potential production. Lastly, the agricultural area around the bioethanol plant finally dedicated to Jerusalem artichoke cultivation was planned according to a crop distribution model. The crop distribution model was established from the analysis of the relation between the sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) cropping area and the road transport distance from the sugar processing plant of Miranda de Ebro (Burgos, North of Spain). The optimal location was situated in the municipality of ‘El Burgo Ranero’ in the province of León. The potential production of Jerusalem artichoke tubers in the fallow land within 25 km distance from the plant location was 375,665 t fm/year, which exceeds the amount of biomass yearly required by the bioethanol plant.


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Blends of conventional fuels such as Jet-A1 (aviation kerosene) and diesel with bio-derived components, referred to as biofttels, are gradually replacing the conventional fuels in aircraft and automobile engines. There is a lack of understanding on the interaction of spray drops of such biofuels with solid surfaces. The present study is an experimental investigation on the impact of biofuel drops onto a smooth stainless steel surface. The biofuel is a mixture of 90% commercially available camelina-derived biofuel and 10% aromatics. Biofuel drops were generated using a syringe-hypodermic needle arrangement. On demand, the needle delivers an almost spherical drop with drop diameter in the range 2.05-2.15 mm. Static wetting experiments show that the biofuel drop completely wets the stainless steel surface and exhibits an equilibrium contact angle of 5.6. High speed video camera was used to capture the impact dynamics of biofuel drops with Weber number ranging from 20 to 570. The spreading dynamics and maximum spreading diameter of impacting biofuel drops on the target surface were analyzed. For the impact of high Weber number biofuel drops, the spreading law suggests beta similar to tau(0.5) where beta is the spread factor and tau, the nondimensionalized time. The experimentally observed trend of maximum spread factor, beta(max) of camelina biofuel drop on the target surface with We compares well with the theoretically predicted trend from Ukiwe-Kwok model. After reaching beta(max), the impacting biofuel drop undergoes a prolonged sluggish spreading due to the high wetting nature of the camelina biofuel-stainless steel system. As a result, the final spread factor is found to be a little more than beta(max). (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The babassu (Orbignya phalerata) is a native tree found in northern Brazil. Extracts of the babassu coconut have been widely used in industry. Babassu flour has about 60% starch, thus, besides nourishment it can be used as an alternative biofuel source. However, the properties of this starch lack of study and understanding. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the thermal behavior of raw babassu flour and its solid hydrolyzed fraction. The analyses were carried out using SHIMADZU DSC and TG thermic analyzers. The results demonstrated a reduction in thermal stability of the solid hydrolyzed fraction compared to raw matter. The kinetic parameters were investigated using non-isothermal methods and the parameters obtained for its decomposition process were an E(a) of 166.86 kJ mol(-1) and a frequency factor (beta) of 6.283 x 1014 min(-1); this was determined to be a first order reaction (n = 1). (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Blast furnace gas yield is essentially controlled by a gas-solid reaction phenomenon, which strongly influences hot metal manufacturing costs. As a result of rising prices for reducing agents on the international market, Companhia Siderurgica Nacional decided to inject natural gas into its blast furnaces. With more gas inside the furnace, the burden permeability became even more critical. To improve blast furnace gas yield, a new technological approach was adopted; raising the metallic burden reaction surface. To that end, a special sinter was developed with permeability being controlled by adding micropore nucleus forming agents, cellulignin coal, without, however, degrading its mechanical properties. This paper shows the main process parameters and the results from physicochemical characterisation of a sinter with controlled permeability, on a pilot scale, compared to those of conventional sinter. Gas flow laboratory simulations have conclusively corroborated the positive effects of micropore nucleus forming agents on enhancing sinter permeability.


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Abstract Background In recent years, the growing demand for biofuels has encouraged the search for different sources of underutilized lignocellulosic feedstocks that are available in sufficient abundance to be used for sustainable biofuel production. Much attention has been focused on biomass from grass. However, large amounts of timber residues such as eucalyptus bark are available and represent a potential source for conversion to bioethanol. In the present paper, we investigate the effects of a delignification process with increasing sodium hydroxide concentrations, preceded or not by diluted acid, on the bark of two eucalyptus clones: Eucalyptus grandis (EG) and the hybrid, E. grandis x urophylla (HGU). The enzymatic digestibility and total cellulose conversion were measured, along with the effect on the composition of the solid and the liquor fractions. Barks were also assessed using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), X-Ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results Compositional analysis revealed an increase in the cellulose content, reaching around 81% and 76% of glucose for HGU and EG, respectively, using a two-step treatment with HCl 1%, followed by 4% NaOH. Lignin removal was 84% (HGU) and 79% (EG), while the hemicellulose removal was 95% and 97% for HGU and EG, respectively. However, when we applied a one-step treatment, with 4% NaOH, higher hydrolysis efficiencies were found after 48 h for both clones, reaching almost 100% for HGU and 80% for EG, in spite of the lower lignin and hemicellulose removal. Total cellulose conversion increased from 5% and 7% to around 65% for HGU and 59% for EG. NMR and FTIR provided important insight into the lignin and hemicellulose removal and SEM studies shed light on the cell-wall unstructuring after pretreatment and lignin migration and precipitation on the fibers surface, which explain the different hydrolysis rates found for the clones. Conclusion Our results show that the single step alkaline pretreatment improves the enzymatic digestibility of Eucalyptus bark. Furthermore, the chemical and physical methods combined in this study provide a better comprehension of the pretreatment effects on cell-wall and the factors that influence enzymatic digestibility of this forest residue.


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A new solid composite polymer electrolyte was reported by incorporating Azino-bis-(3-ethyl benzo thiazoline-6-sulphonate) ion [ABTS] as dopant in poly(vinylidene flouride) along with redox couple (1-/13-). Under certain conditions, the electrolyte composition forms brush like nano-rods while it is doped with Azino-bis-(3-ethly) benzo thiazoline-6-sulphonate) ion [ABTS], a pi-electron donor. The polymer electrolyte forms nanoscale interpenetrating network with the crystalline order of the polymer electrolyte that seems to be a desirable architecture for the active layer of the photoelectrochemical cell. With this new polymer electrolyte, dye-sensitized solar cell was fabricated using N3 dye absorbed over Ti02- nonoparticles (photoanode) and conducting carbon cement coated on the conducting press (FTO, photocathode). This polymer composite has been successfully used as a promising candidate as solid polymer electrolyte in nanocrystalline dye-sensitized solar cell.


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New composite doped poly (ethylene oxide) polymer electrolyte was developed using 2-mercapto benzimidazole as plasticizer and iodide/triiodide as redox couple. The fabrication of the cell involves Poly(ethylene oxide)/ 2-mercapto benzimidazole / iodide/triiodide as polymer electrolyte in dye-sensitized solar cell fabricated with N3 dye and TiO2 nanoparticles as the photoanode and Platinum coated FTO (fluorine doped SnO2) as counter electrode. The current-volatage characteristics under simulated sunlight AM1.5 shows a short circuit current Isc of 8.7mA and open circuit photovoltage 508 mV. The conductivity measurements for the new polymer electrolyte and the photoelectrochemical measurments were carried out systematically. In 2-mercapto benzimidazole the electron rich sulphur and nitrogen atoms, act as pi-electron donors that form good interaction with iodine which plays a vital role in the performance of the fabricated dye-sensitized solar cells. The resonance effect increases the stability of the cell to a considerable extent. These results suggest that the new composite polymer electrolyte performs as a promising new doped polymer-electrolyte.


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Solid-phase organic chemistry has rapidly expanded in the last decade, and, as a consequence, so has the need for the development of supports that can withstand the extreme conditions required to facilitate some reactions. The authors here prepare a thermally stable, grafted fluoropolymer support (see Figure for an example) in three solvents, and found that the penetration of the graft was greatest in dichloromethane.


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The high moisture content of mill mud (typically 75–80% for Australian factories) results in high transportation costs for the redistribution of mud onto cane farms. The high transportation cost relative to the nutrient value of the mill mud results in many milling companies subsidising the cost of this recycle to ensure a wide distribution across the cane supply area. An average mill would generate about 100 000 t of mud (at 75% moisture) in a crushing season. The development of mud processing facilities that will produce a low moisture mud that can be effectively incorporated into cane land with existing or modified spreading equipment will improve the cost efficiency of mud redistribution to farms; provide an economical fertiliser alternative to more farms in the supply area; and reduce the potential for adverse environmental impacts from farms. A research investigation assessing solid bowl decanter centrifuges to produce low moisture mud with low residual pol was undertaken and the results compared to the performance of existing rotary vacuum filters in factory trials. The decanters were operated on filter mud feed in parallel with the rotary vacuum filters to allow comparisons of performance. Samples of feed, mud product and filtrate were analysed to provide performance indicators. The decanter centrifuge could produce mud cakes with very low moistures and residual pol levels. Spreading trials in cane fields indicated that the dry cake could be spread easily by standard mud trucks and by trucks designed specifically to spread fertiliser.