957 resultados para Solar global irradiation


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No presente trabalho, mostram-se equações de estimativa da irradiação solar global (R G), por meio do modelo de Angstrom, com partições sazonal e mensal para a região de Cascavel - PR. Os dados experimentais foram cedidos pelo IAPAR, coletados na sua estação meteorológica localizada na COODETEC/Cascavel - PR, no período de 1983 a 1998. Dos 16 anos de dados, 12 anos foram utilizados para cálculo dos coeficientes (a e b) e quatro anos para a validação das equações. Os coeficientes de determinação encontrados foram superiores a 80% para as duas partições. O mínimo da R G é superestimado e o máximo é subestimado quando comparados com o mínimo e o máximo para dados reais, sendo esses encontrados no solstício de inverno e equinócio de primavera, respectivamente. A variação sazonal e mensal do coeficiente a foi menor (0,16 a 0,19 e 0,14 a 0,21) e do coeficiente b maior (0,34 a 0,43 e 0,32 a 0,44). As maiores variações dos erros médios diários ocorreram no equinócio de primavera (-19,45% a 27,28%) e as menores no equinócio de outono (-11,32% a 10,61%). O ajuste mais eficaz das equações foi encontrado para a partição mensal.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A database containing the global and diffuse components of the surface solar hourly irradiation measured from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2010 at eight stations of the Egyptian Meteorological Authority is presented. For three of these sites (Cairo, Aswan, and El-Farafra), the direct component is also available. In addition, a series of meteorological variables including surface pressure, relative humidity, temperature, wind speed and direction is provided at the same hourly resolution at all stations. The details of the experimental sites and instruments used for the acquisition are given. Special attention is paid to the quality of the data and the procedure applied to flag suspicious or erroneous measurements is described in details. Between 88 and 99% of the daytime measurements are validated by this quality control. Except at Barrani where the number is lower (13500), between 20000 and 29000 measurements of global and diffuse hourly irradiation are available at all sites for the 7-year period. Similarly, from 9000 to 13000 measurements of direct hourly irradiation values are provided for the three sites where this component is measured. With its high temporal resolution this consistent irradiation and meteorological database constitutes a reliable source to estimate the potential of solar energy in Egypt. It is also adapted to the study of high-frequency atmospheric processes such as the impact of aerosols on atmospheric radiative transfer. In the next future, it is planned to complete regularly the present 2004-2010 database.


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An analysis and comparison of daily and yearly solar irradiation from the satellite CM SAF database and a set of 301 stations from the Spanish SIAR network is performed using data of 2010 and 2011. This analysis is completed with the comparison of the estimations of effective irradiation incident on three different tilted planes (fixed, two axis tracking, north-south hori- zontal axis) using irradiation from these two data sources. Finally, a new map of yearly values of irradiation both on the horizontal plane and on inclined planes is produced mixing both sources with geostatistical techniques (kriging with external drift, KED) The Mean Absolute Difference (MAD) between CM SAF and SIAR is approximately 4% for the irradiation on the horizontal plane and is comprised between 5% and 6% for the irradiation incident on the inclined planes. The MAD between KED and SIAR, and KED and CM SAF is approximately 3% for the irradiation on the horizontal plane and is comprised between 3% and 4% for the irradiation incident on the inclined planes. The methods have been implemented using free software, available as supplementary ma- terial, and the data sources are freely available without restrictions.


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An analysis and comparison of daily and yearly solar irradiation from the satellite CM SAF database and a set of 301 stations from the Spanish SIAR network is performed using data of 2010 and 2011. This analysis is completed with the comparison of the estimations of effective irradiation incident on three different tilted planes (fixed, two axis tracking, north-south hori- zontal axis) using irradiation from these two data sources. Finally, a new map of yearly values of irradiation both on the horizontal plane and on inclined planes is produced mixing both sources with geostatistical techniques (kriging with external drift, KED) The Mean Absolute Difference (MAD) between CM SAF and SIAR is approximately 4% for the irradiation on the horizontal plane and is comprised between 5% and 6% for the irradiation incident on the inclined planes. The MAD between KED and SIAR, and KED and CM SAF is approximately 3% for the irradiation on the horizontal plane and is comprised between 3% and 4% for the irradiation incident on the inclined planes. The methods have been implemented using free software, available as supplementary ma- terial, and the data sources are freely available without restrictions.


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Supported nanoparticles (NPs) of nonplasmonic transition metals (Pd, Pt, Rh, and Ir) are widely used as thermally activated catalysts for the synthesis of important organic compounds, but little is known about their photocatalytic capabilities. We discovered that irradiation with light can significantly enhance the intrinsic catalytic performance of these metal NPs at ambient temperatures for several types of reactions. These metal NPs strongly absorb the light mainly through interband electronic transitions. The excited electrons interact with the reactant molecules on the particles to accelerate these reactions. The rate of the catalyzed reaction depends on the concentration and energy of the excited electrons, which can be increased by increasing the light intensity or by reducing the irradiation wavelength. The metal NPs can also effectively couple thermal and light energy sources to more efficiently drive chemical transformations.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Com o objetivo de verificar a variabilidade temporal e espacial do tamanho de amostra da radiação solar global média decendial, de 22 locais do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, utilizaram-se séries de dados de radiação solar global do período de 1956 a 2003. Determinou-se o tamanho de amostra da radiação solar global média decendial em cada decêndio e local e agruparam-se os decêndios e os locais pelo método hierárquico 'vizinho mais distante'. Há variabilidade do tamanho de amostra (número de anos) para a estimativa da radiação solar global média decendial no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul no tempo e no espaço. Maior tamanho é necessário nos decêndios dos meses de junho, julho, agosto e setembro em relação aos outros meses. Para os locais e decêndios estudados, 30 anos de observações são suficientes para estimar a média (µ) de radiação solar global média decendial, para um erro de estimação igual a 12.3%, com coeficiente de confiança de 95%.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O objetivo do trabalho é desenvolver um sistema informático de digitalização e processamento de actinogramas baseado em técnicas de Processamento de Imagens Digitais e comparar com o sistema tradicional de medidas. Os actinogramas foram fornecidos pela Estação Meteorológica de Botucatu (FCA/UNESP). As análises preliminares indicam um desempenho satisfatório do software proposto, gerando medidas na mesma ordem de grandeza do método de referência para partição diária. O software proposto pertence a um projeto que se encontra ainda em andamento, onde rotinas de técnicas diversas continuam sendo implementadas no reconhecimento da curva de interesse para melhorar a qualidade do processamento das informações gráficas dos actinogramas. Os actinogramas estão em fase de digitalização para que o software possa ser testado com uma base de dados mais consistente, onde poderão ser identificados tendências temporais dos dados resultantes da aplicação das técnicas de Processamento de Imagens Digitais no monitoramento da radiação solar por actinógrafos.