936 resultados para Solanum extracts


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The control of Pratylenchus goodeyi a common nematode parasite of banana crop in Madeira Island can benefit from searching for natural nematicides through plants extracts. With this aim we submitted Solanum nigrum and S. sisymbriifolium dried plants to a sequential extraction in the solvent sequence of dichloromethane, acetone, ethanol and water, and to na aqueous extraction of the fresh and dried plants. Analyses with the extracts at several concentrations were used to assess mobility and mortality on P. goodeyi. Results showed that the water extract and aqueous extracts from both plants at a concentration of 10 mg/mL affected nematode mobility and caused mortality but the acetone extract from S. nigrum was the most efficient, causing 100% mortality whereas dichloromethane had no effect on P. goodeyi. Determination of the lipophilic and phenolic compounds present in the two most effective Solanum extracts (acetone and water) and in dichloromethane extract revealed that some of these compounds had nematicidal activity. S. nigrum acetone extract (10 mg/mL) was used to find out the nematicidal potential following the effect at gene expression level and nematode behaviour. Genes coding for calreticulin and beta-1,4- endoglucanase related to parasitism and translocon-associated protein putatively connected to stress were obtained and its relative expression assessed in nematodes exposed to the extract. Results revealed that expression of Pg-CRT decreased showing to influence the infection, Pg-ENG remained steady and Pg-TRAPδ was induced over time exposure. Biological assays showed that P. goodeyi mobility and ability to infect the banana roots were affected as a decrease in the number of nematodes that reached the roots was obtained with the increased exposure time to the extract being implicated in the infection success. The information obtained from this thesis showed that S. nigrum has potential to be used for the development of a new control strategy against plant-parasitic nematodes.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a potencial atividade tripanocida do extrato bruto etanólico dos frutos de Solanum palinacanthum, Solanum lycocarpum e do glicoalcalóide solamargina. Pó do fruto seco de S. palinacanthum e S. lycocarpum foram submetidos a extracção por refluxo com etanol a 96% e solamargina foi isolada a partir do extrato bruto de S. palinacanthum. Foram determinadas de ambos os extratos e a solamargina a atividade tripanocida utilizando o ensaio colorimétrico MTT. O Extrato de S. palinacanthum mostrou-se mais ativo (IC50 = 175,9 µg.ml–1) de que o extrato de S. lycocarpum (IC50 = 194,7 µg.ml–1). A solamargina apresentou forte atividade tripanocida (IC50 = 15,3 µg.ml–1), o que pode explicar a melhor atividade de ambos os extratos. O benzonidazol (IC50 = 9,0 µg.ml–1) é a única droga utilizada para o tratamento da doença de Chagas. Estes resultados demonstram pela primeira vez que os extratos etanólicos obtidos a partir de frutos de S. palinacanthum e S. lycocarpum, além da solamargina apresentam uma atividade tripanocida potencial.


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Solanum lycocarpum (Solanaceae) is native to the Brazilian Cerrado. Fruits of this species contain the glycoalkaloids solasonine (SN) and solamargine (SM), which display antiparasitic and anticancer properties. A method has been developed for the extraction and HPLC-UV analysis of the SN and SM in different parts of S. lycocarpum, mainly comprising ripe and unripe fruits, leaf, and stem. This analytical method was validated and gave good detection response with linearity over a dynamic range of 0.77-1000.00 mu g mL(-1) and recovery in the range of 80.92-91.71%, allowing a reliable quantitation of the target compounds. Unripe fruits displayed higher concentrations of glycoalkaloids (1.04% +/- 0.01 of SN and 0.69% +/- 0.00 of SM) than the ripe fruits (0.83% +/- 0.02 of SN and 0.60% +/- 0.01 of SM). Quantitation of glycoalkaloids in the alkaloidic extract gave 45.09% +/- 1.14 of SN and 44.37% +/- 0.60 of SM, respectively.


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To produce commercially valuable ketocarotenoids in Solanum tuberosum, the 4, 4′ β-oxygenase (crtW) and 3, 3′ β-hydroxylase (crtZ) genes from Brevundimonas spp. have been expressed in the plant host under constitutive transcriptional control. The CRTW and CRTZ enzymes are capable of modifying endogenous plant carotenoids to form a range of hydroxylated and ketolated derivatives. The host (cv. Désirée) produced significant levels of nonendogenous carotenoid products in all tissues, but at the apparent expense of the economically critical metabolite, starch. Carotenoid levels increased in both wild-type and transgenic tubers following cold storage; however, stability during heat processing varied between compounds. Subcellular fractionation of leaf tissues revealed the presence of ketocarotenoids in thylakoid membranes, but not predominantly in the photosynthetic complexes. A dramatic increase in the carotenoid content of plastoglobuli was determined. These findings were corroborated by microscopic analysis of chloroplasts. In tuber tissues, esterified carotenoids, representing 13% of the total pigment found in wild-type extracts, were sequestered in plastoglobuli. In the transgenic tubers, this proportion increased to 45%, with esterified nonendogenous carotenoids in place of endogenous compounds. Conversely, nonesterified carotenoids in both wild-type and transgenic tuber tissues were associated with amyloplast membranes and starch granules.


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L’auto-incompatibilité (AI) est une barrière reproductive prézygotique qui permet aux pistils d’une fleur de rejeter leur propre pollen. Les systèmes d’AI peuvent prévenir l’autofertilisation et ainsi limiter l’inbreeding. Dans l’AI gamétophytique, le génotype du pollen détermine son propre phénotype d’incompatibilité, et dans ce système, les déterminants mâles et femelles de l’AI sont codés par un locus multigénique et multi-allélique désigné le locus S. Chez les Solanaceae, le déterminant femelle de l’AI est une glycoprotéine stylaire extracellulaire fortement polymorphique possédant une activité ribonucléase et désignée S-RNase. Les S-RNases montrent un patron caractéristique de deux régions hypervariables (HVa et HVb), responsables de leur détermination allélique, et cinq régions hautement conservées (C1 à C5) impliquées dans l’activité catalytique ou la stabilisation structurelle de ces protéines. Dans ce travail, nous avons investigué plusieurs caractéristiques des S-RNases et identifié un nouveau ligand potentiel aux S-RNases chez Solanum chacoense. L’objectif de notre première étude était l’élucidation du rôle de la région C4 des S-RNases. Afin de tester l’hypothèse selon laquelle la région C4 serait impliquée dans le repliement ou la stabilité des S-RNases, nous avons généré un mutant dans lequel les quatre résidus chargés présents en région C4 furent remplacés par des résidus glycine. Cette protéine mutante ne s’accumulant pas à des niveaux détectables, la région C4 semble bien avoir un rôle structurel. Afin de vérifier si C4 est impliquée dans une liaison avec une autre protéine, nous avons généré le mutant R115G, dans lequel un acide aminé chargé fût éliminé afin de réduire les affinités de liaison dans cette région. Ce mutant n’affectant pas le phénotype de rejet pollinique, il est peu probable que la région C4 soit impliquée dans la liaison des S-RNases avec un ligand ou leur pénétration à l’intérieur des tubes polliniques. Enfin, le mutant K113R, dans lequel le seul résidu lysine conservé parmi toutes les S-RNases fût remplacé par un résidu arginine, fût généré afin de vérifier si cette lysine était un site potentiel d’ubiquitination des S-RNases. Toutefois, la dégradation des S-RNases ne fût pas inhibée. Ces résultats indiquent que C4 joue probablement un rôle structurel de stabilisation des S-RNases. Dans une seconde étude, nous avons analysé le rôle de la glycosylation des S-RNases, dont un site, en région C2, est conservé parmi toutes les S-RNases. Afin d’évaluer la possibilité que les sucres conjugués constituent une cible potentielle d’ubiquitination, nous avons généré une S11-RNase dont l‘unique site de glycosylation en C2 fût éliminé. Ce mutant se comporte de manière semblable à une S11-RNase de type sauvage, démontrant que l’absence de glycosylation ne confère pas un phénotype de rejet constitutif du pollen. Afin de déterminer si l’introduction d’un sucre dans la région HVa de la S11-RNase pourrait affecter le rejet pollinique, nous avons généré un second mutant comportant un site additionnel de glycosylation dans la région HVa et une troisième construction qui comporte elle aussi ce nouveau site mais dont le site en région C2 fût éliminé. Le mutant comportant deux sites de glycosylation se comporte de manière semblable à une S11-RNase de type sauvage mais, de manière surprenante, le mutant uniquement glycosylé en région HVa peut aussi rejeter le pollen d’haplotype S13. Nous proposons que la forme non glycosylée de ce mutant constitue un allèle à double spécificité, semblable à un autre allèle à double spécificité préalablement décrit. Il est intéressant de noter que puisque ce phénotype n’est pas observé dans le mutant comportant deux sites de glycosylation, cela suggère que les S-RNases ne sont pas déglycosylées à l’intérieur du pollen. Dans la dernière étude, nous avons réalisé plusieurs expériences d’interactions protéine-protéine afin d’identifier de potentiels interactants polliniques avec les S-RNases. Nous avons démontré que eEF1A, un composant de la machinerie de traduction chez les eucaryotes, peut lier une S11-RNase immobilisée sur résine concanavaline A. Des analyses de type pull-down utilisant la protéine eEF1A de S. chacoense étiquetée avec GST confirment cette interaction. Nous avons aussi montré que la liaison, préalablement constatée, entre eEF1A et l’actine est stimulée en présence de la S11-RNase, bien que cette dernière ne puisse directement lier l’actine. Enfin, nous avons constaté que dans les tubes polliniques incompatibles, l’actine adopte une structure agrégée qui co-localise avec les S-RNases. Ces résultats suggèrent que la liaison entre eEF1A et les S-RNases pourrait constituer un potentiel lien fonctionnel entre les S-RNases et l’altération du cytosquelette d’actine observée lors des réactions d’AI. Par ailleurs, si cette liaison est en mesure de titrer les S-RNases disponibles à l’intérieur du tube pollinique, ce mécanisme pourrait expliquer pourquoi des quantités minimales ou « seuils » de S-RNases sont nécessaires au déclenchement des réactions d’AI.


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Anthocyanins are the largest group of water-soluble pigments in the plant kingdom. A number of studies have demonstrated that anthocyanins present antioxidant capacity and show inhibitory effects on the growth of some cancer cells. Thus, the goal of this study was to evaluate both the antimutagenicity/antigenotoxicity and mutagenicity/genotoxicity of aqueous extract obtained from the Solanum melanogena, a possible novel source of anthocyanin, and its main purified anthocyanin extract (delphinidin), using the single cell (comet) assay and micronucleus test. Pretreatment with higher doses of the purified anthocyanin (10 and 20 mg/kg b.w.) led to a statistically significant reduction (p < 0.05) in the frequency of micronuclei in polychromatic erythrocytes induced by cyclophosphamide. The pattern of reduction ranged from 48% to 57% independent of concentration. No apparent: genotoxicity and mutagenicity was found for either the anthocyanin or delphinidin extracts. Taken together, these results suggest that mice pre-treated with specific compounds present in anthocyanins (delphinidin) displayed a lower incidence of mutations induced by cyclophosphamide. This finding emphasizes the potential of natural colorants to prevent mutations and also the applicability of genotoxic evaluation for improving health. Furthermore, the results presented here could be an additional argument to support the use of anthocyanins in the diet. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) biotype B is one of the most limiting pests of tomato crops in the world. Tomato yield is currently dependent on the use of pesticides, which are problematic to farmers, consumers and the environment. A promising alternative to reduce the harmful effects caused by the indiscriminated use of synthetic insecticides is the use of insecticides of botanical origin. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of 3% (w/v) aqueous extracts from different structures of thirteen botanical species on the behavior of B. tabaci biotype B adults, as well as insecticidal activity of such aqueous extracts on B. tabaci eggs, nymphs, and adults infesting tomato plants. A distilled water solution was used as a negative control, and thiamethoxam insecticide (18 g/100 L of water) as a positive control. Leaf extract of Toona ciliata was observed to have the most efficient inhibitory effect in tests of extracts on whitefly behavior. Furthermore, the use of leaf extract of Toona ciliata led to the most drastic reduction in the number of adults and eggs on tomato leaflets. Leaf extract of Piper aduncum led to the greatest observed ovicidal effect (78.00% of non-hatched nymphs); however it was not effective against nymphs and adults. The leaf extracts of Trichilia pallida, Trichilia casaretti, and Toona ciliata showed the highest control indexes (67.9, 60.3, and 55.1%, respectively). For adults mortality, T. pallida was the most effective (72.8%). Our results indicate that application of extracts of T. pallida, T. ciliata, and T. casaretti are promising strategies to manage B. tabaci biotype B on tomato.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Antioxidants are substances that may protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. The capacity of natural antioxidant from phytochemical has increase attention from researchers and public. However, the extraction process is affecting the activity and the bioavailability of bioactive compounds. The Solanum lycocarpum is a plant of the Brazilian “cerrado”, popularly used as a hypoglycemic, hypocholesterolemic and control of metabolic diseases. Its effects are attributed to the presence of several glycoalkaloids (solamargine, solasonina) and solasodine. Therefore, the purpose of this communication was, investigate the optimization of extraction condition and evaluation of antioxidant activity from fruits of Solanum lycocarpum. The extracts were obtained using different solvent systems, i.e., water, 50% ethanol, ethanol absolute and ethyl ether (1:10 and 1:20) and different extraction processes: maceration with constant agitation at room temperature, maceration with constant agitation and heating at 30°C and ultrasound. The extracts were characterized by the amount of material extracted (1, 6 and 24 h) and the action of antioxidant activity by DPPH method. The results showed that the polar solvent (50% ethanol) and extractive process maceration with agitation to ambient temperature showed higher contents of extractable of fruits of S. lycocarpum (3.4 g %) and also showed higher antioxidant activity (88.57±2.41% de inhibition). This action whether the presence of glycoalkaloids (solamargine, solasonine and solasodine) in fruits S. lycocarpum which are polar compounds and may explain this increased antioxidant action of this extract.


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An assay for the bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) replicase was developed using extracts from BVDV-infected cells. The replicase activity was maximal approximately 8 h post-infection as measured by the generation of a genomic length radiolabelled RNA. Using a semi-denaturing gel system, three virus-specific in vitro radiolabelled nascent RNA species were identified. A fast-migrating RNA was demonstrated to be the double-stranded replicative form (RF). A second form was shown to be a partially single-stranded/partially doublestranded RNA, characteristic of the replicative intermediate (RI). A third form, which was often undetectable, migrated between the RF and RI and was probably genomic viral RNA. The optimal replicase activity was dependent on 5–10mM Mg2+ and although it was also active in 1–2mM Mn2+ it was inhibited at higher concentrations. The optimum KCl concentration for labelling of the RI and RF were different, suggestive of at least two distinct replicase activities. These results are supportive of a semi-conservative model of BVDV RNA replication.